Chennai Husband And His Erections – Part 10

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Krishna wanted his wife Gayathri to wear her lingerie badly while his friend Subbu was with them. Find out how she was convinced to get rid of her blouse and wear her lingerie.

Krishna: Put your Lingerie on dear, please.

Gayathri: Lol, I can’t believe I can do this while Subbu is here.

Krishna: We are chill and good friends here. I trust him.

Gayathri: Yeah, that is the thing. We are really good friends and it’s awkward for me to do when good friends are around.

Krishna: Come on. You want to wear it today for me anyway, it’s just our own Subbu who happened to be hanging with us. Be a good girl.

Gayathri with a very innocent face said: I am a good girl.

Krishna: No, don’t give me that good girl look now. Alright, you are a good girl, I know. Now, be a good wife too and do it for me. No more second thoughts.

Gayathri: Fine, I will go put it on.

She was standing close to the hallway corner toward the bedroom and asked for my help.

Gayathri: I need help undoing the back of my blouse. Can you help, Krish?

Krishna: I am too lazy to reach you. Let my energetic friend help you.

She was laughing standing there and said: There you go, I am wondering why you were silent when I praised him and said you dance like a sloth. You never leave a chance to give it back, aren’t you? I am sorry for what I said, Krish. You are difficult to deal with when someone makes you feel inferior to others.

I laughed at her and told her –

Krishna: I am being serious, not for what you said. I am just being lazy. Do you want help or not?

She nodded her head as in yes.

Krishna: Then let him do it. What’s the big deal?

Krishna (to Subbu): Dude, what are you waiting for? Go help her. Do you need a special invitation or what?

Subbu: You always make things hard for everyone. How to do it, I don’t know. I have never done it before.

Gayathri: Just ignore him Subbu. It’s easy just twist the holding ring on opposite sides and release it and try not to look while you do it alright.

Subbu followed her instructions. The blouse snapped apart to the side upon twisting the ring. It slackened the blouse revealing her entire back. The only thing holding the blouse from falling apart is the string knot on the neck and her hand held against the blouse on the front. Then she ran into the bedroom in a zap shouting-

Gayathri: I told you not to look, Subbu.

Subbu was in a different world now. I was sure he was not listening to me calling him. He slowly made his way to the couch walking backward and sat beside me and kept his head toward the corner, waiting for her to return.

After a minute or two, she came back.

Gayathri: Shhh dear, I feel uncomfortable in this. I can’t come out.

Standing at the corner, I saw my wife feeling shy to come out. She was running her fingers up and down on the wall as she hid herself from us behind the corner with her face out trying to look at me.

Krishna: Come out now. Show me what it looked like on you.

Gayathri: This lingerie shows a lot, dear. I can’t come out while he is here. You come to the bedroom to see it yourself.

Krishna: Come on Gayathri, don’t be a bad girl now. He had seen you way more than this lingerie would show if you remember. Subbu, let’s give her place between us dude so she won’t feel uneasy by us directly staring at her.

Gayathri: Why do I have to sit in the middle?

Krishna: Do you want to sit alone in the other corner then?

Gayathri: No, I want to sit next to you.

Krishna: Then, come sit in the middle. I will stick to this corner only. You can ask him to move to the other side. But remember, he can see you easily from there.

Then she came running crossing her arms and sat between us. She might have realized that I won’t move.

Krishna: You look sexy, dear.

Her lingerie consisted of the same panty she was wearing earlier. It was paired it with a shelf bra that was barely holding her lower breasts and if she removed her hands, I knew the top half of her breast and most of her nipples would be visible from the sheer lace material. I saw she was wearing a garter waist belt with suspenders not fastened to the stocking yet.

Krishna: Dear, why are the fasteners not connected? Do you need help?

Gayathri: Yes, I do. it is my first time wearing this, not know how to do it all by myself. Need help or just leave it as it is?

Krishna: Hey Subbu, do you want to help her dude, to finish the look of the outfit? There are four suspenders. You do one side and I can do the other.

Subbu: Sure, I can help.

Gayathri: Krish, can you do the front side, please?

Krishna: Why so?

Gayathri: Just do what I say.

We started to fix the suspenders. Gayathri held her breath, stood up, and turned toward me while Subbu bent down behind her. Gayathri held her smile and looked at the ceiling as we worked on the front and back simultaneously.

Subbu said he never saw this type of lingerie in real life and he hoped that he did it correctly in the first shot.

Krishna: It’s just attaching strings to the belt, dude. Stop worrying and it’s my first time too.

Subbu once again up close to my wife’s ass, started to pull the suspenders from the garter belt down to hook it to the stocking. The attachment had to run along the ass cheeks. This meant he had to touch her ass while hooking it, no other option.

Gayathri: Krish, I can’t. Oh boy. His fingers touched my bum. OMG, I can’t do this.

Krishna: How can he do it without touching? You have to just stand still. Let him do it. He will do it quickly. Stop complaining about him. Poor fellow just doing what I asked him to do.

Subbu: I am sorry. I will be careful not to touch it.

I saw why she asked me to do the front. Her pussy was visible under the sheer material. It had a mushy look with some of her juices made it wet probably because of all the dance we did. I touched her pussy repeatedly to tease her. She widened her eyes and pushed my hands down saying she would do it on her own unless I didn’t quit touching her there. Both of us finished doing the belts and Gayathri asked if could she sit now.

Krishna: You just wore it properly with our help. Hop on the coffee table, and show us how it looks.

Gayathri: Do you want me to stand up on the table? No way.

Krishna: Please dear, what’s the fun in wearing it then? If it is not given a proper look by the audience.

Gayathri: It makes sense. But I only planned it for you and you insisted on buying this for me. You owe me after this. Okay?

Krishna: What do I owe you? It is my birthday gift from you anyway. Subbu owes you for being an extra person with us tonight.

Subbu: I owe you both. I think no dance pub can match this type of hospitality.

Gayathri: Fine, you guys decide later what I am owed.

Then she stood on the table.

Gayathri: Oh my gosh, how long am I going to be up here?

Krishna: Until our luck runs out.

Subbu and I both laughed.

Krishna: Come on, do some moves. Just lift your hands and make some moves.

She did with a lot of hesitation as we cheered for her. But she was doing it gracefully. Now was the time I wanted to test her limits. Subbu couldn’t stop touching his groin neither do I. Her bra was a real deal-breaker; it offers her beauty most passionately.

Krishna: Wonderful dear, you can get down now.

Gayathri: Thanks. Now I will go change.

Krishna: Why? You look sexy in it. Keep it on for the rest of the night, dear. Don’t you like us watching you? You are such a tease in this outfit.

Gayathri: OMG! Stop praising. I am already nervous because of you.

Subbu: Yes, it suits you well.

Krishna: See, now he also praises you. Just let it be on you for both of us.

Gayathri: Now, two bad boys in one room. I am even more embarrassed now.

Krishna: Come here, dear. Sit on my lap.

Gayathri: Why sit on your lap? Don’t be stupid. Give me some space now.

Krishna: What’s the big deal? I am not asking you to sit on his lap.

Gayathri: Krish, you are nasty. Don’t be silly.

Krishna: I am ok with whom you choose, but make sure you land on one of our laps. I am kidding, just sit on my lap.

Gayathri: I am done. I will go inside unless you quit asking me to sit on your lap. Just give me one good reason why I should sit on his lap while he is here? I have a lot of places to sit.

Krishna: I thought we could wrap up for the night saying bye to Subbu together. But you ruined it already.

Gayathri: Oh Krish, don’t act innocent. You and your nasty explanations. Ok, I will sit on you for a second for whatever reason it is. Then we will depart to our rooms. Clear?

I spread my legs wide with my groin pointing up inside my underwear. She slowly sat on my lap burying my dick down between my thighs with her soft ass. She felt the hard-on and gasped a bit. What fun it would be as a husband not making some naughty hugs while she was sitting on me.

Then I clutched her hand back while she lay her ass on my lap and it made her bust move high on the front leaving the nipples open to stare for Subbu to enjoy. She resisted for a while and slowly gave in to the way Subbu looked at her breasts. Maybe because her inner exhibitionist kicked in, I guess she settled in quietly. Then I started to kiss her back and she was moaning saying-

Gayathri: Dear, please don’t. He is looking at us.

I left her hands free to check if she ran but she was quick to pull her bra and hide her nipples. She was still sitting on my lap, I thought she would run.

Krishna: You ok, dear? I feel like you felt good sitting on me. Didn’t you? How does it feel while he is looking at you desperately?

Gayathri: I am not answering that. Let’s go inside.

Krishna: You are such a good hostess for him till now. Just continue being good. Why do you want to go inside? Look at him and how entertained he is. Can you sit on him now for a second? I would love to see you sit on him. Just once, please.

Gayathri: This is very bad. I am not sure I can do it. Yes, I am a good host. But what you are suggesting here is to make your best friend happy instead of you. Doesn’t that bother you?

Krishna: Come on, dear. Why would I bother further after what he already saw before and he even had a slight feel of your ass. And I am your husband telling you to do things. Things like this excite me you should have known by now. Just don’t overthink about him being present here as a friend we all are adults just looking for having harmless fun. Just remember our pep talk about mutual pleasure you did mention you will do as I say when the time is right. And now is that time.

Gayathri: Are you sure about this? You are sober, right? Do you really want me to sit on him? Hope you won’t regret this later.

Krishna: I am never this sure. No regrets later. I promise. Subbu will be a good boy. He won’t cause any scenes unnecessarily.

She actually thought about it for a while and said to Subbu –

Gayathri: Don’t even dare to touch me at all. I will make sure to kill you if you are overboard. (She gave a strict warning to Subbu.)

Subbu: I promise. It will behave. Pinky promise.

She laughed at Subbu saying a pinky promise and went hesitantly near Subbu. Then she told him to keep his hands away from her and slowly sat on his lap.

Gayathri: Oh my god! I can’t believe I am doing this. It’s like I am living in my husband’s dream.

Subbu admitted that her ass felt like some soft luxury cushion. He said he now knew what heaven feels like. Gayathri blushed really hard as she listened to Subbu’s excitement.

Krishna: Your words make her feel more shy it seems. Stop making heavenly comments dude. Come to reality, and have fun while you can.

Gayathri: I didn’t mean to interrupt you guys having some fun conversation with my ass being in his war zone. Is Krish’s fun coming to an end anytime soon?

Krishna: Almost done, I guess? How do you feel down there dude, having fun?

Subbu: You know it better. Since I am new to this game of yours, I don’t know how much fun is enough fun.

Krishna: You like sitting on him, dear. It seems his lap is better than mine. Warm and cozy maybe.

Gayathri: OMG! I am totally done, can’t get more embarrassed than this.

Subbu: That makes two of us embarrassed too.

Subbu brought his hands towards Gayathri’s hips making small contact out of excitement I guess. Gayathri felt the touch and bit jumpy now, but still sitting on him. She could have stood up if she wanted to, but pretended like she was waiting for my instruction. So to understand how she felt other men touching her intimately.

Krishna: Do you like him touching you like that and are you still doing OK?

She didn’t answer. She was hiding her smile from me with her teeth slightly biting her lips and eyelids half closed. Subbu said –

Subbu: Woah, dude! Her ass touches me a bit hard and a bit soft to my cock while she moves up and down.

(Oh my god. I would die for this ass a thousand times.)

Gayathri laughed a bit and couldn’t believe what Subbu just said. Subbu saying those words made me feel more horny and I wanted to masturbate right there. He couldn’t control much and also noticed Gayathri was a little vulnerable now.

He said: Since we are this far, do you mind me touching here?

Then, without her consent, his hands moved slowly up a little bit and touched her lower breast. Gayathri left gasps. He apologized saying if he was pushing any boundaries and gave a tight squeeze to her whole breast. Her eyes were wide open with nervousness about what just happened.

Krishna: Are you ok with that, dear?

She was also enjoying it but the reply from her was.

Gayathri: Huh, no.

Subbu: Alright, I will stop. I will stop.

Gayathri took deep breaths and laughed nervously with her hands hiding her face. But she was still sitting on his lap. So I asked her.

Krishna: Alright, didn’t you like it genuinely dear? Because I don’t mind you know.

She looked at my face with a puzzled expression.

Krishna: If you are saying no to me, believe me, I don’t care. I actually like him touching you. You be honest with yourself. Look at my hard-on, it’s hard as a rock.

I laughed a bit to show my interest further. She was thinking while still blushing.

Subbu: Is she blushing?

(I knew she was.)

We all laughed except for her being with a nervous laugh and she was staring at me.

Krishna: Sorry dear, if it is really uncomfortable, we can stop.

Subbu laughed and said: We can stop. Your outfit is sexy, to be honest.

Gayathri without getting up now shyly laughing listening to what we were talking about her outfit.

Krishna: It is sexy and you are still sitting on his lap getting comfortable, aren’t you? Did you start to like it now?

Subbu: Do you mind if I kiss your back a bit just like Krishna did? It’s very hard to control, not able to kiss the sexy back of yours.

Gayathri: I am not sure I can allow it.

Subbu was quick to kiss her back and neck passionately since she didn’t resist. Gayathri was now feeling the situation. The nervousness turned into excitement. She looked at me with her mouth open and released small gasps as he kissed her bare back.

Krishna: I see you like it, dear. There you go, good girl. Let him feel the boobs for a second.

Gayathri nodded her head as in no while biting her lips. But it seemed yes to me.

Krishna: Dude, feel her gently. She won’t say yes.

Subbu then pressed her right breast gently and said. Wow, that was really soft. Gayathri released a long holding breath releasing the excitement.

Gayathri: Oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t do this!

Krishna: See, it’s that simple. I think you are a bit turned on dear, aren’t you? I am turned on.

Subbu: I am definitely turned on a little bit more than you, dude.

Subbu continued to press both her boobs playfully. Gayathri liking it every bit now was still pretending she was doing it for me.

Krishna: You are a good girl. You are not doing anything bad. Don’t worry about it. And even if you do, you know I would say it’s me who asked for it. So, you are good and I am also ok with it. OK?

My wife nodded her head looking down with shyness. I took that as yes then. Subbu also got his answer and asked her if she was okay if he touched her nipples from above the bra and slowly. Without wasting time, he inserted his fingers inside the bra to feel them in the flesh. Man, what a tease it was to watch her face with sexy expressions and all that shyness. She was blushing covering her excitement with one hand.

Subbu: You still being that good girl?

Gayathri: Um..huh.

Krishna: You carry on, dude. She likes it. I can tell she likes it from where I am seeing her.

When I said that ‘she likes it’, she gave me a naughty look and made funny faces telling me to stop telling him how she was feeling.

Krishna: Let him reach down, dear.

Subbu: Can I?

Krishna: She is not saying anything, just do it, dude. She can stop if she wants to.

Gayathri gasped, “Ugh mm..” with Subbu was caressing her pussy just like we spread jam on the bread.

Krishna: Do you like touching your pussy like that?

She replied, “Hmm” with a nod. Her moans were getting bigger with Subbu’s both hand fingers trying to drill through the panty. Oh wow, now she leaned her head back resting on Subbu’s shoulder brushing his cheeks with her hair.

Subbu was now holding her with a hand right under her boobs and increased the finger movement intensity on her pussy. She now started guiding Subbu’s hand to where she wanted the pressure.

Krishna: Is she wet yet?

Subbu: Oh, yeah. So warm in there.

Krishna: She has really got a good pussy.

Gayathri made sounds like, “Iss huh..”

Krishna: You want him to finger you directly, dear?

She nodded yes without a thought. Subbu now moved her panty to one side and inserted two fingers straight in. Gayathri left a big moan and she had goosebumps all over and even me and Subbu got some.

Krishna: Oh man, this is escalating fast. You okay, dear?

Gayathri: Hmm huh.. Are you ok with this? Again, I am doing this for you.

Krishna: If you say so.

Gayathri: I am still a good girl.

Krishna: You are.

My wife gasped “uhh uhh..”with more fingers touching her pussy. She was enjoying it for sure. Sweet dull thud sounds came with every finger stroke touching the edges of her pussy. This was unbelievable

Subbu: Oh, wow. I can’t believe you are letting me do this, Krishna!

Krishna: You have no idea how much I am loving this. I fucking love it.

My friend stopped fingering my wife. Gayathri smiled quietly looking at me and adjusted her position on one of his thighs.


Learn what Krishna asked her to do while she was still on Subbu’s lap in the next part. Please leave your feedback at [email protected]

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