Wife fucked in party

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I m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded people..how loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm And like minded cpls and females for casual or one off scenes such as 3 sum or 5 sum. I m always respectful mannered and considerate and Familiar with what is safe sane and onsensuali m not too aggresive pushy Or over bearing. I assure u complete secrecy and expect the same.

It was ten at night and the Holi party of our friends Komilla and Danny was in full swing with everyone having a great time. My wife Nisha, never a great drinker at the best of times, was well gone after three hours of partying and I knew she would suffer for it the next day, but what the hell. Sipping my drink I looked around the room eyeing up the women and comparing them to my gorgeous wife, I may be

Biased, but there was no comparison, Nisha was the most attractive women in the room. Nisha caught my eye as my gaze passed her way and grinned, grinning back I walked over to the group she was with, Mohit, an old friend of our and our host’s, Rasmi, Mohit’s wife, our hostess Komilla and Arjun who I knew, but not well.

As I approached I took stock of my wife’s beauty, she had shoulder length fine blonde hair that shone even in the low light in the room; my eyes moved down to her face, her ice blue eyes sparkled as she laughed at something that was said, her pert nose sat above lush, ripe lips that just begged to be kissed. Letting my eyes rove down over her shoulders, which were all but bare, the only covering being the thin

Straps of her black evening dress. My eyes paused at her bust, for those who like statistics Nisha is 5 foot 5 inches tall and a shapely 34C-26-36 and her breasts were more than a generous handful, even for my large hands. Sighing I let my eyes slide down over her body admiring the cling of her dress to her shapely figure and the swell of her hips, my only lament was that the dress hid most of Nisha’s legs,

But I had the memory of their slender shapeliness. Despite being married to her for over eight years I still felt a surge of arousal just looking at my wife and at 34 I thought she had never looked better.

“Ranjeet,” my wife’s soft lilting voice greeted me as I joined the group, “you just have to see what Arjun found on the Net.”

Arjun grinned as he held out some sheets of paper, raising an eyebrow

I took the pages and glanced at them, then read then more closely. I’m

Not sure why Arjun had brought the printout, but it was a story he’d

Picked up somewhere on the Internet called ‘Nisha’s Choice’ by someone

Calling themselves HILMS. The story was about a guy and his wife at a

Party who get involved in an adult party game, the wife ends up as the

Subject of ‘Dus minute mein Swarg’, which basically meant a man tried

To get her to so excited within ten minutes that she says ‘**** me’.

If she does say this, she has to do whatever the man wants for an

Hour. Though I only skipped over the story I was both amused and a

Little turned on by the concept.

“Interesting, ” I commented with a grin as I handed the pages back to

Arjun, “but a little far fetched.”

“That’s what I said.” Nisha laughed.

“You have to admit though,” Komilla laughed, “the character names are

An amazing coincidence. ”

“A big coincidence. ” Arjun smiled tongue in cheek.

On that note Arjun went off to circulate around the room while the

Rest of us chatted and joked, the story quickly forgotten in the

Exchanges of banter and ribald comments. From time to time I saw Arjun

Showing off his story out of the corner of my eye, but didn’t pay him

Much attention. I guess it was about half an hour later that Arjun

Rejoined our group wearing a huge grin and for a few minutes just

Stood listening to our chat with his grin growing broader.

“Why the huge grin, Arjun?” Komilla eventually asked.

“Oh, nothing really,” Arjun replied, “just a comment someone made.”

I sensed that he was waiting to have the rest of it dragged out of

Him, but I was not going to give him the satisfaction of asking.

Though it seemed my wife was intrigued and asked him about the comment.

“Well since you asked,” he said with his smile turning to a full blown

Laugh, “a couple of guys said they thought that the woman in the story

Wouldn’t have lasted the ten minutes in real life.”

Inwardly I groaned, Nisha was always one for a verbal challenge, but

Especially so when she had been drinking, it was a foregone conclusion

That she would take up the chakravyu that Arjun had laid down.

“Rubbish,” Nisha laughed “if anything the woman would last longer,

Especially if she was resisting the urges.”

“You think?” Arjun grinned back. “I’m not so sure myself.”

Komilla looked at me and rolled her eyes as Arjun and Nisha got into

An animated, but friendly discussion centred on whether or not a

Fictional female would have lasted less than or longer than ten

Minutes. People noticing the conversation and its topic came over to

Join us, some just to listen, but one or two of the men made comments

More or less agreeing with Arjun’s point of view. Of course this only

Made Nisha dig her heels in even more to defend her position.

“Well,” Arjun eventually said, “there’s only one way to prove the

Point, that’s to put your money where your mouth is Nisha.”

Needless to say every male in the room immediately got his drift as

Did a number of the women, but Nisha looked puzzled.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean that the only way to settle this” Arjun spoke softly “would be

To put the situation to the test for real.”

“You mean…” Nisha gasped.

“I mean I take the role of the guy and you take the role of the

Woman.” Arjun spoke into the sudden silence in the room. “Same rules,

Same penalty as in the story so the incentives are the same to

Encourage you to hold out or for me break you down. Of course you

Could always admit I’m right and wimp out.”

I cursed under my breath as Arjun threw out the last comment, at the

Same time I began to wonder if Arjun hadn’t been setting Nisha up for

This situation, everyone knew how doggedly she defended a point of

View. What he was proposing was an area Nisha and I had discussed

During sex, but had never considered it as a reality and I quietly

Wished for Nisha to tell him where to stick his suggestion, though I

Did feel a bit of excitement at the idea. Nisha frowned and looked at

Me; one look in her pensive eyes told me that she had drunk more than

Enough to take up the challenge.

“Ranjeet?” she said softly.

“Hey,” Arjun objected, “it’s not up to him; you’re the one so adamant

The woman could hold out longer not Ranjeet.”

I gave Arjun a glare and my wife a shrug to indicate that it was her

Decision; around us everyone seemed to be holding their breath in

Anticipation of Nisha’s answer. My wife thought for a few moments then

I saw her shoulders straighten and knew what her answer was going to be.

“Okay,” Nisha spoke firmly, “you’re on.”

“You understand what I mean?” Arjun said pulling the story sheets out

Of his pocket. “I get to have my way with you for ten minutes.” Here

He read from the paper in his hand. “I can touch or kiss you, but I

Can only use my mouth and hands. If I can get you to say, ‘**** me,’

Before the ten minutes is up, then you must do anything I tell you for

The next hour.”

“Yes, yes, I understand.” Nisha responded.

Arjun grinned almost triumphantly and moved across the room to the

Couch, the couple that were already there quickly got up to give him

Room. Sitting himself in the centre of the couch Arjun looked up at my

Wife with a raised eyebrow as though challenging her to back down.

“Okay, who has a stop watch or timer?” Arjun asked as Nisha crossed

The room to join him.

As Nisha sat beside him one of the men produced a watch with a

Count-down timer on it, Arjun had the man set it for ten minutes then

Appointed Komilla as the time-keeper.

“One thing,” Arjun said as Komilla took the watch, “you don’t start

The time going until after I start.”

“Okay.” Komilla replied.

“And no distractions, ” Arjun added, “the watch has an end of time

Alarm so no need to count out the time.”

“Now just a minute,” Nisha objected “you were the one that wanted to

Do this as it was done in the story, so Komilla should count down the

Minutes like they did in the story.”

“Not feeling so confident?” Arjun smirked. “Don’t you think you can

Resist without the interruptions? ”

“Of course I can.” Nisha replied sharply. “Oh what the hell, do it

Your way.”

“Mind you,” Arjun said slowly, “I should get a bit of a head start

Seeing as the characters in the story were already turned on by having

Been playing a sex game, I mean fairs fair, i’ll be starting from

Stone cold.”

I couldn’t believe the guys gall, not that I could blame him for

Trying for every advantage, but he had been the one that had been so

Adamant about doing things exactly as per the story. Around me there

Were mutters of accent to his comment, it seemed most, if not all

Those watching agreed that Arjun should get a ‘warm up’ period. Nisha

Looked around nervously then her eyes came to rest on me, all I could

Do was shrug.

“How long a head start?” Nisha asked turning to look at Arjun.

“I thought ten minutes.” Arjun grinned, obviously sensing he was about

To gain another concession.

“Sod off,” Nisha said firmly, “that doubles the total time. Two minutes.”

“Hmmm,” Arjun frowned, “hardly a head start. Seven minutes might work;

After all you haven’t been excited by playing a game have you.”

“Maybe not,” my wife responded, “but it’s still too long. Four minutes.”

“Four?” Arjun sighed. “Well make it five and we have a deal.”

“Oh alright, five minutes but,” Nisha agreed, “no touching under

Clothing, on top only.”

“You’re on.” Arjun laughed. “We’ll have a drink first then get at it.

Komilla change the stopwatch to fifteen minutes and yell out when the

First five are up, okay.”

“Okay Arjun.” Komilla replied as she fiddled with the stopwatch in her


Drinks were passed to Arjun and Nisha and while they sipped at them

The others chatted and joked about what was about to happen, I heard

One or two of them making bets with each other as to how long my wife

Would last. Komilla was standing right in front of the couple on the

Couch and about three feet away from them and I placed myself at her

Shoulder. From this position I could not only watch events unfold

Clearly I could also keep an eye on the stopwatch. Fixing my gaze on

The couch I noticed that Arjun seemed to be taking a hell of a time

Finishing his drink, Nisha had downed hers in one gulp and was already

Working on another. Then I noticed that Arjun had an arm along the

Back of the couch and that his hand seemed to be resting at the back

Of Nisha’s neck, a slight movement of her hair told me that the crafty

Sod was gently rubbing at the erogenous zone on her neck. I was

Tempted to tell Komilla to start the stopwatch, but held back since

Nisha didn’t seem to be worried about his touching her.

At long last Arjun finished his drink and put the glass aside, I felt

My body tense with both nervousness and excitement as he turned

Slightly in his seat to face my wife. Someone took the empty glass

From Nisha as she licked her lips nervously and watched Arjun turning

To face her, he grinned at her then leant forward until his lips were

A scant few millimetres from hers. Nisha tensed in anticipation of his

Kiss, but Arjun just hovered there letting the tension mount, a glance

To my right told me that Komilla had not yet started the stopwatch;

Clearly she was waiting for the first touch. A minute passed with

Arjun’s lips hovering over Nisha’s he was looking into her eyes and

Though she tried to avoid his gaze her eyes kept flicking back to his

With uncertainty growing in them. Nor was Nisha the only one feeling

The tension, the people around me seemed to hold their breath waiting

For that first touch of skin on skin. When Arjun finally closed those

Few millimetres between his lips and my wife’s he did it so slowly

That the kiss was seconds old before we realised that the seduction

Had begun in earnest. I had to nudge Komilla to start the stopwatch as

A collective sigh seemed to fill the room.

Nisha sat there with his lips pressed softly to hers, her eyes were

Open and looking around as she avoided looking into his eyes. Yet

Despite herself, as though drawn by some magnetism, her eyes drifted

To his and fixed there, when this happened Arjun increased the

Pressure of his kiss a little more. Again, despite herself, Nisha

Began to respond to his kiss, it was only a slight return pressure,

But it was enough of a positive sign for Arjun to move on. Kissing her

More firmly Arjun opened his mouth a little and although I could not

See it I somehow knew that he was pressing his tongue to my wife’s

Lips in a demand for entry. When Nisha’s chin moved I knew that she

Had given way to Arjun’s demanding tongue, I don’t know what my wife

Was feeling, but a tingle of excitement ran through me at this first

Sign of submission. That excitement grew when I saw Arjun put his

Right hand over Nisha’s shoulder, with slow stroking motions he slid

It down onto her right breast which he gently began to rub and squeeze

Through her clothing. A quick glance at the stopwatch in Komilla’s

Hand show that barely a minute had passed.

A pin dropping in the room would have sounded like a cannon going off,

Even the music that had been playing seemed muted to almost nothing

And from where I was standing I could hear Nisha’s breathing

Quickening slightly under Arjun’s attentions. Arjun started to pinch

At Nisha’s nipple through the thin material of her dress which made

Her breathing a little heavier. My mouth went dry when I heard the

Sound of a sudden intake of breath from Nisha as Arjun’s left hand

Moved onto her lap, his fingers pressing into the material over her

Pussy to rub gently at her mound. My eyes flickered from point to

Point as I watched Arjun’s actions with my wife; her eyes were still

Open as they kissed, but they seemed locked to his as though she was

Transfixed by something in their depths; his right hand squeezed and

Teased her right breast and nipple; his left hand pressed more firmly

Into her groin to rub at her pussy. I glanced at the stopwatch

Convinced that more than five minutes had passed, but was surprised to

See that Arjun still had half his warm up time left.

Then I heard Nisha give a gentle sigh and her legs, which up to that

Point had been firmly together began to slowly open giving Arjun more

Freedom to stroke at her pussy. Of course with Arjun being able to

Arouse her pussy with greater freedom meant her legs parted further

And so on, the point came where my wife was sat there with her legs

Spread wide while Arjun rubbed at her through her dress using his

Whole hand. I watched the material of Nisha’s dress dimple to the

Shape of her pussy as Arjun pressed his fingers firmly into her, his

Actions making her breathing heavier and louder. Then I nearly jumped

Out of my skin when the silence was shattered by a soft ‘beep-beep’.

“That’s the five minutes head start,” Komilla spoke barely loud enough

To be heard, “ten minutes left to get Nisha to say the magic words.”

I noticed that while she spoke Komilla had paused the stopwatch,

Though Arjun hadn’t broken his stride at all. For the first time in

More than five minutes Arjun parted their lips and while his hands

Stayed busy at her breast and pussy he leant close to her ear and

Spoke softly to her. In the story the husband had never heard what was

Being whispered, but in the silence that had once again fallen on the

Room Arjun’s words came to me clearly.

“Want to save us all some time and say it?” he crooned in her ear.

Nisha shook her head in the negative and Arjun grinned as he spoke again.

“You won’t make it and you know it,” he said softly, his breath

Puffing against her ear, “especially now that I can get you undressed.

Come on, say it, you’re so hot now after just the warm up, how will

You feel after a few more minutes of serious attention. Say it, you

Know you want to, you know you are going to eventually.”

My wife shook her head again, but I could see the hesitation in her

Movement and the uncertainty in her eyes. With a smile Arjun went back

To kissing Nisha and she returned his kiss within a few seconds of

Their lips touching. Deep down I knew that Arjun was right, my wife

Was not going to be able to hold out for the full ten minutes, already

She was showing all the signs of being fully aroused and much more

Attention would have her on the verge of a climax. Drawing a deep

Breath I glanced at the stopwatch to see how much longer Nisha would

Have to hold out, the damned thing was still paused and I nudged

Komilla who was so enthralled by events she had forgotten to re-start

The timer. When I looked back at the couch Arjun was sliding his right

Hand up to the top of Nisha’s dress, the material stretched as his

Hand slid under it and back onto her breast. Now it was bare skin on

Bare skin and I could see the material moving as Arjun played with my

Wife’s boob and teased her already hard nipple. At the same time his

Left hand slid down Nisha’s leg until it came to rest at the hem of

Her dress, which was a point just above her knee with the way the

Material had already rumpled. Arjun’s hand slid up Nisha’s stockinged

Leg gently rubbing in small circles as it rose up her thigh, the

Material of the dress gathered and slithered up her leg as his hand

Rose higher.

“Hhhhhuuuhhhh. ….mmmm” A stifled gasp from Nisha told me when Arjun’s

Hand had reached her pussy and I had no doubt that under the

Concealment of the material he was rubbing at her pussy in earnest,

Perhaps he even had his fingers under her panties and in her pussy….

“Mmmmmmmmmmm, so wet.” Arjun parted their lips and spoke softly while

Looking deep into Nisha’s eyes. “Sure you don’t want to say it?”

Nisha shook her head and muttered the word ‘no’ so low as to be barely

Audible to Arjun let alone to me. Undeterred Arjun put his lips to

Hers once more while his right hand slid out from under the top of her

Dress, with a gentle yet firm motion he pushed the thin strap from her

Shoulder and down her arm. Nisha bent her arm slightly, surrendering

To the inevitable and the strap flopped loose, and then Arjun’s hand

Was back at the top of her dress. As Arjun pushed the material of her

Dress down to reveal Nisha’s breast to everyone I glanced at the

Stopwatch, a minute and a half had passed; Arjun had eight and a half

Minutes left and I began to feel a little hope that he was moving too

Slowly to achieve his goal. For a few moments Arjun seemed content to

Tease Nisha’s now bare nipple and to press his fingers into her heavy

Boob flesh, but then he parted their lips and his head moved down over

Her chest. I looked up at Nisha’s face as Arjun sucked her nipple into

His mouth, her eyes were wide and fixed on what he was doing to her,

For a brief moment she looked up at me before looking back down to

Arjun. In that brief moment of eye contact my faint hope that Arjun

Was moving too slowly died, Nisha’s eyes had held a look of excitement

Bordering on orgasmic.

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