Now coming to the fifth part of the story “Why Did You Break My heart.” If you like it send your comments to [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
NOW I HOPE YOU ARE GETTING THE HANG OF A SITUATION…………… I could not think of leaving Mumbai because of my Puno. If I left Mumbai, in the present scenario it was impossible to take her along. Now I’d to divert the topic but with caution because I was dealing with to smart ladies and there was 1 more smart lady waiting somewhere. {You know who?} God, I was blessed with 3 smartest ladies and I was in such dilemma. I had to think fast to get out of this.
Me: Tell you guys what? I have planned a few days trip for all of us to Goa.
Hearing this both of them let out a “WOW”. But then shrugging their shoulders just took a deep breath.
Shina: What’s the point, Pa ? Even if you go with us you would be carrying your 2nd wife along with you……
I just spluttered “What do you mean?”
Shina: Yes Pa, Ma says your work is your 2nd wife and you will carry her in box i.e. laptop
(Whew !! Was I relieved? For a moment I thought I was exposed but these ladies were referring to my work schedule. True it was my 2nd wife until Puno came along. Now not trying to make it too obvious.)
Me: Oh that. OK I promise I shall not carry my work with me and I will devote my entire trip to my family. Is that done?
Shina: Are you sure?
Me: Absolutely but on one condition.
Shina: Now what’s that Pa?
Me: Like every year today also there is a bash at the hotel and your Ma never comes but today you’ll give me company. Agreed?
Shina: Sure why not. After all it is not everyday that one gets to be in the company of such a good looking person. It is my first date and that too with my Pa. I hope you don’t mind Ma?
Shahana:{winking at her} Of course not dear and who am I to come between a father and a daughter.
Shina: So its a deal right Pa?
Me:{Relieved at the change of mood} Deal.
Then taking their leave I headed for the for the office not knowing that I’D MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. HOW?????????? YOU WILL KNOW AS THE STORY UNFOLDS.
As I proceeded to my hotel I couldn’t help thanking God for giving me 3 most beautiful and wonderful ladies in the world who loved me from the depths of their heart. What more could a man want. Little did I know that this was going to change very soon. As I reached the office, I called up my Chairman and told him about my plans for a week’s leave and he more than willingly agreed to it. Then I made the necessary bookings of the hotel rooms at 1 night in Vasco, 2 nights in Panjim and 2 nights in Margao. This was my way of making upto them.
Then I called Sander and told her to get the train ticket reservations for the trip and as I finished the intercom buzzed it was Puno. She was delighted when she heard that my daughter was going to come for the bash. She said she couldn’t wait to see her daughter. HER DAUGHTER?? Well she had sort of started claiming whatever belonged to me as hers. I couldn’t grudge her for that, could I? Well the day passed with preparations for the evening. In the evening I went home to change.
As I stepped into the house I was stunned. There stood my daughter dressed for the bash in a red jeans and yellow tops and her mother had not spared any details in her make up. At 5’2″ she had taken the height from me but the looks of her mother. She was surely going to make heads turn in the party. Well this was all too good to be true. She looked at me and she had a twinkle in her eyes.
Me: You look beautiful dear.
Shina: Why should I not? After all I am going out on a date for the 1st time and that too with my Pa.
I was speechless. I just went inside and after a shower changed and then taking her along drove to the party. As I entered the hall with her hanging on to my arms proudly every head turned to us in total admiration. Every jaws dropped open in awe and I felt my heart swell with pride. Suddenly there was a huge round of applause. After the applause subsided I politely thanked and the round of introduction started. When I introduced her to Puno she tightly embraced her and literally snatched her away from me.
Well I couldn’t mind because she also had a right on her in an inexplicable way. Moreover my daughter was in the company of the safest person in the hall. So I let the worries go away from my head and after my customary speech let the party begin. I took a glass of orange juice and went to a corner and sat down. After some time I came out of the hall to smoke and to my surprise right at the end of the alley were my daughter and Puno talking with each other like lost old friends. I thought they were in the hall.
I couldn’t complain as Puno deserved this moment because I wondered when she would again get an opportunity to meet my daughter. I observed even my daughter was enjoying her company. Well I just let them be as they were and came back to the hall and sat down. Plenty of people came and complimented me for how beautiful my daughter was and I just smiled and politely thanked them. After some hours I felt the need to take my quota so it was time to go home.
So I strode out of the hall to find them. But they were no longer there. Then I glanced towards the lawn and saw them seated on the chairs and enjoying dinner. I noticed it was my daughter who was doing most of the talking. She had taken to Puno like fish to water and Puno seemed to be enjoying whatever she was saying. I wondered when had I given my daughter so much attention. Again I was overcome with guilt. Taking a deep breath I strode towards them. Seeing me approaching Puno started to get up but I motioned her to be seated and myself took a chair next to them. Suddenly I thought of teasing her.
Me:Beta I thought you were on a date with your Pa? But you seem to be enjoying somebody else’s company.
Shina: Sorry Pa but Pinky aunty is so sweet that from the moment I met her I can’t seem to tear myself from her. As if we have had some connection in the past.
Puno: No Shina you, yourself are so sweet that she has kind of held me in a trance. I felt as if I was meeting my own daughter.
(Glancing at me mischievously. I almost choked as I was caught.)
Shina: But aunty you can always consider me your daughter and I’ll keep in touch with you for the rest of my life. I feel so light after talking to you. You are just like my mother.
God this couldn’t be happening. In a matter of few hours they were enjoying such a camaraderie. I didn’t know whether to be happy or to be scared. But somewhere my heart said round one won. They kept on chattering as if I never existed.
Me: Ladies please understand that there is a gentleman amongst you and he is feeling neglected.
Hearing this they looked at each other and burst out laughing and Shina cuddling up to me said, “Sorry Pa, but Puno aunty is so sweet that we were lost in each others company.”
WHAT Puno AUNTY??? Had she given me up?
Shina:{As if reading my mind} Don’t worry Pa, I have already asked for aunty’s permission to call her like that right Puno aunty.
Puno nodded her head happily and I was stunned. This was simply unbelievable. I noticed a glint in Puno’s eyes which had a mixture of pride, joy and victory. I could bet you she was enjoying every moment of the adoration she was receiving from my daughter or should I say our daughter. The moment froze for me. I was left wondering whether she had ever enjoyed her mother’s company more. I felt Puno was trying hard to suppress a wink like trying to say triumphantly “Like father, Like daughter”. Well this was becoming too unrealistic.
Me: Enough for tonight we gotta move now.
They both looked at each other with disappointment written clearly on their faces. I felt bad but my head was spinning. I had serious doubts whether Puno had ever been so happy in my company as well.
Shina:{protesting} But Pa can’t we stay for some more time?
Puno putting an assuring on her shoulder, “Its ok Shina. You must understand that your Papa has had a hectic few days in the past and needs rest. We will definitely keep in touch more often.”
My god, this lady understood me and my needs like the back of her hand. Shina reluctantly nodded her head. Now before they hugged each other tightly. Puno walked us to the car. As we drove off she just laid her head back and closed her eyes.
Shina: Pa
Me: Yes beta?
Shina: Isn’t she a lovely lady ?
Me: {lying to her} Must be but I don’t know her much because I don’t connect too much with my juniors. {Truth would have to wait for the right time and place}
Shina: Yeah she told me that the whole hotel staff is scared of you but I feel she adores you and holds you in great awe.
Me: But what makes you say that ?
Shina: The whole evening she spoke just about you and spoke about how she learnt so much from you. I being a lady, I know she likes you.
{Now she could have the features of her mother but somehow I couldn’t help feel that she had characters similar to Puno. No wonder they had hit off immediately.}
Me:{Playfully hitting her on the hands} Are you crazy?
Shina: No Pa, why you forget that I am a girl. I can sense a girl’s feelings and I could see those looks when she looks at you.
Me: {Trying to protest} But I am so much older to her.
Shina: Pa age does not make a difference.
{These words coming from a 13 years old girl. I’d said earlier that she had the character of Puno. Did she suspect something??}
Me:{Trying to change the topic} How do you know? Have you felt like this for anybody?
Shina:{Snuggling to my arms} No Pa but if I do then you’ll be the 1st person to know that.
She definitely had matured beyond her age. Now she had definitely taken a liking for Puno. But the question was would she able to accept her in the family as her 2nd mother?
Well I thought to myself, time will tell. We reached home and after parking the car we entered the house. My wife was watching TV in the living room. Shina instantly sat next and went on blah blah about Puno. I just smiled to myself and went to the bar and poured myself a drink.
I was amused at how she didn’t tire in praising her Puno aunty to her Ma. She picked up the phone and dialed Puno and then no need telling you how long they talked. Maybe way into the night because I soon drifted into a deep sleep. The next morning I woke up and after freshening up went to her room and saw her in deep slumber.
She looked like an angel in that posture and I felt a strong love love for her. I went to her and planted a kiss on her forehead and then entered the bathroom and took shower. After bathing and getting ready for the went to the dining hall and saw that all were waiting for me for breakfast.
As we had breakfast I said, “So what’s my angels plan for the day?”
Shina: Nothing much Pa, I’ll just help Ma in packing where as uncle and aunty are going shopping. I’ll go tomorrow with Ma and Puno aunty.
I almost choked. ALL THREE GOING FOR SHOPPING TOGETHER. Was this really happening? Was this God’s way of uniting us? Well lets see what’s in store for all.
Suddenly my wife asked me, “What’s so special about this Puno aunty of hers? Since she has come from the party she keeps on ranting her name only?”
Me:{Hurriedly } Oh she is just a girl who is in the banquets and they have struck the right chord.
Shina: {punching me} Pa she is no ordinary girl she is very special to me.
Me:{laughing} OK baba, ok your aunty is very special. Happy?
Shina;{smiling} That’s better.
My wife: I can’t wait to see her and see what is there in this young lady that my daughter is so besotted with.
Shina: Ma just wait till tomorrow and you can’t help falling in love with her.
My heartbeat increasing just at the anticipation of what would happen the next but I hoped to God’s sake that my daughter’s words would be proved right. Plenty depended on that. So leaving them talking I went to the hotel and entered my office and sat down. The intercom buzzed. It was her.
Puno: Good morning honey.
Me: Morning. It seems you have mesmerized my daughter.
Puno:{In a growling tone} Our daughter.
Me: Oh I’m so sorry.
Puno:{in a complaining tone} Don’t you ever say that again. Shina is one of the sweetest kid I have ever seen. There is no hint of arrogance. She is so innocent, sweet such a clean heart that one gets immediately attached to her. She is exactly the kind of child I had you would be having. Thank you honey for this precious gift. I shall ever be indebted to you.
Me: Well enough of praising but she thinks the world of you.
Puno: She is very sweet but honey I need to talk to you something serious and in person.
Me:Why, what happened? Is everything alright?
Puno: Don’t worry dear its just that I needed to discuss with you.
Me: OK then I’ll call you when I’m free and hung up.
The entire morning I was busy with all kinds of paper works and it was only when my tummy felt empty did I realize that it was 1:00 pm. I called my chef and ordered lunch to be served in half an hour. Then I called Puno and asked her to come to my office. She came in 5 mints and was seated in front of me.
Me: Yes honey so its family reunion day, tomorrow huh?
Puno:{With a broad smile on her face} So Shina told you about it. I just can’t wait for tomorrow. I don’t know since when I’ve been waiting for this moment. I am blessed to have met my wonderful daughter now tomorrow I shall be meeting my elder sister. Wow what a moment that would be.
Me: I’m so relieved that Shina has become so attached to you and I hope my wife also does the same. Then things will get a lot easier.
Puno: Easy for what honey?
Me:{taking a deep breath} Will let you know later but you had something to talk about. What was it?
Puno:{looking at me}: Pete its very personal involving your family so I hope you wouldn’t think that I am interfering in your family affairs.
Me:{protesting} But sweety you are already a part of the family.
Puno: That’s what you think and I take sheer pride in the fact. And knowing you I’m sure your wife would also accept me as a part of the family but what would be their reaction if they came to know about our truth.
Me: I don’t care I’m ready to face any consequences.
Puno: Pete it is not just about you and me. It involves the life of three wonderful human being You, Your wife, and our daughter.
Me:{cutting her} You say our daughter then how come you don’t involve yourself also?
Puno: {taking a deep sigh} Neither can you nor can I deny that I forced myself into your life but practically speaking they have the right over you.
Somehow I quite didn’t like the direction the conversation was headed to. It kind of made me uncomfortable.
Me: Instead of beating around the bush why don’t you come to the point.
Puno: Yesterday evening Shina told me all about the discussions in the morning and I think she’s right. She has every right to demand your nearness and attention. More than anybody else.
Me: What does that mean? Are we not taking care of her? We have put her in the best of schools and the best of everything that we can afford to.
Puno:{with tears in her eyes} Men will be men. Ask me how hurting and painful when you don’t get parental love, especially father’s attention. I have missed being treated like princess by my father who was a useless alcoholic.
I knew now where this conversation was headed to and I was determined not to let her win this time.
Me: When we are providing her with the best of everything how can you say she has been deprived of parental love?
Puno:{with a fierce look in her eyes} But where are parents ? 3,000 km away. When she needs to share her joys or her sorrows who would she turn to? Warden? Teacher? Friends? No Pete no. Nobody can replace parents………. nobody. Especially a daughter needs her father more than anything and who would know this better than me. I thought you were the most understanding human being on the earth and I was wrong. You are a stone hearted man who doesn’t even understand a daughter’s needs.
I was STUNNED. Yes she was strong willed but I never expected her to be this. I kind of started feeling scared of her. Every word she spoke was undeniably true. But what message was she trying to convey to me? She was staring at me furiously and I could just gape at her with open mouth, tongue tied.
She hissed: And to think of it she adores you, idolises you, considers you nothing less than a god.
Shit ! Had I known that the conversation would lead to this then I would have never agreed to give her an audience. It was as if she’d grabbed me by my throat and I was gasping for breath. No I couldn’t let her win this. Especially when I was so hopefully near achieving my goal. I’d to gather my wits.
Me: So what are my shortcomings? I’ve kept her away from us because the nature of my job is such that I don’t know where I would be when and I want to provide her the best of everything.
Puno: You simply try and be the best father and that should be enough to make her happy.
Shit she was absolutely from a different class.
Perhaps she felt the flushing changes on my face as she had tried to be softened, “Sorry honey, for talking to you in such a way. But you must understand that our Shina is not a kid of this era. She does not need the materialistic luxuries of life. She is special, very sensitive. Without her saying it I can say she adores you, idolises you and you are next to God for her. These type of kids need special handling and care or they could undergo mental trauma.”
{Now these words were coming from a person, who herself might be no more than nine to ten years older to my daughter. She put the word maturity to shame. I somehow found my voice.}
Me: If you have finished lecturing me then can I ask you what is the remedy.
Puno:{trying to put up a brave front} You need to go back to your native place and be near your daughter so that she can feel secure.
Me: {I knew this was coming}. What? Have you gone crazy? And leave this great job? Back home even if I do land a job there is no hotel in comparison to this hotel.
Puno: What is the point of earning for are not happy? I’m sure family would be happy with whatever little you provide them.
{I’d always enjoyed this young lady’s maturity but today I didn’t like it a wee bit}
Me: OK even if I agree to what you say but what about us? Have I ever treated you like you were not my family?
Puno:{in a sad voice} I’ve had the best experience of my life since I have come to know you. But I think your priority lies with them and I think time has come for me to become your past.
{I had to clench my fists hard on the hands of my to stop myself from slapping her on hearing this from her. How dare she think I could move on in life without her. Did she consider me a wimp who would use her and then move on?}
I could just mutter in anger: How dare you talk to me like that? Who do you think you are? How can you dictate me like that? I am no philanderer. Or have you had enough of me?
Tears welled up in my eyes. She was perhaps expecting this sort of reaction from me and got up from her place and came near me and embraced me.
Puno (wiping my tears and herself weeping): I know honey your love for me is from the depth of your heart and even I can’t imagine a day without you. But the fact is that I know you can earn well enough in your native place as well but you do not want to go because of me.
But honey I happened to you by accident and they are your destiny. I can’t live with the guilt of being the reason for the distance between you and Shina. (Then holding my face in her hands and looking me straight in the eyes) Tell you what? I have come to love Shina more than you. I feel as if she was born out of my womb. So I’d rather prefer that we both suffer rather than let her suffer.
MY GOD WHAT A LADY – WHAT A LADY. These words of hers melted all my anger and its place was taken by a sense of pride that I was loved by such a beautiful and wonderful lady. That did not mean that I was going to agree to her proposal. I suddenly realized we were too close for comfort in my office so I motioned to take her seat and she went and sat down.
Phew !!! You realize that I was dealing with an amazing package.
Me: Why should I go? Can’t it be the other way around? I can bring her here and enroll her in a good school after all what good are my contacts for?
Puno: No way. She is in 8th and the syllabuses of both the states do not match at all and we can’t play with her career, can we?
(My God!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was my daughter that we were discussing and she was way ahead of me.)
Me: But the truth is I can’t leave you and go. I can’t think of a life devoid of you.
Puno: But honey we can always call each other everyday and once a year we can visit each and make up to each other.
Me: This is easier said than done.
Puno:{in a naughty way} What if I leave you and go away somewhere?
Me:You can never do that.{GOD HOW I WISH THAT I HAD TAKEN HER WORDS MORE SERIOUSLY AT THAT TIME. PERHAPS THINGS COULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT TODAY}. Coming back. Any way, Thanks for being so concerned and I promise I’ll try to find out a way. Now I’ve got to have lunch. Give me some time to think about it. There can be other options here than going to Darjeeling.
(Are you reading me? We are nearing the climax. I presume you’ve already guessed it? But read on and believe me it will be much beyond your wildest thoughts. Then you would see it was anti climax. How God sometimes emerges the best script writer in life.)
Now back to the story. I had lost my appetite after that stressful conversation and wanted an end to it. She nodded and got up to leave.
She was about to leave she turned around and said, “Honey you better come up with a solution soon or else I’ll have to think of something.”
Was she issuing a threat? I should not have taken those words casually. She left and I sat there with a reeling head. I could not deny the fact that every words spoken by her were true to the core. I loved my daughter more than anything but I also could not think of a life without Puno. Suddenly I found myself at a crossroads of dilemmas. On one side was valley and the other side was well. I had to find a solution and that too quick or else I was sure to turn into one wreaked maniac. I seemed to have won round one {Shina warming upto Puno} and now I wanted to see how round two goes. I needed to do the vanishing act like P C Sorcar the great magician.
Suddenly it seemed my entire fate hinged on Round two. Well the whole afternoon, my mind was a turmoil of ifs and buts. As I took my rounds to divert my mind I found Puno in the lobby happily chirping on the mobile and she saw me she smiled and pointed to the phone and I needed no guessing who it was. Phew ! What a pair they had turned into. I just prayed to God hoping it would turn into a happy trio tomorrow. I couldn’t ascertained who snatched whom from me.
Then I could further plan my steps. But I had to tread very cautiously. After it would bring a change to the lives of four people. Looking at this lady I suddenly felt a lust for her and it was true we hadn’t made love to each other for a long time. Perhaps six months or so and I so badly wanted her now. But it would have to wait for later. I had more important business to take care of. Taking a deep sigh I went back to my office. After a while the intercom buzzed and it was Puno.
Puno: Guess who I was talking to?
Me: Who else but your daughter.
Puno:{sounding pleased} Thanks and that sounds so better.
Me:You two seemed to have gelled together so well that I am really amazed. She has snatched you from me or to say you have snatched my daughter from me.
Puno: Stop being cynical. She is such an angel. One can never get tired of talking to her. We have an amazing daughter and I promise I’ll ensure that nothing, nothing can harm her.
{ I noticed a never before steely resolution in her voice. I don’t know why but that kind of coldness in her voice scared me.}
Me: But you have known each other for only a few hours and you are so much in love?
Puno: {somberly} I love her more than my life. And you forget that I fell for you the moment I saw you. I think your Mongolian blood was made for my Punjabi blood.
(Saying this she let out a loud laugh. Well she surely had learnt how to talk but if I complimented her she would immediately credit me for it. So I didn’t.)
Me:{trying to tease her} And your trying to chase us all away.
Puno:{in a serious tone} Yeah I know but it is for everybody’s good.
Me: But what good will it do to you?
Puno: I’ll at least not live with guilt and I am already a culprit of Mam.
Now wasn’t this an amazing package? How could one not love this diva more and more. And she wants me to leave her and go. BULLSHIT !! On the contrary if everything as per my plan then we would be ONE BIG FAMILY. {I hoped to God} She broke my chain of thoughts.
Puno: What happened honey where are you lost?
Me: I was just wondering that if we do go away then I’ll have my daughter as a bonus but you tend to lose both of us.
Puno:{laughs} Honey you worry about me too much. Sometimes you make me feel as if I made a mistake by coming into your life. Perhaps it would have been easier to take a decision had I not come in between. Don’t worry I promise to keep in touch with you, calling you twice everyday and as promised I’ll come there once a year and you would visit me once. And how can I stay without talking to my baby?
You have given me enough of love, respect and dignity that the memories of it are enough for me to pass my days. In any case physically you may be miles away but I know that the only man in my life would always be there for me in spirit and if I’m in trouble he is just a call away. {How true she was}
Me:{trying to pull her legs} You promise to call?
{as if I was going by her plans. No way !}
Puno:{in an angry tone} Who else is there for me? Have I trusted anybody else?
Me: ok baba. Now what are the three most beautiful ladies that I know have for plans tomorrow? And how dare you people ignore this poor soul. Don’t I deserve little fun.
Puno: {giggling} Serves you right, Workaholic. Your work is your 1st family so enjoy here only. Its an only ladies day out and we are going to go crazy. I am so excited that I’ll b meeting Mam tomorrow. If Shina is so beautiful I’m sure she would not be far behind.
Me: Your Mam is also looking forward to seeing you too.
Puno: {suddenly} Oh its my baby calling Bye.
Saying this she hung up leaving me gaping. I sighed and put down the receiver. Oh these women ! But I’d a goody goody feeling that something good was soon going to happen. I had great faith in Puno’s ability to win over people and I was sure she would not fail tomorrow as well. Then it would require a little confession, then there would be the usual hue and cry and then Hum Saath Saath Hain. The confidence was boosted by the closeness of my baby to Puno.
{I hope you are getting a hint of d mission I was on? Well what was the chances of me succeeding? Don’t be too optimistic my friend, remember what Rajesh Khanna had said in the movie Anand, “This life is a theatre and we are mere puppets, Jahapanah. Nobody knows who, when and how will be called by him.” There is a bizarre ending to this story which does not end now.}
I suddenly was feeling very light hearted and began to hum a tune doing my regular office work. Around 8.00 pm. Puno wished me good night. God was she excited? Shina called up to say they were all waiting for me for dinner. I apologised to her and promising to be home called the valet service to arrange a car to drop me home.
After getting home I found myself whistling on the way and there at the door stood my beautiful angel with the most intoxicating smile. She came running into my arms. Today she seemed to be the happiest I had ever seen her. Puno magic? These were good signs. I carried her inside in arms and after the usual change of pleasantries went to my bedroom and after freshening up and changing came straight to my favorite evening den.
This is the end of the fifth part of the story “Why Did You Break My heart.” If you like it send your comments to [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]