“Hi Priya”
“Hey, Varun wassup?”
That’s how it started. Let me introduce myself guys. My name is Varun. And I’m gonna tell you the story of how I seduced a girl through WhatsApp and then made love with her.
We barely talked to each other during college. But after talking to her for 2 days straight, we became friends. Friends who were there for each other at all times. Morning and night. Becoming friends with her wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to fuck her.
I continued chatting with her for a month until I finally found a way. After a month I finally got the perfect dialogue to insert that sexual edge that I wanted. I finally got my start. Just as always we started normally and in the middle of the conversation.
Me: Priya, sorry to do this, but I have to go now.
Priya: Alright
Me: Yeah I have to do something.
Priya: Sure. Goodnight.
On day 2, I used the same line and this time Priya asked, “What is this ‘something’ that you are referring to ?”
Me: What?? No. No nothing.
Priya: Alright.
Day 3
Me: Alright Priya, gotta go.
Priya: Let me guess. You gotta do ‘something’.
Me: Yeah.
Priya: Tell me what it is Varun.
Me: No Priya, please. I’m embarrassed to talk about it.
Priya: Come on Varun. I thought we were best friends. You can tell me anything.
Me: Alright, but promise me that you won’t tell anyone else.
Priya: Yeah okay.
Me: No. I changed my mind. I can’t tell you this.
Priya: Really. Great. I thought you trusted me Varun. But now I understand.
Me: Don’t get mad, Priya. It’s really personal.
Priya: Come on Varun. You can tell me anything.
Me: Okay, well. It’s just that.
Priya: Yea? Come on, tell me.
Me: I just do something. All guys do it, you know?
Priya: What do you mean?
Me: I’m going to
Priya: Oh.
Varun: Yeah. See I shouldn’t have told you.
Priya: No. No. It’s okay.
Me: Yea so I’m gonna go now. See you tomorrow.
Priya: Yeah.
After this conversation, hI knew that I had peaked her interest. In the coming days, Varun said the same thing and it became a normal thing for them. One day when they were talking.
Priya: So Varun. it’s your usual time. Aren’t you going?
Me: Time for what?
Priya: You know.
Me: Oh that? It’s alright I’m not feeling it today.
Priya: What? Why not Varun? What happened?
Me: It’s nothing Priya. It’s just that. Something happened.
Priya: What’s wrong?
Me: Don’t be mad.
Priya: Yeah?
Me: Yesterday when I was doing it. You kind of came into my mind. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
Priya: What?
Me: I masturbated thinking about you.
Priya: Really?
Me: I’m so sorry Priya.
Priya: No. it’s okay.
I knew that it created a spark in Priya’s mind.
After a few hours :
Priya: Um. Varun, can I ask you something?
Me: Of course.
Priya: What did you picture me doing?
Me: Come on Priya. Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know the answer to.
Priya: But I do wanna know.
Me: Okay. I pictured both of us, we kiss, then I slowly start kissing you.
Priya: Okay. that’s enough. Will see you later ok?
Later that night –
Priya: Varun.can we meet tomorrow?
Me: Umm.Okay. Why?
Priya: Nothing. We have been chatting for so long. I just thought we could meet. Why don’t you come over tomorrow? My parents aren’t home.
I said okay and the next day I went to her house. She welcomed me with a tight hug. I felt her soft breasts pressed against my chest.
Priya: So Varun, had fun thinking about me?
Me: Priya !! You are embarrassing me!!
Priya: Embarrassing you? I couldn’t get that thought out of my head!!!
Me: What thought?
Priya: You and me.
Me: Really?
Priya: Yes, do you really fantasize about me?
Me: Yes Priya.
Priya: Mmm, well, I kinda did that too.
Me: You masturbated thinking about me?
Priya: What? No. I meant fantasize. Can women masturbate too?
Me: Haha. Don’t tell me you don’t know how?
Priya: I really don’t.
Me: You just put your finger in. That’s it.
Priya: What? I’m too scared.
Me: You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.
Priya: No. I want to. it sounds fun.
Me: Do you want me to teach you?
Priya: Teach me? How?
Me: Um. Leave it then.
Priya: No no. Teach me then.
She told me with a shy but naughty smile. I too smiled in a naughty way and stood close to her. I moved my hand over her arm. Slowly grabbed her hand and brought it to her thighs.
I grazed her inner thigh with my hand. Then took her hands in my hand and slowly guided her fingers through her thighs. I placed her hands between her legs. I then looked at her face. Her face was red with shame, and her eyes were closed.
I leaned towards her and planted a small kiss on her lips. She smiled as if she was expecting it. I kissed her deeper while moving her hand on her pants over the pussy. As I moved her hands faster I felt her kissing get wilder and more vigorous.
I took her other hand and placed it on her breasts. I made her squeeze her own boobs. She let out a small moan. Then she opened her eyes and kissed me. I grabbed her tight and slowly unbuttoned her pants while kissing her.
I pulled down her pants to her thighs. I saw a wet spot in her pink panties. I took her hands and placed inside her panties. Then I slowly moved it around.
“Oh Varun,” she moaned as she took out her hands. “You do it. I’m too nervous.”
I gave her one more kiss and pushed her onto the bed. I pulled down her panties. Her pussy looked amazing. It was clean shaved. I felt her wet skin with my hand and then started massaging her pussy.
I slowly put one finger in. She felt it. And she gave out a loud moan. I started fingering her and she reacted wildly. Her eyes were wide open with pleasure and her breathing got more vigorous. Then I got my knees and started eating her virgin pussy.
I licked over it slowly. Then I inserted my tongue in and tasted her pussy. It was good. I started licking her clit. I kept flicking it with my tongue and she was moaning loudly. I started fingering her and licking her at the same time.
I felt her body move rhythmically along with my tongue. Slowly I increased my pace and her movement became vigorous. After a few moments, her movements became uncontrollable. She started moaning at the top of her lungs.
“Oh, my god. Varun. What’s happening?”
She screamed as she squeezed the pillow beside her.
“Do you want me to stop Priya?” I asked her as I licked her pussy wildly.
“Nooo… please don’t stop baby,”
She screamed as she scratched on the bed sheets shaking her head like crazy.
The suddenly she stopped. She stopped moving for a second and then let out a loud gasp. I felt her vaginal wall tightening and she released a load of her cum on to my face. She lay there gasping for air.
“Give me a second Varun,” she said as she dozed off. “Damn it. I should have fucked her first before making her cum.” I cursed myself as I got up. I walked over to the table and drank some water. I was just about to leave the room when I heard it, “Where do you think you are going?”
When I turned around I saw the most beautiful sight. Priya was lying on the bed with her legs open. She was fingering herself with a smile that will drive any man crazy. “Now I need to learn how to suck a dick and how to fuck,” she said with a giggle.
To be continued.