Virginity must be the most highly overrated virtue that classifies a person, especially a woman. While I philosophize, in retrospect, that eventually, one has to turn the page, the transformation is actually a mixed bag of emotions, with regret being the largest ingredient.
For a girl to lose her virginity, it is indeed a very big thing. Every one of us cherishes this momentous event where we gladly and willingly give it up for the one we truly love. I am not putting on my feminist’s hat here, but it is a big issue to lose that small tissue. I was no longer a Virgin and I felt violated. I had cheated on my boyfriend and given into mindless lust and passion. I cried for a long time. In the late 90’s, the Mobile phone had made its appearance but was really not affordable.
I imagined my Boyfriend standing in a queue outside an STD booth, while I was being thoroughly screwed by an acquaintance in my own bed. Today, I work with a spectrum of clients, where a lady in her 50’s consults me for a labioplasty and a soon-to-be-bride shyly inquires about a hymenoplasty. I tell them that you can never really put the genie back in the bottle.
Kiran was going to pick me up at 8PM and wanted to take me out to China Garden. I love Chinese food. As brahmins, we never cooked non-veg at home, but I would always have a go at the meat when we dined outside. I was ashamed of myself and the only thing that could redeem my guilt was to be punished beyond measure.
As I stepped out of my house, I could feel the ominous stares of my neighbors, the mocking glances of the strangers on the street and the yellow teeth of the bald pharmacist at Durga Medicals who sized me up like a shameless slut.With nothing more to lose, I asked him for a packet of condoms and watched his smile disappear. Such a chauvinistic pervert.
I had decided that if we had sex again, I would insist on the use of condoms rather than cry over cum spilled in the right place. That classic definition of a Virgin, who is on the verge, but not IN, continued to hound me. Nearly two decades after that fateful evening, I sit down to articulate my thoughts, and the guilt and pain are both unforgivably palpable.
Kiran ordered dinner without really bothering about my preferences. Never expect chivalry from a bloody bull. I had to tell him that our crossing the line was a mistake and brought up the issue about him being in a committed relationship. He refused to accept that he was in a serious relationship and attempted to sound apologetic. But, behind his facade of empathy, I could clearly see an alpha-male being proud to add another feather to his cap.
I gagged at the sight of the starters. He had ordered Cream of Asparagus soup and Chicken Lollipops. I knew in an instant what was going through his mind. His feeble attempts of sermonizing and seeking refuge under the “inevitability” clause did not offer me any comfort nor solace. I was beginning to hate him and hate myself even more. The American chop suey was too sweet and I drowned it in a copious amount of Vinegar, attempting to vainly preserve what I had lost forever.
We reached home and I told him that he can sleep in my brother’s room. He tried to apologize again and held me in an embrace. It was clear to him that I had cried a lot and was still feeling guilty.
He promised that it would be our “secret for life” and he would always be there for me. He even went on to rant about the thrill and adventure of discovering one’s sexuality. I resisted his attempts to kiss me but did not want to antagonize him any further. I told him that we would have one farewell session and bury the hatchet forever. It was better to squeeze his balls than listen to his bloody sermon.
He was seated on the couch and I went down on the floor and unzipped his fly. He was very erect and I could feel his pulse on his cock. I asked him to keep his hands to himself and his mouth shut and allow me to dictate the pace. I slowly took his cock in my mouth, like a wounded warrior assessing the dimensions of her opponent’s weapon.After an agonizing 3 minutes, oblivious to his requests, I retracted my tongue to the back of my mouth and used my teeth to gently nibble on his cock.
He was in a bit of pain, but his ego urged me on. He was now begging for some real action. I did not bother to take off my top, but pulled down my pants, put a condom on his cock and told him that it was my turn to ride on it.
I was surprised that I could accommodate him so easily and the condom certainly must have helped. I held down his hands and started to tease him with my lazy pace and utter disregard for his “wants”. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it surely brought the Pussy to life. I liked the rhythm I had built up and loved to be in control this time around. He was thrusting his pelvis to set the pace, but I was throwing my weight around to be in charge.
I looked deep into his eyes and smiled at him as he pleaded me to go faster. He even tried to reach up and pull me towards him. He was not going to have his way. I started grinding him, moving in circles, teasing him to his wit’s end. I was really enjoying this. I then arched my back backward and started riding him much faster. I could feel his juices welling up through the condom and stopped just in time to deny him his salvation. He was surely upset now.
It had dawned upon him that I was taunting him and that did not go down well with him. He muttered that it was all consensual as he took off my top, ripped open my bra and laid me on all fours.
He took off his condom, held my hair and entered me in doggie-style. His pounding was merciless as he showered expletives on me. His fingers reached out to pinch my nipples and I felt his teeth at the back of my neck.
He spanked me on my ass really hard and I was writhing in pain. I could hear his balls slap my ass and felt helpless as he violated me. My humiliation was what sent him to his climax as I suffered his onslaught in total silence.
He came hard in my pussy and left me with tears in my eyes, imprints on my tits, a crimson red lining on my ass, cum in my pussy, but a mocking smile on my face. He had had his revenge and I had my victory.
That was the beginning and the end of Kiran. It was a weekend of contradictions. [email protected]