In The Warm Embrace Of My Mother-in-law!

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Hi, this is [email protected] writing the story of a warm relationship between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome.

I am Hari and I and my wife are IT professionals who work in US. Our marriage happened some 2 years back in India and soon we left for US. It was my father who expedited my marriage at my age of 29 as he wanted me to get married before reaching 30. At the time of my alliance seeking, I was in the US city of Ohio. I met my wife in skype and our marriage was fixed and conducted in the 1 month leave in which I came to India. After the leave we left for US, and since my wife got higher studies opportunity in Oklahoma, US, I shifted to an office near there and we are settled there since then.

This is the short bio data of my life. But the story I wanted to say is a different one. It is about the sex life I got into with someone least expected. I was talking about my mother-in-law Radha. I was seeing her for the first time on my engagement. On the engagement day, my eyes stuck on this lady, standing behind my wife-would-be. My eyes found it difficult to focus on her face as her prominent chest occupied most of my vision. That lady was my mother-in-law! She received me with thalam and flower garland. I was mesmerized by her huge asset from the first sight itself. I found it difficult to keep an eye contact with her when I talked to her. I realized to my horror that the spark of excitement came to me in not seeing my would-be, but my mother-in-law. It was not my wife’s body that I seek to look on again and again that day, but my mother-in-law’s. I turned my head here and there as casually as I can to get a passing glimpse of my newly gifted mother-in-law’s pair of milk packet like boobs. If she comes into any corner of my vision, the rest of the members, or even rest of her body goes out of focus and only her boobs come into focus. The visuals of her magnificent boobs played in close-up and slow motion to my eyes.

She is the real women, with the figure that we see quiet often in the stone carvings of temples. She has above average assets from heavy bouncing boobs to pot like swaying buttocks. She reminded me of yesteryear Srividya. When she put on the garland on me, I could feel the heaviness of her boobs which was heaving in front of me in close quarters. I could get the feminine sweet smell from her body. My mind became heavy. My legs went limb. I felt like I need to lie down on my mother-in-law’s bosom to calm myself. Certainly my father-in-law is lucky. Instead of taking beautiful memories of my wife-to-be from that engagement function, I etched instead the voluptuous figure of my mother-in-law in my heart.

But that was two years before and so many things have passed since then. I soon left for US with my wife after barely getting 1 week to stay with my mother-in-law. We made two more visits to her home since then. The last visit was when my father-in-law died of heart attack. That was 5 months before. Though I expected to see a crest fallen, crying and wailing mother-in-law that day, she was rather calm with no tears. Just silent she was. After father-in-law’s death, since her being alone we brought her to US to stay with us. We had to insist a lot to convince her to come to US to stay with us. Because by tradition, mother-in-law’s don’t move in with their girl child after marriage. Think such traditions and rules are laid down to prevent them from getting into any illicit relationship with son-in-law or his family members like father. We insisted on mother-in-law staying with us citing my wife’s maternity status (yes she was carrying and in the 4th month) and the care that she needed at this time. Though to my delight she moved in with us last month citing only for 6 months, we hoped to change her mind in the course of time.

Thinking about the last 2 years I should admit that however I wished for, I didn’t get much time to spend with my mother-in-law. During my one week stay at her home just after marriage, I circled around her and crossed her path as much as I can. My eyes got always fixed on her mobile milk packet boobs. I secretly admired and measured its size with my eyes. I felt her blouse is straining from constraining her heavy boobs and that it might tear open any time soon. The first real chance of admiring her boobs in close quarters occurred when she was serving food on the table. She was standing by my right side and serving food across the table to her husband. In the process she stretched out her body hiding my eye contact from others. I took it as an opportunity to steal a glance behind her open side pallu where I could see her constrained heavy boobs inside blouse. I was just may be 30 cm or so away from her and in this close quarters I remember seeing the bulge of her nipples over her blouse tip. In the pressure of the boobs from within, I could even see the bulging seams of the blouse running across the perimeter of the bra cup. Below her towering boobs the fleshiness of her belly could also be felt. That was the first glimpse of my mother-in-law’s asset. After that I remember several occasions where I tried to get more close-up glimpse of her assets, either from side, corner, over the head, or even from a bottom angle. I tried the bottom angle while she was getting down from the stairs. The view felt great at that time and her whole asset shakes while she took each steps.

I still remember fresh another incident where her buttocks accidentally got squeezed against my palm nailing it to the wall. Her soft ass cheeks still felt great on my palm. That also happened around my marriage days. The other incident I had with her occurred on my next visit. I was entering the dining hall when the mother-in-law entered simultaneously from a common bathroom. She was in normal dress, but still that image got etched in my mind. She was wet from the bath she had just now. Her face was dotted with droplets of water while her lips appeared reddish even without a lipstick. Her hair dripped of water indicating she has not dried well. She was in a red blouse matching her lips. It was wet at places. Looks like she had come out of the bathroom in haste and is moving towards her bedroom to change over. Think she was not expecting me at this time over there. She has only hastily put on a white thorthumunde (a thin piece of cloth made of loosely interwoven cotton thread) as pallu to hide her enormous boobs in red blouse. It was wet indicating she had used it to dry herself. Below she was in her white munde (cotton saree) which was also wet around the waist line by the down flowing water droplets. Her navel was hidden by her pallu, but her fleshy hips where protruding from both sides. She was holding her pallu with both hands. Our eyes locked on each other for a moment. None of us moved as if freeze by the moment. Then she, as if waken up from a dream suddenly found her feet and turned away from me and went to her room quickly. I watched her from side as she moved to her room. It felt great to watch her wet darkened red blouse just around her side boobs. I felt it bounced more while she walked. Probably she is not wearing any bra underneath. My inference was proved right as I didn’t see any bra strap projections or silhouette on her blouse. The whole scene made my cock rock hard.

That was the last and only chance encounter I had with her while she was in India. Then my wife became pregnant and later the death of her father brought her mother to US. It was a month back that we picked her up from the airport. And I was delighted as always to see the mother-in-law of my dreams once again. She was in white chiffon saree and black blouse. My wife made my mother-in-law sit in the front side seat so that she gets a good view of the city she is going to be in. And I got the lifetime chance of buckling the seat belt of my mother-in-law as she is not familiar with it. Though it took only a moment, it was an unforgettable act for me. Because that was the first real chance I got where I could bring my hands close enough to her body. I leaned towards her to pull out the seat buckle from the holder on the door side. My body hovered just over my mother-in-law’s body. I brought the seat buckle to the lock on left side of her seat. The belt squeezed on to her boobs while it stretched. I locked up the buckle to the seat. And then I ran my finger under the seat belt across her belly and pulling it a bit so that the belt ran across the middle of her chest instead of climbing the mountains of her boobs. Mother-in-law thanked me for helping her out. I told “Mom, you have to learn to use it when you are living here as the laws are strict here”. You must have wondered why I called her mom. Well I just follows how my wife calls her. She answered “I am not familiar with these seat buckles or the tangled belts. And I am not a good learner too. Looks like one of you have to help me out every time”. We both laughed at her while I committed in my mind to be her dedicated seat belt fastener. I prayed in my mind that she never learns to fasten seatbelts in her life. Since then it was me who always put on the strap for her whenever she rides with me in the car.

The days went by uneventful in US. My wife did some shopping for her mother and that is when she brought this jeans and T-shirt for her mother. She wanted to make her mother look urban in that. While I loved to see how sexy she will turn up in that dress. It took some time for my wife to convince her mother to put it on at least once. And it didn’t disappoint at all. At least to me. I have never ever seen my ‘Mommy’s’ chest without the screening of her pallu. For the first time her assets was put on display in just a plain white polo T-shirt and a right fitting jeans. And I could see that her assets stood out in every outfit she wears. And it was not sagging and stood out straight. The T-shirt was brought for a small group picnic to nearby water hole at Barron Fork Creek where we were able to persuade mother-in-law to get into the cold water. As we enjoyed water was splashed on to her white t-shirt revealing the silhouette of her assets inside and the contour of her black bra. The impression of her nipple stick out on to the T-shirt, which only a trained eye like mine could have noticed in the fuss. And I forgot to mention her booty revealed in jeans. Her dripping booty gave a woo woo reaction from me. It swayed and shook whenever she walked. But that was the only time she wore that dress. As she was not comfortable in such dress, I never saw her wearing that again.

My wife was into the 9th month of her pregnancy when I got my real treat of a life time. I came back from my work rather early and found my wife and mom to be in the bathroom. My mother-in-law has this duty of giving Ayurveda bath to my wife with the medicines she brought from India. And looked like they were into one such detailed bathing session. I was standing by the reading stand looking into Times magazine when the door from the bedroom opened up and my mother-in-law came out from it. She was in a hurry and seemed to be intended to go to the kitchen. She seemed to be going to heat up a pot of water which she was carrying in her hand. She stopped on seeing me on the way. She was surprised and shied to see me. And she has every right to be shy. Because that was the killer look she was giving. She was clad in a white blouse and white munde (cotton sheet draped around the waist) and no pallu to cover her bosom. She was sweating probably by the steamy water she was handling. So her white blouse is drenched at places revealing the skin color and the black bra underneath. The pointed tip of the blouse felt sharper when she is wearing it.

Above her blouse her deep fleshy cleavages was visible in open. That was the first time I was seeing her cleavage and her full blouse in open. That too after a long two years of craving. Several images of cleavages of actress went through my mind. This one seem to be far superior to any of those. And I felt very disappointed that I had to wait this many years to see this magnificent beauty. Below her navel was exposed to me for the first time without any hindrance. It was deep and fleshy enough to hold my thumb finger. Her mundu was tied just below the navel and a thorthe munde which can double as a pallu is tied along with it on her waist. She was visibly disturbed. Since her both hands are occupied with the pot filled with water, she doesn’t have any means to hide her assets. She was frozen for a second and then tried to move on. I too was dumbstruck for a moment then regained my senses enough to ask her something silly. My question made her stop and answer, out of courtesy and not by compulsion. But I didn’t let her go and asked more questions just that she stays some more time to feed my eyes. Finally she managed to get out of my gaze into the kitchen. When she returned she had her thorthu munde on pallu’s place and quickly moved to the bedroom.

That incident changed me. My attitude towards my mother-in-law till then was that of a naughty son-in-law who have fantasies about her and loves to steal hidden glances at mother-in-law’s no-no places. But now I started to crave for sex with her. I wished to violate her body. And that changed my approach towards her. But still I didn’t know how to proceed with her. From my wife’s 9th month pregnancy onwards I started sleeping in a different room leaving mother-in-law to attend my wife in wee hours. And those lonely bed times kindled my interest in my mother-in-law. I was starving for sex and it was my mother-in-law’s image which was coming to my mind instead of my wife.

At this point I would like to make a comparison of my wife and my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law was what all my wife is not. My wife was a fare but lean girl, which didn’t suit my taste of being voluptuous. But my mother-in-law was fleshy voluptuous women of my wet dreams. Though she is not that fare as her daughter, still she was the women of my lust. I used to wonder why my wife is lean while her mother and mother’s sisters are all fleshy and voluptuous. I got the answer to this riddle rather late when I got to see the photos of late sisters of my father-in-law, who were all very lean and thin. Any way my family selected my wife based on her education and social status and her inheritor status. So I was left with no other choice other than to live with my wife of poor choice. But now I feel my life is not that bad when my mother-in-law is around. Only thing is I need to make a move. But that move was missing from me all these days.

It was on one of those days that I woke up in the middle of night due to lack of sleep and went out to take some water. I was surprised to find light in the hall and even more surprised to find my mother-in-law watching TV in this late hours. She was watching some serial in a local channel from our home state. The door to their bed room is bolted from outside to avoid the noise in the hall getting inside. Upon seeing me she quickly muted the TV and looked at me with a caught in the act face. I felt she was obviously ashamed from watching TV so late. I asked her “mom, why you stopped, you can continue watching. There is no problem”. Though I said that, she was still unable to take it lightly. She explained “This was one of the few serials that I used to watch when I was in India. I was missing this serial from the day I landed here. Fortunately I managed to find my channel. But since the telecast is beyond mid night I used to wake up at this time and watch”. I was dumbstruck. All these days my damsel was waking up mid night and I even didn’t know about it all the while. I felt bad about my missed chances. As she got relaxed with my presence around, I sat down on the couch near her. I declared as if to myself “I am not getting proper sleep so thought of watching TV for some time. She offered to change the channel for me. But I declined and said I will watch the serial with her. The serial was a soap opera and quiet boring to me. But her presence, a hand distant away was energizing for me all the while. I secretly glanced at her heaving chest and gulped in saliva. After the serial she went to sleep. This repeated for the days to follow where I too stayed awake with her. But I was unsure of how to proceed further. I tried to increase my skin contacts with her while handling remote control or sharing the couch. But beyond that I was clueless on how to proceed.

It was one such night that I got another opportunity. She was complaining about the difficulty in waking up at night as her sleep is getting affected. It was then that I thought about the possibility of the channel being available online in the net. I immediately went and took my lap top and sat by her side. I told her about the possibility of finding her channel on net. “If it is there, then you won’t have to stay awake in the night. I will teach you, how to view it” I told. I took the laptop and sat close to her and placed it half on my lap and hers. My shoulders touched hers, while my hand brushed by her side. I opened up and searched for the channel and then the program. Fortunately I got the program. The latest episode available is one less than the current episode playing. So that means, today I can get yesterday’s serial episode. Nevertheless I played to her the yesterday’s episode, though she had watched it before. She was impressed by the fast-forward option it offered. Then I tried explaining her controls and we watched the episode together once again. And to my amazement she watched its entire length with full interest, as if it is the first time she is seeing. I praised the women folk for their patience in watching such serials. Though serials had almost nil creative value unlike cinemas, the contents are equally groping based on family affairs, relationships etc. In the span of few days that I watched the serial, I understood that serials showed a variety of topics including how illicit relationships happens in families, like how husbands cheat on wife and how wife’s go after relationship outside marriage. I wondered why in spite of seeing serials like this, why my mother-in-law is not trying for any relationship with me.

Hmm, coming back to the subject, we watched the serial in laptop while our bodies were in contact. Her outward curved booty became a hand rest for me. Though that day gave me some ‘touching’ moments like that with her, I wasn’t able to carry on the momentum for the day. But the next day morning luck came knocking at my doors. She called me and asked if I could set up the serial for her on the laptop. Though I had explained to her yesterday on how to do it, I was more than happy to explain again. Especially since my wife is out for a walk n chat with her friends at Norman Park 1 hr drive away. We sat on the couch and this time I placed the laptop on mom’s lap. I instructed her once again. I took her fingers in mine to feel for the power switch. Her towering boobs hid part of the laptop screen from my view. I made her type the password etc. When she erred, I pinched her inner arm playfully. My hand liberally held her soft hand in disguise of teaching. Well that also meant I held her inner arm in mine and so strategically one step closer to her prized asset inside blouse. I had a great hardon. But beyond that I don’t know how to proceed and I just beat around the bush. I tried different positions to touch feel her. I stood around and tried helping her from behind by taking my hands from either side of her body from chest level to work on the key pads. But nothing worked out leaving me in heat, exhausted and tormented. Even though she was a poor learner with computer and gave me more such opportunities to hang around her, nothing worked out of because of lack of guts in me.

Later on I even tried to get into more awkward situation with her as she gets out from bath. But that too never worked out. Soon I started resigning to the fact that she is not my cup of tea. Especially when my father came to stay with us when my wife is in the final week of pregnancy. That left us with even lesser privacy and so even lesser chances. He will be here for two weeks before he leaves back to India (my mother died in my childhood leaving my father to be my sole caretaker). So that made me concentrate into the roles of an expecting father, taking care of my wife, seeing to her needs etc. Soon my wife was admitted to the hospital and I and father took turns to visit her while mother-in-law stayed with her throughout. In the second day of admittance, early morning, my wife delivered a baby girl. We were all happy and we took turns to see the baby. By around 5 in the morning my wife and the baby was brought to the room. I felt my mother-in-law was the happiest person, going by the expression in her face. Definitely she deserves to be, by looking at the effort she took to take care of my wife. Especially in the past two days when she stayed over in the hospital continuously. It was my wife who first suggested that mother-in-law be taken to home so that she can get refreshed and come back. So I bid farewell to my wife and the newborn, and went home with my mother-in-law. I was brimming with happiness at how everything went fine. When I looked at mother-in-law, she seemed to be bit tired and sleepy.

We soon reached home. Mother-in-law went to her room upstairs while I relaxed on the couch thinking about my daughter’s face. I was at bliss with myself. I don’t know how much time I spent like that sitting idle. It took some sounds with door closing to bring me back from my daydreams. I sensed that mother-in-law is should be coming downstairs any time soon. After a moment, there I saw my mother-in-law at the beginning of the steps. Her tired look had faded away. She had taken her bath and applied some cosmetics and light lipsticks (first time I am seeing her with lipstick after her husband’s death). Her hair is wet but combed neatly. She was dressed in a black blouse and a simple white chiffon saree, which is slightly see through. Though she was in a simple dress, she looked amazingly voluptuous to me. She was adjusting her dress at the top of the stairs. Pulling up the saree a bit here and there as if not satisfied with being just voluptuous. May be she wanted to look the most beautiful when her granddaughter opens her eyes and looks at her. She was having a small black purse in her hand. And holding that purse she raised her hands behind her head to adjust her hair to bring it in line with her grooming. That act of hers raised her whole chest level to her chin level. Her enormous chest got projected out and had come parallel to the ground level. And there I started getting that high feeling once again. Image of my daughter faded from my mind. My hardened cock brought in memories of my mother-in-law in her wet red blouse, munde, white blouse with cleavage and navel. My mind lost focus. My eyes strained into her standing out boobs, her reddened lips. Her short blouse sleeve barely covered her armpit covered.

She without seeing any of my reactions finished up with her adjustments and then started climbing down the stairs. In fact she was running down the stairs to get to the hospital fast. Then suddenly she unexpectedly stepped on her pallu end which was hanging loose. She lost her balance. With a cry she came down falling. I had every single frame etched in my mind. It was her fourth step or so from ground when she lost balance. She came down falling with her hands extended out, her boobs high in the air, her pallu stretched out from her stamping. Her purse been thrown off her hand. I was getting up from the couch and taking my step towards the stairs when this happened. My immediate reaction was to raise my hand to catch her. And it was a perfect landing for her in my hand. I got hold of her by her underarms, grabbing her by her armpit. Though my hands took much part of her weight, she still fell on me by her chest. It was the first touch of her boobs on me. Her pallu had dropped down in the process baring her in just her blouse. Her boobs squeezed on to my chest in her weight. Unable to hold her weight from the impact, I took few steps backward. Her feet should still be in the air or just touching the ground. As I stepped back, my leg hit upon the sofa leg. I toppled backward onto the spread out sofa. Along with me she fell on to the sofa directly over me. I was still holding her by her arm. And as I hit on the sofa my hand which was holding her slipped, making my chest take up the full impact of her. I involuntarily embraced her in my hands. My fingers touched her bare back above her low cut blouse. Her legs where bit spread out making up home for my legs inside. Her saree clad thighs and her pubic area brought in warmth to my cock. While her chest which was at chin level with me with its vertical boobs striking straight at my shoulder blades mellowed my sole. My eyes stole a glance of the table top like boobs below my eye level. My hand which was holding her back side involuntarily moved towards the side, moving over to her side boobs. My hand rested there for a moment enjoying the soft feel of it. I felt at heaven for a second. But the depth of my action began to register in me later only.

Coming to senses, I immediately withdrew my hands. I was horrified and wondered how my mother-in-law will take it. She was still over me with her head facing down my shoulder. I thought about the possibilities of getting up and escaping from this sensuous situation. But I found myself in the confines of her body. Her weight pinned me down while her hand embraced me slightly. I tried to move her gently. But to my surprise she clung on to me harder. I was bewildered and looked in her direction with a confused face. She raised her head and turned towards me. Her eyes were blank giving no indication about her state of mind. She opened her mouth as if to say something. But surprising me yet again, she caught my mouth in a French kiss. Her move was sudden and unexpected. I fell for her lips and got myself forget my surroundings. I never even knew that my mother-in-law could give a passionate French kiss like this. Her lips sucked out the life in me. It lasted for a good thirty seconds after which she released me from the lip lock. I was still sucking in her lips when she stopped. For a moment I didn’t know what to do. Then out of the situation I asked “Is it not wrong for us to be doing this”. Even while saying I know I had no dedication to my words. She instead of giving any reply, took my lips once again in her mouth. After another few seconds of lip lock, she released me and told “I don’t know son. I just couldn’t stop myself from doing it when I came so close to your face. And your hands electrified me”. There was a pause between her words. In this close view point I could see the light makeup on her face, the red swelling lips, and its moistness from the lip lock we just had. She continued after a pause “I will stop from violating you again. I am sorry about it”. Saying this she showed the intention of getting up. But this time I confined her in my arms. Before she could say anything further I took her in lip lock once again. This time it was me who forced my tongue into her red apple tasting lipstick coated lips to explore her mouth. While our tongues twisted, our heads turned in passionate deep kiss. She held my head from behind as a support. Her legs spread out even further putting more pressure on my cock. I brought my hands to hold her cheeks. Her boobs which were resting on my chest hit upon my fore arms. Her cleavage became visible. We lied like that for some good time until she gentle broke the kiss. She raised herself on her arms breaking the embrace of my chest with hers. Her big cleavage san the pallu lay open before my eyes.

Then it was a silent moment between us. She broke the silence by asking “Hari, I think we did something wrong which we will have to repent for lifelong”. I consoled her by putting forward my sex theory “Nothing is wrong as long as we enjoy it”. Mother-in-law while still on top of my body with her elbow kneeled down expressed concerns of her destroying my married life. At this point I revealed to her about my unsatisfactory relationship with my wife and how my mother-in-law became my dream figure. I told “Mom, it was you who occupied my mind rather than my wife the first time I came to see. In fact you personified my image of a voluptuous women. Every time when I saw you I felt that heaviness in me. I felt my legs going limb by the sight of your voluptuous figure. I used to eye you more than any other figure I met in my life. I used to wonder as to why I didn’t get a chance to marry you, so that I can worship your figure day and night. Though I love my wife a lot, she is not able to give me the satisfaction I desired for, even before conceiving. When I am starved of a sexual relationship, whom else will figure in my mind other than you, my dream girl. I didn’t try to go on bed with any of the American office mates here. Because they are not my type. In fact you are the only one I adore”. My mother-in-law listened to me in full earnest. She seemed to be rather pleased with my statement of crush for her beauty. She was in half sitting position above me with her legs on either side of my pelvis. She in a wave of impulse took my head in her arms and thrusted it onto her bosom in open affection. My face got immersed in her fleshiness. I hugged her, inhaling the sweet scent of her bosom. My nose dug into the cleavage of her bosom. My fingers again went to her side boobs where I applied pressure gently. My fingers dug into her bosom, while my mouth found its place between her tits. It was an intense embrace where only two people in fire could make. She slowly released me from embrace and came to sitting position. Her bottom hit upon my crouch between the junction of her legs and pussy making up a comfortable warm incubation chamber for my hardon.

She said “I don’t want my daughter’s married life be threatened by my son-in-law going after other girls in US. For that I will do anything to satisfy you at home and thereby make your married life colorful. I don’t want my son-in-law’s life to be deprived of sex. I want you to find home where home is. And this is it son, you are just under it”. It took me a second to realize that she was offering herself to me in exchange of my continued life with her daughter. I was more than willing to take up that offer. And I immediately took her in my hands and turned around to have me on top of her, entangled in her warm embrace. And I went all out to kiss her another round. But she held back for a second and asked me “You should promise that you will never leave my daughter”. I replied “I will promise. But you should promise to me in return that you will never leave us from here and that you will always be there to keep me warm”. She replied saying “I do promise”. And added “As a matter of fact, why should I leave now when what I feared as well as loved is already happening now”. With that we went into another round of hugging and kissing and this time I pinned her down to the sofa. I released my legs which where in-between the warmth of her legs till now. I grasped her legs in mine, giving my cock a different ambience of feel and warmth.

I felt that uncontrollable urge to deflower her. But she was the one who first initiated. She tugged on my T-shirt and removed it over my head, making me naked in the top half. She scratched her finger nails over my nipples sending an erotic sensation across my body. She kneaded my nipple and told “Son Hari, I had seen you eyeing me the first day you came for engagement. Since then I had seen you eyeing me several times. Initially I thought it as just any man’s basic instinct to be eyeing any women around them. But soon I felt the crush you had on my body. I first felt horny by your looks at me when you once caught me outside the bathroom. Since then whenever I had your presence around me I always used to feel horny. And my feelings got worsened with my poor sex life with my husband. Now that when you are right on top of me, the horniness in me is overflowing like no ends.” I felt happy by her words and decided to spare no more time. I unbuckled my belt and undressed myself into my undies. My cock strained inside my white undies. Looking down from her leg side I felt she is even more beautiful in just her blouse and saree without pallu on. Her deep navel prominently showed up in the shadows of light. “I never thought you would be this excited to see an old woman like me” she said that by looking at my face and then the hardness down. She touched my cock with her feet in appreciation. “You have such a big cock for your frail body. I was more than impressed by your macho” she told. I beamed in delight by her praise. I decided to undo her, but wondered where to start from. Sensing my confusion, she offered to unbutton herself. She started off the first hook of her blouse. But I joined in with her as I don’t want to lose this golden opportunity. With a laugh she watched me tumble on her hooks. I unhooked her three hooks and parted the blouse to the sides to reveal her beautiful boobs in white bra. From a low angle it looked like Mount Everest topped with ice cap. I could now see her cleavage running deeper into her chest with only a thin junction of her bra cups separating her upper cleavage and under boob cleavage

I tugged down at her petticoat and the saree wound around it. She told “Easy, easy, don’t tear down my dress. I will remove it.” I manage to pull out only the knot of her saree on her waist. She untied her petticoat and dragged it down her legs to reveal her beautiful thick white legs and black panties. As I waited for her to take off the rest, she told “Remove your undies first as I wanted to see your other face when I reveal myself to you”. I felt excited. I also felt sad that her daughter didn’t get any of her play skills or the physical figure. I removed my undies to show of my magnificent snake proudly. It sprang out like ready to bite on. She was impressed by the first look of my cock which pointed straight out into air in front of her thighs. She dragged down her panties to reveal a neatly kept pussy valley with short hairs. The two half’s of her pussy swelled out showing the depression in between them very well. The short pussy hairs shined, indicating they are wet from her fluids. I helped her remove the rolled down panties from her legs under me. She then removed her blouse and brought her hands behind to unbuckle her bra clips. As she was lying down, her boobs raised above her head level when she did that. Her side boobs swelled out from the side of her bra. After unclasping the buckle, she removed her bra cup from her body to reveal her forbidden mountains. Even though you may have watched boobs innumerable times over computer or even in person, a fresh pair always has its new ambience. And when that fresh pair is something gorgeous in comparison to the plan valley of my wife, it will always be special. And here I am watching a beautiful pair of un-sagging large asset with comparable large nipples. The ring of skin surrounding her nipple was small and light brown color compared to the background of her dusky skin. Her globes swayed as she moved around on the sofa. I watched her boobs awe struck. In the high spirit I had failed to notice that my cock had settled down comfortably between her squeezed down thighs. She watched all these intensively and she woke me up from my thoughts by squeezing up her legs and thereby giving a nice compression to my cock. She said “I never thought you would be this much excited by seeing an old women like me. I am honored”. I smiled and sheepishly replied “It is me who is blessed. I like the women in their mid-ages the most. And in front of a voluptuous women like you, I am helpless”.

Saying that I moved my hips along her inside leg channel, thereby rubbing my cock against her thighs. It felt great. I dropped over her body once again, this time taking her bare assets in my hand. I squeezed her naked boobs and mauled her tits. I sucked her right tits while I kneaded her left. Jacking her legs has made my cock find its way into the depths of her thighs. So I already started getting a feel of fucking her. Her hands held my buttocks aiding me in my action. My tongue moved to her cleavage licking all over there. Soon I found myself tasting her apple flavor coated lips once again. Down, her one hand has moved from my buttocks in search of my tool which is digging in her. She got hold of my cock by its stem. She held it loosely letting it slide along her fingers in my humping action. It gave a high feeling to me. But she didn’t keep it for too long as she dug out my tool from in-between her thighs. She planned to take it to her pusssy to feed her pussy mouth. I slowed down my humping so that she could steady my cock over her pussy hole. My cock head kissed on her pussy hole and started making small inroads into it. Once around half of my cock was inside her, I could drive it all the way into her without the support of her hand. She let out a small cry in appreciation of my tool. Her hole was tighter than what I expected. I told her “You are tighter than your daughters! How you keep yourself fit like this?” I was asking this while I fucked. She, without pausing her actions replied “It is called perseverance, or in other words the situation of being left without being unattended for years”. While she said that I felt the sadness in her words for being deprived of sexual life all these years. I decided to go all out to satisfy her.

And I fucked her deep inside. Our bodies entwined to become one. The sweat on her body mixed with mine lubricating our body in the process. My body glided over hers increasing the pleasure points in me. I could feel her already wet love hole becoming superfluous. She is building up an orgasm. I too increased my speed to match with her orgasm. Soon we cummed together. It was a long lasting discharge of cum that came out from me. When the high feel started to subside in me I realized the gross mistake I did. I asked her “Will I make you pregnant”. Seeing my ignorance, she laughed. “You silly son-in-law, don’t worry. You can’t make a women pregnant after menopause”. I stayed on top of her like that till I got relaxed. Then I took out my cum coated cock and wiped it clean. I wished to go for another round. But looking at the watch I decided otherwise. I told “It is been two hours since we came here. I think we should return now to the hospital less that your daughter sends a search party for us”. Saying that we quickly dressed up and returned to hospital. But it was not before I gave one more squeeze to the enormous boobs of my mother-in-law. I helped myself by dressing up the mother-in-law with my own hands. It felt great to squeeze her boobs once more from the confines of her saree and blouse. I gave her another kiss once we got inside car.

Though it was me who decided not to have another round of fucking before we went for hospital, I since then repented that decision. Because it took another 3 months for me to get a proper chance to fuck my mother-in-law. Though I got enough opportunities to fondle, maul, finger her body, I couldn’t indulge in a full fuck as my wife was always around us. Even in the night my child may cry waking up my wife. So only after 3 months did I have my next fuck with her. I remember that second fuck being done in the bathroom in my favorite dress of hers, the red blouse and munde! It took till the 4th month after delivery that my wife started going for her work again. From that point onwards my sex life had changed from that of a once in a blue moon sex to almost daily whacking. From a point of my mother-in-law helping me out in relieving my sexual tensions, the sex life had changed to a point where I helped her out in relieving all her bottled up sexual tensions. And she in turn opened to me new world of sexual plays and forbidden love. She showed me how interesting a boob fuck can be and how exciting to have the women on top while doing sex. I made her wore that T-shirt and jeans for me while in our private time and I used to jack her ass in that dress. At that time I use my hands to get underneath her tees and grope her boobs inside out.

With time, as if for the sake of all persuasion from us, my mother-in-law have openly agreed to her daughter that she will stay with us for lifelong in US. My wife took it as the success of her bond with her mother, while I knew it is just the pure passion for sex and my cock. I readied myself for more sleepless nights with my mother-in-law in the years to follow. Yeah Dil mange more!

Hope you all liked this story. For other stories from me, search with the name writervpa in the site. For any comments and feedback, write to me at [email protected] or you can submit feedback on the site. Women who wanted to video chat with me can put in a mail at this id.

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