Virginity Lost To The Maid

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The year was 2002: I had come down to India for my engineering due to lack of sensible options in the Middle East. I was then staying with my grandmother and 2 brothers (one younger and the other older). The older was a cousin, stayed with and tried to find a job in marketing. The younger was studying in commerce. It was 2003 when she first stepped in. She was to work in her mother’s stead. Given that we were 3 growing guys, the pressure on her was huge. She had the assistance of my mother, who would frequent us from time to time.

At the time, there was no one in my life. The only way of getting rid of the hormones was either self satisfaction or playing out on the ground at back. This had become a regular affair. She initially didn’t take notice of us too much, busy with her work and occasionally chatting with my granny. Once she was comfortable, she did interact a lot with all of us. We all didn’t like the elder brother as his attitude was and still is crap. This was common footing for all of us to connect on.

Now with no evil intention in mind, I started to interact with her more. I would return from football earlier than my brother. The topic would barely be anything of relevance. We would discuss her family issues, about things she wanted to do, barely anything about me. She did ask me about whether I had anyone when I initiated the question. For both the answer was no.

With the sheer lack of any decent interaction in college, I found her the best outlet to discuss and talk about anything. I initiated the next steps by holding her hand while cooking; all the while wearing merely a white vest and boxers with nothing underneath. Her palms were a bit rough – understandably so with the adverse effects of washing too many dishes. I definitely felt something down there, but kept it to myself at the start.

The one thing that she could never stand was to be challenged. She would and still never backs down from a challenge. There were numerous occasions on which I would take this up and lose, just to see her bask in her glory. No this wasn’t love, this was an hidden ember of lust that was growing within me. An urge that wasn’t known to me. An urge only understood (maybe) by a virgin.

One fine evening, once again as we were alone at home, on her way out of the home, I (clad in my usual boxers n vest) asked her what she thought of me as I stood in her personal space. On saying this, and on being so close, I started getting a raging boner. This was something that she noticed. It was then that I asked her, neigh, I challenged her to touch it. She wasn’t dumb, she took her time to talk and said, I ll think about this challenge and complemented me. This was too much for me, I just dove in not worrying about the repercussions. I wanted to feel her lips, her body, her skin. The first kiss was right under the yellow bulb in hall right in front of the door and TV. It lasted for a few minutes and she felt my hardness too, while I felt her firm yet supple ass. Alas, this lasted only a few minutes as my granny came back from her evening walk.

The cat was now out of the bag. We both knew what we wanted. We both knew what we needed. But both being virgins, didn’t know how to go about it. The right opportunity took a while to present itself. In the meanwhile, she started making more efforts toward the house. She even started coming early for breakfast. This was something I liked since I would be the only one awake in the morning. We used to feel each other up, snog a bit until granny would get up.

Initially, I was afraid to take the next step given that she was a maid after all, not sure of what her medical history was. But she had finished her grade 12 a while back so she could understand my concern. She assured me that nothing was wrong with her and that no one has ever been with her. Now for every person on this planet, to hear that your partner has never been with another person is music to ones ears.

We all loved her thepalas very much. So much so, that we would even get them packed for a holiday. One fine day, we were headed off on vacation to Middle East. As per custom, we would request her to make the thepalas. However, she started working another job, and hence couldn’t make it in the morning. She committed to coming home late in the evening to make this for us. However, her mother was concerned given the area they lived in, wouldn’t be safe for her to return late in the evening. My granny n us offered her to stay over for the night. I hadn’t thought of it at much initially. By 11, everyone was bushed; my granny was lights out by 10pm itself.

It was around 2am that I got up. Not sure whether by luck or not. But once I was up, my mind went straight towards the fact that she was in the next room, sleeping. This was the chance (a risky one at that) that we might have been looking for. My mind went into overdrive. I started pacing up and down the short corridor, wondering if I should make my move.

I tested the noise levels out by going into the kitchen on the pretext of drinking water and returned to see that everyone was sound asleep. I tiptoed toward the hall and slowly bent down to hug her. She almost yelped but had a quick recovery. I went back to the room to check if everyone else was still asleep. The coast was clear, there was more to this night than previously imagined. I quick toed back to the hall to continue what I started. I start feeling her lips with mine, both still relatively new at all this.

I was interested in feeling her down there, exploring her body more. My hands were now freely roaming her entire body and she was enjoying scratching my body. I removed her salwar and then undid her bra to finally be able to suck on those lovely melons. I could barely see anything in the dark, but the silhouette was enough to suggest the lovely contour and color of the nipples. Our kisses started going all over each other’s body. We definitely wanted more but didn’t know what.

I took the initiative of removing the bottom half of the salwar and she automatically went for my boxers. It almost felt like we both kinda knew what we wanted. I thrusted all of my manhood into her, only to hear her yelp a bit in pain, but she took it willingly and only a little tear escaped her cheek. It was only then I knew that we both ended each other’s virginities. We made as little noise as possible but humped each other’s brains out for all of 15mins. I knew my moment was close, so I pulled out, ran over to the loo, and unloaded a truck load of spunk. As i looked down on my manhood, I could see blood on it. I knew that I was now a man and she a woman.

I trust you liked reading this much, I have plenty more to share about my adventures with her and some others. Looking forward to your comments.

Virginity Lost To The Maid

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