Varsha Didi Lost Her Virginity

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This sex story was narrated to me by Varsha Didi.

Varsha was always a pretty girl. All the boys in the village had their eyes on her. Wherever she went, there was sure to be a set of boys hanging about to ogle at her.

Varsha was not unaware of the interest boys had in her. She didn’t mind the attention and, in fact, she enjoyed being the center of attraction. Her parents’ too were aware of the interest their daughter generated among the boys, so they kept a very close eye on her.

Over and over again her mother would tell her to be careful of the boys because they only wanted “one thing”; but she never came out and said what the “one thing” was.

Kundan was her uncle, her father’s younger brother. He was a strong, handsome man and took a lot of interest in Varsha. He was constantly getting her trinkets such as bangles and items of makeup. He was married to Khusbhoo, a homely looking woman. The couple was childless and that was a point of much discussion behind their backs.

It was Kundan who introduced Varsha to sex. One day, he was passing the house on his way back from the field. He seemed to be in a rush and Varsha called out to him, “What’s the hurry uncle?”

“Something important to do”, he said then stopped. “Actually, would you like to come with me?”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going home. I need to get the Tikki to mate with Takka.”

Tikki and Takka were Kundan’s Alsatian dogs. He would make them mate and sell their puppies.

“Let me tell mummy”, she said.

“Okay. But don’t tell her why we are going”, he said in a whisper.

“Why not?”

“She won’t let you come. It’s not something we show children.”

The idea of doing something secretive was exciting and the young girl jumped at the idea. She followed her uncle to his home which was not far from her home. Kundan went around the back and first brought Tikki, the male, out. He led her to a large room and let him free.

“He needs to get used to the place. See how he is marking his territory.”

Varsha noticed the dog running around and sniffing at various corners. At each of these places, he shot a jet of urine before moving on to the next location.

“I have been bringing him to this room for the last two weeks. When Takka comes in here, she will be walking into his territory. Only then she will be timid and docile enough to let him mate with her.”

Varsha listened to her uncle’s words and watched the dog in awe. He seemed so earnest and into what he was doing. It was almost as if he knew what was coming.

“The male likes to be in control of a situation. A female likes the male to be in control. It is the same in all species, including humans. Don’t you find yourself attracted to men who are strong, both physically and mentally?”

He looked at her. She felt a blush glowing on her cheeks. She looked down, averting her eyes from his deep penetrating gaze.

“Don’t you?” he asked again.

She nodded.

She felt his fingers under her chin, lifting her head so she had to look into his eyes again.

“Don’t be shy. Being attracted to men is nothing wrong. As a woman, and you are a woman now, it is a normal feeling. Don’t be shy to express it.”

Then, he let go of her chin and she averted her gaze. Between her legs, she could feel a fierce heat building up. She looked between her legs to see if it was, maybe, glowing red like an iron rod in a furnace. She was thankful that there were no overt signs of her heat.

“Come. Time to bring in the heroine of the show.”

Then, he went out and he got Takka from her cage. He led her to the room. As soon as she entered, Takka lay down, her forelegs in front of her and her hind legs tucked under her. It was as if she was prostrating before her master.

Tikki came bounding over and walked around her, sniffing her. All the while, he was growling a low gentle growl. Slowly, she stood up and let him sniff her ass. Then he came around and their lips met, their tongues snaking out and lapping at each other.

Between her legs, Varsha felt her juices flowing. She could smell her sex. She wondered if, next to her, Kundan could smell her too. She didn’t think there was any way he could miss the unmistakable scent coming from her.


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In the middle of the room, after a few attempts to keep the horny male away, Takka submitted. Tikki mounted her and began to fuck her with a furious pace.

Varsha wished she could reach between her legs and touch herself, to let out the feelings that were running around inside her. She looked sideways at Kundan and noticed that his hand was inside his dhoti. It was moving back and forth, in a gentle, slow, measured rhythm. She knew what he was doing. She had seen her brother’s jerk off at night.

The howling of the dogs cut into her thoughts. They were done and now they were trying to pull apart. After the initial struggle, they settled into a wait.

“How strange Mother Nature’s ways are”, Kundan noted. “She locks his penis inside her cunt so that his sperm gets a chance to travel into her womb, thereby increasing her chances of conceiving. Truly remarkable, no?”

She nodded absently and continued to stare at the dogs. She was scared to look at her uncle. But when she felt his hand on her thigh, she almost jumped.

He slid off the bench they were sitting in and brought his nose to her crotch – sniffing her. Without realizing it, she spread her legs and watched helplessly as he raised her skirt. He put his head between her legs and continued to sniff at her cunt.

She was sure he could see her juices around her cunt. He went closer. She felt his tongue on her clit. She moaned. It was a cry from deep within her. A need had been awoken inside of her and all she could think of was having something hard between her legs, inside her cunt. She leaned back on the wall and spread her legs in invitation.

Kundan knelt before her, and from within the folds of his dhoti, he brought out his penis. It was hard and ready. She felt him place it at the entrance of her cunt. Then he began to rub it up and down.

“Put it in”, she wanted to scream at him. But she just moaned. It was a moan that begged and pleaded for him to fuck her.

He didn’t disappoint. His penis slid easily into her wet cunt. As it tore through her hymen, she felt a pinch and she yelped.

“It’s okay. That’s because it’s the first time”, he reassured her.

Then, he began to move. It was heavenly. She took in a noisy breath as his penis buried itself inside her. Then he began to thrust in and out of her. Each stroke sending shivers through her body.

She moaned as her body seemed to take on a life quite apart from the one that listened to her brains.

His thrusts were firm and urgent. She kept her legs spread wide so he could reach in all the way. Suddenly he tensed up. This was followed by a warm feeling inside her cunt, then something else that she couldn’t define. She squeezed her legs around him. She moaned. She wanted to scream. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. It came in waves. As each wave hit her, Kundan thrust deep into her. She moaned.

Finally, it was done. She felt spent. She felt weak. She also felt guilty.

She felt his pull out of her cunt.

“How was it?” he asked as he wiped his penis with the edge of his dhoti.

“I don’t know”, she replied. “It was great while we were doing it, but I feel dirty now.”

“Nothing dirty about it”, he said. Once again, he knelt before her, but this time so he was looking into her eyes. “Sex is the most amazing feeling in the world. At least, good sex is. It is also the most natural. Most people don’t understand that. So keep this between us and we can enjoy it for a long time. If you tell anyone, I will be driven out and we will have to stop.”

She shook her head. “I won’t tell. I promise.”

“Good girl”, he said and then he kissed her.

At first, she kept her lips together, but then slowly she parted them. It was amazing when his tongue pushed into her mouth. She moaned as she felt things she had never experienced before.

Then, both got up and he put the dogs back in their cages. As she walked home, she felt his cum drip down between her legs. On the way, she stopped at the stream that divided her father’s land from his brother’s and washed her cunt and the insides of her thighs. As she touched her cunt, she felt a bit of the thrill she had felt earlier.

She knew she wanted more. “Nothing dirty about it”, he said. Once again, he knelt before her, but this time so he was looking into her eyes. “Sex is the most amazing feeling in the world. At least, good sex is.

It is also the most natural. Most people don’t understand that. So keep this between us and we can enjoy it for a long time. If you tell anyone, I will be driven out and we will have to stop.”

She shook her head. “I won’t tell. I promise.”

“Good girl”, he said and then he kissed her.

She knew she wanted more. Thanks for reading the sex story.

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