Unsatisfied Nandini Got Satisfied – A Success Story

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First of all very big thanks to ISS. I have never expected such a overwhelming response for my previous from the readers. I thought girls, ladies and men reading the stories from this sites just for time pass, no I m wrong there really people who need help are also reading irrespective of age and gender. Great work from ISS and it really helps to express the sexual view, desires and solve problems.

In my previous story I had mentioned that I am open to give sexual suggestions for the people who are suffering from sexual issues such as Unsatisfied, speedy ejaculation etc. Asking solution I have got many mails, but here is one lady mailed me and achieved success in solving her problem. I am writing the conversion of mail and meeting happened later in the form of story. I m not mentioning her mail id and real name because of confidential.

She: Hi Rohan, I m Nandini from Bangalore. I am regular reader of ISS, I read your story yesterday, I don’t believe it is true because the dates are wrong. So you are a liar.

I: Hi Nindini, yes Dates were not correct because I wanted to be confidant from the point of that lady who I mentioned in the story.

Nandini: ok, I m college going girl, studying BE final year, I don’t know whether to tell to you or not, but since you r open to solve sexual issue and it seems even though your not a doctor but work as virtual sexual consultant. So I want tell my problem and need your help.

I: Sure Nandini, be open and tell me your problem, I will try to solve.

Nandini: I m 22, I m in love with a body. I love him lot. At the same time because of openness to internet and friends in hostel, I m very attracted to sex. But the guy whom I m loving bit conservative and scary about sex. I m having sex with him once in a 10 days, but I m feeling that I need sex for 4 days else I will not get concentration in study, can you help me.

I: Sure definitely I will help u, tell me how can I help u

Nandini: You may feel that I m too fast but I have to tell, I always need to with wild actions, he is not able to it. Some time my mind thinks to have sex other guys than my bf. Can you please have sex with me and satisfy if it is not harming to your married life, by that story I found that your have good stamina and taste of sex but your wife is not coping to you.

I: Nandini, yes I have good stamina and taste in sex, it is also true that my wife is of not my type and I m unsatisfied, the feeling of unsatisfied only made me work as sex consultant an help the needy people, but I cant accept your offer immediately instead, I need more info so that I can solve your problem. I know it is individual choice of having sex before marriage, some girls tell it is wrong and some girls says it is just a matter of satisfaction, I leave this to their individual views, I cant say which is wrong or write.

Coming to your desire of having sexing with other guy than your bf is not correct. Because, sex is not just for body, it is related to mind. If a guy or girl/lady sexually satisfied, he/she can do work with concentrated mind and it helps to achieved something, but having sex to unknown and too may guys lead some problem.

He might good in sex, but because of pregnancy and future he might be scary and reluctant for sex with u. Scary and reluctance make any men to under perform in bed. Can you try to get confirmation from his parents and your parents abt marriage. Then it will be easy for him to have sex with for 4 days once.

Nandini: hehehe, I though you’re writing stories to get girls or ladies mail ids for sex as other guys do, but your not, when I offer for sex, I though you will agree, but you did not, I trust you Rohan and it made me to tell real problem.

I: Thanks Nandini for trust, this what I expect from my readers.

Nandini: I not college going girl, I lied to test u. I m married to a guy, ours is arranged marriage, he is from big family, business man, nice innocent person. He is of 30 and I m at 26. He loves me, I love him. But problem is he grown up in business family, his father was a dictator for anything, so my husband is having very good knowledge in business, but not in life, not in understanding people minds, not in understanding my feelings. He buys me whatever I want but he never made me happy by giving himself to me 100%.

The things he buys for me will not make happy, they will not replace him right? Its been 1.5 years of marriage, but believe me from the day one we have sex once in a week, that too if I ask. He will be in office till 11 every day, I will go to office even in weekends sometimes, when I comes to office, it will be late and tired, he will go to sleep. While having sex too, since he is from conservative, he don’t go for wild sex but I like wild sex because I have seen many video when I was in hostel, after some days I come to know that he is not strong is sex, his penis(sorry I have to use direct words) 6 inch when erected, but it will not long lost. In 10 mins he will come. He stats kissing on my forehead, chicks, brushes my pussy with his hand, remove his pant, lifts my nighty do some strokes, and in 10 to 15 strokes he releases his cum, but at that I will be really expecting more and will be just arousing,

After he releases he will turn other side and sleeps without seeing me. He himself know he is not strong man in bed, he knew he is not satisfied me. This makes me highly unsatisfied and feeling like he try to have intercourse only for his satisfaction but not caring my feeling, body and I m like a sex toy for him. I was thinking things will change, and waited from marriage to till now, but nothing has changed, really I m unhappy inside but acting as happy wife outside. After thinking long time, after arguments with myself like u, I thought of having sex with other man, when I was reading story in ISS, I found u, after mail chat I trust u, you r the right person to respect me and my feelings, your the right person to maintain secrete and love making. Can you please having contact with me sexually, trust me it will not harm your marred life. Pls don’t mind and reply me.

I: Firstly I m surprised because of your sweet lay and secondly I m happy that you trust me and shared your story, but equally I m unhappy hearing your sadness. Again I m telling. I m hear to help your problems. If you r a girl, divorcee, widow or a wife having husband in abroad for so may years in such condition, I would have agreed to have sex and love making, because in their case things are not solvable without replacement but in your case things are solvable with your husband, first lets try to solve problem of your husband, your choice to have sex with sud be at last priority of your problem not solved with your husband, I feel legally and ethnically husband is right person to have sex with his wife and that is good, if husband is not there that is different questions.

Nandini: I respect your view, even I think exactly same like u, he is my husband, I love him, I cant leave him, that is reason I was waiting from 1.5 years, but the things have not change. Tell me what to do to solve my problem?

I: We are in the era we are chasing with time, we cant tell husband or wife don’t work and don’t chase the dreams, instead just sit in house and listen to wife or husband. Coming to your case. See since you r loving your husband and he loves you too, your half problem solved. Since you r staying with big and combined family you may not get comfortable time and free place. First talk to your mother in law and tell that, you and your husband are not getting enough time to be close and share your feelings and become one life and two solve. Being mother of your husband definitely she will understand your feeling because she is also a woman.

Ask her to take a week leave from his business, take him to vacation to his favorite place. Is it going solve your problem? No. This will help you to show the sex taste, show the taste of your body. Men mind is like kid mind when it comes to sex. If you offer lollypop up to a kid and if he likes the taste, next time onwards kid will listen to you get the lollypop pop, in fact he will cry, because the kid know the taste. So first show the taste. Remember 6 inch long penis is more than enough to have very good sex, because as per science, from the surface of vagina till three inch deep, there will be sensitive cell, they make a girl horny, excitements and arouse. If any objects rubs continuously they will make to release cum from vagina, so 6 inch is really enough. Since always he starts kissing and rubbing your pussy and stroking, it is boring for him and you because it is repeated, instead you take the lead, men like lady who take top on him in bed.

Remember there are 49 different position you get satisfaction from your husband without using his penis in your pussy. When you start sex this time follow like this.

Before going to vacation, try to make him eat onion more, if he does not like dry onion, put them in sambar or curry more. Ask him to eat banana more because while having sex, blood flow in penis is very important, banana help easy blood flow. Ask him to leave half centimeter beard. When you start sex, make sure dim light is on in your room and have check of camera if you rent a hotel room.

This time instead of him you start. Tell him your very strong, because of no privacy in home, you were cuming in 10 mins, but here it will not happen. He may think how do you know, tell him that in hostel most of the girls will watch and ready sex videos, it is common now a days, ask him to follow your instruction, tell him be open, your there to satisfy him and getting satisfied by him because sex is satisfying others then u. if there is AC in room, switch of because some time because of cold, penis will not release precume quickly. Make him lay on bed, start kissing on his eyes. Lick on his eyes, rub your chick on his chicks, because of his beard you will get electric feeling in your body, make him to kiss in your ear, you try to put your tongue in his ears, he will also do it same. Make him to kiss on your solders, get rub by his beard. Continue to kiss on his nose, now kiss on lips, take his upper lips, start licking it. It may be new so he may not respond. Don’t leave continue licking lower lips, he may respond now.

Slowly take his both lips in your mouth eat them. Leave for some time, role your tongue on his lips and again take both in your mouth eat rigorously. you will get vibrate in your body and in his also. Don’t think what he is thinking. Ask him how was it. He be new and may not speak anything, Ask him to do it to you now. While he is eating your lips, pus your tongue in his mouth, ask him to give his tongue, lick it with your tongue, pls with it, mix your saliva, tell him his saliva is sweet. By this time his penis will be erect. Press gently on pant. Now sit in his stomach, bit on his body, ask him to press your boobs, you bit his nipples, remove your top and bra, put your boob in his mouth, ask him to bit your nipple one by one, continue 5 mins, run your boobs on his face, cheek, beard, you pussy will be wet and ask for his hand. Now you lay on the bed, ask him to sit on your stomach, play with your body.

Now open his zip, take his penis in your hand. There will be precome, touch it by finger and taste it, being new he may object, but say it will be really good and it helps to get more bonding between wife and husband. Now circle on his penis by your hand, strong it slow. Tell him whenever he feels he is coming. When say he is coming stop stroking. Now remove your cloth and his cloth, make him sit on his nee, you stand up and ask him to smell your puss, he may say this is not our culture, tell me tell his that in Beluru, there are so many small status of silabalike, in that of you observe clearly there are so may statue who are licking penis and pussy, it means that this has done in India from century back only but no one talked. Tell him that pussy and penis are other part of body like hands legs, there is no wrong in touching and licking.

Ask him to touch your pussy by his tongue, by this time you not be in control, you will start pressing his head in your pussy, now ask him to stand and you take his penis in your mouth, if objects tell him that, his head of penis has very sensitive cell, they make him cum fastly, but by licking your saliva will make it bit insensitive, start licking it, apply lot of saliva, take till bottom of penis, give nice blow job, when he tell he is going to cum, stop. But this he will be at most satisfaction and he will be in heaven, Now you lie on bed, wide your legs. Ask him to rub your upper portion of your pussy by his finger, ask him to put index finder in your pussy slowly, ask his to stroke it.

Ask him to continue till you ejaculate cum. After that take some rest and now ask him to lick and stroke with his tongue, by this you will be in heaven, ask him to do it till you come. Now you lick his body, ball and penis, make sure that it is erect. Now ask him to put his two finger in your pussy and stock. Ask him after putting his fingers deep into your pussy, ask him to do his fingers in the way front legs of horse when it is in running.

It will surely make you cum again, now ask him to put is penis and stock how much force he has, ask him to cum inside only. Now you both will be heaven. After you both come, hug tightly and sleep, if you want repeat the same things in the morning after deep sleep. Bye for now mail me after you come to Bangalore.

Nandini: Rohan, really really thanks to u, it really worked, initially he was hesitant, but after that sex, he is confident and improving his stamina, I m really happy and satisfied. I want to meet u, pls don’t tell no. Pls tell me where sud I meet u.

I: Nandini, I m really happy that my suggestion worked well in your case and your happy. Ok Lets meet at jayanagar coffee day at 6 PM tomorrow, call me once you come there, here is my number(I gave my cell number)

I was waiting in coffee day half an hour before, a betiful lady got down from BMW, entered into coffee day and was searching for someone, she took her cell and called, it was ringing my cell, I picked the call and found that it was her call and waved her. She came with big smile

Nandini: Rohan you look handsome even thougur not so fair, nice body and any lady love u. Don’t know why your wife is not upto your mark, she is unlucky.

I smiled and said: that is ok, how are you and are you happy?

Nandini: Yes 100%, I never imagined I will find a friend like you by ISS, any way this is my small gift.

She gave me bundle, it has 500 notes, and it was around 30000. I was surprised

I: Nandini, I cant accept this money, I have not suggested for money but for u.

Nandini: I understand, this is not for your suggestion, pls accept it is my gift and I m selfish too.

I: What is the selfish

Nandini: See it may be surprise for u, but hv to accept this time. I have a friend who is of 30 years, but her husband died 3 years back, because of her culture she cant marry other but suffering from sexual scarcity, I think you got my point, she need u.

I: hmm ok, if it is not harming her,me and my wife I m ready but on one condition, I wont take this money now.

Nandini: Ok, but I will give you gift than.

I: Its your wish, ask her and mail me and give her cell number.

Then I left from there, I got Nandini as friend. Thanks to ISS

Mail me at [email protected] if you need any suggestions

Unsatisfied Nandini Got Satisfied – A Success Story

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