The True Story About Me And Neha – A Night To Remember – Part 1

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Greetings to the readers of Indian sex stories. This is drex with his first story to add into ISS treasures. Hope you will like it.its a big story and you might find it slow but I request you to be patience… To began somewhere..I guess we all have someone in our lives who triggers the sexual desire inside us.. Well this story is about her with 10% of fiction(writer liberty as u may say).. The story goes back when I was 18 going to a wedding.. Was too excited cause I was going to meet my cousin sister after 5 years.. Back then we used to live together.. She was 6 years elder then me but was always a sweetheart.. We used to spend all time together.. She had a best friend, I am unaware of her name.. Always used to come home at night stay over as they used to study together…and i always have to share bed with her with me in middle.. Hated that..

Anyway back to the story we reached there around 3 pm and everyone was getting ready for tilak rasam…met my Bua and exchanged few words as she complimented about my growth and all.. You know how Delhi Bua are like…all that time my eyes were searching for her…my sister.. To which I came to know that she is getting ready with her best friend Neha for the evening…Oh Yea Neha… Damn you!!anyway we went into the guest room and did the same..

Anyway the evening came…parents joined their group and my young bro joined his.. Leaving me alone looking around for my sis.. But I couldn’t.. Disappointed.. I focused on the rituals..Bro looked awesome…thinking about how fast these 5 years have gone by, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.. immediately Turned around knowing who m gonna see…there she was!! Standing with a smile big enough to count all her front teeth..”Wow!!” I thought and said at the same time…she has grown into aa women I never imagined and with that blood red Saree showing off slim belly and blossoms were mind blowing.. I dunno for how long I was numb until she hugged me tight…

I hugged her back complaining about my fail efforts to see her when suddenly I heard a sexy voice saying “Hey Handsome “.. Turned around knowing who it’s gonna be..and I was blown.. sis best friend..well I still can’t describe how gorgeous she was looking cause m blown every time I imagine her…guess my jaw were literally dropped she was a bombshell queen.. The Royal blue Saree and a little deep cut blouse can give anyone a hard on.. “it was her idea.. “ my sis said. “what? “.”Neha told me to avoid you to see how you react to that which I can never do so we agreed on observing you from a distance to see if you still care and still the same or have changed.but you didn’t! Love you!! “. “Neha and her stupid games! You should get over her sis “I said winking at Neha..Sis hit me hard on head and said”No m wrong…he has changed “. “yeaa he has matured unconditionally” Neha said and we all burst into laughter. Then my sister said let’s go to the pandal as the event is about to over…

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