True Love In Goa And Unexpected Sex

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Due to my writer’s block, I wasn’t able to write any new scripts lately. From the past couple of months I was really struggling to put pen to paper. I even lost a couple of projects because of this issue. I wasn’t ready to take any more. So I decided to go on a holiday, all alone and try to get my creativity back. By 5:00 pm, I directly went to the bus stop, bought a ticket and boarded the bus to Goa. It was a sleeper coach which had 2 berths combined on one side and a single berth on the other side. It was in the same for the upper berths also. I got a single lower berth at the far end of the bus. No one else still occupied the rest of the berths in my coupe. After 10 minutes the bus started moving. There was one more stop in the city before the bus gets onto the highway. I thought maybe the rest of the berths will be filled in the next stop. As I expected, a group of 5 girls entered the bus and got settled in my coupe. They appeared to be not of one age group. They looked between 19-26 years of age, but nevertheless each girl was hot in her own way. Being an introvert, I never looked at them. I was just in my own world thinking about my story which had to be completed within a week. By 10:30 pm, the bus reached a dhaba and stopped for dinner.

Everyone got down, except me and the group of girls. I was in no mood to have dinner, I had a few biscuit packets with me in case I felt hungry. The girls decided to get down and have some food. While getting off the bus, one of the girl requested me to look after their luggage. That was the first time I saw a face from that group. She was extremely pretty. I was completely mesmerized by her beauty. Like, shown in any Indian movies, I wasn’t able to hear anything, except her amazing lips moving. I just nodded to whatever she has told me. She turned and walked away to get off the bus. She had an awesome hourglass figure. She wore a black tight fit track pants and a pretty tight, white top. Her figure shape was clearly visible in her dress. Though I ogled at her figure, somehow my mind was thinking about her beautiful face. I was in a few relationships, before, but all of them were my friends who became my girlfriends. But this girl has made me fall in love at the first sight. I wasn’t able to think anything. After 15 minutes, everyone got into the bus. The girl, with whom I fell in love, came to me, thanked me and got onto the berth above me. I somehow wanted to start a conversation with her, but unfortunately she was sleeping on the berth above mine. If she would have slept on the berth beside me, it would have been easier. Meanwhile her friends got settled in the remaining berths and closed the curtains. But there was a slight gap between the curtains from which I could see a girl on the lower berth and another girl on the upper berth.

They called the girl, whom I loved, Geetha and gave her a bottle of water. From that moment my favorite name was Geetha and I decided to name the heroine in my movie as Geetha. All of them in the bus slept and the girls, except Geetha, were busy in some conversation. I could see, through the curtain’s gap, 2 of the 4 girls. I was silently observing what they were up to. All of a sudden, the girl on the lower berth removed her top. I kept quiet and continued watching. I could see some part of her left boob from the side. They were Kind of small, but firm and round. She wore another T-shirt and slept. Most of them, on the bus, slept. But I was unable to sleep. Geetha’s face kept flashing in front of my eyes. Even the fact that I saw a girl’s naked boobs, didn’t turn me on. My dick, though, wasn’t listening to my heart and stood up to salute the girl’s boobs. I even tried to take few pictures of Geetha, while she was asleep. But she closed her curtains and I wasn’t able to open them. After 4-5 hours, I finally slipped into sleep. The next morning, after getting off the bus in Goa, I followed the group of girls. They went a rented a car. I rented a bike at the same place and followed them on the bike. Fortunately for me, they didn’t notice me and I didn’t lose them on the way.

Finally, after being on their trail for more than half an hour, they reached an expensive resort. They rented a villa and got into it. Money was never a problem for me, as my parents were pretty reach and movies were my passion. My parents always encouraged me to follow my dreams. I took money from them, many times, which I didn’t mind and my parents loved it if I asked them anything. The villa beside theirs were full, so I took the one which was 2 villas away from their villa. The villas had a huge porch at the back which were connected to the beach. I quickly had a shower and got to the reception, hoping that they would walk through the reception to go out. As I hoped they came after half an hour and walked across. Geetha looked at me and smiled, recognizing me. I also smiled back and followed them to the restaurant. I was extremely happy that she recognized me. The breakfast was a buffet and I waited for Geetha to get some food. As soon as she got up, I also got up, acting as if I didn’t notice her, I went and picked some food. When I turned around, she was right in front of me. I smiled and said Hi to her. She looked at me with a straight face and asked me if I was following her. I acted as if I was offended with her question and said that I would never stoop down to such levels and she should mind what she was talking. Saying so, I went and sat at my table and had the food. All the time, while having my breakfast, I never looked her side.

Before leaving, she came to me and apologized for misunderstanding me and for being so judgemental. She said, she would make it up for me, for her thinking in haste. She took my villa number and left. After she left, I got a brilliant idea for my script. I sat on the porch of the villa and started writing it. Her smile has become a true inspiration for me. I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Because of the happiness caused by her, I was able to get some ideas for my script. While I was writing the script, I saw Geetha and her group running on to the beach. I also wanted to go, but the incident in the morning stopped me. Unable to control my urge to go and meet geetha, I picked my script and went on to the beach. I sat far off from them and pretended to be writing my script. Geetha saw me and came running to me. I said sorry and also told her that I didn’t know that they were there here. She asked me not to worry as she just came to say hi. She wanted to know what I was up to. I showed her the script and said that I was a scriptwriter and some day I dream to become a director. I also told her that the reason I was in Goa was to finish my long pending script. She sat beside me and started chatting with me. As she folded her legs and sat, her knee touched me. It made me get all excited. I just wanted to rest my head on her shoulder and relax. The smell of her perfume was intoxicating. The breeze was cool and made her hair fly and touch my face.

She told about their group.They were all friends from their childhood. After finishing their education, they didn’t work for more than a year. Actually they didn’t need to work at all, as all of them were from a wealthy background. But to beat the boredom, together, they set up a small business, which has become really stressful for them. Hence the Goa visit. They just wanted to relax for a week before getting back to more work. She wanted to, for which movies I had worked. Fortunately, I was the one who wrote the script for favorite movie. She wanted to introduce me to her friends and asked me to join them. First, she introduced me to her closest friend, Niharika. They were so close that they didn’t have any secrets between them. After her, she introduced me to rest of her friends, Shruti, Meera and Sathya. After the formal introductions, the girls wanted to get into the water. Within no time, all five of them were in their bikinis and ran into the water and started playing. Though everyone had amazing figures, my eyes were fixed on Geetha. Pretending as if I was writing the script, I stole a few glances at her. Geetha had a really fair complexion. At about 5’6”, she had a perfect height. I’ve never seen a girl with such good figure. She might be a 36-26-36. Her tummy was flat and appeared to be soft. But it wasn’t the figure that excited me, it was her smile and her eyes. Her beautiful big eyes and the innocent smile were truly a sight for the sore eyes.

After few minutes, her close friend, Niharika, came and sat beside me. She took a towel and wiped herself dry. But, my focus was on someone else. Niharika started chatting with me. Actually she came to have some water, as all the playing made her thirsty. She asked me everything about the film industry and we also spoke about their business. As I was talking to her, I wanted to find out whose boobs I have seen the previous night in the bus. And I started observing her. She was extremely fair. In fact she looked like a foreigner. Unlike Geetha, she didn’t have a hourglass figure. She was somewhat between a hourglass and a pear shaped figure. She had a nice sized butt and wide hips. Her boobs would be 32C, from what I could make out. Maybe, she wasn’t the girl Whose boobs I’ve seen. The boobs that I’ve seen were much smaller. Geetha asked Niharika to get back into the water. She just threw the towel and ran away. I continued observing her. She was around 5’4” and had a amazing semi curve over her wide hips. She had some flab around her tummy area and the sides of the hips. It looked so soft and cushy that, I wanted to press and feel her tummy area immediately. That was the first time I thought of another girl from the previous night. After finding Niharika hot, I started observing the other girls. After Geetha, Shruti had the best figure. I guess she would be 34-24-36. She also had a pretty good height, 5’6”, to carry off the figure. She was also fair and had a very little amount of fat around her belly button. But it was negligible.

Next was Meera. She wasn’t as curvaceous as the other girls. She would be 32-26-34. I guess such figures were known as banana shaped. But she had a raw sex appeal in her. Her dark complexion and 5’5” height complemented it well. Additionally, she also had a beautiful smile. There was some flab around her tummy and hips, but she didn’t have much curves to go along with them. Actually, if anyone observed her some time, she would be the most appealing girl in the group. And Satya’s figure was a lot similar to Niharika. Her stats would be 30-24-36. She was the perfect example for a pear shaped figure. From the size of her boobs, I guess she must be the girl, who unknowingly flashed her boobs to me.She also had a flat tummy like Geetha. Because of her wide hips, an awesome semi curve was formed above her hips. Observing them has made my dick stand, once again in respect to them. I waited for them to finish with their games. They played for almost 2 hours. When I saw Geetha walking towards me, once again I forgot about the other girls and was lost in her smile. Geetha came to me and asked, if I was free in the evening. She wanted me to take them to a pub. Obviously, I accepted the offer happily.

The wait for the night was the longest in my life. By 9:30 pm, I got ready and reached the reception. The girls were also there within 2 minutes. Everyone wore a knee length skirt, except Geetha, who wore a short tight fit skirt. They asked me drive their car and rest of adjusted. After reaching the pub, there was no stopping the girls. Except Niharika, all of them drank like crazy. I just had a beer, as I was worried that who would look after them. They had lots of shots. Within no time everyone was sloshed. With the help of Niha ( Niharika), I got everyone back to the resort. Geetha leaned onto me and asked to drop off her at the villa. Though, somehow she managed to walk with her arm around me, I picked her in my arms and took her to their villa. After reaching their villa, everyone wanted to dance and they played some music through their portable speakers. Actually none of them were in the state to dance, but somehow they managed to pick themselves up and danced. I got onto the porch of the villa to smoke a cigarette. Niha followed me and asked me for a cigarette. She thanked me everything that I have done. She told me that their parents didn’t want to send the girls alone to Goa. They lied to them, that they were going to another place and came here. After reaching here, they wanted some guy to take them to a pub, as they were afraid to go alone. They couldn’t find anyone, but after talking to me and knowing me, it was Geetha and Niha who persuaded others in taking me to the pub along with them. All of a sudden, Niha put the cigarette away and started kissing me.

At first I reciprocated and continued kissing her and put my arms around her hips. But suddenly Geetha’s face flashed in my mind and I pushed Niha away. Niha asked if something was wrong. I didn’t say anything. She was in tears because of the embarrassment. I consoled her and told her the truth that I had a huge crush on Geetha and she was disturbing me a lot. She just smiled and asked me not to worry. She also promised to help me and set me up with Geetha. I hugged her out of thankfulness. She turned around and walked away. She turned once again towards me, ran and came to me. Hugging me tightly, she sobbed like a kid. I didn’t expect what she would say, but took me by surprise. Geetha and Niha, both of them have a crush on me and had a bet to see who would get me first. I didn’t know how to react. Seeing Niha hugging me, Geetha came out and pulled her away. She took my hands, put them around her and kissed me. I didn’t know if I was dreaming or it was true. I didn’t let her go. I hugged her tightly and continued sucking her lips. Niha, still sobbing, ran onto the beach. I pulled Geetha along with me and ran behind Niha. We stopped at place which was surrounded with huge bushes and no one could notice us. I caught hold of Niha’s hand and asked her to get back to the villa. Geetha, hold me with her hands around me and her head rested on my chest. NIha, wouldn’t listen to me and asked me to leave her alone. Out of nowhere, Geetha said that Niha can have her boyfriend for one night. Geetha addressed me as her boyfriend. It was getting out of hands. I was happy and worried at the same time. Niha continued sobbing really loud. Before I could react, Geetha pulled Niha towards me and forced me to kiss her. I pushed both of them away. She said just one thing. If I had to have a relationship with her, I have to sleep with Niha now.

Niha was all confused and didn’t know how to react. Geetha took my hands and put them on Niha’s boobs. I tried to stop Geetha and tell her that this wasn’t the place. But in no mood to stop, she quickly unzip Niha’s dress from behind and pulled it down. Niha was standing in front of me in her lingerie. Looking her in that state, even I lost control and hugged her tightly and kissed. Geetha wanted to leave to the villa and asked us to get back as soon as possible. But I didn’t let her go. I pulled her towards me and kissed both of them at the same time. Both their tongues fought for mine. But I tried to satisfy both of them. I jumped from one mouth to the other in cycle. I put my right hand Under niha’s panty, over her butt cheek. It felt all nice and I continuously rubbed it. And I put my left had under Geetha’s top, over her hips. I started pressing and feeling it softly. Niha unbuttoned my shirt and Geetha removed it. They both sucked my nipples and Geetha bit it out of excitement. She looked in my eyes and gave me sensual smile. I pulled both of them up and hugged them together tightly. I gently kissed their necks and unhooked Niha’s bra with my right hand. Geetha removed her top and skirt. She was so excited that she got onto me with her legs around me and started rubbing her pussy against me. Meanwhile, Niha unbuttoned my trousers and pulled them down. Geetha continued kissing me and rubbing her pussy against me. Niha, pulled down my boxers and underwear also. She removed her unhooked bra and rubbed her boobs against my dick. I put down Geetha and niha pushed me back and made me land on the small part of grass. Geetha and Niha, got undressed themselves completely.

They both stood in front of me, stark naked. They both looked like sex goddesses. Of course Geetha looked the best, but it was no time to find out who looked better. Geetha caught hold of my dick and put in her mouth. Niha, on her knees, sat over me in such a way that her pussy was over my mouth. Geetha’s pussy was hairy and Niha’s was shaved. I dug, Niha’s pussy, deep with my tongue. Lots of juice was flowing out of it. It continued in this way for 10 minutes. After that both the girls shifted places. It was quite different while I ate Geetha’s pussy. I felt as if it belonged to me and no one else will get it. When I was about to cum, I pushed Geetha aside and pulled my dick out of Niha’s mouth. That was the most I came ever. I made them both lie and put my left hand in Geetha’s pussy and my right hand in Niha’s pussy. While my hands were at their work, I bent down and sucke Geetha’s boobs. And then I jumped to Niha’s, which are smaller than Geetha’s boobs. I again got back to Geetha and slowly moved down to her tummy. It was all soft and cushy. I Played with it for some time and turned towards Niha. Niha had some flab which was inviting and sensuous. I repeated this for some time and in my process I bit both their boobs which made marks over them. Slowly I increased the speed of my hands. They couldn’t take it anymore. They moaned loudly and couldn’t stay on the grass. Their butts were lifted into air out of pleasure. Their moans grew louder and louder. When they reached the limit, they removed my hands and came and kissed me. In the process they had multiple orgasms.

My gun was ready for its first round. Geetha took it into her hands and placed it inside her pussy. I fucked her so hard in such a way that I never done it before. After 10 minutes, I came inside her. All this while, Niha was just rubbing her pussy to my back. I lay on the grass and rested for some time, while the girls rested with their heads on my chest. Niha played with my dick till it got hard. When I was ready, Neha couldn’t wait anymore and went on my top and placed my tool into her. Geetha made lesser noise when I fucked her, but Niha wasn’t like that. I bet, definitely someone must have heard her moans and noticed us. This time I didn’t cum in her. I pulled out my dick at the right time and came all over her pussy. I looked at my watch and it was more than an hour since we came here. We quickly wore our dresses and silently got back to the villa. The rest of the girls passed out on the bed. Geetha wanted me to help change their dresses before I left. It was the luckiest night. I started dating my dream girl, fucked her best friend along with her and now I’m going to see her friends nude. We three made the other three completely nude and stared at them for some time. All three of us looked at each other and winked. I went and felt the clean shaved pussies of all the three. Geetha asked me to fuck them if I wanted to. I looked at Geetha’s innocent face and some kind of guilt got into me. I asked Geetha to come and stay with me in my villa. She said that she couldn’t leave Niha in this state and come with me. Then I asked both of them. Before Geetha could react, Niha jumped in happiness and hugged me.

We locked their villa and went to mine to sleep. I slept in between both of them. Both of them cuddled in my arms and went to sleep. Geetha slept with her face placed on my chest and Niha slept with her back against me hugging my hand which was placed under her head. From that very night, though I dated Geetha, I used to have sex with Niha, at least once in a month, because of the requests from Geetha. But quietly, I had my share of fun in this guilty relationship with Niha.

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