I would like to narrate the experience of a friend of mine , which runs back to early 90’s and who was of my age and my co traveler during the daily ride from Borivili to Churchgate in the morning and in the reverse direction in the evening .
One evening whilst returning from work and awaiting the arrival of a train which we normally travel by , my friend insisted that we board a particular compartment , which he identified after peeping into several compartments as we walked the stretch of the platform. I was a bit surprised and never realized the intention behind this approach.
Incidentally , we never used to get any place to sit as most passengers to travel return from previous stations such as Charni Road , Marine Lines …etc.
We boarded this compartment , as he led us to the space between 2 rows of seats which were occupied and we would need to stand in the limited space available , till such time that some seat gets vacated en route during the journey . I could see one middle aged lady maybe aged between 45 and 50 , who was sitting by the window . Not particularly good looking , but seemed to have good contours to her body. Her Breasts were full and were visibly protruding , in view of her flat stomach . She had worn a saree , and from her appearance she seemed to be from a not so well to do family and not much educated either . She was speaking in either Bengali or Oriya language to a young boy sitting by her side.
Let me warn you that this story is not about any flash and bang , which is not possible in a crowded local train , but is a real story of voyeur , which I am sure many such frequent travelers in local trains would have either seen or experienced , and I am a believer reading such stuff gives more pleasure than the flash and bang stuff.
Well moving ahead with the story :-
I could see my friend positioning himself in between the lady by the window and another elderly person sitting on the opposite side . My friend asked me to observe him throughout the journey. Now , I could get some idea as to why he was peeping into the compartments and finally chose this compartment to board. The train was about to start. The old man seated opposite had started to sleep off , and the lady by the window and the boy next to her were still speaking to each other .
As the train started to move with a jerk , my friend positioned one of his legs , between the 2 legs of the lady , without touching them and pretended to read the newspaper he carried with him . The train started picking up speed , and with every motion of the train , I could see , my friends leg getting closer to touching the lady’s leg s in between . My friend , with each forward movement of his leg also look very discreetly to see if there was any reaction from the lady , to plan the next move.
As the train came to a halt at the next station , the applying of brakes resulting in forward motion , enabled my friend to push his leg further between the 2 legs of the lady . Instead of withdrawing his leg after the train had come to a halt , he continued to keep his leg in the same place . With the push , the lady was required to spread her legs wider making space for my friends leg . It was now the turn of the next forward motion induced by the starting of the train , which enabled by friends leg to brush against the thighs of the lady from the top of the saree. He again looked at her and was encouraged by , no adverse reaction from the woman .
The woman possibly did not realise these movements as done on purpose , but by accident due to the crowd .Incidentally by the time the train had passed one station the train was full . The entire area between the 2 rows where we were standing was occupied by others too behind me , putting a lot of pressure on us ,with the bodies of all passengers brushing against each other . Looking at the rush , the lady would have been convinced that my friend had no option but to position his leg between her legs .
As the train kept moving with jerks and stops , I could see , my friends knee brushing the lady’s thighs on both sides. I could also see the lady immediately glancing towards my friend , who now after having finished reading the newspaper , was pretending to sleep in a standing position. This could have possibly instilled further confidence in the lady that what was happening was not on purpose. I could see the lady widening her legs further as my friends leg too pushed forward . I was getting a sense that the lady with her apparent background and age , had not had sex or even any sexual feeling for a long time , and the brushing of her thighs by the leg of a stranger was also arousing her in a strange way .
The journey from Churchgate to Borivili by the slow local generally takes 50 minutes to one hour , and my friend was probably praying that the passenger position remains the same till the end of the journey , as any change in positions would stop his progress .
Fortunately for my friend , though there were several passengers who got down and got in in Dada the position where we were standing remained the same, giving my friend ample opportunity to move his leg very close to the end position between her thighs.
With every movement now , I could see the excited expression on both their faces . I was certain now that the lady was tremendously enjoying the brushing of my friends leg on her thighs . I could see my friend adjusting his leg in a manner in which he could with a slight bend to his leg ensure that his knee could next touch her V section. I could see , now that the lady was almost wanting his leg to touch and rub against her pussy , as she too made slight adjustment in her seating position to remove the gap between her pussy and his knee. She simultaneously , gave a quick glance to see whether my friend was noticing her . But on seeing my friends eyes closed , she too now pretended to sleep with a lot of excitement on her face.
We had crossed midway of our journey by now . We had reached Santacruz and to my friends luck the passenger position had not changed , allowing his more time to enjoy.However , watching the entire movements from Churchgate onwards , I too had a hardon , but could do nothing but only enjoy as a spectator.
My friend too was emboldened by the lady’s forward movement and decided to move further. He now started to brush his knee against her pussy ( over the saree ) more vigorously with every movement of the train. I could also see his hardon through his pants which he was trying to hide with the newspaper . The excitement on the lady’s face was now very obvious . It was rather very obvious that she was trying to control her moans which other wise she would have let out in a private place.
My friend too possibly noticed her face at the same time and was now very sure that the lady had no objection to what was happening and in fact was enjoying it as long as it is assumed that it is only accidental.
The brushing of my friends knee against the lady’s pussy continued from Santacruz to Anheri , full 15 minutes and by the train left Andheri , it appeared as if the lady was about to have an orgasm , as her body moved in tandem with the movement of my friends knee . Somewhere between Andheri and Jogeshwari , she could not hold on and had her orgasm by clasping my friends leg between her legs in a tight grip for a moment before releasing it .
My friend too realised that this was the climax and the lady would not entertain his legs between her legs anymore and withdrew his leg , pretending that he was awoken by the sudden halting of train. The lady too was pretending as if nothing had happened and started talking to the boy seated by her side.
Meanwhile , what confirmed that she had , had her orgasm and released her fluid from her pussy , was when she moved her hand between her legs and appeared to clean her pussy with her saree, from outside itself.
As luck could have it , Goregaon was the destination where the lady and the boy seated next to her got down , and it was near Jogeshwari , only the earlier station that the lady got her orgasm and the entire act ended in her complete satisfaction.
My friend and myself occupied the seats vacated by the lady and the boy.
I could not believe what I had seen and could not believe that it could happen.
However my friend assured me that it is very logical and can happen.
So thats it . I am not so sure whether the readers would have liked this story , but as a spectator I really enjoyed it. I am wondering how much of pre cum would be seen on my friends underwear after the entire experience, as it was the excitement of the unexpected.
Travel In Local Mumbai Train