” Nee enna dee shonnaey ‘about baby’ “Shankar said.
Ramya ” aammannaa Amma kooda chollindu irrundhaa, avaallukku oru paeraen venumnu, avaa irrukrathaeyaey paakanumnu”.So shall we adopt one dear”.(what did you say about the baby said shankar. Ramya chimed in,”yes mother was also saying that she wanted see a grandson before her time’)
“Illaeydee nee ippo enna shonnaey kuzhandaiyaey pathi , adha dhaan yosinchindu irukkaen naan ,oru crazy idea nekku thonradhu, yenna theyriyummaa?”(What you said about the baby I am thinking, I have a crazy idea?)
” Yeppadidaa enakku theyriyum , onnoda mindlaey enna odradhoonnu,naan enna Sai baba vaa”. Ramya pounced on him.(how will I know , am I Sai Baba?)
” Illaey dee, ennoda ammavum padutharaa child venumnu, edhukku nammo adopt pannanum, nee full sperm vechindrukkaey onnoda ballsllaey, naan ennoda uterussaey remove pannalaey, Why can’t I have a baby then?”.(Why bother, my mom too wants one , you have a cock and balls with sperm and me too have retained the uterus.)
” What are you saying? my dear, nokku funniyaa illeay, aambadiyaan pregnant through aambadiyaal.”. Ramya said in typical style and laughed.(is it not funny husband getting pregnant through wife .)
” Aamaandee funniyaa dhaan irrukku ,(yes its funny) but let’s be practical, let me stop my testosterone treatment and you can stop all your stuff. Then let us start having a baby.”
Ramya interjected,”Mathavaaellaam enna cholluvaa”.(what will others say?)
” Yes, you have a point , ellam shock aiyiduvaa, naan thoppaiyaey push pannindu irrundaa ,avalavudhaan , nekku stomachlla edho kati vandhuduthoonnu nenaichindruvaa avaa ellam.”.Shankar said.(everybody will be shocked, me pushing my tummy out, they will think I have a big tumor).
Okay daa let us think , maybe you and me can get a transfer and go out of Chennai and get the child in some other town where no one knows us.”Ramya chimed in.
“Great idea dee, but enga officellaey branches illayaey.? said Shanky.(my office do not have any branches)
“Okay let me try as they were discussing about a project in the North East.I will tell them that if it is for a year or two I will go , but if it is longer, I will say no .”
A week later
” Dei , shanky, nambho pesinamaadiri ayidithu , officellaey othuntaa , (like we discussed they have accepted in office)two to two and half years in shillong , edho tea companykku software develop pannanumaan. (develop software for a tea company)The project starts after 4 months.”.
Okay dee Ramya kutti , naan ippovaey resign panyudraen , illaeynaa ivaa notice period adhu idhunnu shollindruppaa. (will resign now itself as there is notice period )Apporam important enna theyirumo, naan one weekaa testosterone shappidradhey nirithyutaen”.(importantly I have stopped having testosterone for a week)
“Yaennaa onnumaey theriyallaeynnaa, appadiyaey rough and sexyaa dhaan irrukael.”Ramya purred.(can’t see any difference you are still rough and tough).
“Makku, makku adhukullaeyaa,will take atleast a month,naa enna sholla raennaa (stupid, will take a month at least, what I am telling is) let both of us be natural for three months before attempting a baby. Nekku konjam bhayammaa irrukradhu”.( I am a little concerned).
” Ennanaa chollrael , puriyaramaadiri chollungo”.Ramya drawled.(what are you saying,cannot understand?)
“No I don’t want any effects of our drugs on the child , let it completely wash of our bodies. Adhadhaan shonnaen”.(that is what I meant)
” Clearaa ippadi chollungo , neengho sladaillaey peshanaelnaa nekku eppadi puriyum”.(Clearly tell like this and not in any slang)
” Aanalum nee appadiyaey engalavaa bhashaiyaey nanna kathuntaey Ramya ,amma nannadhaan nokku teach pannitaa.”(Hey Ramya you have learnt our slang really well, my mom has taught you well)
Both went of the medication and in three months both were a little different , Ramya had to remove her hair on a daily basis and she had a tough time hiding her voice deepening.While Shankar was turning into a nice looking lady.Lucky for him that his management relieved him quickly as they did not want a HR person to hang around for long after resigning.So for about two months he was always at home or when he went out he tried to cover his face. His estrogen levels pumped up , putting fat in the right places( for a girl). His breasts were inactive as it had been removed.
Ramya had a lot on her hands as she was battling office deadlines and the extra time she had to spend to maintain her effeminate looks and camouflaging her voice. She was glad that the four month time was nearing.
Meanwhile Shankar visited shillong twice and set up a place in a nice location, as the place was paid for by Ramya’s company , this helped them a lot in finding a place in posh location.In fact on the second visit Shankar did the unthinkable , he after checking into the hotel in Shillong dressed himself as a female whenever he went out to meet people regarding setting up the house or organizing stuff for the move introducing himself as Ramya. He was quite happy that all of them were thinking of him as a female. He wanted to prove that the effects of the medication was wearing off. In fact on the way back the girl in the check in counter at the airport looked up a couple of times in an odd manner.
“Dee Ramya, Assamllaey ellaarum yemaandutaa theyriyumolyo”.(hey Ramya ,in Assam everyone got fooled?)
“Yennanaa , chollungo enna nadandhadhu angaey, ivvalan excitedaa irrukkael”.(What happened , you look excited)
” Illaydee , naan pommanaati maadiri dress pannindu ponanono hotellaendhu avaa ellam appadidhaannu nenaichuntaa, airportllaey andha ticket kudukaraey kutti irrukkaalono, ava ennaey melum kizhum paathindaey irrundaa, fotollaey boy aanaa paathaa girl maadiri irrukkaeynnu.” stammered Shankar excitedly.(I dressed up like a female and they all thought that I was one,the girl in the ticket counter in the airport was looking at me bewildered as my photo id showed I was a man)
“Okaynnaa, test pass panniyutael, doctaraey eppadi yemaatharadhunnu paakalam.”.(Ok dear you have passed the test what about the doctor).
Both Ramya and Shankar were fucking like rabbits in the next three weeks.They were catching up for all the artificially suppressed hormonal
imbalances.Shankar after three months was showing complete transformation into Shankari ( pun intended) and Ramya had to go on leave calling sick as her hair growth was little too much for her to handle.Shankar had all symptoms of fertility and those important days they even fucked three times in a day. Ramya was a veritable Raman( pun intended) at that time and her cock was erect for most part of the day , with all the stuff she ate to keep her erection at the peak.
“Ramya ippo needhaandee ennoda aathukaar, naan onnoda pondaati.(hey Ramya now you are my hubby and me your wife) I am soft and fair and you are rough dark and handsome. Ippo ivvalavu stronggaa fuck panraey, nokku eppadi ivvalan strength vandhadu.”((you are fucking me so hard where did you get all that strength) Shankar was astonished at Ramya’s cock’s virility and he also was having waves of orgasm which was many times more than his usual one when he was big and pumped up ( with testosterone).Every part of his body had fat and the skin has become soft and silky.
When they left for Shillong a month later Shankar had missed his periods and the Gynec had confirmed his pregnancy.Gita Arjun did not even know about Shankar till the third visit , when they decided to confide in her as any complications due to drugs could lead to some other issues.Gita almost fainted hearing the story,
” people this might be a first of its kind in the whole world, but hats off to you guys, and you did the right thing by going of medication for three months at least. I would have never believed Shankar in the video is the same person if I had not got confirmation from you”.
“Yes doctor Shankar had done enough research on all this “. said Ramya
” Now you are going away and the pregnancy is confirmed ,what are you planning to do”. said Gita,pondering for a few minutes then she said,” I think I can help you by referring you to my friend Dr Mitali Banerjee, I think she lives in Shillong , will confirm on your next visit”
So they were on the flight to Calcutta on the way to Shillong , the three of them as Mrs Vijayalakshmi had insisted that she would also accompany them and stay till the baby was delivered.
The minute , confirmation of pregnancy came , Ramya started her medication in full swing and by the time they boarded the flight about a month later , her voice had become shrill and body hair had completely dropped and she started putting on fat at the hips and thighs.Her skin softened and she started to drop her shoulder too.
Her 20 day settling time in Shillong helped to almost reach 85% of her original pre marriage level looks. Off course in the new place no one would know how she had looked before, but she wanted to look like a doll.
Three months into her new job , Ramya came home one day excitedly,
“Dei Pool— ,” she swallowed it as she saw his mom sitting on the dining table at the other end of the room.
“Shankar, you know something, I got a sexy compliment from my client. He is the MD of that company and he said that I have a sexy complexion and curvy backside. Even though I gave him a stare but inside was very happy that my conversion was complete.I am so happy my dear husband”.Ramya was elated, she was humming a tune through the evening.
“En dee naan enna pannindu irundaennu nee kakavae illayaey.” whined Shanky.(What I was doing you never asked ?)
“Dei Shankara, nengho renduperum tiredda irruppo daa, naan ippo poi caffee potindu vandhooraen. “,said Vijayalakshmi and maybe wanted give them some space.(hey! Shankar , you both will be tired let me make coffee).
Ramya gave Shanky a quick kiss and he squeezed her soft cock.This has become his habit these days, cupping and squeezing her cock.
‘Dei shollu andha doctor enna shonnannu,kuzhandaey nanna valarardhunnu”.Vijaya chimed in and handed over a cup to shankar and Ramya.(“Hey tell me what the doctor said , is the baby growing well”)
“Nokku caffee is no no. strict diet , doctors’ order theyriyumolyo”.She gave him a cup of boost.(“No coffee for you ,doctors orders,Okay!!)
Shanky begged her”Ammaa oru vaa,nekku caffee yevolavu pidikkumnu nokku theyriyum”(Just a sip you know how much I love coffee) .He was strumming his poonal(cross thread) , which was his favourite sport at home as mostly her never wore any top , only veshti (Dhoti)to cover his loins.
“”Dei, arandhooda poradhu daa on poonal appadi illzhu kaadaey daa, apporam indha oorlaey shastrigalla theydindu engaey poradhu new poonallukku”.Vijaya chided him.(Hey!! It might snap off and then we have run after a priest to get a new one)
Now in 4 months Shanky’s stomach was showing out prominently, skin expanding making him look even fairer.
Looking at it proudly Vijaya said, “Nekku enna bhagyam paathiyaa Ramya, pullaiyodaey deliverykku amma vandirukkaa , anaa jokes apart , (See how lucky , I have come from son’s delivery, but, jokes apart)I am really proud of both of you and appreciate your guts and a practical solution you two came up with”. Vitaya waxed in oxford English being an convent educated old lady.
“Ellan engaathukaar idea dhaan amma, nekku konjam bhayam dhaan, aanaa avar ennaa confidence vechindrukkaarnnu nenaichaa , nekkum confidence vadhuduthoo.”(all my hubby’s idea only,I was a bit scared but seeing his confidence , I also got it) Ramya said and a sly smile was seen on Vijaya’s face , proud of her training Ramya to speak her lingo so fluently ,even she will mistake her for an smartha ponnu(sect of Iyer brahmins).
Six months after
“Deeyae shankari enna nenchindrukaey, ivalan naazhi aaradhu, innum shaapidaama irrundaa , vayathulaey valarra kuzhandaey eppadi properra grow pannum”(Hey!shankari, it is late and you have not eaten , what will happen to the child in the tummy) Vijaya shouted at Shankar, she had started to call him shankari as people outside might think otherwise. Shanky has become a complete female and the hormones were pumping her to keep him and the baby in shape. Stomach was sticking out and and with the delivery only a month and a half away, Vijaya went ballistic even for small deviations.
Fucking was a strict no-no and now Ramya was back to her demure self as she had taken all her medication to perfection.
‘Ennadee Ramya nee sholla koodadhu , avon dhaan irresponsible nokku engaey pochhu Moolaey”.((Hey Ramya why cant you at least tell ,only he is irresponsible, what about your brains?) She flys of the handle on his pregnancy issue and rightly so. ” Naan avanaey eppadi kashttapattu boy aaki ,( With great difficulty made him into a boy) I even put poonal(sacred thread) for him you know so that he is complete in that respect”.
“Amma as if I don’t know , adhan adhaey aathukku vandaatti kaamichindaey irrukkaa, eppo paathaalum toplessaa?”Ramya complained.(that’s what he always shows it of at home , being topless)
“Purushaaloliyo , appadi dhaan kaamchindaey avaa irruppaa, Shanky evalan ramyamaa irrukkan paathiyo”( Malesthey are ,so they will show off like that, see how beautiful he looks)
“Amma aanaalum ungallukku rhombho dhairiyam dhaan”( Amma, but you really have guts)
“Ennadee shollraey”(what are you saying?)
” Illaey boyya convert pannindadhaey periya vishayam, adhukkumaelaey
upanayanam veraeyyaa? Aanaa poonal enaathukkaarrukku evalan azhagaa irrukku, like a typical vadamal brahmanan.” Ramya said.(Even converting him into a boy itself is big , but having the sacred thread ceremony ??but the sacred thread looks really beautiful on my hubby like a typical brahmin).
Fast forward Five years later.
“Vaibhav, yendaa late panindrukaey, schoollukku time aaradhono, innum morunchaadam shaaptitu , thalaey vaarindu porathaey school bell adichudum, yaennaa , shaathaey varaellaa shhegramaa, ivvannukku shoe lace kattividraellaa”. Ramya bauled .(Vaibhav,why are you delaying, its getting late for school, you still have to eat curd rice, then combing your hair and by the time you go the school bell would ring,Hey ! hubby please come and help in tying the shoe lace.)Shankar was busy trimming his mustache and combing his beard which he had grown in the last year or so.
” Yeennaa varaella immediatetta, unga pullayandaan ennaey padithindrukkaan.”( Please come immediately your son is troubling me too much)
” dho vandhootaen dee, Ippodhaan nambalukku theyriyardhu amma illadhadhu, suddennaa ippadi povaannu expectaey pannalaey yaarum” Shanky muttered.(just a minute , now only we feel the sudden absence of mother unexpectedly)
“Aamaannaa , nekkum adhaan thonithu, evalaan useful ammaa,also I felt aathulaey paeyriyavaa irudhaalnaa childrennukku nammalavaa culture nanna cholli tharuvaalolyo”. Ramya slurred.(Yes dear that’s what I thought, elders at home are so useful for children, even for teaching them our culture)
“Aamaandee nokku koodaey ammadhaanaey completetaa engavaa culturellam amma sholli thandhaa”.(Yes dear for you also mother only taught our culture, is it not)
They just managed to put Vaibhav in the school bus and sighed relief ,this has become a routine as the child never wakes up on time.
As they entered the house Shanky felt unusually randy and he pounced on Ramya,”Ennanaa pannrael, naan madiyaakum Bhagavannukku neiveidhiyam pannitoo varanumolyo.yen ippadi pranana vangarael, adhuvum 4 vayasualey kuzhandaey vandhaatiyumaa?”(What are you doing , have to do pooja for god, why are doing like this? that too after having a four year old kid )
“aambadiyaan kittaey adhellam kidayaadhu, no madi gudi yellam theyriyardhaa?”( For the husband no such rules okay!!).
In a jiffy Shanky stripped of his Veshti and underwear and he showed her his newly shaved cunt glistening with leaking cum.Seeing it Ramya also got turned on as their frequency of fucking had gone down significantly after the arrival of junior, which was such a miracle baby.
Soon after birth , Ramya started putting pressure on her management to get her back to chennai and in a years time they moved back , but to his mami’s(aunt) house in mylapore as the old lady was feeling too lonely and maintaining a big house was a big issue for her.
Here Ramya honed her tambrahm lingo to the hilt, not a single person knew of her antecedent and lineage . In fact her complexion also improved and she did become two shades fairer, thanks to her glutathione whitening treatment.
On days of Navaratri, it was such a wonderful sight to see Ramya in a madisar(nine yard saree) along with the other young maami’s (auntees)going to temples laughing merrily.
“neengho ennaa vadamallaa , ivalan spashttamaa pesharaellaey “said Girija peering through her specs.(are you vadamaa( type of Iyer)
“Aamaan , correct neengho? ” enquired Ramya ( yes correct what about you?)
“Brahacharanam, engaathukaar vadamal, adhaan nekku ungalavaa sladaey nanna puriyardhu”. (Me Brahacharanam( another type), my husband is vadamal( another type),that is why I understand your lingo)Thus went the small talk.
Ramya came back from her thoughts of how they came to Mylapore, mounted Shanky and started to ram him hard and every time she touched his clean shaven cunt, she felt really good as her cock plunged the depths.
That is how their lives went on , the secret of Shankar and Ramya was buried along with the only two persons who knew in chennai and both were dead and gone.When Vaibhav was 5 years old Ramya and Shanky decided to adopt a one year old Bhavana from Shillong. So the family was complete in all respects.