Hi all this is kittu from Mumbai, Basically iam from Hyderabad and had been working here since about 6 months, This Is the incident happened before I joined the company here in Mumbai,
To be on frank and clear side I had been dating happily with quite a selected no of girls whom I had been admiring. Coming to me iam slim fair of 25 age and into a good position and working with a well reputed company, which has given me all facilities.
The story or the incident happens in my struggle for existence days (Last year August), As all boys or as many boys even iam a big fan of good figure specially the boobs, cute lips. After couple of dates and having wild sex in all angles by seeing the latest Kama sutra edition and trying in on girlfriends, had a big time romance.
The story is been tried to narrate well so as to give complete clarity on how a unknown girl and me made up to sex in the due course of 7 days’ time. Its fun and enthu filled hope you all will like it, Do reply with your comments friends and for the ease of detailing and to make it better I have made it in 2 parts so each and every detailing is been covered. Please excuse if it’s too lengthy …..Awaiting your comments on the first part mail your comments to [email protected]
I use to fantasies diff new things along with normal dating like fun tour or dinner or a outing with the mate and then slowly moving to sex and romance. I never loved the concept of hurry like behaving or making the girl a prostitute and making just sex with her.
Coming to the topic while working as a trainee in company (MNC) we had been trained with many of the development programs like Management and Hr programs like SIX SIGMA Concepts 5”Y” Concepts etc so for the same kind of a training we had been sent for a 6 day training program to Blore.
We were the Batch of 12 members which consisted of 8 girls and 4 boys (including me). We were all aware of each other but never got any time to get into other topic and have a better relation as we were completely tied up with scheduled tasks.
Finally the start day came we all were asked to meet at the railway station and the tickets were handed over to us well in advance. As we got in, the HR manager introduced our batch with the senior batch people who were also going to the same place for a diff training prog. This batch was of 18 members and almost the train compartment was filled with the same office people.
All were totally busy until the train started, some were busy on the phone saying a long buy and some were talking to the people who came to drop them some were busy talking to each other, I kept on noticing each other, As neither my phone was busy nor someone had come to drop me.
Well the journey started I made a couple of friends and was having a general chat, After dinner one after other were moving to their berths to sleep as the next morning was a hectic schedule. I had a smoke hiding from the train investigating people and after some time even I slept.
The journey went well we reached our hotel 2 people were given each room.
Day 1(Mon)
All girls were in traditional wear and the session started we were given some games to play till the lunch time and we were told to give feedback on what is our experience in the game.
Everything went well after lunch we had a big session explaining the reason why we were made to play the game.
Eve after the session me and one of my friend had moved out of hotel and were hanging around on streets seeing beauties of B”lore. We reached Majestic (the place name) fully crowded with hot babes. Had a good festival for our eyes and moved back after some beers.
Day 2 (- Tues)
We were given booklets size of papers and said to go through them which had the human resource tips and ways to tackle situations while dealing with large no of team.
While everyone was busy in reading I was like ok as I knew the total matter in it would be of dealing people so was just watching every one. There I saw a short girl not fair rather I can say little dark complexion she was biting her nails and was almost shivering seeing the booklet given to us.
Suddenly the manager announced next last 5 min ….this made the girl more tensed ….all the way I was watching her and trying to assume what could be the reason of her being so tensed.
Finally our test was about to start and we were taken to a long hall of about 30 seater and we were made to sit in two rows one behind the other.
This girl was sitting in the next row (the next row which was beside but it was very far or rather I can say the other corner of the hall) we all became busy and it was fun to take the test and as it had multiple questions I dint feel it much difficult and finished my part real quick.
Now as usual started watching the girl I did not still understand what was her prob and if it is the paper for which she was worried I dint know how to help her or at least suggest her something.
The day went off we came back to hotel room me and my friend just came down to the loby and were having a general chat and a smoke this girl(sneha reddy) walked down to us and was talking to my friend saying I can’t work or can’t continue the training prog and want to leave ……..i was totally confused and after she left I asked him what’s wrong why is she telling all this to you …with a big huff he answered she is his cousin and he is the one who has brought her here to this job ….i was shocked and I coolly whats the matter about her complain of leaving the training …
He then explained me that she is of local medium language with her studies but he brought her here with great ref and thought she could make out….he also said she is very good at learning and she is a quick learner.
I was thinking as I wish I could help her teaching her but could not dare to suggest him nor convey the same.
Day 3(Wed)
The early hours of our morning started with the results and I was in the topers of the sessions had til that date and also was selected for ISO training prog to lead my department. Was kind of happy at the same time was seeing sneha with a warning letter in hand.
I made a little courage and went to her saying hi, and next was slowly trying to say a word by then next moment my friend walked towards us and said “hey kittu you are in top list why can’t you help her “she heard it and said no pls don’t waste your time its now been decided by me to leave . I asked her to sit and my friend gave us privacy to talk and he left ….mean while she was in tears and was explaining me her prob.
After all the story I just said her things can be changed and gave her some tips to improve English verbal skills and as even iam not so good at writing skills I said this we can make out and its not an issue.
She was no mood to get consoled and she was totally weeping holding me tight…I finally said her to follow me and stay with me for the next session she said ok and followed me.
Our session was at 11 and we reached there in the hall and waiting with others.
The session started she was just beside me both of our thighs were almost rubbing each other without our intensions.
Now we were in given some work out session and made into small teams so me and sneha were given the task to build a rocket and a house using the card board and etc material.
We both did well and were the first to complete the task. Finally a choc was given to us for the winning and the task was explained as to show how team spirit works and all.
On the way back also she was with me and she was explaining me how happy she was. She offered me the choc which I dint take and said her will take a party instead of a choc when you win this totally.
Eve after I changed into casuals I was waiting for her as we planned for a dinner out but since I dint know exactly which room she was in I was waiting in loby. My friend came to me asked if I could join him for a drink? With a bit of hesitation I answered him that iam going out for dinner with your cousin ….he gave a little pause but he was happy that at last she is getting into the team and sharing thoughts …he shake my hand and said thank you while he left I saw a pretty girl coming towards me with a big smile….it was sneha
Yes guys yes she was stunningly glowing in her white dress which had some things on the bottom of the salwar which were shining. I shake her hand went to her ear and said slowly in her ears “snahe you look dam cute or rather if you pardon me you look sexy” she smiled at me and said stop pulling my leg pls lets go.!!
While we were walking towards the cab at least there were 10 to 20 people staring at us which was like embarrassing still managed to walk till the cab and rushed to a local restaurant.
We had food had a little chat both were sitting next to each other were little closeso were holding the hand and talking well sharing each other exp and also was telling and explaining her things of management and all.
We came back to hotel I dropped her till her room gave her a little hug saying good night and went back….somewhere somehow I was pulled towards her to her beauty she was stunning today in the dress which was a master piece for her.
Any way the day ended
DAY 4 (Wed)
A big day with a big smile while we were about to get into the cab she came running and wished good morning. We reached the hall today was again the play round and we were told to select a member within no time sneha was beside me holding my hand.
The game was one of the member was to be blind folded (closing eyes with black cloth) and the other is supposed to make her walk around to collect some things which were kept in the garden avoiding the hurdles like small trees, pool in the middle, rocks, mud, Steps etc the person who is blind folded will be purely on the directions given by the second member this was the task.
Sneha eyes were covered with black cloth (Blindfolded) I was ready to guide her holding her right hand with my left hand.
Task started every one was on their rush to win I was doing my best, We were supposed to collect white colored stoned placed in the garden, We had already collected 3 stones and were rushing for the next I was doing my best to make sneha understand what needs to be done how to walk how to climb steps and all while she was about to pic a stone …….she broke her sandal heel and lost balance towards her left …I was towards her right and while she was about to fall in hurry I held the middle back of her t-shirt and my other hand was on her waste holding her firmly …she immediately removed the cover from her eyes and looked around and walked a bit back …..she was speech less she just ran to the wash room without a word.
I was totally blank ….i was thinking reasons of why she ran off
Did I squeeze her near her waste badly? Did I touch her boobs so she felt bad? Because I touched in the sensitive part she was hurt? With all these questions I walked to hall as we were any way out of the game. After a little wait everybody finished the game and returned to the hall for the explination part. But sneha still dint return still.
The class started saying the game was made to be played so as to explain how we lead the team members with care even in professional life …..Sneha entered and sat beside me on asking she gave a little smile and said will talk later.
While we finished the class and moved out she came smiling and hit me on my back saying “you troubled me a lot “being confused I asked what ….she then said the way I caught her at the back her bra strap was fused out. !!!!! With a big huff I said sorry and explained her it was unintentional and just was trying to hold her firm.. She smiled and said that’s fine she knows it was a mistakenly happened.
Day 4 eve 7 pm she called me on mobile said lets go out for a walk? I agreed and we were accompanied by her friend rajita. we 3 went to a nearby pizza hut, We ordered a tomato cheese pizza and having general talk with rajita, as she was new to me we both were having direct conversation and sneha was just listening to us ……after a while rajita and we were like deeply involved in the chit chat and having max fun soon sneha realized she is alone and opted to walk back.
we were just walking and having and rajita came close by keeping her hand on my shoulder in a friendly manner for which I could notice sneha was totally red at her face and may be could not digest it so just kept calm all the way back to hotel.
I wished bye to both and rajita with a big smile said bye kittu !! but there was no reply from sneha….she just walked off taking the elevator ….i was confused at her behavior and was speechless.
Later in the early hours of night after dinner I casually sent her a sms saying “hi have you finished dinner” prompt response arrived saying “Go ask your rajita why asking me oh my mistake you sent me ah” I was like mad seeing the sms and gave no reply. (had a internal smile on the situation).
Later after a couple of min on no reply from my side she sent me a sms saying:
Sneha: Oh this means its true you sent it by mistake??
ME: No yaar you are making a issue out of a small thing.
Sneha: Oh really am I making an issue ? or is it you …hey are you busy chatting with her ?
Me: Sneha madam I don’t have her no then how will I chat ? and why did you think I wil chat with her.
Sneha: See you are waiting for her no hmm ok do you want me to send it? As you are missing her a lot na!!
ME: Sneha why are you talking all this ? ok better come down to the loby wil talk directly.
Sneha: Ok ok you want me to bring Rajita also?
Me: Yaar you are >>>>>>——— Leave it iam sleeping good night!
Sneha: oh ok if she does not come you this means you wanna sleep !!! Hey don’t worry I wil bring her come to loby
Me: (Meri maa mujhe chodde ab maaf karde !! Bol kya guna kiya mayne kyu tadparahi ho kya karu) I sent that in hindi to her saying pls leave me forgive me kindly tell me what so big mistake I did and why are you doing this to me.
Sneha:nothing good night bye!!!
Me: Sneha iam waiting in loby until you come iam not taking mobile ….so see you at loby in 5 min.
After that msg I walked down the stairs and was waiting for her ….(girls are girls they love making boys wait kya kare) she slowly came after about 20 min of wait.
She stood in front of me facing towards the wall I held her shoulder and made her turn towards me to talk. And asked her tel clearly whats the matter: she then said I was the person who made you come out for a walk, I was the person who introduced you to her although you know her as colleagues but as a friend I did, and finally iam left alone like a stupid how can you ignore me yaar don’t you think this is toooooo much?
I smiled a and said sneha its not about ignoring or something we were actively involved in chat and you dint get into it that’s all and this does not mean that I ignored you…any way iam sorry for if I hurted you….
She just grabbed my hand and walked out of hotel: We both were walking in the small garden area but all through the walk she was holding my hand and talking. and finally it was about 10 15 and time for good night …she walked me till my room and said good night.
While I turned and knocked my door she called me from a distance ….i walked towards her to know why.
With a cute smile she said sorry for her behavior (in my mind I was thinking …issue she made she scolded she only telling sorry …ah girls are girls) But the way she expressed it I was totally mad on her smile. I was just looking into her eyes I took her both hands made one step towards her ….she started breathing heavy both were just looking in each other eyes with no talk.
She moved her eye vision to my lips which was like inviting me for a taste of her lovely strawberry lips even I stared for a min on those lips and was making a move slow towards her lips ………suddenly my friend opened the door and shouted “ Oyy coming in or not iam waiting here” we had to break our silient love making or starting session and end up saying good night leaving those strawberry lips trembling for a good kiss.
Ok guys heres the end of the first part and iam not gonna make you people wait and keep you in a state of whats next I will complete the story in a short while and upload even the second part by evening today so that both stories are up on the server in the same day….send in your comments which would make me happy. Hope you all will love it [email protected] .Inviting friends and pals to join me for a happy date.
All the names and place names have been changed for the security and safety purpose so pls do not compare with any of the names or places described except few which are really given.