Tough Competition Part – 3

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My name is Amit and I’m from Jaipur. I’m 30 yrs old and work as an Engineer in a multinational company. This is my first story on and is completely fictional. Please feel free to share your comments at [email protected] or [email protected]

Half way through the second drink, awkward nervousness gave way to more relaxed curiosity. “It looks like it went well for you,” Sonya said to break the ice of what they were both curious about.

Maya realized residual from Amit’s cum bath must still be visible. She immediately ran her fingers through her long hair and felt the thick strands of his cream still highlighting her dark hairs. She looked down and saw patches of whipped cream mixed with his cum drying like semi-transparent off white paint on her breasts. She would normally feel embarrassed. Instead, she felt a sense of accomplishment and pride, sitting across from Sonya. His cum on her body felt like Olympic medals. Maya ran her middle finger through one of the patches of cum with whipped cream on her breast. She seductively licked her finger clean before sucking it into her mouth. “It did,” Maya answered as images of her last hour with Amit played through her mind like a slideshow. She smiled. “It really did.”

They both finished their martinis and ordered a third. Maya felt the buzz of the drink. The only thing she had since breakfast was her pre-appointment coffee.

Sonya could feel her competitive juices begin to boil. It was torture to sit across from Maya’s body decorated by Amit’s love cream. She thought she had drained him dry in a way that would take days for him to recover. The amount of cum on Maya’s body either said a lot about him, or even worse, about Maya.

“The memory of it will be a nice consolation prize for you,” Sonya taunted. “You may not want to wash it off since it’s the last of it you will be getting.”

Maya smiled knowing Sonya must have felt threatened.

“Anything you did couldn’t touch what I gave him and how I left him,” Sonya continued to boast. “I spent him like a five dollar bill at Tiffany’s. When I was done, I needed more but there was nothing left of him.”

“Apparently there was,” Maya answered. She ran her finger again across her frosted breast and stirred it into her martini. “It’s amazing how far I could stretch that five dollar bill. My pussy is still dripping his cum.” She took another sip of her clouded martini.

Sonya’s eyes squinted like staring down a gunslinger in a gunfight. “I bet your ass is still dry,” she said arrogantly. Maya looked up surprised at Sonya’s words. Sonya knew she landed a blow. “In one hour I sucked his cock dry,” Sonya boasted. “Then I fucked him until my pussy overflowed with his thick cum. Before he could realize what was happening, I lowered my tiny oiled ass on his broad long dick and rode him like mad. My ass muscles massaged and punished him until stream after stream of his thick cum filled my ass. I told him I wanted my ass to drip his juices for days. I have never felt anything hurt so good.”

Maya sat speechless at Sonya’s graphic description.

“I discovered that nothing makes me cum faster than just seeing his cock coming for me, let alone doing its magic in every crevice of my body. I am wet now just thinking about it. What makes me even hotter is knowing what he does to me is nothing compared to what I do to him. He is putty in my hands when he sees my naked body body ready to take his dick anyway he wants.”

Maya knew Sonya was trying to psyche her out with her trash talk. She also realized how true Sonya’s words might be with her unquenchable willing lust. Maya looked at her watch. “It’s time.”

The elevator opened to the twelfth floor of the Desai & Diwanji building. The floor was vacated and dark, except for the light in the glass office across the room. The two women stepped out of the elevator and walked together toward the light. Sonya felt confident in her nervousness, like waiting for a jury to give the obvious verdict after a case argued so convincingly the other party refused rebuttal. Maya felt more nervous. Sonya’s bold announcement in the bar made her uneasy.

Sonya arrived a step ahead of Maya and knocked on the familiar door.

“Come in.”

Sonya opened the door and they walked in. Remnants of the day’s interviews remained strewn around the room. Sonya’s leather cuffs lay under the desk at the base of each leg. Maya’s remaining two chocolate covered strawberries waited in the dish on the small table next to the half-empty can of whipped cream. Both women smiled from the memories they conjured up. Amit sat casually waiting for them on the outside edge of his desk, closest to them. His coat was off, tie was loosened, and shirt sleeves rolled up. The two women walked across the room and stopped a few feet from him. They stood next to each other like two beauty queen contestants waiting to hear who will be crowned.

“You both have proven very impressive today, as I expected. Unfortunately the competition has been fierce and we have reached a stalemate.” Sonya was shocked at the announcement. Maya let out a deep sigh of relief. She still had a chance, however small it was.

“So,” he continued to explain, “the only way I know to break a tie is overtime. I have no choice but to have you compete against each other in a sudden death tie-breaker. As you did earlier, you will compete by demonstrating the scope of your skills and willing dedication. The competition will not stop until we have a winner. Any questions?”

“What is the competition?” Sonya asked out of eager curiosity.

“I don’t believe that should matter,” Amit answered. “The question is, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get and keep this job?”

“No question,” Sonya answered quickly, with a strong game face.

Butterflies stirred within Maya. She still felt fatigued from her “interview” and dizzy from the drinks. She envied how refreshed Sonya looked after her afternoon of rest. “Yes I am,” Maya answered with less conviction. “How long will the competition last?”

“That will be up to you two. When I close the door, no one will leave until we have a winner,” Amit explained. “It is Friday afternoon. We have all night and all weekend before anyone else will be in the building.” Maya’s heart sank with exhaustion at the thought. “But,” he continued, “having experienced what I have of the two of you today, I would be surprised if it takes that long. Ultimately it will be up to you.”

Sonya saw her advantage. “Great!” she said. “Let’s close the door and get this competition underway” she said looking over to Maya, “no matter how long it takes.”

“Are you in?” he asked Maya.

“I’m in,” she said regaining her resolve. “Let’s do this.”

Amit smiled as he stood up from the edge of his desk, walked across the room and closed the door. Each of their hearts skipped a beat when they heard the sound of the familiar bolt lock turn and the key removed. He walked to the small open safe behind his desk. They watched as he placed the key on the top shelf, closed the safe and turned the dial. Adrenaline pumped through their bodies. Neither had any idea what would be asked; both stood with new determination to win, whatever the cost. Amit returned to the outer edge of his desk in front of Sonya and Maya.

“OK ladies. You both demonstrated equal competency, skill and expertise in legal matters today. Your interviews were very impressive on your ability as paralegals. Certainly your records already speak for themselves. I don’t believe it would be productive or interesting to pursue these matters further, especially on a beautiful Friday evening like this.”

Both women showed some relief.

“This leaves the more interesting matters of your expertise in satisfying relationships and willing dedication. I have come up with a simple competition for you. I call it ‘Satisfy.’”

“I see where this is going,” Sonya interrupted with excitement in her voice.

“Maybe,” Amit corrected, “and maybe not.” The two women looked at each other curiously, then back at him. Their suspense was beginning to grow. “You have each more than demonstrated your ability to satisfy me in numerous ways on your own. I don’t know if I will ever be the same.” Each woman smiled at the compliment, believing he was especially talking about her.

“You are fiercely competitive and talented. Because of that, I have decided to keep the competition as simple as possible – nothing complicated that can be contested. I also believe it will be best to have the fewest ground rules possible. Keep it simple. Whoever wins, wins. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” both women answered unison. The suspense was killing them.

“This competition is simple and straightforward. Again, it is called Satisfy. That is your goal. I want to know who can make the other reach orgasm first.” The two women looked at each other. Shock and fear filled Maya’s face. She had never been nor had any interest in other women. Sonya returned the look with a victorious smile like a poker player who had just been dealt four aces. Rumors of Sonya’s infamous negotiation conquests included dozens of satisfied women.

“The winner today will be decided as the first woman to bring the other to an orgasm. It’s that simple. To do this, you will each have five minute intervals where you are in control. I will keep the time. During your interval, you are completely in charge of everything that happens in this room. Whatever you say goes. There will be no questions, no hesitations, no refusals, no appeals and no exceptions, period.”

The two women again looked at one another, sizing up their competition and the unexpected challenge that lay before them. Sonya smiled knowingly with her confident game face. She began to admire Maya’s body with new interest and strategy. She relished the thought of having complete control of her gorgeous black landscape. She was determined to bring her to an orgasmic ecstasy that would leave her melted in a puddle of her own juices.

“Here is the kicker,” Amit continued. The women turned their attention back to him, surprised there was more. Maya’s pulse quickened. “It will be not enough to simply or begrudgingly do as you are told during the other person’s interval. You must respond to any demands with the upmost cooperation, enthusiasm and eager willingness. Any resistance or response short of what looks to me as enthusiastic compliance means an immediate forfeiture. During the other person’s interval, you must hungrily seek to satisfy their every desire.”

“Oh God,” Maya said to herself, not realizing her words slipped quietly out of her mouth. Her body began to sweat in anticipation.

“Oh God, is right” Sonya repeated with confidence. “Get used to saying that to me as I make you putty in my hands.”

Maya glanced quickly at the door. She resigned herself to the reality that no one was going to leave until someone cums.

“Any questions ladies?”

“No,” they both answered.

“Then it’s time to see who will begin. Since you picked for our interviews today Maya, I need Sonya to pick a number between one and ten.”

“What number did Maya pick?”

“Lucky seven,” Amit answered.

“Since I’m going to take her now and take her job, I might as well take everything. I’ll take her lucky seven please.”

Sonya’s arrogance began to stir Maya’s resolve and determination. “That number is the only thing you will take from me tonight,” she snapped back. “If she picked seven, then I go first, right?” said Maya.

“Not this time,” Amit corrected. Six through ten goes first, one through five goes second.” Sonya smiled like a team captain winning the coin flip at the Super Bowl.

“We need to begin by having you ladies get more comfortable.” Each of you will begin your first interval by removing the other person’s clothing. Again, as with all intervals, anything goes. In your interval, your goal is to satisfy the other person by bringing them to orgasmic bliss. When it is the other person’s interval, you will enthusiastically satisfy their every desire by your willing cooperation.

Sonya, for the next five minutes, Maya and the room are yours. Please begin by undressing her and then work your magic.” Sonya and Amit smiled at each other. He tapped the timer on his desk. “You may begin.”

Sonya was excited for the opportunity to have Maya before being declared the winner of the day’s competition. Sonya knew how to please a woman. She was aroused by the added pleasure of Maya’s certain defeat by the unavoidable betrayal of her own pussy. She knew Maya would not be able to resist the magic of Sonya’s experienced touch.

Sonya smiled again as she turned to stand in front of her opponent. “I look forward to your full cooperation.” Sonya unattached the single button of Maya’s blouse, allowing it to fall open. She reached her hand up to gently caress Maya’s bare breasts. Sonya leaned forward and gently kissed her on her cheek and whispered in her ear. “Relax and enjoy this Maya. Take it in and allow it to take you.” Maya closed her eyes. Sonya lightly kissed her neck and shoulders. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered. “I’ve fantasized many times about what it would be like to touch your soft skin, to kiss your luscious breasts, to drink the sweet cum from your pussy.” Sonya continued to caress Maya’s face and neck with her lips. “I’m so glad for this moment.”

Maya found her resistance weak to Sonya’s affection. Goose bumps traveled over her body. Sonya’s kisses were tender and authentic. Maya moaned at the feel of Sonya’s fingernails caressing the sensitive nipples of her breasts. Subconsciously she realized the drinks downstairs had erased inhibitions that would normally protect her from being vulnerable to a woman’s touch. Instead, she found herself surprised, pleasantly so, that those inhibitions were melting into desire. She knew of Sonya’s reputation. Now she was feeling a growing desire to experience it for herself. Maya leaned her head back to invite the continued affection of Sonya’s lips on her neck. Maya’s nipples hardened with arousal from the gentle scraping of Sonya’s manicured fingernails.

Sonya was glad to see Maya’s body respond so quickly. “This won’t take long at all” she thought to herself. She was tempted to stretch it out as long as she could for the pure enjoyment of it, especially with the added arousal of Amit watching. It was rare to have a body like Maya’s at her full disposal.

Sonya slipped her hands up to gently help the sheer white blouse off Maya’s shoulders. The vision of Maya’s cum-painted breasts made Sonya hungry. Sonya enjoyed the landscape of Maya’s body. She glided her hands around to the zipper in the back of her skirt. Sonya lowered her face and pulled Maya’s body toward her to take one of her full breasts into her mouth. Sonya sucked in as much of Maya’s large tit as she could while massaging its nipple with her skilled tongue. The taste of Amit’s cum on her breast made her own pussy stir.

Maya moaned again from the attention to her breast. She was tormented by Sonya’s fingers on the zipper of her skirt. She pulled herself closer against Sonya, pushing her breast further into her mouth. Maya felt the zipper to her skirt begin to descend her ass. Sonya slowly pulled Maya’s skirt and thong down her long legs until they landed on the floor around her ankles. Sonya slowly stood up, running her hands up Maya’s legs and ass on her way up. She unclasped Maya’s lacy shelf bra and threw it on Amit with a laugh.

Sonya took Maya’s ass in one hand while sliding her other hand to her moist groomed bush. She began to finger Maya with a skillful circular motion. Maya spread her legs with willing cooperation. Her hips began to rock to Sonya’s fingering. Her legs shook from Sonya’s touch.

“Ohhhhh,” Maya moaned. “Faster,” she begged. She felt her nipples tighten. “Oh gawd, you make me feel so good.”

Sonya took one of Maya’s growing nipples in her mouth to massage it between her lips and with her tongue.

The timer clock interrupted with a buzz. Sonya continued to finger Maya while abusing her nipple with her mouth. “Maya, the room and Sonya are yours,” Amit said without delay. “You may begin now.”

Maya’s head was in a fog from Sonya’s touch. She took Sonya’s head in her hands and lifted it from her breast. She planted her thick lips onto Sonya’s for a long passionate kiss. She had never wanted to kiss another woman before, but Sonya’s touch changed everything. Maya reached up to the small straps holding Sonya’s dress on and lowered them over her shoulders while maintaining her zealous kiss. She grabbed the material on each side of Sonya’s tight blue dress and pulled it down over her tits and waist. The dress fell to the floor at her feet. Just as she suspected, Sonya had nothing else on under the dress. Maya’s hands moved freely over Sonya’s ass and breasts to caress the soft skin of her perfect body.

Maya moved her hand to Sonya’s love box to follow Sonya’s example. Maya had never touched another woman before. However, she knew what she liked, and she knew what Sonya’s touch had been doing to her.

Sonya loved the touch of another woman. They were always more gentle than most men she knew. She had dreamed of Maya’s touch. Maya fingered Sonya relentlessly. She also took advantage of her round breasts and firm ass. “If I am going to lose,” Maya thought to herself, “then at least I can make sure Sonya will remember I was here.” Time flew much too quickly for Maya. The buzzer marked the end of her interval. She knew she was about to be putty in Sonya’s hands.

“Sonya, the room is yours again. You may begin.”

Sonya immediately pulled Maya’s fingers from her pussy and licked them in her mouth. “Gawd I taste good,” she said with a smile. “Sit down in the leather chair,” Sonya demanded. “Move your ass to the front edge, lean back and spread your legs for me,” Sonya instructed losing no time.

Maya obliged and knew what was coming. She sat at the edge of the soft leather chair, leaned back and spread her own pussy lips with her fingers in an effort to help.

“Very nice,” Sonya complemented. She kneeled in front of the leather chair between Maya’s legs. Sonya leaned forward to kiss Maya’s breasts before descending her abdomen with small kisses along the way. Maya’s fingers continued to hold her own pussy lips open to welcome the arrival of Sonya’s skilled tongue. Sonya’s tongue gently and skillfully travelled the length of Maya’s love box to become familiar with it. Maya’s body immediately began to respond.

Sonya enjoyed Maya’s response and willingness to be lost in the ecstasy of her caress. She also inspired herself knowing she still had the touch. “Lay back and relax Maya,” Sonya paused to whisper. “I am going to take you where only a woman can.”

Watching Sonya descend on Maya’s naked body was too much for Amit. He unzipped his pants and began to stroke his hardening cock.

Maya moaned loudly as she felt Sonya’s face move back into her lap. The magic of Sonya’s tongue felt so good. “Harder,” she begged. “Oh, please don’t stop.”

Sonya had no intention of stopping. She was determined to have Maya buzz before the clock. Sonya used every trick and touch she had learned over the years from the women she had taken – and had taken her.

Maya’s entire body began to quiver. “Oh gawd,” you are doing it,” she yelled. “It has never felt like this. Don’t stop!” Maya was lost in another world. The whole room began to spin around her. She raised her hips to push her love box harder into Sonya’s face. Her arms and legs tingled with increasing intensity. “Oh gawd, oh gawd!” Maya was almost at the breaking point. Sonya’s skill was about to take her past the point of no return. It felt so good.


“Oh gawd no!” Maya cried. Her body convulsed.

“I don’t have to stop,” Sonya offered.

“Maya,” Amit said still gently rubbing his cock, “the room and Sonya are yours. You may begin now.”

Maya quickly got up, feeling dizzy from her immanent orgasm. Sonya felt her own juices begin to stir as she watched Maya ready to give. “I have you, my dear Maya. You may have never been with a woman before,” she said, “but all I will need is 30 more seconds and you won’t be able to restrain yourself.”

Maya’s legs shook as electric shocks continued to jolt her pussy from Sonya’s affection. Sonya’s words landed hard. Maya knew they were true. She was surprised by how helpless she felt against Sonya’s insatiable appetite and expertise. No one in the room had any doubt she would quickly be reduced to a puddle in the hands of Sonya at the next interval. All restraint was gone.

Suddenly an idea flashed across Maya’s mind. She glanced down at the leather restraints still lying at the base of each desk leg where Sonya had left them that morning. “I should have thought of that before,” she reprimanded herself. “That last interval was too close for comfort.” Maya continued to squeeze the muscles in her pussy to keep herself from drenching the carpet beneath her, and losing everything.

“Up on the desk and lay on your back,” Maya ordered with renewed confidence.

“I like this,” Sonya willingly complied. Maya quickly secured Sonya’s arms to each leg with the leather straps at one end of the desk. “You have five minutes to give it your best shot girl,” Sonya taunted as she enjoyed the feeling of her wrists becoming immobilized against the wood. “That’s all you have left.”

Maya moved around to the other side and secured Sonya’s legs tightly to the desk. “You like that, don’t you?” Maya asked with a smile. Sonya didn’t answer, but her face gave her away. The competitive confidence of a sure victory heightened Sonya’s arousal from the feeling of leather around her wrists and ankles.

Maya began to walk around the desk, lightly stroking Sonya’s body with her fingers. As she walked along the length of the desk, she ran her fingers up Sonya’s leg, allowing her tips to move along her inner thigh. Sonya’s leg twitched and opened slightly to accommodate. She paused long enough to allow her fingertips to gently massage the lips of Sonya’s moist pussy. Maya spread the lips wide with her index and ring finger, allowing her middle finger free access to her swollen clit. She gently caressed it. Sonya instantly responded, demonstrating how sensitive it was from the last interval. “Nice,” Maya said in a calm unhurried voice.

Sonya was surprised to feel Maya’s hand leave her box and continue to move up her body. Maya lightly passed her hand over Sonya’s firm brown abdomen and stopped again over Sonya’s left breast. “So pretty,” Maya complemented. She slowly began to roll Sonya’s erect nipple between her thumb, index and middle finger. Sonya first responded with a gentle moan. Maya watched as Sonya’s nipple continued to tighten and grow between her fingers. Sonya felt the effect throughout her body and began to arch her back as if to raise her tits in encouragement. Maya squeezed Sonya’s nipple harder and rolled it farther between her fingers in each direction.

Sonya’s body instantly reacted, dropping her body back again to the desk. The pressure of Sonya’s lowered body caused her tit to be stretched as Maya kept hold of it where it was. “Ouch,” Sonya complained softly, “gentle.” Maya smiled as she cruelly applied more pressure to the nipple of Sonya’s stretched tit and rolled it even farther between her fingers. Sonya’s nipple began to swell as blood flowed to the source of pain. “Ouch you bitch!” Sonya yelled.

“Ah, ah Sonya,” Maya replied with a devilish smile, “I need willing cooperation. Tell me you like it. Tell me you want me to squeeze your nipple harder.”

Sonya hesitated. Maya squeezed her nipple hard between your fingers. “Tell me slut, or you can forfeit right now.”

“Squeeze it bitch,” Sonya complied. “But it’s nothing compared to what I am going to do to you.”

“Ah, ah, enough of that,” Maya said applying a vice grip to Sonya’s nipple between her fingers again. “Tell me you want it harder.”

“Squeeze me harder,” Sonya again complied. “Squeeze it so I feel my victory for days.”

Maya enjoyed rolling Sonya’s nipple until her tit was stretched farther than she had ever experienced. Sonya squirmed in pain, unable to get away from the restraints. Maya looked across Sonya’s body to her untouched breast. “Your other tit looks neglected. Tell me you want me to suck it.”

“Suck my tit Maya,” Sonya complied hoping it would bring relief to the abused tit between Maya’s fingers.

“You want me to suck it so you feel your victory for days?”

“Gawd yes,” Sonya answered willingly. “Suck me hard.”

Keeping the nipple of the captive tit between her fingers, Maya leaned over Sonya’s body. She placed her mouth over Sonya’s untouched nipple and began to suck it into her mouth as if she were trying to draw thick milkshake up a long straw. Sonya squirmed again from the pain. Maya felt Sonya’s body move under her in response. She simultaneously sucked Sonya’s nipple back and forth in her mouth while rolling the other between her fingers.

Sonya shrieked. The abuse to her nipples felt like time had slowed. It was also intensely arousing.

“Tell me you want to feel your nipple between my teeth.”

“Bite me,” Sonya said in compliance, with a double entendre. Immediately Sonya felt her nipple being scraped between the front of Maya’s upper and lower teeth.

“Aaaugh,” she cried out. Maya sucked most of Sonya’s round tit to the back of her mouth. She used her tongue to position her nipple between her back molars. “Oh gawd,” Sonya gasped. She knew what was coming. Maya’s back teeth slowly began to close, capturing Sonya’s engorged nipple in between. Sonya’s soft nipple felt like a chewy gummy bear between Maya’s molars.

Maya enjoyed the sensation of Sonya’s sensitive flesh between her teeth and having her in her complete control. She slowly gnawed Sonya’s nipple, savoring the way it felt and how Sonya’s entire body squirmed in response. “Mmmmm,” that was good.” Sonya couldn’t deny the pain for her was both agonizing and arousing.

Maya continued up Sonya’s body and lowered her mouth to Sonya’s ear. “It’s time to stop playing games,” she whispered with a smile. “I am now going to make your body convulse uncontrollably with wave after wave of explosive orgasms until you are drained of everything in you.”

“In your dreams,” Sonya said defiantly.

Maya began to gently kiss Sonya’s neck. Cold chills began to appear across Sonya’s body. “Hmmmm,” Maya said, “you like that as much as I did.”

“How much time is on the clock?” Sonya blurted.

“Three minutes in,” Amit said as the time keeper. “Two minutes left.” Sonya’s body began to squirm.

“Plenty of time,” Maya whispered with rising confidence. Sonya felt things shifting in the competition. Something was different in Maya tone. She had heard it before when Maya clinched court cases with impenetrable legal strategies. “I’ve been listening very carefully to you Sonya. You told me nothing makes you cum like seeing Amit’s large white cock devouring every crevice of your body. And you boasted that nothing makes him cum like seeing your naked body ready to take his dick any way he wants. What a perfect time to prove both,” Maya said with a smile.

Maya looked over to Amit. His face and the large piece of meat in his hand showed his willing interest. “Amit,” Maya asked, “am I really in control of everything in this room?”

“Yes you are,” he answered, “for the next minute forty five.”

“Would you please quickly get undressed and step over here please?”

“No!” Sonya cried out, “no!” She watched Amit oblige and begin to take his shirt off, exposing his familiar tan muscular stomach.

“Careful,” Maya warned calmly, “you know the rules. Anything less than hungry cooperation will lead to disqualification. Let’s be hungry, shall we?”

Amit leaned over to take off his shoes then began to unbuckle the belt of his pants. Sonya turned her head to look the other way, trying to prevent her body from responding to the vision of his muscular body.

“Look at him Sonya.” Maya demanded. “Turn your head and look at him. You know you want to.” Sonya turned her head back toward where Amit was disrobing. She turned just in time to see his pants and boxers drop to the floor. Her entire body flushed at seeing him, just as she had that morning.

“Oh gawd,” she said again as she saw him begin to walk toward her.

“Amit, join her on the desk and please straddle her face” Amit climbed atop his desk. He straddled her head, sliding the bottom of his bent legs under her arms. He sat back lightly on her chest so his engorged sack and member were positioned inches from her face. She could feel his hard long dick pulsating at her mouth.

Sonya became ravenous from the smell of the precum moistening the head of his shaft. She felt possessed by an insatiable desire to consume his member in her mouth. Helpless, her body began to take over. Her nipples ached as they tightened and rose, despite the abuse they had taken. The entire darkness around her nipples now stood at attention on the beautiful rounded mounds of her perfect tits. She felt her stomach clinch and churn within. Her hips began to rock as she felt her juices involuntarily move and stir within her from the arousal. Her body was taking over like Pavlov’s dog. The thought of Amit having his way with her again rang her bell.

Maya relished seeing Sonya out of control. What she revealed before they walked into the room was true. Just seeing his muscular body come toward her brought her to immanent orgasm.

“Take it in your mouth,” Maya ordered. There was nothing Sonya wanted more than to take that massive throbbing cock to suck volumes of his sweet thick cream down her throat. As much as she wanted it, she knew it would be the end of her. Her pelvis began to squirm as the juices deep within her boiled at the thought. “What time is it?” Sonya blurted out again. She wasn’t sure how long she could hold it. She needed to make it to the end of the interval.

Amit glanced at his timer. “Four minutes ten,” he answered, “fifty seconds left.”

“Oh gawd,” she said again, never expecting to find herself this close.

Maya took Amit’s dick in her hand and lowered it to Sonya’s mouth. “Suck it,” Maya ordered. “Suck it like you’re underwater and need air.”

Sonya obliged out of sheer desire. She wanted to feel his cum pouring down her throat. She wanted him to coat her face in his juices. She wanted to watch his body quake as she drained every drop from him.

“Make him cum,” Maya coached. “Make him cum like no one else can.”

Sonya loved the feel of his member throbbing in her mouth as she relentlessly worked it with her tongue, between her lips and down her throat. She felt her body giving way to the ecstasy she felt throughout.

Sonya moved to the other end of the desk and took up position between Sonya’s long brown legs. Sonya shook when she felt Maya spread her already sensitive pussy lips, and expose her engorged clit. Maya ran her tongue up the length of her love box before beginning to circle her thickening clitoris. Sonya’s hips began to buck and cold chills covered her body in bumps.

Amit’s head dropped back and he let out a loud groan as he fucked Sonya’s face with reckless abandon. He was passing the point of no return. Sonya wanted it from him as much as he did.

Maya glanced at the timer. Four minutes forty seconds. The final twenty seconds began to pass quickly toward the buzzer. She stroked Sonya’s wet pussy again with the tip of her tongue.

“Aaugh” cried the female voice in response from the other end of the desk.

“Amit,” Maya asked, ready to drop her ace in the hole.

“Oh gawd, don’t make me stop,” he said ramming his cock down Sonya’s skilled throat.

“Oh, don’t stop Amit, Maya encouraged. “Fuck her like you have always wanted to.” Sonya wrapped her lips around Amits dick harder than ever, sure he was about to unload a massive boon.

“I just wanted to ask if I am really in charge during my interval, and anything I say is law,” Maya asked

“Yes! Yes!” he shouted, simultaneously answering Maya’s question while unloading a large thick rope of cum down Sonya’s throat. Sonya gagged from the sheer volume forcing its way down her vocal pipes. She pulled his pulsating cock out of her mouth in an attempt to gasp for air. Two huge blasts of thick white cum covered her gorgeous brown face like curtains covering a window. Sonya took a deep breath and consumed his still firing dick into her throat, hungry to swallow every drop she could drain.

Her hips began to buck violently, barely able to hold her own orgasm back. She couldn’t remember when an orgasm had built up so big in her. No one made her feel this way like Amit. Her head spun with disorienting dizziness. She fought to keep this monster orgasm in the cage. She was so lost in the battle she barely heard Maya’s words.

“I grant a five minute extension to my interval,” Maya declared.

“Aaaaugh” Amit groaned hearing Maya’s words from behind him. He pulled up. Small deposits of white cream continue to pour out, covering Sonya’s chin and neck. Sonya’s hips continued to buck, fighting back the orgasm she desperately wanted Amit to take from her.

It took only a second for the significance of Maya’s declaration to register through the fog in Amit’s mind. He quickly looked over to the clock to see the second hand move from four seconds remaining, to three, to two, to one. His mind quickly flashed back to his own instructions of the tie-breaker. They were kept simple and straightforward. The winner was the first to bring the other to an orgasm. There were only two rules. The first was the two women would alternate five minute intervals where they were completely in charge. Anything they said must be obliged. No appeals. The second rule required compliance by the other to be enthusiastic, willing and eager. Anything less would lead to forfeiture.

“You have five more minutes then Maya,” Amit confirmed.

Sonya struggled to comprehend what was happening through her dizziness. “That’s not fair!” Sonya screamed as she squirmed helplessly on the desk. Her face was covered in his cream; her body convulsed ready to release an orgasm bigger than she thought possible.

“Fair?” Maya asked calmly, knowing Sonya was about to explode and had no hope of holding back. “I’m surprised to hear that word come from your mouth.”

Sonya’s heart sank. She knew what Maya was about to say.

“Losers lose by the rules, Sonya. I will win by rewriting them.”

Amit smiled with pride at Maya’s innovative approach.

“Amit,” Maya said, “would you slide that massive thick cock of yours down here to give her pussy what it’s begging for?”

“You’re in charge,” Amit said with a smile.

Sonya squirmed helplessly tied to the desk with the leather wraps she provided from the morning’s interview. She regretted boasting to Maya that she was helpless against Amit’s affection and hard cock. She felt powerless as his sweaty body began to move slowly down her still convulsing body.

“Oh shit, oh shit,” Sonya said in anticipation. The feeling of his body against her began to set her off.

Maya watched as Amit separated Sonya’s wet pussy lips and massaged her open love box with his hardening cock. Sonya’s body quaked beneath him in delight. She opened her eyes to see his face above her. Her tits ached and starved for his attention. She closed her eyes again as she felt everything in her begin to tingle with pleasure. The rise and fall of her pending orgasm over the last five minutes caused a volcanic build up within Sonya. Goose bumps over her body multiplied as he continued to torment her bulging clit.

“God you feel good,” Amit whispered into Sonya’s ear as he pushed the entire length of his recovered member deep into her soaked pussy.

“Aaaauugh” she cried as both of her hands clinched into fists. Sonya’s hips began to buck wildly with immanent anticipation.

Maya walked around the desk to Sonya’s head. Her eyes were still closed as her hips rocked, begging for Amit to impale her more deeply. “Let it go,” Maya whispered into her competitor’s ear. Sonya opened her eyes when she felt a gentle kiss on her lips from Maya. Sonya lifted her head to return the kiss more passionately. Maya enjoyed the taste of Amit’s cum coating her mouth.

Amit picked up his pace. He began to pound Sonya’s pussy, allowing his sack to beat against her ass. He felt another orgasm beginning to rise within him. “I’m going to cum again,” he announced. “Gawd, you are going to make me cum again.”

With that, Sonya screamed in ecstasy. Her body rocked and convulsed as her juices gushed from the deep recesses of her body. Amit relentlessly pounded her with increasing speed and force, determined to draw every drop from her. “Don’t stop, don’t stop” she begged. She raised her head again to passionately kiss Maya, almost as a subconscious response of gratitude. For more than two minutes, Amit drilled her. Sonya convulsed with wave after wave of orgasmic relief, until she collapsed beneath him. Her body shook, hypersensitive to his touch.

“Oh, gawd,” she said spent and limp, “please stop. I’m done.” Amit obliged, withdrawing before he reached orgasm.

“No your not,” Maya said. Sonya was unable to move. Maya quickly untied the straps from the desk, leaving the leather around her wrists. She asked Amit to do the same for the straps around her ankles. For a moment Sonya felt relieved to be released. Her body continued to shake from the attention of the last interval. She stood up at the short end of the desk where her feet had been strapped. She felt dizzy from the size of the orgasm and blood suddenly rushing to her feet. She struggled to balance on her two inch heels. Maya turned Sonya’s body to face the desk. She motioned Amit to reattach the leather straps to the base of the desk. “Bend over the desk Sonya and lay your arms in front of you,” Maya instructed.” Sonya was confused but obliged out of exhaustion. Maya quickly reattached the first wrist strap to the corner of the desk. Sonya pulled her other arm back, realizing what was happening.

“What are you doing?” Sonya asked. “You already won.”

“That’s true,” Maya said, “but that doesn’t mean we’re done.”

She grabbed Sonya’s arm and pulled it toward the other corner of the desk. Sonya was too spent to resist. Maya attached the final wrist strap to the desk. Sonya felt her tits pressed into the wet puddle of her own cum as her torso laid spread over the large desk. Sonya’s cocky two inch heels raised her round brown ass high in the air.

“I heard you boast about what it felt like to have his big cock fuck your ass and leave you with enough juice to drip for days.”

“No, no” Sonya begged. I can’t. I am sore; I’m spent. I can’t take any more.”

Maya slapped Sonya’s bare round ass. “Your tight brown ass disagrees. It looks like it’s begging for attention.” She slapped it again, then again. “It’s begging to be fucked.”

“No, please Maya.”

“Now that’s not the Sonya I know,” Maya said, slapping it again. “That’s not the Sonya who taunted me about her limitless capabilities.” Maya took Amit’s hand and walked him to the side of the desk where Sonya was facing. “See, my new job is to satisfy my boss in every way I can,” she boasted. She reached down and took his semi-hard dick in her own hand and knelt down in front of him. With a smile she took his member in her mouth and began to give him a thorough blowjob in front of Sonya’s watching eyes. “Gawd this is good,” she said as she pulled his long shaft out of her mouth. “It’s still coated with your pussy juices.” His shaft disappeared back down her throat. Amit began to moan as his dick hardened in her mouth.

“Faster,” he said. She began to bob her head as if in a race to find the last apple in a barrel. “I’m going to cum,” he said throwing his head back.

Maya immediately pulled his cock out of her mouth and stood up, keeping a hold of his dick in her hand. “I think it’s ready. Let’s take it back here Amit,” she instructed as she walked back to the edge of the desk where Sonya’s ass lie waiting. She slapped it again.

“Ouch,” Sonya cried.

Maya slapped it again harder. “Your ass is so round and firm. I’ve never seen an ass that begs to be fucked like yours.” She slapped her again, leaving a red mark on her brown skin. Maya separated Sonya’s red ass cheeks, exposing the flower of her ass.

Amit was ready to explode in orgasm. The memory of fucking Sonya’s willing ass earlier in the day made him all the harder. He remembered the gift of her words “my as belongs to you,” and how her willingness to have her ass fucked is what separated her from others. He guided the head of his tool to her waiting hole.

“Oh gawd, Amit,” she begged.

Amit took hold of Sonya’s waist with both hands and positioned his cock at the opening of her ass. “Aaauuugh,” he cried as he slowly pushed the full length of his dick into her. Sonya gasped in pain. Her sphincter muscles convulsed around him, taking hold of his member with unimaginable force. He slowly pulled back as she squirmed in painful delight. With one smooth motion, he pushed his entire thick cock into her narrow ass. He began to move back and forth as he had that morning. The pressure around his dick accentuated the pressure growing within it. He gradually increased speed and relentlessly pounded her ass. As the orgasm approached, he grabbed a hold of her waist tighter. Sonya’s ass shook in response.

“Fuck her,” Maya said. “Drill her ass to China.”

Sonya clinched her fists as Amit’s member thickened with his inescapable orgasm.

“Faster,” Maya ordered.

Amit’s body began to quake. Sonya’s ass muscles bore down on his dick, squeezing it like it was kneading bread. The pumping motion of his dick and the massaging abuse it was taking from her ass brought him to an explosive climax. Juices erupted from his dick, filling her bowels with load after load of his thick white cum. His legs weakened and his head spun. He had never given so much in such a short amount of time.

“Don’t stop,” Maya demanded. “I want her ass to remember this moment for weeks.”

Amit persisted causing his white cum to spill out down the outside of her ass, until he finally collapsed on top of her.

They laid there for few minutes as Amit caught his breath. He stood up and withdrew his spent member from her ass. Sonya laid there sore and defeated. Thick white cum dripped from her pussy and ass. The ribbons of cum coating on her face had begun to dry.

“Are we done?” Sonya asked. “Can you untie me so I can go clean out my desk and get the hell out of here?”

“What do you say Amit? You did say we have the building for the weekend.”

Anguish came over Sonya’s face like Amit’s cum.

“No thank you,” Amit answered, “Sonya’s employment here is done.”

Sonya was relieved by his words and the release of the leather straps from his desk. She picked up her blue dress and walked toward the door without putting it on. Amit unlocked and opened it for her. “I do hope you will consider future employment here when new positions become available,” he said with a smile.

Sonya’s body ached from the affection she received from him all day. His cum continued to pour from her pussy and ass. Her face was covered and she savored his taste in her mouth. She answered silently with a wink and a smile. She couldn’t wait for the opportunity to work for Amit again. She walked through the door into the darkness of the office.

Amit closed the door and turned around. Maya stood naked. Her smile was bright and her eyes sparkled.

“Congratulations,” Amit said reciprocating Maya’s smile as he walked near her. “I’d like you to stay and work overtime with me all weekend.” He looked admiringly up and down the beautiful landscape of her body. “There is so much I would like for us to accomplish before Monday.”

“It will be my pleasure Amit,” she answered willingly.

“It will be my pleasure.”

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