My Ticket Back To The UK

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I’m recently back in the UK after a holiday in India for a month with a few friends. I wanted to share something that happened to me in the last few days. I haven’t told anyone else about this yet but I need to tell someone.

Anyway, my name is Isobel, I’m 27 years old and British. I spent 2 weeks in Goa with a few other friends of mine, and then 2 weeks in Mumbai. A few days before I was due to fly home to the UK, my friends had to catch an earlier flight and move on to Australia, so I was on my own. That’s when disaster struck. My plane ticket, phone, credit cards, cash – pretty much everything except my passport – was stolen from the hotel where we’d been staying.

First thing I did was ring the airline to ask about a new ticket, and they said the cheapest would be about 18,000 rupees. I tried to ring some friends to ask them to wire me some money but the only problem was I couldn’t remember any of their numbers off the top of my head. All the numbers were stored on my phone. At this point I was starting to panic a bit, so I went to the son of the hotel manager to see if I could borrow some money. He’d been quite good to us during the fortnight we were there.

Unfortunately, he told me he didn’t have enough money to lend, but he knew an easy way I could earn enough to get back home. He said he had a friend who could help me out and that he’d introduce us. I didn’t really have any other options, so I agreed and I jumped on the back of his scooter.

After a while, he took me a rough-looking part of Mumbai. Not sure where it was exactly, but it was the kind of places usually avoided by the tourists and it was already night. It was like the slums I’d seen on TV and there were a lot of women hanging about in the streets that looked like prostitutes.

We parked up down an alley and the hotel manager’s son took me through a side door in a house. There were a few men in the room, and he started speaking something to them in Hindi that I didn’t fully understand. He took my hand and guided me out into a hallway and we followed one of the other men. I walked past several rooms until we came to one on the end that was apparently empty. I was starting to get a very bad feeling.

The hotel manager’s son turned to me and said “Ok, the going rate for a blowjob around here is usually about 50 to 100 rupees, but you’ll be able to charge more since you’re a Britisher. You’ll be able to afford your ticket home in no time. If you have any problems, talk to Sandeep” (Sandeep was apparently the boss).

I didn’t have much choice at this point so I went inside this little room. It was dirty and disgusting. The walls and floor were filthy, and there was just one dirty mattress on the floor. Apart from that it was bare. The hotel manager’s son left, and Sandeep went away for 5 mins or so and came back with two men.

“These men will give you 200 rupees each if you suck both of their cocks and swallow their cum”. I paused for a moment and realising how desperately I needed the money I agreed.

They pulled out their cocks and I got down on my knees in front of them, taking one in each hand. I began wanking them at first, but they soon took matters into their own hands.

They both started to rub their dark brown cocks all over my face. I’m not sure when they’d last washed them, but the smell was quite strong. I took one in my mouth and began bobbing up and down on it, occasionally stopping to lick the shaft up and down and lick the balls. Then I’d switch to the other guy for a while, taking him in my mouth and swirling my tongue all over the head of his cock.

This went on for a while until one of the men grabbed hold of my head and forced his cock deep all the way into my throat. His balls were bouncing on my chin and I knew something big was coming.

All of a sudden, he let out a huge moan and as he did I felt spurt after spurt of hot spunk being pumped down my throat. I was a bit taken aback by how much there was, it just seemed like an unrelenting torrent of jizz. Eventually he pulled out, and then the other man was there wanking furiously in my face.

He told me to put my tongue out for him, and as I did he got closer and fired a few shots of thick jizz directly down my throat, before emptying the rest of the content of his balls on my tongue. I swallowed it, and then opened my mouth to show them that it was all gone.

After that, before I’d even caught my breath, there was another man wanting sex, and another after that, and then another who just wanted a blowjob. By this point I figured I’d made about 1000 rupees. Still quite a long way from my goal.

The guy who had showed me around before, came into the room and said that he could give me 3000 rupees if I would have sex with him and four of his friends, but it had to be without condoms unlike the others before. He took me into the main room that I’d been in before, where the hotel manager’s son and the three other guys from earlier were waiting.

Before I knew it, I was bent over a table and the guys were all taking turns on me bareback. That’s when they suggested that they’d give me another 1000 rupees if I would let them fuck my arse, which I agreed to, and so they all took turns pumping their loads into my arse.

That went on for several hours, each of them taking turns on all my holes, until my arse and pussy were just oozing cum. It was dripping off me and all over the floor. It was ok though I figured, I was almost half way to my goal now. Not much more to go. I went to sleep shortly after to get an early start the next day.

The next morning, I gave all the guys blowjobs again and then went up to my little room. I thought it might have been quiet that time of day, but apparently a rumour had been going around that an Englishwoman was giving blowjobs and so quite a few men had turned up wanting to try me out.

I managed to negotiate a slightly higher price than the local girls, but it still took another day or two to raise all the money I needed to get home. I lost count of how many cocks I’d sucked, but it was more cum than I’d ever swallowed in my life. I still feel sick thinking about it. One time, a bunch of guys even splattered all my face and hair with cum.

The last day when I’d raised all my money, the hotel manager’s son came back to offer me a lift to the airport on his scooter. I gave him one last blowjob for free, and then got ready to leave with him.

As he was talking to Sandeep to the other guys, I saw him exchange money with them. Not sure how much there was exactly, but it was far more than my plane ticket cost. Can’t help suspecting that the manager’s son had enough money to lend me the whole time and I’d been taken advantage of. In fact, looking back on it, I’m starting to suspect it might have been him who stole my phone and credit cards in the first place.

Either way, I eventually managed to make it back to the UK safe and sound. When I think back of how many cocks I sucked and fucked, for such low prices because I was so scared and desperate, I feel totally cheap and degraded, and I’ve never told anyone about my secret. However, now and then I still occasionally remember all the dirty cocks and being covered in their stinking semen, and I masturbate over the thought.

Please do comment on my sex story below.

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