This Is What You Get – Part II

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My sister’s marriage was fixed for the very next month; of course this meant more than the usual family members descending on the house. This included my Padma Atte {Paternal Aunt} my father’s only and elder sister. She was a 50 something spinster who was both the pride and shame of the family. My grandfather had searched high and low for a groom for her but back in the 80’s there weren’t many men that fitted his expectations. At 50 she still had a super model figure which she kept well concealed in the sarees that she usually clad in, but for the head full of grey hair you would guess her to be 20 even 30 years younger than she really was. She had completed her degree in Economics top of the class and had landed a job at the headquarters of a rural bank. She was earning more than any man that had approached our family with a marriage proposal. Add to this the fact she was very down to earth and very religious –taking after my grandmother–, my grandfather kept searching for her Mr. Perfect all his life and never found one. My grandmother died shortly after and there were few or no elders left to see she settled down.

She had kept to her job and gone to the highest post she could reach and voluntarily retired a year ago. She still used to freelance for them every now and then. Using this position she had got me a job interview in the same place, only catch I had to leave immediately and complete a couple of courses in accounting and computer programming –I wasn’t exactly qualified to be a bank official–, I grabbed at the opportunity with both hands. I was more than willing to get away from my sister, who had left me with a wound so deep I thought it would never heal. The interview went great I was posted at the Chennai headquarters, which meant I got even farther away from my native. I did go back to attend Prerna’s wedding, the most awkward I felt with my own sister. At that time I really didn’t care but seeing everyone in the family especially my father so happy I realised that eventually I would forget and forgive what she had done to me and I don’t know, maybe even be happy for her.

I had just settled into the routine of this new chapter in my life, I was a brother no more; I son, only when I spoke to father on the phone and the most amazing revelation was that I no longer was the loaner, infact I was the popular guy in the office, with work friends and good relations with neighbours in the flats I was put up at. If only she could see me like this.

Three months from the incident Ramya called me and said she was in town and wanted to catch up. We agreed to meet after work at a cafe near my place. I was the first there waiting for her I tried to paint the picture of Ramya in my mind. I had seen her through the years –11 to 25– she was always around, often she would stay the night with my sister and even I would stay the night at her place and so I was thinking of the many days I had seen her early in the day. Hair un-made, face glistening as she had just washed it, sleepy eyes and that wry smile. I wonder if it was ever for me. I could not really go deep into that thought, as she had just arrived.

“Hey, how are you?” she enquired and sat in front of me. I just smiled. Was this the loaner in me trying to come back out. “So, how’s work?” she asked again.

“Great! Actually, it is more than I ever expected it to be.” I replied making sure to be an active participant in this conversation. She then ordered something and as we waited she explained that she was here to attend airhostess school and would be here for maybe six to nine months. She also gave me detailed directions to the working women’s hostel she was staying at. Eventually the coffee came and she took a few sips of it. I could clearly make out she was scanning me with a stray look as she did so. She gave a low sigh as she placed the cup down.

“So, it’s been so long!” she was hinting at the how long we had gone since we last met. “How long exactly, hmm…” she pretended to calculate mentally. “…4 months. Right!”

“Actually, more like 3.” she squinted at my awareness. “I saw you at the marriage remember.” she was the bride’s best friend, the next most seen women at any wedding.

“Yeah it was so hectic, we barely got to speak with each other.” she was right. I was busy too, not to mention the fact that I was purposely trying to avoid my sister.

“So I guess the last time we did talk, was when you professed your love for me.” she was taken by surprise by my comment. I let out a small laugh and she quickly joined in.

“Yeah, and you so eloquently rejected me.” we continued the chuckle. “I’ll have you know I since moved on, infact I found myself a boyfriend.” I was pleasantly surprised to hear this. “In fact Prerna introduced us, he is friend of Ramesh {my brother-in-law}, we just hit it off and have been together for nearly 2 months now. He was the one that got me into Frankfinn.” She said with a smile across her face.

“Congrats, so what’s the plan are you guys eloping to some foreign nation?” that brought back the chuckle in her. “No seriously I happy for you guys.” My sister married some jackass and her best friend who used to be in love with me is now banging a friend of the jackass, why wouldn’t I be happy? We talked for sometime more and as we left we realised it had started to rain and it didn’t look good infact there was water everywhere. She tried to catch an auto but no was willing to go that far. Eventually one of them said that unless the rain gave up it no one would go there as they would have to cross a bridge that had flooded and her only hope was to catch bus the next day morning. She immediately called the place she was staying at and confirmed the story. She asked me to drop her off at a hotel so she could spend the night. We took my bike and started towards a place I knew next to my office. I found it incredibly hard to drive in the rain and decided that a change of plans was in order. I turned towards my place.

“Hey listen, I live here. Both of us a dripping wet. We can’t go on for as far as we need to in a two wheeler. So just come up I’ll borrow the neighbour’s car and drop you of at the hotel.” I led her to my flat, gave her towel to dry off and went to the neighbour’s door. The couple answered together and enquired everything from why I was late; and whether I get caught in the rain. Ramya joined us still trying to dry her hair, that is when I got a chance to explain,

“This is my cousin Ramya. She stays in a hostel near Anna Nagar, but she can’t get there as the bridge near Egmore is overflowing I wanted to ask if there is a hotel nearby where she can stay the night.” the guy began to explain.

“Sure, but it’s not safe to travel in this weather especially in Chennai. I guess the best thing to do is let her stay here at our place with my wife and I’ll sleep over with you.” I felt that this would be the better option but didn’t want to force it on her so looked to Ramya. She hesitated before declining,

“Oh… I don’t want to trouble you, I guess we can manage in his flat.” did she just suggest she wanted to spend the night with me. “It’s not like we haven’t done it before, you know it would be like old times.” expect in the old times my sister was always present. “Besides it will give us time to catch up.” What more could we catch on three months? But I had to support her or I was going to look like a deuce not to mention my rep would be irreparably damaged in front of my sweet neighbours.

“Sure but you are completely drenched. Anni, if you don’t mind could you loan her something she could sleep in.” I asked the lady. She affirmed and took Ramya inside and I went back to change. I had just finished setting the couch up when my neighbour came and invited me over for dinner. I went with and found Ramya in a nightie setting the table for four. She was at least two sizes bigger and fuller than my neighbour and the nightie was hugging her every curve with lust. We had our dinner and left for my flat just as we stepped out into the hallway the power was cut. We borrowed a light and made our way to the flat. I kept admiring her figure in the candle light. Once inside I showed her to the bed and told her I would be on the couch if she needed anything. She asked to use the bathroom so I just went to the couch and started fidgeting with my mobile. She came out and joined me on the couch.

“So won’t you boyfriend mind it if you’re spending the night with another man.” I asked making sure she realised I was only joking.

“Well, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” she said with that silly grin she used to get occasionally.

“That means you’re gonna hide this from him. Secrets are not healthy for any relations.” I pointed out.

“Well then it works to my advantage.” she said in a slightly more serious tone. I couldn’t make out what she was hinting at but I was afraid to ask her clarify. “It didn’t work when I dumped him so might work out if he finds out and dumps me.” I was getting more and more confused. “He suggests that I would make a great air hostess and when I want to try it he refuses like he has some control over me or what I do. Fuck him!” she began to sob. I tried to comfort her. She laid her head on my chest and I started to stroke her hair. “I hate your sister.” you and me both, but I hate her cause she fucked me and dumped me on my arse and why is that you hate her? “First she tells me you will love me, then she says I should wait for you to come around and finally she says you are in love with someone else and the best thing for me to do is get over you. And, and… If that was not enough she introduces me to this jerk of a guy.” She kept on sobbing. “I know she was lying, was she?” she looked up into my eyes.

“Huh! bout’ what?” I asked.

“That you’re in love with someone else. Are you?” she enquired now only her chin resting on my collar bone.

“No.” I just said with a small smile on my face. Slowly a smile began to appear on her face as well. Before she had completed the smirk she puckered up and planted a soft and swift peck on my lips. I was taken aback but then she raised herself into my arms and launched into a long hard kiss. As I tried to push her away she opened her eyes and immediately fell back to the other arm of the couch and began to mumble apologies. I slowly placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her to me, gradually leaning in I kissed her chin and moved upward and reached her lips by the third or fourth kiss. She welcomed me with open lips. A kiss on the lips soon became a make out session with my tongue all inside of her mouth finding, flicking, licking and liking it. She must have liked it too cause she managed a moan or two.

“Hmmm…” she parted a little and leaned forward so that her forehead rested on the side of my head. “You have no idea how good it felt.” I can, it was my tongue you were fencing remember. “I can’t believe I waited so long to do that.” she was far from the sob she had started just a few minutes ago. She slowly looked up at me and for the longest time we just kept staring into each other’s eyes. I don’t if it was possible but it was as if we were talking and not remotely like we had ever done before. It’s like we had opened a door into each other’s thoughts and were looking to find out the truth. The funny thing is I saw only me in her eyes and realised that she would also the person I loved, ‘Shit, Prerna!’. I can’t let her see the truth, I couldn’t let her think that the first thought in my mind at my most aroused state was my own sister. I just looked away like I lost a stare contest.

“Hmhh…” I tried to hide my disgust by chuckling. Sure enough she took the bait and joined in. Soon the chuckled grew into a small laugh. She got up and headed to the bedroom. She proceed to lift the nightie over her head, I seemed to be transfixed on the hem of it as it slowly crept up her legs, her thighs, as it came up to her hips I was admiring her ass I saw the roundness of each cheek and then focused on the panty that had kinda resided in a little. I must confess I was never been more captivated by a rim of cotton. As I slightly lifted my gaze I realised she had got it up and over her head and was now holding it to cover her huge, beautiful breasts. I caught a glimpse of a side-boob when she turned back and looked straight at me. I met her eyes and then realised she was still smiling.

“It’s Prerna right!”, she said to my astonishment. Was I too slow? Did she see what I was afraid she would? Was my secret known to someone other than my sister?

“What?” I asked pretending innocence.

“Don’t worry I understand.” FUCK! What the hell is going on? “You told me that you can’t love me because I your sister’s best friend and in effect like a…” she trailed off not being able to say the actual words. “I guess I could have gone about this in a whole different way, but doesn’t change the fact that I still love you with all my heart. I don’t know what it is, I guess just being that close to you for all that time I just presumed you would see my like…” she looked down at herself and my eyes followed and I once again took the absolutely sexiest girl standing there like she was ready to be laid out{or laid on}. “Like this!” she gave a small chuckle. “Like most guys looked at me. But I guess I fell for the one true gentleman I really know.” She just stood there awhile and then continued, “Just for the fact I never saw like that you know?” she waited awhile.

“Like….?” I tried to coax an explanation.

“Like a… little…brother, My… little… brother.” she and turned back again giving me a flash of her side boob. I just rose to my feet and followed her to the bed and finally when I got in touching distance she froze in front of me. I slowly brushed her semi-wet hair aside and held her neck in a firm grip. I then turned her around and as she slowly met my gaze I pulled at the cloth she held in front of her and kinda peeled it of her body. There she was in all her glory and boy was she glorious. I just stood for moment gobbling at her wonderful curves and tracing them with my eyes before I pulled her ever so slightly with the hand that was still grasping her neck. She didn’t fight in fact she kinda melted into me until she came crashing into my chest and as soon as she bounced with her boobs landing square across my chest I realised she was made of water. With my thumb I raised her chin so that I could lean in and plant a kiss on her lips.

There was no doubting the intent here, ours mouths met open and the frenzy that followed was met with a mutual moan of appreciation. Soon our hands were out of control, scanning each other’s skin and searching for every inch of sensitive, moan provoking, lust increasing patch we could find. All this lust filled face sucking, feeling around and fondling had somehow led us to the edge of the bed before we tripped and fell crashing on it. Contrary to popular belief lights companies don’t conspire with people having sex and give them cinematic ignitions to begin the indecent tasks. But on that day jus as we came down on the second bounce on the bed the lights came back on {Strange I know, but what happens…}. We both saw the humour in it all and laughed at what and all that was going on before we again locked on to each other’s eyes. This time I didn’t look away, I wasn’t afraid of what she might see. It was her that I was holding naked in my arms{well almost naked}, it was her mound on which I was humping my hard on, it was her mouth that I could taste inside in my own, it was her that I would fuck tonight.

After the longest stare she slowly closed her eyes and I leaned and kissed her on the fore head and proceeded downward. Her nose, in between her eyes, her cheeks, I lingered I little longer on her lips she squirmed and rolled onto her back, I followed suit and proceed to her chin, I nibbled on her neck and was gifted with a moan, then I kissed around her boobs. She was still squirming but I just kept my attention on the snow globes of pleasure. I stopped an inch over her right nipple and exhaled she froze and slowly opened her eyes. I slowly scraped the erect nipple with my front teeth and she pushed up off the bed and was trying to put her nipple back in my mouth. I just moved back and waited for her to fall back on the bed and look up at me again. This time I sucked at her nipple like I was gasping to ooze out her breast in to my mouth.

“Aaaaaahhhhh….Uuuuu….uuummmmhhmm…” she screamed again. I repeated the whole act on the left nipple as well before I proceeded down to her belly. Kissing along responding to her moans, I blew past her panties and started to kiss along the inside of her thighs. She parted her legs and I hooked a finger on either side of her panties and scraped it of till it was over and down her knees. I started to come up but she placed her left hand on top of my head and pushed me down. I just stopped an inch in front of her mound and inhaled. To this day I can’t describe that scent; the rain, her perfume, the overwhelming musk of her sexual readiness, it was just intoxicating. I just couldn’t help myself and dove in nose first into her pussy. “Oooooooo….aahhh!” she squirmed. Soon I could taste her pussy and stuck my tongue out to lick and probe her insides. “Oooohhhhhhh Yeeeeeeaahhhhh!” she almost jumped of the bed as my tongue kept violating her most intimate place. Soon she began to grind herself against my face, she started slowly then settled into a constant pace. I sucked hard into her pussy partly to catch air but most driven by the craze that had overtaken my whole.

“FUCK Yyeeeeessss!” she screamed and began to thrash about and grabbed my hair trying to both pull me in deeper and push me out at the same time. “Ohh! HOLY Fuuccking SHIT!” finally she loosened her grip and lowered her hand to the side of my head and pulled me up towards her face. She stuck out her tongue and licked around my mouth and then stuck it into my mouth as licked every place she could reach. She slowly pushed me up and looked into my eyes and said, “Strip.” I got off her and pulled off the loose shirt I had on. She sat up on the bed and placed her hands on the sides of my chest. She pulled herself up and went straight for my nipples and sort of imitated my assault on hers. Soon she started to go lower and stooped as she put her fingers into my tracks and tugged it down. She managed to get my boxers at the same time. My fully hard dick popped out in front of her and she lovingly kissed the head. “Uuummhhmm…” it was my turn to squirm.

She stood up and turned us around, then pushed me onto the bed and knelt and grabbed my hard dick first with one and then with both hands. She then began to stroke it slowly and then faster. She kept repeating the cycle going slow when I was getting excited and then faster just as relaxed a bit. She let go with one hand and pushing on it she came and lay on top of me. Still fisting me with one hand she kissed me once more and said.

“Hmmm! I guess you do love me.” and the smirk came back on her face. She gave me a peck before she sat back and guided my dick into her pussy with the hand she was using to fist it till now. “Oooooooo…. Yeeeeeeaahhhhh!” she squirmed as half of my dick went into her. She stopped and steadied herself by bring both hands to my shoulder and slowly lowered herself almost all the down my shaft. She was nearly there when she leaned over and kissed me, as she came up a little my dick came out almost half the way. Then she sat back up impaling herself on my shaft all the way down. She just froze for a moment as she felt full from the inside but her boobs jiggled temptingly. I reached up and grabbed one in each hand and began to knead them. She rotated her hips and her cunt muscles griped at my dick. She began to slowly lift herself up and then came down with zest, going up just a little more every time. I caught each of her nipples between the thumb and index finger and rubbed it relentlessly.

“Ohhh…FUCK, Yeah!” she got more determined in her stokes. I started to raise of the bed to meet her every stoke. She would go faster and faster as she kept pushing down on my shoulder with her hands. Suddenly she let go and sat up straight but I was still fucking her from down below. Then she completely froze before screaming and thrashing all over just as a few minutes ago and I realised that she was cumming. “Ohh! HOLY Fuuccking SHIT Yeah. OH God, Oh God, OH GOOD GOD, Oh Fuck yes. Oh fuck me. Oh shit fuck yeah, FUCK me Yeah!” she finally came crashing over me and fell completely limp over me.

Still she kept feebly stroking, I held on her arms and rolled her over never existing her pussy. Once on top I used both hands to push up and began to slowly increase the tempo. I occasionally wound pound on her and just stay there a while before resuming to fuck in and out. Once she had regained her breath she held my hips and tried to pull me in deeper every time I lunged in. She again began to writhe around “OH Good GOD! Oh I love you. Oh fuck I love you. I fucking love what you’re doin’ to me. Oh FUCK Yeah! Oh fuck me. Oh fuck me. Oh god, please fuck me. Aaaaahhhhh… Uuuuhhh…. Oooohhh…Ffuuuccckk, Yeah!” this time I felt her cunt juices spew out and spill over my balls.

She brought her hands across my neck and hugging me she brought her entire body crushing boobs first into mine. I pushed of the bed with my hands and held her ass with both palms and began to fuck her as she kept herself clasped onto me, her face buried into my chest, her hands tightly hugging my neck and her legs intertwined around my waist as she received each thrust from me. Her cunt muscles were so tight that I really couldn’t go full speed but the fact we were both well lubricated helped a steady pace and soon I felt my balls tightening. I leaned and whispered into her ears. “Babe, I gonna cum soon.” She just nodded her head still buried in my chest. I brought myself some time by decreasing the speed and she recovered from her last orgasm. She looked up and kissed me, I slowed my pace down to a near standstill she moaned into my mouth. I felt like I would just burst when she rolled her hips on my dick and I could control no more. I resumed fucking her, in just a few strokes I felt myself cumming inside of her. As soon as she felt the first spurt inside of her, she broke the kiss and began to grind against my dick. But the time I had emptied into her she let go my neck and started to thrash like she had thrice before and I realised she had cum one last time.

I don’t remember much after that, just waking up the next morning. I didn’t notice that she wasn’t with me in bed, I just felt so good and so tired at the same time. As I was still naked I noticed my morning wood and that is when last night’s events came crashing back to me. That is when Ramya walked back in she was dressed in the chudidhar from last night and I thought to myself that she must have gone to the neighbour’s to get it. ‘Oh Shit! I had fucked my sister on the day of her engagement and now with her best friend who I had introduced as my cousin a few hours before the deed. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!’

“Hey you!” she came in close to kiss my and lingered there just enough to remind us both that we were indeed lovers now. “Hhmmmm… Sorry babe.” She said as she felt my hard on with her hands. “But I do need to get back.” She kissed me again. “But I promise to get back to it the first chance I get, Okay!” she was sweet, her attitude, her smell even her taste. She leaned in to give me one last kiss before she pulled me up and said “Now please get ready and drop me of at the bus stop will you.” I reluctantly obliged. The bike ride to the bus stop was brief but the way she hugged me from behind I just kept thinking maybe this is not such a bad thing after all. Maybe Ramya for a girlfriend was exactly what I needed –my dick seemed to be in full agreement–. Once we got there, she got off and sneaked in a soft kiss.

Our affair was going strong for 5 months. She hadn’t broken off with the guy that my sister had introduced to her, but I really didn’t care. It was me she was fucking 10 to 15 times every week –I guess that made me the other guy–, her only means of contacting him was either over the phone or through the occasional email. I guess I was happy. Also I hadn’t thought of my sister in all this time –well atleast not in the way that caused me pain– and I was really getting in the habit of enough the sex with Ramya. I guess we were in the experimental stage; trying different things, grabbing each other at every opportunity possible, spending the night either at my place or her PG –she had moved out of the hostel for obvious reasons–, all in all life was good.

Then one day I got a call from my father. He only asked me to apply for a week long leave and come home as soon as possible. I sensed it wasn’t anything serious but still couldn’t help but wonder what was so important not to mention so urgent. I told Ramya the same, but I waited for the right time a.k.a. my leave getting sanctioned, she getting her first job in domestic airline and us celebrating it by fucking like crazy the whole day at her PG. Strangely though she wasn’t surprised, not even a little. All she said was,

“I hope you get a chance to mend things with your sister.” What the fuck! How’d she know that things were bad with me and Prerna? I guess she realised my reaction from the expression that swept across my face. “Oh common. You think I’m stupid. You speak to your father atleast twice every week but you haven’t spoken to her ever since we’ve been together while I speak to her like every other day. This, when not long ago you couldn’t separate the two of you with crow-bar.” She was right how could have been stupid enough to so obvious.

“Initially I guessed it might be because of us and then realised that even she didn’t call you so it must be something mutual. I wanted to talk about it but realising that I might have to take sides I decided to keep out.” wise girl.

“This mean you haven’t told her about us?” I asked not knowing how deep in shit I was.

“ No!” came a startled reply. “No, and I’d appreciate if you didn’t either you know not until I’m ready to tell her myself.” I was in no hurry myself.

A couple of days later I was at the home I had grown up in and was surprised to see that there several moving trucks in the front yard. I also saw a few cousins and my uncle as I made my way inside. I was greeted my happy faces all over and was shown to where my father was. He explained that the house was too big for him to be living alone in so he was gonna move to Padma Atte’s place and she would move into a spare room in Prerna’s place before she left for an ashram in Pondichery. He said he had called me so that I could help him out with the move. The only room that was the same in the house was my room. My dad and uncle had agreed that I could keep it seeing as soon I would inherit the whole thing. Three days later we were off to the town. Upon reaching my aunt’s place it took all morning setting things up. By the afternoon pretty much everything was in its place. At lunch we exchanged stories, of me, of Prerna and I’m sure we even discussed Ramya –not in detail though–.

Later as we relaxed Atte reminded that she would leave to Prerna’s place and that she was waiting for my brother-in-law to leave on office work the next morning. Father of course offered my help. She refused initially but when father explained that I hadn’t seen my sister since the wedding she relented. Then she and father started talking about the ashram she was going to. I put together the whole story as such. She had taken up yoga some ten years ago to control her diabetes. She had always wanted to go to the ashram so that she could concentrate on nothing else but herself –I realised seeing her niece getting married and having to attend the same weeding alone had pushed her over the edge. She must have felt alone for so long–. She couldn’t get there immediately as they were still building the block she would stay in. she would stay with Prerna for a couple of months before she moved once and for all.

That evening I went for a stroll and when I got back my father gestured that I should be quite as Atte was meditating. I slowly and quietly made my way to the kitchen to get a drink. I passed by her room and DAMN! She was doing various poses of yoga and fuck was she flexible. I was just transfixed looking at her, I couldn’t move, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even blink as I stood there ogleling. Soon my dick was twitching and was getting semi hard, which is when I tore myself from the scene and went away. The following day Atte and I left for Prerna’s place which was not more than half an hour’s drive. Upon reaching there, Atte got off and asked me to go to the main road and get some sweets to greet Prerna with it. I obliged and maybe subconsciously I was putting off seeing Prerna as long as possible.

When I got back Atte was not outside, as the door was open I figured she must have gone inside and went inside myself. Atte was at the kitchen entrance and talking to Prerna. That voice did something to me I can’t really explain. I had to take a deep breath before I went further. Finally I came up to them as Prerna was handing a cup of coffee to Atte. She looked at me and immediately froze. We stared at each other for awhile before she came up to me and threw her arms around and hugged me. She only squeezed my neck as the box of sweets got stuck in-between us. She let go and laughed as she took the box from me.

She had changed so much. Her hair was shorter. She seemed to have put on a little weight and her dress clung to her figure like a second layer of skin. But her smile hadn’t changed. The same smile I had seen millions of times. One of my earliest memories of her, of us was that smile and it always seemed to be there when I was around.

“Yentra, yella unnavu? Kanisam okka call kuda cheyava? Nee akkani marchipoyava yenti?” {So, how are you? You never call anymore? Have you forgotten about your sister?}
great one more way she has changed! She speaking only in Telugu.

“Neither do you so I figured you were busy or something.” I stressed the ‘or something’ part. She turned and realised I had changed much. She glanced towards Atte and I read her expression. Padma Atte was the one to encouraged us to converse in English, she would say that if you were to succeed professionally, we needed a good command over the language.

“Nice to see you have changed much. So is Chennai treating you well?” she enquired.

“More than!” I said hinting that I was happy. “And how about you? How is it like being Mrs. Prerna. Ramesh?” I asked scanning the place she now called home.

“Great!” she seemed happy. “Actually he just left in the morning for field survey. He’ll be back day after tomorrow. He actually asks a lot about you.” she stressed on ‘about you.’

She showed Atte the guest room and showed me the spare bedroom. I insisted I should leave but she knew my return ticket was booked for the next day and insisted I stay. In the afternoon we all took a nap. When I woke up I headed to the kitchen for a drink and found her there preparing something. I enquired as to where Atte was, she said that she was taking a bath to go to the temple. I just pulled a chair and sat at the dining table. I was looking at her, humming, bouncing around as she did her chores. Maybe she was happy. That meant if I loved her I should be happy for her. But then why did my heart hurt so fucking bad?

She looked up at me and smiled. ‘God damn that smile.’ I could physically feel the anger and frustration melt away. I returned her smile and she went about her chores. Padma Atte came out the bath and was getting ready to leave. I went and freshened up to escort her. But by the time I changed my shirt she wasn’t there. I asked Prerna and she explained that her friends had come by and picked her up. They had come to see her new place and it was a ‘Two birds with one stone’ thing. I just headed to the living room and slumped on the couch and turned on the TV. Soon Prerna joined me and took the remote and surfed all the channels.

“So you met Ramya?” she asked never taking her eyes of the TV.

“Yes, she called me and said wanted to catch up. Then we met a few more times and went shopping and to the movies.” I replied. She nodded and kept all her attention on the TV. Finally she switched it off and turned to me and asked.

“Miss Me?” I just nodded and she got agitated. “Oh common, why the fuck do you have to be like this. Can’t we just go back to being the way we were?”

“And what the fuck way is that?” I nearly barked at her.

“Like Sister and Brother. With love for each other, being the biggest part of each other’s life. Knowing, caring, sharing and just being there… always.” She said looking into my eyes.

“Oh fuck no! Don’t do that. You fucked me, told me you loved me and then screwed me. I’m still try to put my life together again and the last thing I need is you and your whole new life with you great husband coming in my life and destroying it all over again.” She was shocked at my outburst. “I can see you are happy here and yes that means you were right but I can’t forgive you for freaking breaking my heart. Not now atleast. So back the fuck off and let me mourn the loss of my love, because nobody else is and I owe it to… to us. To all the time I spent thinking we could be together forever doing, what did you say? Knowing, caring, sharing and just being there… always not mention fucking loving each other.” I stood up and was about to walk away when she held my hand. She stood up, placing her free hand on my shoulder she turned me to her. She caressed my right cheek with her palm and said,

“Yentra, why do you love so much?” I just shrugged her away but she caught me again and this time placed both hand on my cheeks and pulled me closer and said “You love so much and yet you can’t see that I love you too. As much if not more and in every way you want me to. But what you want, I can’t do. I can’t shun away everyone that loves us just to be with you.” again I shrugged. “But I can do this.” She leaned in and placed a soft and lovely kiss on my lips. As she leaned back I kept looking into her eyes as she kept staring at mine. Finally she fell into me, hugging me and sobbing with her head resting on my chest. I slowly lifted her of me and looked into her eyes again and said,

“FUCK YOU!” I immediately took her right arm twisted it around her back and turned her around, pushing her to the nearest wall I held her down as she crashed into it with a thud. I leaned into her from behind and whispered into her ears. “You can’t fuck with me anymore. This time I’m going screw you … quite literally.”

Holding her hand pinned to her back I reached down and loosened the string of the pyjamas and tugged at it and let it fall around her ankles. I slowly leaned in and bit her ear. She squirmed at the pain. I used my free hand to spread her legs and rubbed at the back of her thighs. I then rubbed each ass cheek as I traced a line in-between them. I rubbed her pussy and slowly but surely it moistened. I slid one finger in and she squirmed. Then I followed with a second finger and soon the third.

“Oooooooo….aahhhh….Uuuuu….uuummmmhhmm…” she was enjoying this more than she was supposed to. I stopped abruptly pulling out all fingers and she squatted searching for them. Without warning I plunged all digits in. “OOHHHHH FFUUUCCCKKK!” she screamed. I played with her little while more before I took out my fingers and unfastened my belt. I ripped it of and brought her other hand back and tied them together. I then undid my pants and took them off, taking my sweet time to do so as. She squirmed about but I held her in place. With my free hand I rubbed her pussy lips twice and used her juices it to rub my hard as hell dick. I turned her head so that she was half facing me and leaned close to ear.

“I will never come back to you. But after today every time you fuck you will remember the pain I gave you and yearn for the pleasure I could have given you.” I guided my cock into her pussy and thrust completely into her depths.

“OOHHH FFUUUUCCCK GOD NOOOO!” she screamed but I could’ve been deaf for all that matters. I slowly pulled back till only my head was in her and again pushed in completely with all force. I kept at this pace till is saw her crying in pain and that is when I pulled her off the wall threw her down on the couch. This time when I entered her she buried her face into the cushion and screamed. But I was done fucking around and started plain fucking her. She still squirmed every time I went deep into her. But now instead of screaming she began moaning. I was too excited to keep count of how many times she came but I did see her trash about twice or thrice. When I was ready to come I just shot my load deep inside of her and feel on top of her.

Finally I pulled out of her while I still was hard and untied her hands and proceed to the wall to pick up my pants. She quickly stood up and ran towards me, she caught me off guard and was able to pin me to the wall. But instead of doing anything she just stared into my eyes before hungrily lashing out at my lips with hers. It was a raw expression of our primal urges, sucking at each other mouth till we broke only to surface for air. In the corner of my eye I saw something and turned to see Padma Atte standing at the door transfixed at finding her niece and nephew naked below the waist embracing each other, making out. Prerna let go of me and bent to get her pyjamas before she ran into her room. I was left standing there looking into the eyes of my Aunt as he glanced at my tool before she looked up to stare at me for what seemed like a lifetime.

There are millions ways to love someone,
but not one reason worth hating anyone.

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