The Strip Club

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This story is a complete fantasy written by my friend Becca all the credit for writing this goes to her an dbut the whole idea of the story and the fantasy is mine and mail me any of your comments on [email protected]

Elated, James took a brief moment to stare around Swingers’ crowded main room before slinking into an empty booth in the corner where he hope no one would notice him. He’d scored major points with his buddies by getting his hands on a fake ID but he’d never really expected to be able to fool the bouncer. That guy had muscles on his breath, and probably bench-pressed three hundred pounds every morning before breakfast.

He wasn’t quite sure how he’d managed it but the guy had barely even glanced at his ID before waving him in without a second look maybe it was because he’d been ogling a pair of pretty young girls walking down the street. Well, however it had happened, he was in. Now he could scope out everything, and give his buddies the lowdown on whether the cops really did turn a blind eye to the orgies that supposedly went on in the back room every night.

The closest he’d been to a real strip joint was watching scenes from TV shows or movies and that just didn’t convey the gut-thudding punch of dazzling lights, ear-bleeding music, and glittery sequins sparkling as a gorgeous exotic dancer strutted her lush curves up on the stage. That was exciting enough and a fierce surge of raw lust arrowed right into his belly as he watched her bend backwards so far that her bouncy tits nearly tumbled out of the gauzy wisp of lace holding them in place.

Unnoticed, his right hand slid beneath the table to stroke the rigid erection that had jolted awake as soon as he’d sat down quick surges of pleasure rocketed through his veins, and he nearly moaned. He’d have to be careful not to stroke too fast or too long, because he didn’t want to cum in his pants.
That would be just plain embarrassing fortunately the bathrooms were close so if he pushed himself too close to the edge, he could duck in there and whack off into a fistful of toilet paper with no one the wiser. Hell, he could probably unzip his pants right here, and beat off until he shot thick ropes of sticky cum against the table bottom! It probably wouldn’t be the first time a horny guy had done that

And as long as he didn’t spatter anyone walking by, why would anyone notice or care? Just the thought of doing anything that outrageously daring pushed him a treacherous step closer to the edge, and he gulped air like a drowning man. Did he dare? It would be so incredibly exciting to stroke himself into an explosive orgasm while he watched the sexy dancer whirl in enticing circles ahem!

He jolted as a woman’s low, husky voice suddenly echoed right in his ear. How had someone slid into the booth without him even noticing? She does have an impressive pair doesn’t she? He turned and gaped at the woman who was sitting next to him. Her dark eyes danced with suppressed laughter as she grinned mischievously at him and she was even more gorgeous than the dancer whirling around the stage then recognition struck, and his mouth fell open in dismay.

The school photographer! He’d been in her studio just last week to have his senior pictures taken her grin widened. Hello, James. Mind telling me how you snuck in here unnoticed? Miz Taylor! Embarrassment sent his raging lust running for cover. I didn’t sneak in uh he stuttered a few times, then spread his hands wide in defeat you aren’t going to bust me, are you? That all depends. She settled in beside him, and propped one elbow on the table.

If you’re straight with me totally straight I won’t but if I think you’re trying to snow me, I’ll sit on you and holler for Ruger so fast it’ll make your head swim. Deal? Sure, yeah! Anything relief coursed through him on cool wings good briskly she nodded her head. How did you get past him? I, uh, James gulped, and looked a little sick. I borrowed my brother’s ID. He said it would be okay, since he wasn’t going anywhere tonight.

Her eyebrows rose slightly and he knew you were coming here? Yeah James risked a quick grin. I’ve wanted to come in here like forever! Why? He blinked a few times in surprise. Well, gee everyone wants to get into Swingers! It’s supposed to be the hottest place in the entire state because of what goes on in the back room. Well he blushed bright red yeah, mostly.

All the guys, you know, they said it’s not for real but my brother hangs out here all the time, and he said it’s true. So when I told him I wanted to see for myself, he tossed me his ID and said to go have fun. I see and she thought that she did. Swingers had a well-deserved reputation for ‘anything goes,’ and the cops tactfully looked the other way.

She was pretty sure that Sheriff Delzecki was padding his retirement fund with donations from the Swingers’ slush fund but he was a good cop in every other way and made sure that the few lines he’d set didn’t get crossed. So she couldn’t say much about his Swingers’ policy especially since she enjoyed coming in for some no-strings-attached fun herself, when time permitted were you going to sneak back there, James? Were you hoping to find some sexy girl wanting to get laid?”

Her blunt question made icy panic clench in his chest. I, uh he gulped well, yeah, I guess. I mean, yeah, if anyone poor kid looked like he wanted to shrink right down into the plush cushions and disappear. Hollis felt a warm pang of sympathy. Nothing was tougher than being a teenage boy hanging on the fringes, too cool to hang with the geeks but too shy to cruise with ‘the popular crowd. Have you ever been laid, James?

Her voice was softer this time, gentler, as she laid a hand on his arm. His eyes nearly crossed as she casually stroked the back of his hand and she had her answer. Well, what the hell? She’d come in looking for sex herself, and something about his innocent boyish embarrassment appealed to her. She didn’t consider herself a cougar and she always went for men her own age or a little older.

Probably, she admitted to herself, because that was the age group that frequented the back room of Swingers. But the thought of seducing shy James Landon was surprisingly exciting. So why not enjoy a little change of pace? Slowly she leaned closer until her lips were nearly brushing against his and would you like to, James? Would you like to have sex with me? He sucked in a trembling breath that sounded like a husky groan with you? Oh, man,

Miss Taylor, Hollis and she closed the distance, and rubbed her mouth against his. A massive shudder rippled through his lanky body as his lips parted to accept her questing tongue. Then his fingers clenched around hers in a death-grip, and he began to kiss her back with lusty enthusiasm. Okay, so he wasn’t completely innocent, because he could kiss like a demon! That was encouraging!

Her pulse was humming by the time they finally broke apart to gasp for air. Wow! If he could use his mouth the same way on the rest of her tingling body, it wouldn’t matter if he was a ten-second preemi he’d make her cum explosively! His eyes were so glazed that she wondered, for a moment, if she’d made him climax just by kissing him. A quick glance at his lap reassured her.

His cock was eagerly straining up against his zipper, but there was no slick spot dampening the thin material. Teasingly she ran one finger down his rather impressive length, and watched with pleasure as it bobbed up and down in response. You and I are going to have to get better acquainted,” she purred, licking her lips with anticipation when? Where? His chest was heaving so fast that she could barely understand his breathless questions come on.

Grinning, she gave him a quick intimate squeeze, then reached for his hand. I know of a private room in back where we can have some fun. His husky groan made her chuckle. Then he was clambering out of the booth behind her and nearly trampling on her heels in his eagerness to follow. The dance floor was noisy and crowded, so she slid along the outer edge, and parted a heavy curtain at the very back of the big room.

James goggled as they stepped into a sybaritic den that must surely rival a sultan’s palace. Thick furry carpeting cushioned the floor and several couples energetically humping up and down on it—then curved up to pad long benches and couches. Unwanted clothes were scattered around in casual disarray.

Sparkly disco balls rotated overhead, throwing vivid prisms across every surface. The music in here was deep and sultry, with a heady primal beat guaranteed to erupt steaming hormones into raging forest fires.

His pulse spiked into overdrive as the nearest couple a lush woman kneeling beneath a muscular bronzed giant suddenly began to moan and grunt in fierce orgasmic delight. Thick spurts erupted from the guy’s immense cock as he plunged deep into her overstretched anal passage, pulled back to grip himself with urgent fingers, and then plunged deep again.

Holy crap, so it was really true! Hollis tugged on James’s hand and he stumbled blindly after her and then another room smaller darker, more private. I was enveloping them in luxurious erotic comfort kiss me, James! Hollis turned into his arms, and eagerly slanted her mouth across his and then make love to me. I’ll show you everything I like! He barely even heard her over the wild thudding in his ears every drop of blood was pooling down into his rigid cock until it was so long and hard that he was almost ready to explode!

Holli is rising moan made her own heart race with excitement don’t cum yet, James! Not yet! Undress me first! His hands were shaking so hard that she had to help him. But the rapt wonder on his face when she parted her silky blouse to reveal her cobweb-sheer lace bra was worth it. Do you like my tits, James?” she urged, cupping them to push them closer together. “Would you like to taste them?”

A soft whimper escaped him yeah oooh, yeah! She slide her fingers down his shirt until they were hovering just over his belt, then hesitated as he began to shudder are you about to cum? I think and his chest heaved ooh I think so! Damn not yet, James trust me, you want this to last all night long! I don’t think I can! His eyes went wild with brimming panic as fierce tremors began to ripple down his long spine. Hollis, I can’t…”

Well, what the hell. He was young and strong. She was sure she could make him hard again really fast quickly she whipped his belt open, and tugged his zipper down. His rigid cock was bulging up beneath his white cotton briefs like a marble pillar very sexy slippery wetness was already staining the soft material, and spreading fast. Grinning, she dropped to her knees, yanked his briefs off and curled her fingers around his pulsing length.

She just had time to realize how delightfully big it was before it filled her mouth and thick spurts erupted down her throat. Wow, the kid could cum like a fire hose! She swallowed, and swallowed, and swallowed then James’s knees folded, and they tumbled to the carpet together. I’m sorry!” He gasped the apology as they rolled, and bumped against the long couch.

I couldn’t stop and its okay and she kissed him, then sighed with pleasure when his big hands closed over her full breasts. Now it’s my turn! Touch me, James! Stroke me yes and like that eagerly she arched her shoulders, pushing her pearly globes against his trembling palms oooh yeah! That feels so good I want a make you cum, too! He panted it against her open mouth. “Show me what to do!

My bra her blouse was twisted around her shoulders. Take it off me! Then use your mouth. His hands slid under her back and the clasp snapped free. She groaned with delight as he buried his face between her breasts, and the heat of his rapid breathing seared her like a firebrand then he turned his head, and blindly fastened onto her taut nipple. Shock waves jolted through her so fast and hard that she couldn’t have fought it if she’d tried yes!

Shuddering, she clutched his shoulders, and bucked beneath him as explosions tore right through her straining body. Her frenzied cries were so exciting that new life surged into his relaxing cock and stiffened it into another rigid pole. I made you cum and he could hardly even believe it. Wow!

She managed a ragged, breathless laugh as she fell back panting every woman likes different things for me you just hit the jackpot!” A slow grin curved his lips can I try it again? Hollis moaned, long and low and eagerly drew his head back down. Fucking is good but having a man suck on my tits drives me wild! I don’t know why. Who cares? He swiped her taut peak with his tongue and loved the way she choked on a quick, startled breath.

I’ve wanted to do this since longer than I’ve been alive! She managed another husky laugh then by all means, have fun ohhhh! I sure will! Curiously he slid the tip of his tongue in a tight circle, and felt her soft flesh pucker with excitement. Her urgent moan encouraged him to go faster, and draw hungrily on her hardened nipple.

James!”Helplessly she arched, and quivered wildly as he took her entire breast in his mouth. He shifted to her other breast and felt her short nails dig into his shoulders cum again he panted, nuzzling her and then sucking hard again scream for me! How could she help it, when his mouth was hot and eager, and his teeth were closing over her hard peak with just the right amount of bite?

Let me and the room was spinning in dizzy circles. James, let m and he shed his shirt as though it was on fire, and kicked his pants halfway across the room. Hollis was wearing a skimpy fire-engine red skirt that barely grazed her hips. Her fingers shook as she fumbled with the clasp then he was tugging it down her long legs, and tossing it aside.

You’re so beautiful for just a moment he stared down at her, drinking in the exotic glory of her tousled hair, swollen breasts and the erotic thrill of high-cut French lace panties clinging to her slender thighs. I must be dreaming. No dream.”She wriggled out of her panties, then gazed up at him. Her chest felt tight with unexpected emotion for her, this was just another exciting illicit rendezvous with a sexy guy.

But for James Landon, life would never be the same again. His fevered dreams of burying himself deep in a woman’s warm, sultry body were about to become reality. Would the sweet innocence that was so much a part of his personality be lost forever? Make love to me.” She cupped her hands around his face in a gentle caress. The weight of his muscular body felt incredibly arousing, and she parted her thighs to welcome him.

Heat seared her as his hardened cock nudged her soft folds slowly, gently. Make it last anyone can fuck hard and fast. Making love is different it should be special, seductive show me pleasure rippled through her in quiet waves as he sank deep, and sucked in a strangled moan of delight ooh it’s even better than I dreamed he groaned hollis. It was so tempting to tighten around him, and drive him absolutely mad with sheer raging lust! But if he was going to learn to do it right, he had to learn now.

Don’t move, not just yet get used to the way this feels and then very slowly rise up, and push deep again slow and easy seduce me. It’s so good! His urgent words emerged as a low rasp. I want oh man, Hollis, I want a move fast! Please firmly she curled her hands around his hips and held him in place. If you move fast, you’ll cum right away. Trust me, James there’ll be a time and place for going fast, but not this first time.”

She muffled his frustrated whimper with the seductive pressure of her mouth, and luxuriated in the sweet pleasure of being kissed with rising need. Despite her restraining hands, his hips began to move in short, quick strokes, nudging and teasing over and over, until hot ecstasy began to burn through her veins like wildfire.

James oh! Shocked delight transformed her face, and glazed her eyes oooh, wow! Now? She couldn’t take much more now! The entire world went crazy as they moved together, rising and falling, surging and plunging, faster and faster until their bodies were a blur. Hollis’s rising cries took on a frantic note and then were drowned out by James’s husky shout of ecstatic triumph as his eyes rolled back in his head and his long body stiffened in hot orgasmic delight.

She’d died and gone to heaven it was the only possible explanation. She’d waltzed into swingers with a laugh and a wave for Ruger, anticipating the excitement of a hot lusty fuck with one of the other club regulars instead, she’d seduced and been seduced by an innocent fresh-faced teenager who’d just rocked her entire world James? He made a muffled sound as he tried to gather enough strength to roll off her sprawled body.

But it just took too much energy. She thought she heard him murmur, Hollis in a sleepy voice before his lips moved over her throat in a gentle caress. The night was young; they still had plenty of time before Ruger canvassed the back rooms to rouse exhausted lovers and send them on their way make love to me again she urged, gliding her fingers through James’s tousled hair.

Yeah? That perked him up and he grinned down at her with a sparkle in his eyes. I could do that and the innocence was still there, she decided with a heartfelt sigh of relief, but it had been tempered. There was a maturity about him now that, somehow, was just as appealing and outrageously arousing! Hot little tingles began to shimmer through her veins as she drew him down for a passionate kiss.

Then he surprised her and I want to try what they were doing in there and he confessed with an impish grin, and angled his head toward the boisterous communal playroom they’d passed through and that guy on his knees, you know? It looked really hot Hollis’s eyebrows rose you want a butt fuck me? Her bluntness shocked him a little, and he drew back well I just thought.

It was unexpectedly fun to tease him. Chuckling, she grinned and patted his flushed cheek. Matt’s an expert at it. I’ll bet you could get just as good with a little practice. The key is to go slowly at first, and give the girl time to get used to your size with you she added, sliding a hand between them to stroke his reawakening cock that’s going to be really important. You could hurt someone with that lethal weapon if you aren’t careful.

He looked torn between smug pride and budding horror. I didn’t hurt you, did I? No a wicked grin curved her lips but you could have, if you’d just plunged right in like you wanted to. There was a reason I made you go slow. Besides,” she continued, tenderly stroking his cheek the first time should always be special. Last week, when you took my pictures and he hesitated a moment, shyly bit his lip, then blurted

I got so horny watching you watch me! When I got home, I locked myself in my room and I beat off six times! It was awesome! But I never even dreamed that I’d be this lucky in real life. Oh, he was a charmer! I got horny when I saw you sitting in the corner, watching Toni strut her stuff up on the stage and she confessed with a chuckle but I never thought you’d be this good. Smugness took the lead, and his grin returned then will you let me try what he was doing?

He urged, nudging her with his hardening shaft. She considered it for a moment. I like anal sex,” she finally admitted. It feels really good, in a totally different way than this and she angled her hips to meet his teasing little thrust but the only way I can cum is if I’m stroking myself here and here and she slid one hand between her thighs, and then lifted the other to caress her sensitive breasts

And I can’t do that when I need at least one hand to balance myself. Well, why can’t I do it for you? He countered with a baffled frown or hey, I saw it done a different way in a magazine it was totally hot read your fair share of porn mags, do you? She teased how were they doing it? For answer, he scrambled up and then knelt beside her. If I’m on my knees and you are, too with your back against my chest and your legs outside of mine.

She could see what he had in mind. I’d ease down on your cock, and you’d move beneath me. It might work, as long as we don’t lose our balance. But it would be easier for you to just lie down, and I’ll sit on your lap then you don’t have to worry about knocking me over his eyes glittered with excitement can we try? He was definitely hard enough and it had been a long while since she’d been on top sure why not? All right! He hooted with delight, and then sprawled out beside her again.

This is going to be cool! She eyed his swaying cock with amusement not for long, not if we do it right! It’ll be blazing red-hot mmmm! A delighted shiver rippled through him, and his cock bobbed back and forth hurry, then!” Laughing, she rose, and levered herself over him. This way is extra-good for the woman and she told him because she can go as fast or as slow as she wants.

That’s important when she’s trying to take in eight inches of solid steel. Go too fast and she could rip something. I won’t let you air began to rasp in his lungs as she positioned herself, and rubbed his swollen crest with her slippery warm folds ooooooh! Hollis grinned. Feel good? His eyes blurred as she teased him by sinking down just a little, then lifting back up. You know it does! Jesus, Hollis, you’re killing me aw, poor baby!

Laughing, she reached down to pat his cheek. Then she eased down a little more, and sighed with delight oooh, you feel fantastic! So do you his entire body began to vibrate with excitement. I want cum so bad no, you don’t slowly she eased away again you want to make it last, and last, and last!” Well air exploded from his lungs as he tried to laugh yeah, that too but oh God, Hollis!

Just wait she purred with a seductive little grin it gets better. Impishly she rubbed her pussy against his thudding crest again then slid forward a little more, and angled herself properly. Now we’ll see and if I can take you all the way inside!” she panted, and carefully began to lower herself. James’s eyes bugged wide as searing heat enveloped his rigid cock. She was so tight!

Don’t hurt yourself he begged, even as fierce pressure began to rise through his veins in savage pulsing waves. Hollis oh you’re almost in! Her voice was strangled as she pushed harder, and her taut flesh parted wider just a little more! Overload! Helplessly he clenched both fists as the first hot spasm exploded, flooding her tight passage with his slick essence.

Distantly he heard Hollis cry out in shocked surprise and then the entire universe erupted through his body as she sank down on him hard and fast. Wildfire sizzled through him like a tsunami! He didn’t remember when he started to move, but suddenly he was bucking feverishly beneath her, and she was riding him like a bronco every deep thrust was so incredibly exciting!

Breathlessly he reached for her heaving breasts, and stroked them as she rocked back and forth. He’d known that it would be good but he’d never had any idea just how good! And when her eyes suddenly went blind, she arched against his eager hands, and her sultry voice rose in a frantic scream of delight again! He loved the way her lush body shuddered as she climaxe and when her thighs clamped around his waist in hot orgasmic delight

The look on her face was so exquisitely erotic again, Hollis can’t and her gasping protest was instinctive before tonight, she’d never been able to cum twice that close together puckish delight sparkled in his eyes bet? Before she could do more than suck in a startled breath, he slid his other hand between her parted thighs, and began to stroke her sensitive little nub.

James her voice rose in a frantic shriek as he pushed her into a second explosive orgasm, hard on the heels of the first again! He just had to see her cum again and this time, take me with you can’t deliberately he arched his back, pushing his surging cock even deeper into her hot, tight passage, and his fingers tightened on her swollen nipple. Hollis’s head snapped back, and her dark hair flew around her shoulders as he thrust his other fingers deep into her spasm pussy.

Her velvety inner muscles clamped around him in quick rhythmic tremors. It was just too much, he couldn’t hold back any longer! Harsh grunts tore from his throat as he let himself soar, and gloried in every wet, slick burst that erupted from his pulsing cock very slowly Hollis collapsed, and slid bones down to sprawl across his heaving chest. Sweet God in heaven he heard her pant as every muscle in her body went limp with delicious pleasure.

Somehow he managed to lift one hand enough to tangle through her dark hair wow and that single word seemed to encompass everything he felt, body and soul wow! Three times in a row her muffled voice was dazed with wonder. I’ve never even been able to manage twice before, and you made me cum three times in a row!

Later, when he had the energy, he’d feel pretty damned proud of himself but for right now, it hurt even to breathe. Next time sleepily he nuzzled her flushed cheek even better. I promise and she didn’t doubt it for an instant tomorrow night, let’s meet at my studio she suggested with a giddy laugh and I’ll teach you even more about what makes girls so special he could hardly wait!

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