The Real Happening – Part III

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Hi readers, thank you for your awesome response. After a long time here is my story of first fuck. As continued from my previous stories, my bro was frustrating with his dick and without sex. Please read my previous posts before reading this. After the cello tape punishment my bro presented a gold chain with a locket. It is meant to wear in neck but he asked me to wear in hip. Yes I wore it around my hip with the locket just above my pussy.

Exams came and went by. We did it very well. Holiday started. On the first day we went to film in the evening. It was an English movie with love scenes. I was hot. He massaged my boobs there in theater and made my juices flowing from pussy. After film we had dinner at hotel and came home late night. We went to bed room and we started undressing. We both went to bathroom, pissed and came back to bed. I lay down. My brother applied oil in his hands and started his job. Ya started massaging my boobs. I was in ecstasy and finally I cum and slept in exhausting.

Morning when I woke up it was 10.00a.m and my parents were out to office. My brother was packing things. I knew why? We are going to our grand pa’s village in the foot hills of Western Ghats. I let him take my dresses as he is ingenious in planning trips. We took train in the evening and we reached the village in the early morning. Our village is a sort of heaven. My grand pa is alone after my granny has passed away. He is the landlord of the village.

Our house is the largest in the village. Behind our house there is a small forest and a pond on the other side with an abutment in between. If we walk fifteen through the abutment, we can reach our farms, coconut, sugarcane and plantations. Canal from nearby dam will also go through our canal ending in pond. Elephant migrations into farms were common and they destroy whatever on their way. So In the village, guys of our age has moved towards cities in search of work and middle aged men will go to nearby town for work in early morning.

So I knew it is going to exciting. I made all my plans to fuck my bro these holidays. The day we arrived we were tired so my grand pa asked us to take rest. In our house also we were alone. One servant will cook food and go in the morning. We bathed in the backyard, there was space on open but we bathed in the bathroom to be conscious. Evening I wore a half saree and with my bro went to nearby town temple. We came home, and changed to casuals. I wore a shorts and t shirt and went to have a chat with my grand pa. He was not wearing his specs that time,

I thought he mistook me as my bro from my shorts and t shirt and talked about something and all. I planned for a trick using grand pa’s lack of eye sightless. Next day morning my brother went to pass his shit in the open backyard leaving me, I was angry on him because of thus. So I made him bath me. We took bath and went to our farms. In the farms grand pa was watching some game done by local people. In the game men were wearing only unties. A short piece of cotton cloth around their crotch tied to a string which in common in village.

When my bro came they asked him to join them. After a little hesitation my bro joined them he too removed his clothes and wore only untie. It was really erotic for me. Juices started flowing through my cunt. In the mean time inspected a small hut build above the ground in our farm. The hut was built in such a way that elephants cants destroy it. With disturbing elephants you can watch them staying in the hut without getting hurt. I climbed into the hut using a ladder and it was untidy, but still it was good enough to stay for two people.

When I came down, game was over and men were bathing in the canal. I went to my grand pa and asked permission to him to stay in that hut for a night. He immediately said no saying that elephants have become aggressive and are destroying anything and everything. I pleaded him for one night, that time workers came after bathing and recommended that I have grown up a lot and just one night so I could give a chance. Finally grand pa agreed on one condition that my bro should also stay with me. I readily accepted.

That time my brother came to join us and he too accepted for staying. I wanted to stay that night but my grand pa said to stay next day after preparing. It was lunch my now, my grand pa and men were leaving. I said to grand pa that I will clean hut and come. My bro stayed back to help me. We went to canal to fetch some water to clean the hut. I became naked to save my clothes from getting dirty. I was doing as much I can to seduce my bro. in the hut I asked for a cloth to wipe the floor. The only cloth left was in my bro’s crouch. After a little arguing he pulled and gave it and to me.

His dick fell down to my awful. I wiped floor moving my ass to and fro but nothing was working. After cleaning we went to canal. I washed his untie and washed myself in running water. I came out and started drying myself in open air. It is obviously wonderful to let the cold air on your naked body. It was awesome. I chatted to my bro about my grand pa, his managing skills even in this old age. I also said he can’t see without his specs. My bro disagreed on this. I betted on it to prove the matter. The bet is that my bro have to take me wherever he goes in the village.

He agreed to it. I asked him to wear my top and pant. He said he can’t. At last I made him to agree that it is to prove my bet. I wore his unties only and started walking towards home. It was wonderful feeling to do so in an open environment. I put a cap to hide my hair, so that in a long view you can’t differentiate who are boy and girl. I went inside home and my grand pa asked me whether I came in untie ALL through the way. I dint speak, he turned to my bro and said as a sister did you let other girls to see your brother?… ha ha.. I won the bet.

Next day in the morning my bro work me up and took me to woods for doing morning works. I and my bro sat opposite to each other pissed and shitted. We washed our ass in the pond and came back home. That day was a Saturday and my grand pa has called a special person to give my brother oil bath. My brother was given a good oil massage to him. He was covered only with a banyan leaf that time in his pennies only. I asked for an oil massage for myself. That man rejected that he don’t know to do for a girl. I said there is nothing special with a girl do as if for a boy.

He saw my grand pa. Grand pa don’t know what to tell. I snatched this opportunity and said grand pa said do for me., do for me. Grand pa put a smile and went away. I went and sat before him. He removed my clothing except my bra and panties. I looked around and found three banyan leaves. I removed my remaining clothes placed leaves on my boobs and pussy. He started giving massage it was so nice that I felt sleepy. He managed to avoid all my sensitive parts. One wind blew and there gone my leaves. I was now nude.

But by this time he finished his massage, so he thought of leaving for a second, but my 36DD boobs pulled him. He poured oil in his hands, and touched my boobs, sending a stroke through my body. I was in heaven. He put a finger inside my pussy and did sent a tingeing in my body.ah.. ah.. ahh… heaven.. I went to drowsiness.. he asked to stay like that for an hour and then to take bath in hot water. After an hour I took bath, I felt tired and went to sleep

Evening came and me and my bro prepared to go to the hut in the farm. Grandpa told to go safely and come back at dawn. We started by six and reached hut in half an hour. We set things right. We lit up a lamp and sat. I changed to my usual birthday dress(nude), while my bro was wearing shorts. I went to the canal and took a dip. I asked my bro for a special massage. He said there is nothing special than the mud and moon. I was disappointed. I started playing with mud. And came to hut. My bro followed shortly. We had dinner and were chatting about coll.

Bro took a handful of mud and mixed it with water, it became hard. He asked me to lay down. I did as he said. He mixed mud and water and started applying on my bare boobs. It gave kind of nice feeling. He slowly applied mud all over my door. Now I was wearing mud as my dress. He took a plantain stem and struck it in my pussy causing a hole . all other parts were closed. Soon I became dry. I was not able to move as mud became hard as a stone. I was struck. I asked him to break it. He said it’s a special mud and can’t be broken my hand. I said him to wash me in water.

He took me to water but it became so hard that its inner side was not able to be penetrated by water. I knew it’s the correct situation. I asked him to pull it out from my opening, pussy. He started picking mud using his finger, it dint came. Then he took a stick and came. I shouted at him. He said he got nothing other than that to pick the mud of me. I said he got his weapon. He asked me what weapon. Smart yar I thought. Your pennies bro. he reluctantly pulled it out and pushed inside my pussy very little and tried to break the mud from inside. I said its not enough da push it inside and brake it.

I meant my cherry and he did it. I was in extreme pleasure. Due to the strain, mud covering loosened and now my bro was all over me. We started enjoying. In the moon beneath the tree we dint had sex, we made love. sheer love. I slept like that only to see in the morning my bro sleeping besides with his worn out dick in my pussy. My long wait was over, its time to enjoy holidays. I will say our sex pleasures in the coming week guys. Due stay tuned.

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