I waited nervously for her to answer the phone but it just kept ringing. When I was just about to give up, the call was answered.
“Hello?!, hey! Aman here” I said, sounding quite nervous. I heard a deep breath and then a gruff male voice said “Hey buddy! How are you man? You just caught us sleeping”, Ram her husband of 3 years said. Did I mention that he was a good friend of mine?
Well, story of my life. I am Aman, a 31 year old from a southern city in India. For obvious reasons, you will never learn the real names in this story. But did it happen? Let me just say that it continues to…
Kamini and I met 14 years ago. I was in school and was practising real hard for an inter-school show that was coming up. Being tall and fairly decent looking, I was usually picked to walk the ramp with all the pretty girls in school. As we worked on our routine, I heard footsteps nearing the stage. There she was, a tall, bespectacled, buxom woman with a small chest yet nice rounded butt cheeks.
“Hi! I’m Kamini and I’m Anil’s sister” she introduced herself. Anil was my classmate and a good buddy of mine. He was part of the show too. I remembered him telling me earlier that he was calling his sister in to help us out with costumes and such, little did I expect the sister to turn up looking like something I wanted to fuck right there on stage. She had thick hair that fell down in waves on her face. A strong nose that tapered down to luscious lips I could imagine sucking my cock. I sighed to myself and walked up to her.
We shook hands while I introduced myself when she said that she’d heard a lot about me and that she was dying to meet me since she’d heard about my tape collection. Now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, I used to own a fairly large collection of audio tapes (Yes! not porn. On another note, you’d be surprised at how much someone who knows music gets laid over someone who watches a lot of porn), mostly in mint condition, pretty much covering most of the rock/metal genres that we knew of back then.
Living in a conservative society, word got around fast about the tall boy with an afro who had a huge-ass music collection. Random people used to come home to record copies of my copies. =P
Anyway, Kamini / K wanted to come home sometime and check out my collection to see if there was something she could get copies made of.
I said that it would be my pleasure to show her my…collection and grinned. While she didn’t react in any manner to my well executed pause, on retrospect I remembered that her eyes had quickly darted towards my crotch. Slut!
So, getting to matters in hand, I saw very little of her after that first meeting. The years rolled by, I started spending a lot of time over at Anil’s place playing computer games and listening to music. They had a great stereo which was totally under utilised, so I made it my mission to ensure that the house was filled with music, all-day-long!
Despite spending days and sometimes nights at his place, I never got to see K. After a few months rolled by, I was running up the stairs to the terrace to grab a smoke when I saw her standing near the water tank. The terrace was nice and big, open on all directions and yet having enough nooks and crannies for one or two people to crouch / lean in and hide away from the rest of the world. It was a typical old house with all its quirkiness.
As I lit my cigarette, she turned around, saw me and smiled. “Hey! I never saw you again” she said, “Well, I guess you never really wanted to see my…collection” I said, smiling at her. Pulling deep on the smoke stick, I asked her if she minded that I smoked when she was around. “Not at all. It doesn’t bother me. My boyfriend smokes! I think it’s cool. Infact, I’ve been wanting to smoke a cigarette the proper way, but neither Sunny, my boyfriend nor Anil buy me cigarettes. They think I’m too innocent to smoke” she said with a look of disdain on her well structured, high cheeked face. “Although, if only either of them knew how bad I could be” she chuckled.
I smiled at her and asked her very matter of fact’ly “So, how bad can you be? Do enlighten me!” She just shrugged and walked away.
The next time I saw her was at a common friend’s new year’s party. All of us were high, wasted and dancing hard. After all the booze and joints that were passed around, it was surprising that we even managed to stay on our feet. Not to brag, but I used to be quite a groovy dancer. The party was on full swing and the large flat was overflowing with people. Back then, it wasn’t as common to have new year parties with booze and drugs, especially when in school. As I made my way around the dance floor, I recognised a good number of people from my school and spent some time chatting with them in my drunken stupor.
K was there with her boyfriend and both of them seemed to have a good time. The night wore on with more booze, dancing and laughter. As the party started dying down, a lot of people started leaving to get home before their folks found out. Anil staggered upto me with a wide grin on his face. “I got to she-hic-ond base man! Her titsh felt sho shoft and naish”. I laughed at my best buddy and high five’d him to celebrate his success. The two of us just stood around drinking beer and pointing out at other people and laughing. My buzz was starting to come down and I started helping Rakesh clear the mess his house was.
While walking through rooms to rustle out the couples who were making out and allowing space for people that wanted to sleep, my eyes fell on an arm and a leg clinging on to the side of a cot. As I walked around the cot, I saw that it was K! I looked around immediately for Sunny or Anil, and not finding either of them around, I tried to wake her up to get her to sleep on the cot. She was smelling of booze and looked like she had been slapped – her cheeks were flaming red. I picked her up and threw her on the bed while she was constantly moaning “Sunny! Oh Sunny! Don’t do that to me, not here…not in front of these kids! Noooo….not her……<gibberish>”
I couldn’t figure out what she was saying beyond that but I had a pretty good idea why. I locked the door behind me and walked out to find Anil. He was sitting on the bathroom floor, his head hanging halfway in the pot. I groaned and picked him up, dragged him to the room his sister was sleeping in and let them both sleep in there.
Now, the small crowd that was left behind were mostly just good friends. People we used to spend a lot of time with. We spent a few good hours drinking, smoking and talking random shit before I remembered the dynamic duo and went to see how they were. As I walked into the room, I heard K moaning all over again and thought “Holy shit! She’s wasted beyond reason” when I noticed a third head between K and Anil. I also distinctly saw a hand move under the sheet and K started moaning again.
I whipped up the sheet to find my classmate’s younger brother, one hand rubbing his crotch and the other inside K’s jeans. I grabbed him by the shirt, hauled him up and slapped him while I chased him out. Nobody was going to mess around with my best friend’s sister! No one!! I rolled Anil over to the middle and slept on his side to make sure that the little prick wasn’t going to try it again.
By the time I woke up, it was well past sun up and the room was empty besides me. I tried to get up and could feel my head spin out of control. I staggered to the loo and splashed some water on my face. I stepped out and found my bag, picked up my toothbrush and mouthwash, did the necessary and walked into the living room to find half a dozen hungover friends, watching television. After I poured myself some coffee, I walked out to the balcony and found K sitting alone and smoking a cigarette. I asked her if I could join her and she just nodded yes. I sat next to her, reached out and played with the smoke that lit up beautifully in the strands of sunlight streaming in from between the trees.
“I’ve always loved playing with smoke. Since I was a child, I used to light up agarbattis and watch the smoke play in the sunlight. My granny would yell at me for wasting all those battis, but I didn’t care! I love smoke!” she said her eyes glimmering in the sunlight. I smiled and said “well, you can play with smoke all you want now. You’re an adult! You have a boyfriend, you’ll finish college in 6 months, you’ll have a job and you can be independent!” She laughed and said “you think too much for your age, you know that? Anyway, I will have almost all the things you just listed out, except the boyfriend bit!”. A bit startled, I asked her what had happened.
With a dull look on her face, she unwrapped the incident that took place last night. After K and Sunny got nice and high, they sneaked into one of the bedrooms to make out kissing and fondling each other all the way there. Once they walked in, they found that the room was filled with a bunch of boys & girls smoking joints and looking stupid. K wanted to get out of there and find another room, but Sunny wanted to get stoned and get super horny! So, they sat down and toked with the others, getting giggly and high and soon, horny.
Once Sunny had his fill of the ganja, he grabbed K by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss. She giggled and kissed him back, only to hear everyone in the room cheer them on. Caught up in the act, Sunny started to fondle K’s tits and shoved his hand inside her shirt. Though she was quite horny herself, K had enough sense to not strip in front of a bunch of kids, all her juniors from school. She kept tugging her shirt down but to no avail. Sunny had somehow managed to pull up her shirt completely over her head and free from her arms. Now K was only in her jeans and a bra.
As she said that, I managed to peek inside her shirt to see a bit of white lace. I felt a familiar stir in my loins.
So, Sunny then managed to pull her tits out of her bra, one at a time and started sucking on her nipples. Everything went silent for what seemed an eternity till someone shouted “Wow! take a look at her nipples, they’re so big on her small tits!” That’s when she snapped back to reality and still in a drunken state, managed to push Sunny off and clambered about to find her shirt. A few boys reached out and copped a feel of her bared breasts. Sunny in all this time was only laughing and sticking his tongue out at a couple of girls huddled in a corner. Since they laughed at him, he then crawled towards them and nuzzled his head between the two girls bosoms while hugging them together.
The last thing K remembered was her running out of the room, stumbling into a bathroom, throwing up and passing out. Waking up in the morning next to Anil and I and then stepping out to find that Sunny had cheated and bailed out on her with the two girls.
I didn’t feel like adding to her misery by telling her about the little prick that tried to feel her up. For an instant, I thought of how her pussy might have felt. I had half a mind to ask her!
I asked her if she needed a hug, and she looked so grateful that I did so. We wrapped up the day with a lazy evening and went our respective ways.
5 years later…
Not sure if I told you this but I had lost my virginity long back, quite early too! I had been seduced by a neighbour in her late 30’s, quite randy, all the time. Her husband used to be away on tour for most parts of the month and she used to call me over to keep her company while she listened to music and cooked. I was all of 13, just pushing to 14. One day, she called me home, gave me a glass of really cold milk and while I was gulping it down, asked me to save some for her. Finding it weird, I did as she asked, coz she had always been nice to me.
She gulped down the rest of the milk while staring at me. Her eyes looked different. She asked me if I could sit on her lap, I declined laughing that I was as big as her and that I would probably crush her. She smiled at me and asked me if in that case, she could sit on mine. I accepted and helped ease her onto my lap. By this time in my life, I was used to having erections and in fact, this particular neighbour could get me rock hard in mere seconds. So, you can imagine how hard I was when she decided to grind her pubic mound against my crotch! She started moaning out loud. Her hands moving all over her body. She suddenly started pulling off her clothes and then reached out to pull off my t shirt.
I was raging hard by then but didn’t know what to do, so I let her pull our clothes off. She then looked at me in the buff and said “Nobody would believe that you are only 13! You are so well built and grown up for your age. I’m surprised that you are so big down there” I smiled out of embarrassment and grunted something illegible. She then leaned in closer and whispered “I have seen you have hard ons when you’re around me. Infact, I started dressing in flimsy clothing hoping that you would take the hint”
The incident is still so vivid in my mind. I was starting to lose control and my eyes became hazy. I could feel her naked body rub against mine as she continued to grind her mound against my dick. I looked down to see a plump, smooth, mound jutting out between her legs. When I tried to slip a hand in between her legs, she pulled back and said “No! Not your hand, nor your fingers. I want to feel your cock inside me. I want to feel it thrust, feel it stretch me, fill me…lie down. I’m going to fuck you senseless, you will fill the void my husband’s left behind”
Saying so, she held my cock in a vice like grip and pumped it a few times. It felt soo good! That happened to be my first lesson on masturbation when I later tried to imitate her actions when alone at home. She moved forward while still holding my dick and slowly lowered herself on my cock. I could feel the heat from her vagina burn my virgin skin. It was torture and pleasure at the same time. I hadn’t imagined such pleasure could be felt with just one part of my body. Almost like a ripple, my body started warming up right from my crotch all the way up to my head. I was on heat!
I pulled her closer and hugged her close to me. Her body felt so soft yet so firm. I realised that this was how a woman felt and nothing could ever replicate that feeling. My loins were burning, my heart was thumping so loud that it was all I could hear over the sound of her moans. She then pushed me on my back and started rotating her hips. As she did so, I could feel my body soar. High above the ground on which we fucked, raw, naked, hard. My head started to spin and I grabbed onto her hip for dear life, for she was giving me the first ride of my life. And boy, did it feel good!
My mouth started salivating and I pulled her in for a kiss. Our first kiss. She pressed her lips on mine and stuck her tongue in between my lips. Guided by instinct, I sucked on her tongue. I could taste her. She was divine! Suddenly, I felt a warm liquid flow from her and touched it to feel that it was warm, sticky and smelled weird. She pulled my hand up to her mouth and started sucking my fingers covered in her juices. Mmmm..was all I could hear as she continued to drive hard on my shaft. While she bounced up and down, I fondled her breasts. She guided me to her nipples and I started tweaking them like I was looking for the best music station on radio.
I felt this sudden gush of heat in my cheeks and loins and my dick started to spasm. I freaked out because I didn’t know what was happening. She shushed me, held me tight and just kept saying “Oh! Cum for me, cum for me my love, cum for me”…I didn’t want to pee while still in her but it didn’t feel like I was peeing, yet I could feel a thick liquid shoot out of my penis.
I clung on for dear life and vowed that I would never let go. And I didn’t for the next 2 years before we moved to another city. She taught me so many things, most of all, she taught me to love a woman’s body no matter what changes she goes through. I learned to be a good lover under her loving and tender guidance. Of course, once in a while, I took the upper hand and pounded her away for what seemed hours while she would moan and groan with tears running down her face.
My experience with my first lover led me to a world only I experienced. I learnt to identify women who were randy, horny for a fuck, just got fucked and those that were frigid and would be bad in bed. I experimented with many partners, both girls and women. I felt like a sex god. My taste buds longed for older pussy, I could no longer fuck young girls. I was cursed!
5 years later and many a fuck buddies after, I met K again at their place. Anil and I had drifted apart when we found our individual lives. We’d lost touch for a few years and he was just back in town. I by then was drifting between relationships with a few girls whom I found great in bed but couldn’t connect beyond a certain level. I always felt like I was too mature for them. I was also going through a rough patch in life with a terrible work scenario and was starting to slip into depression.
I was seeing this one girl who was young, sweet and fucking hot in bed! She woke me up with blowjobs everyday. She would suck my phallus like it was all she needed to live, to survive. We would smoke joints and have mind blowing sex for hours. We fucked anywhere AND everywhere! Even at work, in an empty bay, in the elevator, in the loo, on my terrace, in broad daylight for everyone to see. We were fucking like animals!
So, I’d heard that Anil was in town and swung by his place to give him a good ol’ kick in the butt for not calling me. His mum said that he was upstairs having a drink with K. K! I grinned and ran swiftly up the stairs to see how she was doing. I saw my buddy and gave him a bear hug, welcoming him back and only then did I notice K sitting quietly in a corner, watching us.
I walked up to her and gave her a hug, she seemed taken aback that I would hug her. I asked her how she was and where she’d run off to. She didn’t seem too comfortable discussing anything (as usual) and didn’t say much. We sat down and rolled joints, smoked them, ate a lot of munchies and watched Southpark till my then girlfriend called me to tell me that she was on her way home. Giving Anil a knowing look and grin, I left their place to go home for an all night fuckathon.
While I fucked my girl, I could see K’s face in place of hers for a moment. It did not feel weird. At all. I gave her the hardest fuck we’d ever had and while we lay gasping for breath, she went down and started to suck my dick. I felt like someone was watching and looked out of the window. I thought I’d seen someone move away. Thinking it to be a nosy neighbour looking in for a live sex show, I dismissed it and went back to fucking her throat with gusto.
The next evening, I went over to Anil’s to catch up with K and see how she was doing. I was still a little weirded out with having seen her face during sex. She seemed embarassed to look me in the eye. Everytime we spoke, she would briefly look at my face, then her eyes would dart to my crotch and she she would look away. I didn’t think much of it and got down to fixing us drinks. We sat down and spoke for a while when Anil joined us as well. We spent the night drinking and laughing at old stories of what goofs we’d been.
A few months later…
K & I had started to hang out quite frequently by now. We would sit and talk about everything under the sun. Having quit my job on a whimsy, I was jobless and had all the time in the world. K had gone through a rough patch and seemed to be recovering from an emotional and mental blow. Boy, she knew how to pick her men. In this meanwhile, I went through a bad patch with my girlfriend and decided to call it quits. So, quite obviously, since we spoke all day, every day, K asked me how I was feeling and if I wanted to vent out. I vented out quite a bit and realised that it wasn’t the emotion that I was going to miss. It was the sex!
I turned to her and asked her what she thought of sex. She looked bewildered and asked me what made me ask her such a thing. I smiled and said that I was curious about her take on sex and what she felt about it and if she liked it. Her face lit up like the bat signal, bright enough to shine through everything yet something dark and sinister behind it. That broke the ice about the topic we apparently both loved!
Once we started, there was no stopping us. We spoke about sex all the time. It was our way of dealing with the frustration of not getting laid. We would sit all day long and swap fantasies. Stories of exhibitionism, bdsm, bondage, wild sex, sex that went on for hours, fellatio, long hours of foreplay…we spoke of it all. And yet we never thought of fucking each other, we were friends by then.
Though I still found her attractive, I started to hold dismiss all sexual thoughts because she was a friend. Little did I know that she felt the same.
Many weeks of sexual frustration and vocal encounters, it was a cozy afternoon that found us lying down next to each other and talking arbid stuff. We were lying on our sides with her in front of me. I was hugging her and could feel the small of her back in my hand. I slowly started to tickle her with all intentions of just messing around with her. She started laughing at first but then started to squirm at my touch. While she wriggled, I was busy laughing and running my hand all over her back. Only when I heard her moan that it hit me that I was turning her on. I was getting randy and decided to go for more. So I breathed down her neck while I ran my fingers down her spine. Both of us were turned on and would have fucked like rabbits in a trice.I stopped what I was doing and jumped out of bed, lit a smoke and sat down to look at her and think of what I’d just done. It was the closest we had ever been to anything sexual and I was doubting my own self about whether I was going to wreck a good relationship we seemed to share. While she looked a bit embarassed, she didn’t seem too weirded out about it. We spoke of it in good humour and let it pass and I went home for a cold shower.
That evening, K came home and asked if we could go up to my terrace and smoke a doob. So, we went upstairs, smoked in peace and started to talk about what happened. Both of us knew that it didn’t feel wrong, nor awkward. But did we want to take it to the next step? After hours of dabbling on the subject, we came to a conclusion that since we both were sexually frustrated and had been swapping stories, we kinda knew what the other person wanted. So, why couldn’t we try getting sexual and see where it led? It seemed like a fantastic idea then and it feels so even today! We started by kissing, figured that we liked it but wanted more and then slowly started to carress each other’s body. As soon as her hand slipped down to my crotch, I knew that I was going to like sex with her.
To be continued…