The Other Side Of Virginity

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I dedicate the below to one of by best friends – Aparna without whom I may have never been able to experience such bliss.

My name is Dwyane (not really though) :-). Like most other boys I too took a liking to sex and used to watch porn and fantasize quite a bit since I was a high schooler. I never had the opportunity to actually have the pleasure to have sex with a girl. Perhaps I was because I was shy and quiet and wasn’t too upfront or forward in asking someone to do it with me. So too make a long story short, I reached the age of 25 but still was a virgin. I used to get teased a lot because of this. Even by girls – one even calling me a baby boy because of my intact virginity. This made me desperate to do it all the more. But fate never presented the opportunity to me. Well to be really honest, I did have a foreplay with my cousin sister once and I must admit that I was this close getting my male hardness into her. We both wanted it and it was all happening well till we realized that we were not in the best of secluded places. We were on a beach and 5 people were staring at us from afar. Not that I cared one bit about them staring but she wasn’t comfortable with it. And I didn’t want to make her feel this in anyway. So I let go of this golden chance or her sake. Sometimes I wish that we were lost just for 5 minutes more, but alas….

I used to work at a BPO where again to my disappointment, all of my team members had lost their virginity, even girls younger than me. In fact it was one of these girls who used to call me ‘Baby Boy’. Her name was Samna. She was 3 yrs younger than me, had 3-4 boyfriends and had sex with each one of them (this is what she used to boast about openly in our team). You must not be mistaken on taking her for a sweet and simple girl. In fact the person who thought up the word ‘Tom Boy’ must have done so looking at someone like her. And in my list of Tom boys that I have seen till date, she tops it. She was considered as ‘One of the Boys’ of the team. No – her features weren’t manly at all but rather stunning. Great body. Awesome lines. Perfect curves at both – breasts and butt. Off course I had seen her beauty before but the only reason why I couldn’t imagine fantasizing about her was because of her Tom boyishness.

One evening, I was checking a message on Whatsapp. It was a forward in our team group from Samna. It was a vulgar one. I immediately sent her an individual message. “Well never seen a girl post this kind of one” – I said. She replied – “Who cares a damn? And besides, almost everyone in the team has had sex.”. She then started telling me about her boyfriends and the times when she had sex with them. And then came a question I knew she might ask. “Why haven’t you done it as yet?”.

I ended up telling her about all my desires and about the experience with my cousin. After I was done with my narrative, she laughed and said, “you should have got in touch with her again and done it with her. Obviously a public beach is not he place to get naked.”. I let her make fun of me. She was right. My cousin wanted to do it and she may have consented at another time. “You know what?” she said breaking my thoughts. “Believe it or not, Most girls think of you as a cute boy who they want to cuddle and take home”. “Yeah right” I said. She wasn’t wrong. Girls had mentioned this to me before. To which I just blushed away. “And some girls”, she continued, “want to take you home and satisfy their dark desires”. I held my breath. “Really?” I replied. “Tell me Dwyane, do you really want to loose your virginity ?”. “Desperately” I replied. “Well I can get rid you of your virginity if you like”. My reply made me feel like the dumbest person on this planet. “How?” i asked. After a pause, she replied, “D, don’t act like a fool. When I say, I’m going to get rid of your virginity, it means you will be having sex with me”.

I was bursting with happiness and pleasure. My erect dic felt like it was going to tear out of my pants. I pulled my pants and inners down to give it some space. It was sticking out anxiously as to say, “let’s do it now”. But another feeling griped me and I found myself replying “Let’s see”. I messaged Aparna and told her what happened. Aparna was a friend I had made through the social network. Apart from being friends, and we shared the same sexual passions and we knew about each other’s desires for sex. And yes, she too was a virgin. When she heard this she was very happy for me. At last one of us was going to break free and be on the other side of Virginity. But I confessed my fears and nervousness to her. “Is it ok to do it?, what will happen if my future girlfriend comes to know”. I was seriously acting like a girl all of a sudden. She listened to me and consoled me. And at the end of our discussion, she said, “It’s ok to loose your virginity. You’ll enjoy it”.

The next two minutes found me typing the words to Samna. “Let’s do it”. And in the next two minutes, the location and time was planned too.

We were to do it at an empty flat of one of my mom relatives whose keys I had. Before leaving, I messaged Aparna “This is my last message to you as a virgin, see you on the other side”. And she replied, “Go for it. Enjoy yourself”.

So Samna and I came home at about 9 am. And she asked me to start right away. So went to the bedroom and took off our clothes. I was so nervous that even after seeing her naked, my dic wouldn’t stand. Anyway, she asked me to sleep beside her and then she started foreplay by stoking and massaging my dic. I joined in too by pressing her boobs and all. Then I started putting my fingers in her pussy. Then she let me take over and I started kissing her entire body and then in the end kicked her V. Then she started. Started sucking my dic and then she sat on me. Like in the horse position. I was going to put the condom on but she stopped me saying that I wouldn’t enjoy doing it then. So I said Ok.

Then she held my dic to put it inside her and before that she said, ‘any last words before I kill your virginity?’. And I just pretended to laugh. But inside me I was feeling kind of guilty doing this. Anyway, she asked me to look at it going into her and then she pushed it in saying ‘virgin no more’. I closed my eyes and so did the virgin in me close his eyes – forever…..

So I was finally done with my virginity and for a couple of minutes, I was felling disgusted with my self, but she was like ‘everybody does it these days. It’s ok’ even I felt like this only. But then I got over it.’ anyway I tried to forget about it and focus on doing it. After all it was my choice and I wanted it badly. So I got what I wanted finally.

But after about 5 minutes or so, I got over it. I just felt this change in me. I heard the sound of her moaning. I opened my eyes and saw her going up and down over me, pushing my dic into her. For the first time since we started, I now noticed her awesome boobs bubbling like jelly while she pushed on me. I looked down to her V. It was wet, and slimy down there. I started sensing something in my dic. I knew what it was. “It’s coming out!”, she I told her. She took herself off and said, I “Now hold it in. Don’t let it come out”. I had practiced this before while mastubating, do this was easy. After some time she started pushing on me again on the same position and stopped when I was about to burst. This continued for 3 or 4 times. After the 4th time though, she kissed me after she had removed herself from me. I thought she was tired of doing it in that position and was going to change. But after a couple of minutes she was on me again resuming the same. This time her eyes were closed as she moved. In sometime I felt the familiar sensation on my dic again. I asked her to stop. But this time she didn’t. She only pushed harder. I held her hand and asked her again to stop. To which she replied with her eyes still closed “D, Don’t hold it back now. I want you to do it to me, D.
Let it flow inside me”.

“Are you sure?”, I asked. “Just do it”, she she said. I didn’t say anymore, I held her hips, focused my eyes on her boobs and plunged into her from beneath. After a few moments we screaming and moaning with pleasure. We were drenched with sweat and the sight of her sticky body excited me to the point where I could hold it no longer. And the moment came. I felt as if everything else had ceased to exist around me. I only knew one thing now – I had to get my sperms into Samna. I drew out my dic for the last time and rammed it back in. And with that I let out a cry of relief. The volcano in me had erupted and had bursted into the hot and hard slit of Samna’s pussy. I heard her screams slowly turn into moans and moans turn into whispers of “Oh D! Yes. That’s it.” relax and give it all to me”. She slid down beside me and took my hand and covered her pussy tightly with it and said “Hold her and don’t let anything come to out of her. I really liked what you did to me today”.

After sometime, we tried the dog position and did it again. Then we slept with each other for the next 3 hrs.

When I reached home, I narrated the happenings to Aparna. She enjoyed it. She said “Why don’t you share your experience with others”? I wasn’t scared anymore. I said – “Why not………..”.

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