The Molestation

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As I am a model and it’s really necessary to be in the news all the time. It’s really important for me to be in news and by that getting some good modeling offers. I always ensure that I do attend all public functions not only for getting some good money to host it but also for getting some good Media recognition.

I went to the Party with the owner of my company. He was also my boyfriend. I feel comfortable with him and specially feel relax with his company in such public places. As we models do have some experience of handling crazy fans , I was not very worried about that aspect of mine . I was and I am still very capable of protecting myself from these situations.

Why I am writing this experience is that I just want to open my heart to the reader of this document. I just want to express my feelings though this Biography. I need to tell you people that what I feel at that point of time and what is my state of mind that time.

As we were talking about that part, I went to that party with that Guy at about 10 in night. I was wearing a pink color sari, with no exposing of any of my hot assets. Normally I do not take that risk of exposing in public place. The Photo that you can see above is the exact picture of that party only.

We went there as a guest, and we got great reception as we both were well known celebrities in that party. Normally I like those kinds of parties, as I got the chance to meet more and more hotter and richer Men in India. As I can Seduce and influence e them a bit and vice versa.

As I was with that man, I still never close any chance of getting some good sex partner or life partner in any point of time. As you may feel that how bitchy that woman is but hey! I am like that always. I think I can be that bitchy because I am the most sexy and beautiful. Jokes apart, I love those kinds of parties always and on that day to I was very happy in that party.

As that party was going well and fast with great Music, nice food, superb people , suddenly one Guy came to me. Firstly I never consider him at all as I always meet many people in public place and everyone wants to meet me and wants to take some pics with me. I also consider him like that only. He ask me softly that,

“Mam! Hello Mam! This is rocky! I am DJ here, would You like Have a drink with me”?

Like always I decided to ignore him and kindly reply “sorry I don’t drink”.

He immediately said “please Mam! It would be my pleasure if you take a drink made by me!”

I replied to him” look please if you want my autograph take that, want to have a picture you can do that but please do not forced me to have drink please.”

As we were talking, I realized that my Boyfriend went from there. He went to the other side of that place about 10 meters always from me.

That man really wants very badly that I should take a drink with him and I always saying no to him all the time. As we were talking and replying to each other his few friends came to talk to him and just stop there as they also realized that I am Pooja, and they also wanted to have drink or may be a picture with me. They were forcing me too much at that time, but I really do not want to take a drink from them.

The incident started by one man forcing me to take a small drink with me but eventually I realized that there were 5 Men around me asking me to have a drink with them and I was in between them, somehow making myself ready to say no to them , again and again and again.

The mood was not that heavy. It was very lighter conversation even though they forced me to have a drink with them. In between one of them was passing some risible comments and I could not stop myself of having a lighter laugh ride. Even though I do not drink much having a small glass of wine or vodka with them should not be a problem for me but I don’t know why I keep saying no to them. May be because of the fact that I was not in that mood that night. Also to the fact that I was not very comfortable having drink in front of people. And I was not aware of how to enjoy wine or any other drink for that matter. I was a tyro in drinking habits.

I somehow cannot say no anymore and finally agreed upon having a drink with them. I was also looking for my man also, so that when he comes I may get a chance to leave from there but that was not a case on that night. I just not came in fact I was not able to see him in that room too.

Just after I said Yes to there invitation, one of them invite me to the back side of that Bar, and ask me to stand here in group , so that they all can have a nice cheers with me.! It was not at all a difficult thing for me and I said Yes to that as well.

Flummoxed by there, co-operation to each other, I somehow realized that they may have planned that earlier and it was a preplanned thing rather than an act of some enthusiastic fan of mine. I did not notice that much and I started enjoying my drink. I thought that was my biggest mistake that I did not realized that they got a plan, and they are executing this on me.

As I complete glass, one of the Guys came very close to me, and then suddenly gets off from there also. He showed it to me that he made a mistake and he is very sorry about that. I also did not take that into account. Then after few minutes he did that again, this time he tries to take another drink, and in the process he manages to touch his elbow to my hand.

He also showed it to me that he made mistake and I have not given much attention too. But when his behavior was increase like that he caught my attention. I ones made an alert warning to him also that keep a distance with me and he also says sorry to me. But just after that he just tries to pass away from me and in the process he intentionally presses my left boob very hard inside by his right Elbow. I could feel that pain of pressing a boob! And I take a deep breath! Without showing anything on my face. I just looked at his Face and want to see his reaction on that, I still believe that he made some mistake and it was not so intentional. When I saw his face, his face was without any emotion s at all as of he was not at all aware what he just did? I felt a bit humiliated, feeling like I have bee used or been taken for granted.

But I did not show that on my face. I kept my face pretty straight and simple. As things goes ahead and I just about to forget what had happened to me suddenly he came very closer to me again and this time, as he was trying to take a glass for wine from a table he put his hand ahead. I was standing just in front of table, on a way push his hands to my right Breast, just a little bit pressed that, like we press an orange or any round vegetable to check whether it is good in quality or bad .As soon as he pressed that softly I feel that pressure on my boobs! I reacted immediately and move my entire chest from left top right that is away from his hands. He then moves his hands forward and takes his glass like a normal thing that we wants to do. At that time I clearly realized that he is molesting me and I do not want him to take undue advantage of mine.

Now I was desperately looking for my Boyfriend to come and save me from that situation. But that thing was not going to happen on that day. Now two of them came closer to me and other three also join them. Now I was totally surrounded by these 5 Men. I realized that I cannot do much and better thing to ignore them. The party was in full flow, and everyone was on there mood to enjoy that party no one really looking and caring for another.

I quickly turn around towards the bar floor. I keep my boobs towards the bar tender and ask him a glass of lime Juice. While talking to him my asses was facing towards them, and intentionally keep my boobs to this side so that he may not get another chance to press them. But then I realized that it was my mistake. As soon as I turn around and show them my ass, I felt that 2or 3 hands was trying to grab my Ass with thier hand. Before I could say anything, these hands were increased and now they were 4 men pressing my ass from back.

They were pressing my ass and grabbing them like they are handing a pillow. They are actually hearting my ass and not only pressing them. As anyone want to remove entire air from a balloon, they really using there hard hands on my ass to, satisfies themselves. They were really using there hand with full effect to grab and press my ass hard enough. All these things are just happened before I could realize anything and at least react to it. They did that professionally before I could realize anything. I rare had any chance to take and protective action, I was totally helpless on that time.

But still I did not loose my hope and I decide to show some fight. I rapidly try to turn again back and thinking of slapping one of the men, so that entire public may get realized what is happening and I could make my position clear.

But as soon as I show my intention to do that, remaining man who was standing just next to men that is 5th man, put his hands on my left hand. just few seconds after that another man put his both hands to my right hand and I was literally locked in that position and could not even move a muscle on that time. They licked my body and now they were ready to do whatever they want to do with my body or at least my backside, as I was facing my ass towards them.

One man who was holding my left hand was very powerful man, he just put his one hand off from my left hand, and by just using his one hand now he could lock my left hand. And that’s not a good thing for me because I was feeling more and more incapacitated. That’s the time when I decided to take a step. Normally I do not speak y voice is such condition because of the fact that I am celebrity. Molesting any normal woman and molesting Aishwarya Rai are totally two different things. As a celebrity I did not want to make that issue blown out of proportion.

So I was trying to be normal as far as possible but in that situation I could not make my self silent anymore! So I decided to scream so that some people around us can realize what is being happening there.

As soon as I try to scream loudly I realized that my voice is being overshadowed by loud music which was playing on background .I again try to say” Help Help !!!” stop ! ! “” but not one really listen to my voice. My voice could not able to reach anywhere but to my ears only because of that loud music.

These Guys also feels bit alert after my helpless scream and decided to make thing happened very fats before someone here anything. On of the Guy who takes his one hand free from my hand directly put his hands in front of my chest. As he was doing that I can clearly saw his face, and I could see a hunger for sex in his eyes. As he was observing me and me too observing his face, he hurriedly put my left breast in his hand. as his hands are quite small in size and my boobs are not that small anymore as I am 37 , and got enough exercise with men!!, he was struggling to pick my entire left breast in his one hand.

He somehow manages to grab my boob in his hand and press that with utmost pressure. I never feel such pressure on a single boob in my life. I cannot forget that experience in my life and that special pressure that he applies on my boobs. He just went on pressing them harder and harder as I cried for help to be got rid off his hands.

He counties applying his thirst and his hunger on my boobs, another guy also join him, and he took me from back. He touch his entire body to my back and grab my boobs from back he just make his grip on my boobs very hard that he almost made me immovable. He was trying to keep me stun so that he can enjoy molesting me as long as possible. I was standing there helpless waiting to get rid off!!! . I realized that all of them would not leave such chance that they have got. And I was write they now came one by one to make me feel that I am being gang molested in that party.3rd Guy came very close to me and almost try to pick my boobs like a mango.

He told me that he wants to do these from years and now have the chance to do that. I replied to him that “got will not forgive you “. But he was not in a mood to listen to me and he continues to do what others were doing with me. I was hopelessly looking for help from somewhere and no one really present there to help me at that time.

They were playing with my body, they were treating it like a toy that they can use for there sexual desire.

In that process of molesting, condition of my sari really gets so bad. I was wearing very expensive sari with very soft colure. ‘Pallu’ of any sari is the most essential part of any sari. Why I am explaining that is only for them who do not know what sari is all about and what is ‘pallu’.

Why I am telling about pallu is because, if any woman cannot carry that well or if any woman could not manage to keep that on her breast , then its not a decent thing. Pallu less sari of if any woman cannot manage her pallu well on her boobs then it may not treated well in public place. Its very silky material and often it tends to fall down from your chest. A decent woman must know how to carry out in public place with that pallu as well.

You may need to pinup that sari to be decent enough in public place, because without that pallu your boob shape is directly exposed in public with only hindrance of your blouse.

On that occasion because of so much pressure applied on my sari and my boobs, I somehow cannot mange to keep my pallu well in place. I was really in disarray with my uncontrollable cloths. I really made a mess of my cloth but I could not do anything to make them good again. Normally once your sari becomes like that you cannot make it well unless you fully remove it from your body.

It was really an embarrassing experience in my life and I will never forget it. After all this drama for about 10 mins, finally god feels about me something and suddenly they stop doing that. I realized they did that because music suddenly stops and they now feeling but afraid of the fact that now my voice may go outside there man mad circle.

I somehow manage myself there, as I feel all that sexual abuse stops on me, I made some inspection of my dressing up and let me tell you it was pathetic.

No one really looking at me at that point of time, and I was pretty much egger to went off from there as soon as possible. I put my cell phone, and call my driver. And slowly walked towards to gate as I was not in my control to even realized and observe the fact that is anyone looking at me or not? I somehow manage to put my body up to my Car. I am intestinally said my body because that time I was feeling like body only without soul.

I came back home without my boyfriend , I did not want to told him about that incident hence I called him and told him that I was not feeling well hence I came back.

I never realized before that point what is rape?? How a woman may fee after she got rape, but after that incident I certainly realized that it’s not very pleasant experience although I just experience a little bit of it!

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