Hi all,
Let me continue from the last Part 1 of my true sex story. If you have not read or forgotten the 1st part then please read it first, so that you get the context.
If you like this true and amazing story of romance, seduction, and sex then please do send me your kind feedback to ([email protected]) For any personal suggestion, advice, appreciation or any information needed please feel free to email me.
One morning Nandita told me that a letter has come to her home for the Parents Meeting from the boarding school where her son studies. It was situated about 250 km away from our town and was approx. a 6 hours drive because the road is narrow and not too good. She wanted to go to the meeting as she does every year. I told her to surely go and not worry about the house, I would look after myself. But she was not impressed and went back to the kitchen.
Later that night after dinner, as usual, I was watching the news on TV and she came, sat on the stool next to me. I did not notice that she was not watching the TV but had her head down and was fidgeting with her fingers. Then I realized something was wrong and asked her. She said she wants me to go with her and hearing this I spontaneously started laughing. I said what will I do. Intelligent that she was, she had planned it all very well.
She said that since last few years she has been going alone to the school and meeting the teachers. She does not know what to talk and ask them about her son’s studies. She just listens to what the teachers say and thank them and return back. But now her son is older and she would like to know if the money she is spending on his education is worthwhile or not. If the boy actually studies well and if so what does he like to study. Should she continue his education or stop it.
Within a moment I understood how serious the matter was for her and how worried she actually was about her son.Genuinely for a maid to spend (Rs.4,000 x 12 months) Rs. 48,000 per annum is a very big achievement. I felt bad about my laughing and immediately got serious too.
Instantly I knew I must help. I felt how selfish we are in our lives, just living for ourselves and families but we don’t think of others in the society – socially everyone does not always want money but many people are just looking for good guidance & advice. Thus I asked what her plan was and what to do.
If at that moment I had said anything else then I am sure she would have started crying. But as she heard me ask for the plan she had a big smile. She said that we should go early morning in the state bus which she knew well. We would reach the school by afternoon and immediately go to speak with the teachers.
Thereafter we would take rest and eat at one of the many restaurants & hotels in the market of that town. It’s walking distance because the town is small and has one good restaurant cum hotel. Many of the well-to-do parents of students stay in that hotel for few nights with their children before returning back home.
In such case, the boarding school does allow children to stay with parents for up to max. 3 days. Then she said there is a semi-luxury bus in the evening which we could get and return home by just past midnight. This would all be completed in a day.
Amazingly she was so innocent in saying that she will foot all the expenses and buy the bus tickets etc. On hearing her plan, though I nodded, but mentally I completely disagreed. I did not want to travel by local bus on such long route and neither did I want to travel so much on bad roads in one day itself. So I told her I would think about it and give my decision in the morning. Nandita was now happy and she left for home.
She was back the next morning as usual.
After breakfast when I was leaving for office she looked up at me with such a small face as though she has been long anticipating some good news. I did not want to break her heart so spontaneously I said that we will drive and go in our car. We shall leave by 8.00 am and easily reach the school by 2.00 pm or earlier because the car would be faster than the bus. Then we would go to the hotel and get two rooms and freshen up and then go to the school.
Then after the meetings with teachers we would bring her son with us to the hotel and stay there the night so she can spend some time with her son. I also said we will take some presents for him. Then the next morning we would leave her son back in school and drive back home and reach by afternoon. Hearing this she was so happy & excited that unconsciously she just hugged me.
We remained like that for a moment and probably it lasted a good few minutes before she realized what she had done and was still hugging me – with her arms on either side of my neck & shoulder. Realizing this I too put my hand behind her on top of her blouse and sari.
With the passage of seconds, my grasp of her only got tighter as a lighting pass through my body. I could very well feel her large super soft boobs pressing hard against my lower chest. My hands on her back were feeling her bra over her blouse and my other hand was on her exposed body below her blouse.
The heat developing within us was getting me sweaty in my office clothes which I realized, but made no attempt to break off it. In fact, by now my hands were all over her back and probably heading down towards her buttocks when my head came down and gave her a kiss on the cheeks.
This ultimately broke the situation and she realized what had happened. We looked into each other eyes for a long moment and both faces were very close. I probably was wanting to smooch her but suddenly realized that it would be far too fast and I must take it slow.
Almost then, she realized what she had done and probably was amazed at herself so suddenly left me and instantly said she is sorry. With her head down she walked into the kitchen and I walked out of the door to the office.
This indeed was a special day I thought and the whole day I could not concentrate much at work. This made me plan a trick and I went home early. Nandita had also just return back from home for the evening work when she found me entering the home and asked why I was so early. I said I have a bad headache. So she quickly offered me a cup of tea and then asked if I wanted an oil massage in the head. Would any man leave such a chance …… ha ha.
Then the weekend came and I returned from office on Friday evening. I would feel there was some extra energy in Nandita. But like usual I took my shower and came to the dining table for dinner. While eating I told Nandita to take out a small handbag for me to keep one night clothes and toiletries while I would go to the petrol pump to get a full tank and to check the oil levels and air in the tires before the long journey. She was so thrilled to hear this … I saw it on her face.
After dinner, on my return from the petrol pump, I found she had done all the packing for me as well as for herself.She also had a small carton packed. I asked her what it was and she said it’s some clothes and gifts for her son. Then she asked me how much money is spent on the petrol pump. I replied that don’t worry and gave her a return big smile too. I went on to watch the news while I told her to go to bed and wake me up early the next morning.
I probably did not tell you that I have only one bathroom cum toilet in my flat. So Nandita use to go out to the common servant’s toilet on the ground floor but she use to bath in my bathroom whenever she stayed back the previous night. But in ever previous case she took her bath after had left for office so I never happened to see her. I sleep with my bedroom door open because of the bedroom and flat as it is quite small.
Today I too got up early and had just sat on the bed when I saw Nandita walking out of my bathroom after her shower. WOHHHH. She was very HOT !!! Those boobs, those long legs, wet hair dripping drops of water and she had her petticoat tight right on top of her boobs, which made her legs show until the upper thighs.
I wanted time to stop and I get to watch her for longer. I don’t have to remind you, how we men go crazy with women’s thighs. Today I realized what I had been missing all these days.
For a moment we saw each other in the eyes, then she quickly looked down and walked out. I was still in these amazing thoughts when Nandita walked back a few steps, the same way back into the bedroom and told me please get ready soon. She had a shower before because then I will get the bathroom free for myself to get ready while she gets the breakfast done.
While I was shaving she came into the bathroom, obviously so excited and told me she is taking the car keys and going down to keep her bag & carton. Earlier, never ever had she entered the bathroom when I was there. I quickly finished and got on with breakfast.
She returned upstairs and then took my bag to the car too. I left the crockery in the kitchen sink, wore my timberland boots and was ready to leave. She wanted to wash the dishes but I told her to leave it and she can do it tomorrow on our return. Then I walked out and she locked the main door of the flat and came to the car. We immediately drove off.
I put some news on the FM to catch up for the morning and then started a DVD of latest romantic type songs. I am not a singer at all but enjoy songs. I could see her happiness, she was so delighted that off & on she would take her head out of the window to feel the breeze. Time and again, she would look at me and smile.
My hands very often touching her when I changed gears, it’s a small car so we were relatively close to each other. We had rolled for about two hours when she asked me if we could stop for a break. I stopped the car at a lonely spot just outside a small town. She bent behind to pick the basket and invariably she was between the two front seats and her breast was against my chest and her left hand resting on my shoulder.
I was so close to her and her face and I could smell the fragrance of her armpit (I did not have an air-condition in the car) which makes some men horny. Pretending to help her I turned slightly to my left and held her from behind. It all happened so fast, and then she moved forward and got the flask and two mud cups from the basket. WOH, she was carrying very hot, amazing coffee. She knew I loved coffee and I have at least 2-3 cups every morning.
So while we sat and drank I looked at her and she was so shy. I thanked her for the coffee but she said instead she needs to thank me a lot. Then she went behind some bushes for a loo. I too did loo going close to where she was (on purpose to tease her). She came out trying to adjust her sari. Once back in the car, I asked if she had any more tricks hidden and she said YES !! It would appear when the time comes.
The car is small and she is very next to me and now even closer. Every time I changed gears my left hand would try to reach for her and touch her. She understood it and came closer so I could fulfill my wishes. Well, finally we reached the town where the school was located. She showed me the road heading to the main chowk (square) and where the bigger shops and eateries were located. There were two reasonable hotels and she showed me to the one she thought to be the best.
We drove there and parked the car outside on the road. It was probably a one-star hotel and we both walked into the reception and I asked for two single rooms.
The reception man said all rooms are gone since last two days because of this big boarding school having their parents-teachers day today. But he also said that one room will be free by today evening. So I immediately paid the full room charge of Rs.500 in advance so we are sure of at least one room in the worst scenario.
He said the room is big with one large bed and a big attached bathroom. Then we left our bags at the reception and also the car at the hotel. I decided that we skip lunch and take a rickshaw and immediately head to school. It was already 1.30 pm (afternoon) and we had working time in school until 4.00 pm which was enough for us. We were in good time.
I haven’t been on a cycle rickshaw since my childhood in old Delhi so was uneasy in sitting, somewhat afraid too.
I felt the seat was very small for two of us and tilting towards the front. Nandita’ s body was 100% touching mine, legs, hands, shoulder. Unaware, my hand was behind her and holding the frame of the rickshaw of the other side.Nandita’ s exposed bare back was against my shoulder and hands. My sitting posture instead made Nandita unsafe and her left hand was on my thighs and holding my knee.
At school, we went to the classroom which was very well marked all round the vast lawns surrounding the old and huge school building. It was very easy for me to figure out and we correctly reached her son’s classroom in the first attempt.
We entreated the class and she saw her son sitting. The class had a teacher on her desk with a few parents surrounding her and most students were sitting on their desks. Nandita hugged and kissed her son and emotions were let out for some time.
Then when composed we got in the queue and got our chance to meet the teacher. She gave her sons report card and said – he is a fairly good kid, disciplined and hard-working though he lacks some things. That is so obvious with every child, I thought. The teacher said the kid would do well as he is improving with age. We took the report card and were reading when the teacher said we could go and see the other teachers who taught other subjects.
In the next two hours we were done with it all and were informed that parents/guardians who wanted to take their children for the night must fill in the form and they must be returned the next morning by 12.00 noon. So I filled the form and the three of us went returned to the hotel.
Nandita was very happy and said thank you to me many times in a soft sweet whisper (so her son does not get to hear) for my coming and predominantly to talk, discuss and understand from the teachers and speak with them in English. Because of my clothes, appearance, English speaking and my knowledge the teachers also took time and explained well and Nandita too understood most of it while she stood hearing our conversations. On route to the hotel, it had started to become dark and her son was sitting partly on each other’s legs. This made me hold Nandita again from behind, my right hand literally around her stomach just under her blouse and left hand holding the frame of the rickshaw. But she never said anything and acted normal, in fact happy & satisfied.
On reaching the hotel we found that there was still no more rooms other than the one I had paid for earlier.
So, Nandita whispered to me it will be fine and requested me to go to the room for my toilet & shower. She will meanwhile take her son and go for a walk in the market on the roadside. I was very tired and exhausted so I did just what she had suggested – went to easy myself. About an hour later when I was all done and just lying on the bed watching the news on the small TV in the room there was the knock. I opened and it was Nandita and her son. Then she sent her son to the bathroom and closed the door and came to me. She whispered that she was so happy and grateful for it all today.
She requested if her son could sleep on one side of the bed with me on the other side. She would somehow manage on the floor on which she would put two blankets to make do a mattress. I said I am hungry so we shall manage on our return. She agreed and called her son to be quick in the bathroom.
I pretended not to see her and she took off her sari and blouse and pulled up her petticoat to cover her breast. All this in the room while I slyly watched her.
Then she turned and gave me a smile as though she knew I was watching.
Her son came out and she went in with a salwar suit in her hand. Within minutes she was done with her shower and was out wearing a beautiful new printed salwar suit she had just bought from downstairs. We then went down to look for dinner. Nandita knew some shops but I wanted a good restaurant. The three of us walked together and Nandita was always next to me. We touched each other many times I was holding her hand because it was dark and the road was very uneven.
Finally, I decided on one place and we sat there and had a lavish dinner. Her son ate a pizza and drank coke which was a very big outing for him while I had North India and Nandita the usual South India meal.
Then we took the rickshaw again and asked him to drive us around the town before leaving us back to the hotel. It was an enjoyable evening being so close and holding on to her most of the time. This time I made most of it and on purpose held Nandita from behind until half way to her stomach. With the jerks & movement of the rickshaw, my hands were slowly moving upwards towards her boobs. This was all certainly very romantic. But no one said nothing and enjoyed.
Back in the room, we had to sort out. It was indeed a double bed but not big for three of us. So we decided it Nandita’s way where her son & myself would be on the bed while she was on the floor. She told me to be away from her son as he has a habit of kicking in his dreams. Though I did not like this arrangement but I could not help. Her son was tired and he fell off to sleep immediately (based on his school timings).
I changed into my usual boxer & T-shirt. Switched off the lights and Nandita went to the bathroom. I lay quiet and waited for her to come out, though wondering what she was up to, been in there so long. I was also so tired after a long 5 hr drive that unknowingly I fell off to sleep. When my eyes opened I saw my mobile and it was 1.30 am. I felt a little tight and cramped on the bed so I slowly turned around. I was astonished to see Nandita sleeping between us – her son and myself.
I thought, how and when did this happen, but meantime I was off to sleep again. In my deep sleep, I don’t know when I turned to my left and placed my right hand and leg on Nandita who was sleeping on my left. I have a habit to keep a pillow on the side and place my leg on it. Imagining the same I kept my leg on Nandita’s leg.
Once again I suddenly woke up and it was still dark, looked at my mobile and it was 2.45 am. My hand was on top of Nandita’s boob. I kept lying in the same state trying to think when this may have happened but could not remember. Then I got up slightly to see if Nandita is asleep and she was. I saw her son was also in deep sleep.
So I pulled the sheet on top of Nandita and myself and lay down again. I put my right arm again on her and my palm on her boobs, my right leg on her leg. I don’t know how long it must have been but Nandita moved slightly towards me and kept her hand on my hand, which made my palm press her boobs. I thought I may as well try my luck and I started some movement of my palm on her boobs. Soon I realized that she did not even have her bra and was just wearing the loose transparent type knee length nighty which she had bought a couple of days ago.
The movement of my palm on her boobs and my closeness to her first time on the bed and my leg on her – well everything put together made me so horny. I was HOT and my cock was hard as a rock. I became faster in pressing her boobs and moving from the right one to the left boob and vice versa. I moved my hand down and realized that she had unbuttoned the front of her night till chest (probably to give me the freedom to move my hand).
Then I rolled my hand from on top of her nighty down under till her navel and then down to her pussy. I could now feel her wearing the panty but her nighty had moved well above her panties.
I moved my palm on her panties and found it to be slightly wet. I was now frozen and also so very happy with what was happening, I had never imagined it would be so. My body was getting warm and it was becoming unbearable for me. I again took my hand and put on her boobs and started pressing it.
Then I moved forward, slightly bending over her body and came next to her face, admiring her lips and I could not resist myself from kissing on her lips. Then I continued this one-sided affair for a minute or so hoping she would not get up.
Then, suddenly she moved and put her right hand under my body and pulled me on her herself. She was awake, I was in shock. She opened her eyes and gave me a big smile. I froze, thinking what would happen. Instantly, she eased me – whispering – “what took you so long !!!! I have been dying for you, longing you for so many days, I am yours and all yours, take me” !!!! I was now completely lying on top of her and my face was almost on her face.
Then she opened her mouth and we started to smooch – lips to lips and tongue to tongue. My one palm was still on her boobs pressing and enjoying it. She said, “why do you stop, do what you want, I am all yours, take me completely”. Gradually I moved my legs into position and my body was between her two legs which were spread apart (probably that’s why her nighty was above her panties).
As I was above her she moved slightly towards my side on the bed.
After a little while in that position and with the heat of my cock I was trying to climb on her into position. When my cock was over her panties I started moving up & down to give ourselves the feeling. Then she whispered, let’s go to the bathroom because the movement on a single bed would awaken her son. I understood that it’s all a plan. We both got up in the darkness and we went into the bathroom, switched on the light and closed the door.
To my amazement, she had already put the two room blankets on the floor of the bathroom before she slept. This was her idea and she had planned to take me to the bathroom. She had also made a pillow using her clothes put inside a plastic packet. Instantly, she pulled off my loose T-shirt and I was only in my boxer without underwear.
My cock was 90 degree, saluting. I pulled up her nighty. Now her big ripe breast was hanging in front of me and she was only in her panties. She was topless in front of me. She lay down on the blanket and I lay on her. We started with kissing and then our lips locked on.
Then I came down and started licking and biting her nipples and playing with her boobs. I loved the nipples, medium sized, non-hairy, good color (not the regular chocolate brown or black) I rolled my tongue on her soft nipples and sucked. While sucking I slowly started to bite, she enjoyed each and every bite. For every bite, she was holding my head and hair tightly pressing it towards her boobs. Pressing her soft boobs made her really turn on. I sucked her both huge boobs for 15 min.
While this was on I was still between her legs which were spread apart. I was now on fire, and she had known it all along. She put her hand down and felt my cock (above my boxer) which was as hard as a rock. She invited me inside her and tried to take off per panties. I understood, got up and pulled down her panties and down with my boxer.
Her pussy had the clean triangle marked with the dark black medium sized public hair. It looked so good and tempting. She was so sexy. I put my nose to it and she pushed my face away. Said no I should not lick as it was secreting. She was very concerned for me and my health. So my fingers fiddled with the pubic hair and the mouth of her pussy. It was so wet and sticky, the smell was adorable. She got up slightly and slowly pulled my face back to her breast and started hugging and loving me, holding my head on her boobs. I too held her across her back and again kissed on her lips. She was such a darling, it was so much of love. Then she whispered, “please I can’t wait”.
I was already on FIRE, so without waiting anymore I laid and tried to find my space to get into her pussy. It was very easy to get in because it was naturally lubricated with her juices. But it did not go more than half way. I looked at her and she was crying in pain. She said it’s not been done for many years, last by her own husband.
I understood the reason for being tight and kept working, trying to get deeper but very slowly. Though she had a lot of tears rolling down her cheeks but she did not cry in pain because her son would get up. Then finally after about 10 minutes of effort both sides we succeeded and I was total inside. She felt so relaxed too.
In my heat of madness, I never thought about the condom either. Then I realized and tried to get up but she did not allow me. She whispered not to worry as she is completely safe (got all test done) and also got a copper-T fitted by a good gynecologist in the town where we lived.
I was amazed to hear this but was pleased. She asked me to cum inside her and I did. After that, I felt so relaxed and was so exhausted I could not get up for a while. Then slowly we moved and I got up and we both cleaned ourselves.We stood kissing and smooching each other and I continued pressing her boobs. Then we wore our clothes and came out on the bed and went to sleep again.
Next morning: I got up and saw the time was 8.50 am. It was very late. I had wanted to leave much earlier so we could be home before dark. So I went to the toilet, shave, brush and shower and came out wrapped in a towel. I saw that a paper was kept on the table reading hot coffee and a lot of hotel towels were wrapped together.
I unrolled the towels slowly and found a pot of hot coffee and a mug alongside. Nandita had left it for me and wrapped it so it would not get cold. I watch the morning news on TV and drank my coffee. Just then I heard the key revolving on the door and it opened. Nandita came in, she said she got up early, gave her son a shower and went to leave him to school in the rickshaw. I was glad she did this while I was sheep so we have coved this time.
She locked the door behind her and came and stood right in front of me. Her breast was touching my upper stomach.We could hear each other’s breathing. I told her thank you for her care, for keeping the hot coffee and the excellent arrangement for keeping it hot. She said is that all that is hot !! I obviously knew where we were heading and so I embraced her and she was stuck onto my body.
After a while, I tilted her face and planted a kiss and on to her delicate soft brownish lips. I wouldn’t know if my lips were inside her mouth or vice versa, but sure that our lips were locked. My hands automatically slipped down to her boobs and were feeling them above her salwar. A while later, don’t know the minutes, we broke and she went to pull the curtains and close the bathroom door so the room was dark again.
I was already on the bed and she came, I held her hand and pulled her on myself. She was now on top of me. But the salwar was getting pulled so she got up partly and pulled out the top kameez. She laid down back on my chest and my hands engulfed her and while my palm was behind her I opened her bra clip.
Then I slowly rolled her on the bed and lay on her side, trying to pull up her nipples and started sucking them. This makes me very aroused. No one had touched her boobs since her husband died. In all of this, my towel had already come off long back and I was in my underwear. Then I got up and pulled down her pajama as well as her panty. She was again nude in front of me for the first time in the morning hours of the day.
I inspected her body and let my hands feel her totally – neck, shoulder, breast, chest, stomach, navel, and down to her thighs, knees, and leg. Then again went up to her pussy.
She instantly spread her leg to give me room and I started playing with her clit. It was already very wet with sticky juice. I love that smell and wanted to taste it but knew she did not like me to do so.
She had her eyes closed and by sign language calling me on her and into her. I lay on top of her and softly played with her boobs. My cock was close to her pussy but below on her thigh. She could feel my cock as hard as a rock and she moved one hand down to hold it.
I whispered to ask if she wanted me in or wanted to give a blowjob. She replied that she wanted me inside her. Last night it was too quick. So she guided me and I slowly but very easily got into her pussy and this time with just a little effort I was completely in.
She again had a few tears rolling down her cheeks but probably that was of happiness and love. Instead of moving myself inside her I kept myself as it is in one position and so could feel the heat of her body on my cock which lay inside her.
After a couple of minutes, she told me to rock and so I did. Ahhhh she made a soft scream. This time her pain and screams of pleasure made me wild. I was still not used to her body so the excitement and a couple of rocks made me leak my sperms inside her. She felt it and was so happy, she kissed and hugged me.
Then we lay by our self for about half hour, then got up, took a shower, got ready and headed down to the car with our luggage. Soon I started to drive and we left the small town within minutes and was on the highway again.
By 7.00 pm we reached our town and I stopped the car at a restaurant. Got down and ordered some dal, vegetables, and roti for packing. It was soon ready, I paid and we started for home. On reaching Nandita took a two bags and went up the stairs and left the other two bags for me.
I locked the car and got those with me. She asked me to go for a shower as I was tired while she prepares the table for dinner.
Once I was out of the bathroom I had a big smile seeing her in the nighty and she too headed for a quick shower. I switched on the TV and was looking for the news channel but when she came out. I invited her to sit with me on the table and for the first time, we eat together. Thereafter this because the usual routine to eat together.
It was a long and tiring day especially for me with driving on two consecutive days so I took a strong paracetamol with milk and hit the bed.
If you like this true and amazing story of romance, seduction, and sex then please do send me your kind feedback to ([email protected]) For any personal suggestion, advice, appreciation or any information needed please feel free to email me.