Foxie: Wow babe you are wonderful…
Wolf: Am i… y am i not surprised…
Foxie: Because u dont know that…
Wolf: Huh???
Foxie: I am serious Dude… I have started getting horny even when i see u online in chat… Each time we chat, u give me a new experience… which does not happen often… to me at least 🙁
Wolf: Haa haa… we have just been doing role-play all these while…
Foxie: u stay in Bangalore right???
Wolf: Yup of course…
Foxie: any chance of meeting me?
Wolf: Hmmm… i dont know… i usually dont meet the girls with whom i chat…
Foxie: Oh… come on yaar… dont do this…
Wolf: Hey seriously girl… i have not met any girl this way…
Foxie: Ok… let me be the first girl whom u have met this way…
Wolf: Let me think…
Foxie: come on… pls pls pls…
Wolf: really a tricky question… what if u turn out to be a guy…
Foxie: I sent u my pics right…
Wolf: What if they were someone else’s…
Foxie: well they are not… you wanna see me on my cam?
Wolf: hmmm… no…
Foxie: R u ignoring me? this might just be the best thing that would have happened to u buddy…
Wolf: AAhmm… i dont know what to say…
Foxie: ok… forget it…
Wolf: 🙁
Foxie: Bye
Kunal was shivering by the time the chat had ended. He wanted to meet her, but what if something bad happens? And anyway he was not so good with girls, thats why he chatted with them regularly. Meeting them was far beyond his imagination. He was cool and popular with girls on the chatroom than in his college.This he knew for sure because, once it happened that he met a girl from his college on the chatroom and she liked the way he chatted. She didnt realise that it was kunal with whom she had chatted. The next day when kunal tried to talk to her in class she had scolded him saying “Dont even try to come near me, you Jerk”
That day Kunal had realised that he had a god given talent –> “Chatting”. In chat, he used to make even the best looking girls to fall for him, while in person he was so nervous even to talk to them. Well that was all about to change.
He had a very close friend in college with whom he used to share every detail of his life. Her name was Menaka. She was his childhood friend. They both were attracted to each other. but why they both didnt wanna settle with each other is another story which i will tell you later.
Kunal Called Menaka.
Kunal: Hi Menaka.
Menaka: Hello…
Kunal: i have a doubt.
Menaka: Ok… tell me…
Kunal: I met a girl on chat. She wants to meet me.
Menaka: haa haa… so go and meet her.Whats stopping you.
Kunal: you know right i get nervous.
Menaka: why dont u get nervous while chatting.
Kunal: I dont know. I am comfortable with a fake name and we do roleplay anyways.
Menaka: Does she wanna date you or do you both have other things on mind?
Kunal: I am thinking whether to meet her or not.
Menaka: Ok you decide that and then call me.
Kunal: I wanna meet her stupid.
Menaka: then go and meet her.
Kunal: I am nervous.
Menaka: do your roleplay when you both meet.
Kunal: Hmmm… good idea.
Menaka: was just joking.
Kunal: Actually a good idea. Ok see you menaka.
Menaka: jerk.
Kunal kept the phone down. Kunal liked the idea. so now he would have to just simply do a roleplay to feel comfortable. he had not given a name to Foxie yet. he will fake it. He went online. but Foxie was nowhere to be seen. So he just dropped a message to her and logged out.
Next day, after college he came online. Foxie was there waiting for him.
Foxie: Sorry darling. I messed it up yesterday. I just waned to meet u. i got upset because u were not interested in meeting me.
Wolf: who said anything about not being interested in meeting u.
Foxie: well… u did…
Wolf: i didnt say that…
Foxie: So…
Wolf: so???
Foxie: shall we meet?
Wolf: Sure… but i have some conditions…
Foxie: haa haa… whatever babe… tell me? any specific dress u want me to wear?
Wolf: We will do roleplay when we meet…
Foxie: huh? wow thats exciting babe…
Wolf: 😛
Foxie: so where shall we meet and when?
Wolf: In ard ock Cafe at 9 o clock tomorrow night…
Foxie: where shall we go from there?
Wolf: we cant come to my room so your room will be better…
Foxie: no problemo
Foxie: what role r we gonna play?
Wolf: you be my ex, i am in a relationship with another girl… u r trying to woe me back…
Foxie: great… will be waiting for u…
Wolf: give me ur mobile number.
Foxie and Wolf exchanged the numbers.
Foxie: what shall i save ur name as?
Wolf: Naren… and urs?
Foxie: thats Niharika for u:)
Next day:
Kunal had messaged Niharika to come in a green tight fitting shirt, blue jeans and purple hairband (he had seen her wear the hairband in one of the pics). He had reached the cafe at 8:30pm itself and was waiting for her in the meanwhile he would get familiar with the cafe…
8:45 Niharika arrived.
From here the roleplay started.
Niharika entered. Saw Naren (For the ease of remembering lets assume Kunal is Naren as of now).
She came to where Naren was sitting and said “Hi Naren, Long time no see”
Naren Shifted in his seat a little nervous.
Niharika: Dont be nervous darling i will leave u alone in sometime.
Naren Managed a smile.
Niharika: So hows ur life going on?
Naren: good as of now.
Niharika: oh and how is ur new girlfriend?
Naren: she is fine.
Niharika: Hmmm… am jealous… why did u leave me for her?
Naren: Dont know… just felt like it (Naren was still nervous).
Niharika: u seem to be uneasy seeing me here…
Naren: i was not expecting u.
Niharika: oh, so where is ur girlfriend? has she not come?
Naren: no, she is at home. I had come to see my friends.
Niharika: where r they?
Naren: they have left.
Niharika: and u.
Naren: well i was seeing the IPL match.
Niharika: oh ok… so ur match is more important than your friends?
Naren: My favourite team is playing.
Niharika got up from her place and came and sat near to Naren. Naren was just wishing that she would not know he was nervous.
Niharika: I told u dont worry about anything. ur girlfriend would not know that u were with me here today. (saying this she winked at him)
Naren was getting uneasy sitting near to Niharika. Her legs were brushing his pants and her velvet shirt over her soft boobs were touching his hands. He was getting mad. he didnt expect Niharika to be so fair and slim in person she was a bomb in person. But still no one was paying them any attention. because the cafe itself was filled with enough bomb girls.
Niharika: Darling, I miss ur kisses. (saying this she kissed him on his cheeks).
Naren: Hey i dont like this… Maybe i should be leaving…
Niharika held his hand tight and didnt let him get up. Naren was getting tensed as to the problem if someone he knows sees him in this position he would be caught red handed and so he had said that he was leaving. Niharika thought that he was just playing his role.
She said: Ok darling sorry, If you dont like it i would not kiss u until we r somewhere private.
Naren was thinking: she has not found out yet that I am nervous, thats actually good, she is still thinking that we r playing the role. After knowing this Naren began to relax a bit. Because he knew that whatever he will do after this, is all roleplay and he can explain to her later on chat.
Naren got some courage and started
Naren: shall we order something?
Niharika: first call me “darling”…
Naren: ok ok, Shall we order something Darling?
Niharika: sure babe.
Naren: This is between u and me… noone should know that i was with u tonight.
Niharika: I promise u, my love.
Naren: then its cool…
They both ordered. now it was a point at which even naren was free to talk to her, but she kept teasing him, which he found sexy (now that he was not nervous he started paying attention to her talks and to her). He started paying attention to her body. He told her to stand, she stood. he saw her vital stats and made a mental note.
(Pretty large boobs, Soft but strong Stomach, Hmmm… ass is as big as her upper stats… over all 34, 29, 35)
She asked him what he was seeing. he said he was checking out her body.
Niharika: and what did u find out?
Naren: 34, 29, 35…
Niharika: haa haa… can i sit now?
Naren: sure…
Niharika: will u kiss me as u used to kiss me before?
Naren: not interested…
Niharika: What?
Naren: I am not interested in kissing u i have a girlfriend.
Niharika acted as if she was angry and caught hold of both his shirt collars and planted a kiss on his lips. It was meant to be a small but passionate kiss, but Naren could not break the kiss, as he was kissing a girl after a long time. He held on to her lower lips and bit it. it was a heated kiss. Their tongues were touching and they liked the feeling. Then Naren broke it off. A small bite was visible on her lips and a small blip of blood was gushing out through it. Niharika wiped her lips and saw Naren with lusty eyes and asked
Niharika: did u miss me so much?
Naren: i dont know, that just came out. i was not prepared. come, lets get out of here people have started watching us.
They paid their bill. then
Naren: how did u come?
Niharika: I came to the opticals shop. i saw u and came inside.
Naren: ok come i will drop u.
Naren got his Hyundai Verna out of the Parking and bought it near to her and told her to hop on.
She got into the car. he started driving
They were talking as though long lost lovers had met again.
Niharika: ur kiss told me that u missed me a lot.
Naren: Is it? what else did it tell u?
Niharika: That u still love me and ur girlfriend is not as beautiful as i am.
Naren: Wrong. my girlfriend is more beautiful than u. but she is no match to u in bed.
Niharika: Oh… so u two have already had sex?
Naren: of course man… she is my gf for god’s sake…
Niharika: Dont make me jealous. I wanna do it with u… now…
Naren: what? R u Mad?
Niharika: yup. mad about u Naren.
Naren: haa haa… good joke
Saying this he looked at her and he saw her lusty eyes… and he knew instantly that she was not joking…She held his face even though he was driving and planted a kiss on his cheeks… now she was trying to reach for his lips…
Naren was worried if the car will skid out of the road and told her: hey get a grip on yourself. U wanna have me? ok u will… we will come to your room. But remember its only a one night stand. ok? do u agree with that?
Niharika: Ok darling. no problem with me. we can have as many one night stands as u want babe. saying this she started giggling.
They reached the apartments, parked the car and got out. Niharika caught hold of his hand and they both walked together to her room. The role play needed them to be comfortable with each other, but the tension was building. Heartbeats were beginning to raise, then after what seemed like an eternity they reached the room. Naren was liking the part a lot, especially walking with a beautiful girl, hand in hand when the whole world was watching.
She opened the door, they got in and then it started, first slowly, then hurriedly and then passionately.
When they entered, their hands were locked, They shut the door and hugged each other. There was not a word exchanged. Naren was kissing her neck, he liked her fragrance, which he didnt recognise. After all he had had only 2 girlfriends his whole life. and he still didnt remember what fragrance they used to wear. Her fragrance was soft and mild, which made Naren loose his mind.
Now he got a chance to see her face from near, all these while he was not concentrating. She had sexy eyes which was big and lusty, anyone could keep seeing her eyes and fall in love with her Her lips were full, Like the petals of rose which had dew drops on them, you would just want to suck the dew drop from her lips, they were soft like marshmallows.
He came close to her and planted a kiss on her cheeks which were turning red, then he planted a kiss on her lips, he wanted to just give her a peck on her lips, but she didnt allow it, She hugged him and didnt leave him and now the kiss had turned deep, they sucked at each other’s lips for a long time and the time passed away (anyway they didnt care about it now.)
Finally they broke from the kiss and he asked her, where is the bedroom, she said come i will show u. But he caught her hand and pulled her near to him. He bent down to her knees and carried her, she was giggling and she held him with one hand around his back holding his shoulders and the other hand from front. Naren figured out that she was lightweight, about 55kg as compared to his 65Kg. she was as tall as he was, (he was 5 feet and 10 inches while she must be 5 feet and 8 inches.) He carried her to the bedroom and put her on the bed. She let out a sexy noise when she fell on the soft bed, which sounded like oooohhhhh…
Naren was loosing his patience, he immediately jumped on her and started to kiss her all over her body. he started from down below and when he reached her face he simultaneously started removing her shirt buttons. she slapped his hand and said: oohh, baby be patient, let me start first, saying so she started removing his round neck t shirt, she said: one down, 2 more to go (and she giggled), but she didnt immediately remove his pants she started playing with his chest hair and his nipples. She sucked his nipples, started rotating her toungue on his nipples. he was getting horny, she was teasing him and he could not do anything to her, he thought in his mind “my time will come, bitch”
She shifted her tongue to his belly, he stopped her and asked: is this right? i mean usually guys do this to girls, she said oohh, someone is hungry for more. Ok ur turn now. Naren was happy that atlast he would get to taste her body. he removed her shirt buttons and he removed her shirt, then he undid her bra hooks, but didnt remove it, he said: now let me tease u girl. he made her to hold her hands up and made her to lay down on the bed, and started to lick her underarms. she was making sexy noises which made him go mad. he shifted from one underarm to the other then he moved her bra upward and started sucking her nipples, after sucking her nipples she was going crazy, and he was now cool.
Naren said: u have been very naughty u know, I need to punish u, saying this he immediately caught both her hand and tied them with a dhupatta he found lying nearby and tied her hand to the corner of the bed. He said: u have teased me enough, now lets see how u hold up. she was silent as she didnt know what she was about to go through. she thought everything would be cool. Naren again put the hook of her bra back.
Niharika: hey come on i thought u would be removing my bra.
Naren: I know baby, u dont like wearing bra when u r having sex right. u told me once in chat. This is how i would love to tease u.
Niharika: hey come on buddy, i get irritated with my bras on while having sex.
Naren: i dont care.
Niharika: the corners of by bra poke the skin and the skin becomes red, please remove it.
Naren started removing her pants. she was cooperating with him thinking that he would ultimately remove her bra. but Naren had something else in mind. He removed her Panty also, now Niharika was naked except for her bra on. she said: hey remove my bra. i dont like it like this.
Naren didnt listen to her. he removed all his clothes and he sat in front of her pussy. He caught hold of her hips. she didnt know what he was gonna do. he held her hip and carried her up further towards to his lips such that he was able to suck her pussy. he started sucking her pussy. Niharika’s body was half in the air. her hands were tied on to the corner of the bed and her legs were around Naren’s neck and he was sucking her Pussy. She felt pain and pleasure at the same time. Her pain was trying to overcome her pleasure and similarly her pleasure was trying to overcome her pain.
Naren’s toungue was frantically moving inside Nirahika’s Pussy making her wetter and wetter by the time. She was screaming wildly with pleasure, and time and again she kept telling him to untie her hands and remove the bra. Naren just ignored these pleas and continued sucking and inserting his tongue inside her pussy, finally her love juice started pouring out of her vegina. she was done, exhausted and was not able to take anymore.
Naren felt the shudder go through her body. He knew that she was about to come and removed his mouth from her pussy. He saw her love juice pour out. he was satisfied now. He placed her hip gently on the bed in the same position as before he took control of her pussy.
He asked her: Did u enjoy it?
Niharika: I dont know, it was different. I have never done anything like this before.
Niharika: ok, now free my hands.
Naren: not so easily babe.
Niharika: what? I am exhausted, cant we have normal sex now?
Naren: ok as u wish, but wait a sec, where is ur bathroom?
Niharika: its in the drawing room.
Naren: ok wait babe. i will be back in a sec.
Naren went to the bathroom, relieved himself and was about to enter back into the room when his eyes fell on the fridge. He smiled to himself, Opened the fridge and got some ice cubes out and put some of the cubes in a glass, he also put one ice cube inside his mouth and returned to the room with the glass.
Naren: wasnt that fun babe?
Niharika: actually it was a little painful. but i like this new experience. and i am even more mad about u now.
Naren smiled and asked: Do u wanna experience some more?
Niharika shyingly nodded her head.
Naren again took the position and held her pussy to his lips. She was once again in mid air. but now she was prepared for it. Naren moved the ice cube inside his mouth and placed it on top of his tongue, once he made sure that his tongue had become cold, he removed the ice cube from his mouth with his hand and started sucking her pussy. Niharika was once again in for a surprise. he was expecting the heat from his tongue but, his tongue was now cold and she could not bear it.
She started screaming once again and lost control of her mind. he removed his mouth from her pussy, took an ice cube from the glass and started rubbing it on the lips of her pussy. It was shear pleasure for Niharika now. She screamed and screamed till her throat went dry. he started sucking her pussy again and then again started rubbing the ice. This went on for a while and again he sensed a similar shudder from her body. Naren stopped it and saw Niharika. Her eyes was closed as she was experiencing the burst, but her lips had a smile on them.
Naren placed her body back on the bed and went up to her face and now he was on top of her. He asked her: how was it?
Niharika: Excellent, my love. My whole body is paining but still i wanna have more.
Naren started sucking her lips. In between kisses she pleaded him to remove her hands, but he kept telling her: no darling, this is your punishment. Now Naren was hugging her while she was not able to hug him back as her hands were tied.
She said: atleast remove my bra. I am not feeling comfortable.
Naren said: oops. I forgot about them.
He got down from the bed, took an ice cube from the glass, broke it into two halves and inserted the smaller cubes inside her bra such that, the cubes were placed exactly on her nipples.
Niharika: what the fuck? Hey dont do this Naren, my nipples will turn red and u wont be able to enjoy them.
Naren: am not planning to enjoy them honey.
Niharika: what? wont u be sucking my nipples?
Naren: no. even thats part of ur punishment.
Niharika: Oh God. u r really a sex demon Naren. Have u done these things before to someone else?
Naren started thinking about his breakups from his previous Girlfriends and smiled. The only difference was that his previous girlfriends didnt like these experiences, while this angel on the bed was ready for more experiments. That was good for him. Seeing Naren smile Niharika got some confidence, now she was sure that Naren had tried them on some other girls and thats why he was doing it to her.
Naren asked her: R u ready for the next session babe?
Niharika: I am ready for just plain sex now. Open my hands. i wanna hug u darling.
Naren: not so soon honey.
He was on top of her now. He started moving his strong 6 inch tool on top of her pussy and started rubbing it.
Niharika: oooohhhh. come on babe. insert it. give it to me, my nipples r burning. But Naren was just teasing her. He was not ready to insert his penis into her pussy as yet. he started licking her underarms. she was feeling ticklish. she was moaning now. he got one more ice from the glass and started rubbing it on her underarm, she started getting mad. he started rubbing it on her pussy and finally inserted the cude inside her mouth. Niharika sucked the whole ice cube inside her mouth. Now naren kissed her and they were playing with the ice cube in their mouth.
Naren started poking his Penis on the pussy opening but was not inserting it, as a result the pussy was partially opening for a few seconds and again closing. This was the limit of teasing and Niharika shouted: come on Naren give it to me!
Naren said: “your wish is my command, Bitch” and he smiled.
Now he was ready, his Penis was well lubricated, and ready to be inserted, and he did insert it. Niharika lost her mind and started screaming. Their bodies started moving rhythmically, Their bodies were dancing to the act of love making. He started pumping his cock into her pussy, first slowly and then at a steady rate. Niharika’s hands were still tied firmly, So she was not able to enjoy it much, and also her bras were still on.
She just kept moaning hard when he was inserting his cock. Naren was give her deep thrusts and she was enjoying it. She was constantly moaning due to the pleasure.The dhupatta slowly started easing on her hands, with constant thrusts it even started to get loose.
Naren had not noticed that the dhupatta was beginning to get loose. But Niharika had found that out as the pressure on her hand was reducing, but she didnt pay any attention as she herself was lost in the pleasure. Then with a heavy thrust of Naren’s the Dhupatta came ripping off of the corner of the bed and Niharika’s hand was free to move. The first thing she did was she caught hold of naren’s back so hard that she had to make use of her claw like finger nails to get a grip. Naren started getting burning sensations on his back. That is when he noticed that her hands were free.
Naren stopped thrusting her, Niharika was out of control, she was moaning “give it to me baby, give it. harder, harder!” She was hanging on to his body and even though Naren had stopped the to and fro motion she was doing it by herself, with every thrust she was taking more and more of Naren’s dick inside her pussy. Then she realised what had happened. She slowly stopped the to and fro motion and was hugging Naren.
She asked him slowly: have u finished? have u cum inside me?
Naren (angrily): No. but i would have cum inside u, by the way u were thrusting yourself on my dick, and u know what u have scratched my whole back. Its started bleeding.
Niharika: Sorry 🙁
Naren: A Simple sorry wont do bitch.
Niharika saw that Naren was angry and he was planning for a revenge, but who cares, its exciting anyways. She was smiling in her heart. Naren removed his cock from her pussy. He was clearly upset, but he was not going to leave this bitch until he gave her the proper punishment. He took the dhupatta, tore it into two, he caught hold of her right hand and tied it separately and he took her left hand and tied it separately such that the hands were tied wide apart and her ass was facing his dick. (she was tied such that she was on her knees).
Naren got wild seeing her ass. He asked her: Do u like ur ass being fucked.
Niharika: I have not tried it Naren. Please be gentle
Naren: U will see how gentle i am.
Naren was in no mood to tease her this time. He directly inserted his dick into her asshole and started pounding it hard. niharika was experiencing it for the first time so she was feeling the pain. Naren was mad now, he was pounding her ass for the better part of 15 minutes, then he loosed his grip. By this time Niharika was totally exhausted, she had kept on screaming (not moaning) till Naren left her ass alone. Naren ejaculated inside her asshole and he fell on her bare back, exhausted.
Niharika was telling him to free her hands. Naren removed the dhupatta from her hands and freed her hand. Niharika slapped him hard on his face. Naren just realised how much pain she was in.
He didnt say anything he just held both her hands with on of his hand. With the other hand he caught hold of her hip and brought her near to him and planted a kiss on her lips.
End of Part I
I hope you guys have enjoyed the story.
Next Part –> The Chat: Part II –> Niharika’s revenge