Testimony Of Hameeda – Part 32

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The next day, he woke me up early, about 4am. It was a Sunday and I used to wake up much later.

-Omar, why woke up so early?-

I woke up, wiping my eyes. I looked at Omar. He was looking at me with a very serious look.

-hameeda, we need to talk. Go wash yourself and come 1st-

I went to wash myself. I was thinking.

Why does Omar seem so upset today? Has anything leaked to him? Cannot be, except imad and me, only one other person knows about this and we both were sure she would not reveal it.

Once I came back, he started talking.

-what has happened to you, hameeda? Once you were sexually so neutral that I had to somewhat force you…-

-…not somewhat, you completely assaulted me! Do not hide facts!-

That angered him. He stood up, walked to me fast and looked at my eyes, angrily.

-who are you to teach me how to treat you…?-

His question ended up with pushing me backwards very powerfully. I was thrown back and my head hit the wall.

As I broke into tears, I I sat on the floor. He came to me, held my neck somewhat tightly and turned my head upwards. I held his hand, pleading,

-Omar…please leave me…-

-shut up!-

He seemed very angry. He was scarier than ever as well. I tightly closed my eyes. He shouted at me again.

-look at me when I am speaking!-

I opened my eyes again, but not with much interest. He was furious.

-just tell the truth. Then I shall decide how I should respond! What is your connection with imad?-

What? Did he just ask that?

-wh…what are you talking about, there is nothing…-

He pushed me to the ground. I was laying there, crying.

-I swear Omar, there is nothing like that. He knows you so I thought it is okay that I also get to know him so when he talked to me, I talked back and we came to know each other. I swear Omar, that was all-

-really? then answer this!

Why were you sexually neutral that day? I do not think a healthy woman would stay neutral like that. I do not have sex with you that often either.

What was that, then!?-

-I was sick then…that was why. Nothing else-

-really? Then what about yesterday, and the day you came back from the capital. You had changed a lot! You pushed me into having sex with you? Something you had never done? What was that?-

There was nothing I could say. He said,

-I guess we cannot live like this any longer. Sorry hameeda, but it is time we take our own ways. Time for you to go back to where you came from-

I could not believe he just said so. I pleaded,

-please Omar, we can talk this and make a decision…please please!-

I pleaded holding his hand as he was walking away. He pushed me away and said,


-no please do not do this…-


I thought for a while. Maybe he would not divorce me if I do not object him. I stayed silent. He said,

-talaaq…i am sorry, hameeda, but you leave me no choice!-

That was over. He divorced me. There was nothing else i could do. I silently packed my bags and left to see my mom. She loved me always. I thought she would not throw me out like that.

While i was on my way, i tried to call imad. He answered,

-hi hameeda, how are you?-

That loving voice, unchanged as usual. I broke into tears at a moment. His voice also changed.

-hameeda…are you crying my darling? Wh…what happened? Shall we meet and discuss? Where are you…-

-…no imad, i am not ready to meet you now. Just gimme some time. Gonna meet my mom. Bye!-

-hameeda wait…-

I dropped the call. I was crying in the road, very early in the morning. There were not many people around. I was wearing my head cover, a long sleeve t-shirt, denim and canvas shoes.

There were nobody around. Damn! Is it safe enough to stay out at a time like this?

I called my mom and talk that i wanted to meet her immediately. She told me to come home soon.

As i was walking to the bus stand to take a bus, i saw some guys walking outta the bushes to where i was walking. I did not care that much. I kept walking but they were smiling at me like assholes and crossed the road and started coming after me.

Oh shit! What is gonna happen now? I kept walking faster and faster. Who can help me in a situation like this?

I called imad. I thought he was the only one who can help me right then.

-hameeda, where are you?-

-i am on my way to the bus stand…please come on that way asap…ah!-

He tried to ask something. But my phone was dragged away from me.

I looked at who dragged it. It was a guy. He appeared from the corner.

Oh no! Now i was trapped between this guy and some other guys coming from behind. He answered the phone.

-hello, who is this…-

Then he switched the loud speaker mode. I heard imad speaking.

-who is asking!?-

-oh, she is asking-

The guy took the phone towards my mouth. Then,

-hameeda, is that you?-

I started crying. The guy took the phone away.

-so mister, who are you again…no, nevermind. What do you think? Ready to work as we say?-

-i will give you anything! Just do not harm her…please!-

-well, we shall consider that-

-consider what!? I give you what you want, you leave her alone! Is it that complicated?-

-nah man! She is too hot for us to have such a deal! Bye man-


He dropped the call. Oh god, am i gonna be raped?

I started pleading to them. By then, they all had come around here.

-i cannot believe a woman is outside here at a time like this…especially with your religion-

-or are you wearing that for cold?-


Someone made a stupid joke and they were all laughing. I was even more scared.

-the more scared you get, the more hormones you produce and the more fun you will offer us!-

-what? No, no please!-

-look she is scared…-

Someone patter my cheek. I turned my face away. It was disgusting.

-we are gonna have some real fun today-

Suddenly, a motorbike stopped at the other side of the road. Someone got off, but all i can say is that it was a man. No idea about anything else, because my eyes were blurred by the tears.

-hey, keep moving Buddhist ass!-

Looks like he was not one of these guys. He kept coming towards us. Now i saw that his face is covered with a mask. He seemed pretty big…scary big.

-this stupid mother…did you not hear me Buddhist ass!?-

-hey stay away from this you fool!-

-turn back, brother!-

No matter who said what, he kept coming. There were 4 guys with me and he did not seem bothered with that.

As he was closer to the guys, the guy who took away my phone was the closest. The new guy said,

-calling me a Buddhist ass you mother…-

That was all. The guy who took my phone was thrown in the air. As the others jumped at him, i closed my eyes. I do not know what happened there.

After a while, all became silent, and i opened my eyes to see what happened.

The big guys was looking at me. The others? On the floor.

I ran towards him, as soon as i could stand. I thanked him.

-oh thank you so much sir-

-you can thank me later, hameeda. Now let us go and talk what happened with you. Come on!-

Oh! It was imad! Than god for sending him on time.

I got on the bike, and we left soon.

-imad, you never told me you have a bike-

I called as we went away.

-yeah, I have no bike-

-then whose is this bike?-

-oh this belongs to one of my friends. When you said you wanted me there soon, I woke him up and took his bike. Now gotta park this again-

-oh great-

He went and parked the bike at the place of his friend. His friend was waiting at the door.

-hey imad, what happened?-

-I will tell it, akmal. This is hameeda, hameeda, this is akmal-

-nice to meet, hameeda…okay guys, come inside both of you-

We were talking about what happened in his living room.

-…so that is what happened and good I could save her-

Imad finished the story. I was feeling so proud of him.

-oh yeah imad, you always cared for the women of her religion, right?-

-ah…you know what? It is not religion, man. It is friendship and reliability. She called me because I was the only badass to save her in such a situation-

-I knew you are a badass, imad. You look badass, you are badass-

-so, hameeda, I guess you are alright anyway?-

Imad asked me. I smiled at him and said,

-yeah…I gotta go meet my mom soon, as well-

Akmal asked,

-but why so early…-

-…hey man, we gotta go now. Well, we shall talk later. Bye akmal!-

As we stood up to depart, akmal and imad shaked hands and akmal said,

-I always believe you, brother. Stay safe!-

-you too, brother-

Brother? I was sure they were not cousins. Why were they talking like that?

-hey imad, why did you call him as brother?-

-oh we are of the same religion, and in religion, yes we are brothers-

-but I have seen your guys communicating before but this was the 1st time I heard something like that-

-yeah, seculars do not…we do. Come on.

So how are we gonna reach your mother?-

Right then, I received a call from my mom. When I answered I could not believe what I just heard!

My mom was furious. She shouted at me and told me that she was not ready to accept me as her daughter any longer and gonna delete my contact as well. She said that Omar called and told her everything.

I broke into tears, as she dropped the call. Imad asked,

-hameeda, what happened?-

I explained him everything an in the end, I cuddled to him. He hugged me and kissed my forehead and said,

-hmm…what shall we do now? Come on, let us go to our place and…-

-…imad, I am in no mood for that!-

He smiled and said, as he palmed my head,

-mh…i know, darling. But come on, we shall talk a while, and try to find a solution-

We went to his place. I told him I wanted a wash. He said,

-I want a wash too. Shall we…-

-…no imad-


He said in a disappointed voice.

After I washed myself, I had started to feel good again. I went back to the living room.

After that, while I was sitting there, imad also came back after having a wash.

-hey hameeda, would you like something to drink?-

-well…some coffee, if you do not bother-


He made coffee for me and gave me a cup.

-thanks imad-

As I was drinking it, he asked,

-so, tell me what happened-

I told him everything. When he heard that Omar divorced me at once, he face palmed.

-oh no! Never thought he was like that. How are you holding up?-

I smiled and said,

-I am alright…i will be. Gotta find a way to handle this new situation, gotta find a new place as well-

-you can stay here if you want-

He was looking into my eyes. I had nothing to say.

I embraced him and stated crying again. He said,

-I will be with you always, no matter what. I have proven you by action. Noting to worry about…-

As I left him, he said,

-…would you like a massage? It will help you relieve your pain a lot-

I smiled and agreed. After a while, I got naked and was laying on his bed, the same bed where I used to have so much fun with him.

He came and said,

-here we go. Hameeda, I am here to relieve your pain, not to add up to it, okay?-


He started massaging me, starting from my shoulders, actually, my collar muscles. Then shoulders, then arms, then forearms, and then, he massaged my palms and kept sliding his fingers through mine in and out for a while. That was lovely. I smiled.


-you like that, do you not?-


Then he started massaging my back. 1st the upper back, sliding to the lower part slowly, then my laterals, then my lower back over my buttocks. He rubbed his finger tips there, lightly, which was tickling.

-ah…that tickles-

He smiled and kept going. After a while, he started massaging my buttocks. I still laid there not aroused.

But after a while, his massaging technique changed and I started getting aroused. He was squeezing around my pussy, which eventually started arousing me.

-imad…what was that…ah…-

He smiled at me and kept rubbing there. I was getting hornier and hornier because of his treatment. Damn…i started to forget all sorrows as well. I am gonna do it…i am gonna do it.

I looked at his pants. I saw his bulge, now a bit enlarged. He must be enjoying as well.

After a while, he started massaging my thighs. What a relief it was. I almost rode him.

-oh…that feels so good-

After massaging my thighs for a while, he massaged my calf muscles, and then my feet as well. Oh…my back was well satisfied. I was feeling much better.

After that, he kissed my upper back and said,

-now turn the other side-

And he kissed me again a few more times, held my shoulders and turned me to the other side.

I smiled at him, as he started massaging my collars. I said,

-imad, I guess this is also gonna end exactly where we always ended up-

-mh…maybe. But I guess you are free to have it now. No family no problem…-

-is that your secret?-

-well…I do not know that, honestly. What I know is…-

He looked into my eyes, and said,

-…whenever I love a woman, age problem, height problem, racial problem, religious problem or marriage problem…sometimes even more than one-

-hmm…what happened the last time?-

-well, I am not supposed to tell you all the problems related to the last time but guess what…there was the marriage problem, and religion problem as well-

That was all he said, and he started massaging me again. I thought what Omar would do. He would go to the religious authority in our village and inform that he divorced me. Why should I ever worry?

Well there were reasons for me to worry. This job in the university is nothing I can hold up till I get old and this is all I know to do as well.

What will be my future as a single woman in my religion? Will it be all messed up, just like it has so far?

Imad was now massaging my arms, then he moves to forearms, then palms, then he rubbed inside my fingers as well. When our fingertips touched each other, that sent something throughout my body.

After that, he placed his hands on my boobs. I said,

-imad, wait. Is this really necessary?-

-yup, or the massage will be incomplete and you will not feel okay with your boobs. Trust me-

He was pretty reasonable. I thought for a while. He was right. My boobs occupied a considerable portion of my upper body and surely this would happen as well. I said,

-okay, then massage. But do not attempt to make me horny, okay?-


Though he said okay, the way he smiled meant something else. He started massaging my boobs.

As he was massaging my boobs, I started getting aroused again, especially when his fingertips touched my nipples. After a while, he started lightly twisting and pinching them as well. My feelings were overwhelming my sorrow. I started moaning.


After a while, still massaging my boobs, he kissed my nipples a few times, alternatively. His lips felt super on my nipples. I was lightly struggling on the bed as well.

After kissing them, he took his mouth to mine and kissed my lips a few times as well. But he kissed me so lightly that our lips only touched each other, not pressed against.

After that, he started sucking my right boob, taking it as much as possible inside his mouth and licking the nipple and around it with his tongue, in his mouth. I was in the 143rd cloud, or even above! I was moaning and struggling in bed.

After a while, he did the same to the other boob, and moved his mouth to my pussy.

As he was sucking it and licking inside it, I pulled him closer to me, took out his halfway erected cock and started stroking it inside my mouth. Within a matter of minutes, it was fully erected. He was still sucking my pussy. I said,

-okay imad…fuck me now…i am ready for you!-

He soon left my pussy, took off all his clothes and came back to me, and said,

-okay, we are gonna follow the most common sex position this time. This is called the missionary position.

This is also called the matrimonial, you know what that is, and the male dominant…but never mind, I will not try to dominate you-

-mh…I know you will not, imad. Now how do we do it?-

-lemme say the benefits…maximum body contact and much eye contact as well.

Okay, now I am gonna lay on you, with my all 4s against the bed…am I feeling too heavy?-

He laid on me completely. This time, I was feeling him better than I had ever been. That was great.

-mh…no imad, you are not too heavy. Actually you are heavy but, I love it-

He moved a little and entered his cock inside me.

-well, the bad part is that because of the very much skin and eye contact, this might make me come sooner than usual…-

He started fucking me, sliding on my body. I closed my eyes to enjoy it better, and started moaning as well.

After a while, I felt him crossing fingers of my each hand with his and pinning me against the mattress. Submitting to him was great. His mouth was rubbing against the right part of my neck as I was having my head turned to my left side. I had my eyes tight shut, and I was biting my lower lip. His thrusts paced up but he was never as fast as his fastest. Maybe because a little slower means a little longer as well, when it comes to sex.

-oh god…imad…this is great, my love-

-yeah, I know…now hold my neck with both your hands-

He said as he released my hands and took hold of my laterals with his. I held his neck and was now moaning at his rhythm.

-ah yeah…keep fucking me-

After a while, he stopped for a while. As I was looking at him, he lifted up my right led so that my knee was almost at his shoulder level and stated fucking me again, this time towards the right side of me. I closed my eyes again. Oh, that was great.

-ah yeah baby…oh i have never felt like this before…-

After a while, he altered the positions of the legs and started fucking me again, this time towards my left side. As his cock was now pressing towards the side wall of my vagina directly, also the last time, it was a greater pleasure than before.

-oh god…imad, I am so thankful to have you…heh! I am the happiest woman on earth…ah!-

After some time, he pulled up my right leg as well and now both my legs were bent upwards. He started fucking me again. After a while, he said,

-now, put your calves on my thighs…here we go-

As I did that, he was closer to me than ever. He started fucking me again and it was the strongest sensation in my life. I felt currents running through my body all over. After a while, he said,

-hameeda…can I come now?-

I nodded my head. He pressed his face against the left side of my neck and after some powerful thrusts, he came inside me.

As his come hit inside me and his cock contracted, I also started losing my interest to have any more sex. As he laid by me, I embraced him and he embraced me back. He kissed my neck and shoulder for a while.

-how are you now, hameeda?-

-mh…now I am alright…-

I looked into his eyes and said,

-oh imad, you have no idea how happy a woman is when she has a man who values her properly, like you value me-

He smiled happily and said,

-wow…it is so nice to have it from you…-

Right then, I heard my mobile rang. My hands were dirty as I held his cock. He did not touch my pussy so he took the mobile, answered it and took it closer to my ear.


It was that asshole Omar! I was so angry that imad must have seen it in my face. I said,

-imad…what do you have to say before I delete your contact and block your number!?-

-I unregistered our marriage and…i decided to prepare a man to marry you and divorce you so that I can marry you again…-

Fucking religious traditions again. I was furious. I shouted at him.

-fuck you and fuck your religious rituals. I am done with marriages. Bye!-

-hameeda wait…-

Imad dropped the call. I smiled at him, but he still seemed disappointed as he stood off me.

-you look upset, imad-

-well…you look furious-


I said as I got off the bed. We went to have a wash and after that, I slept, cuddled to him from my back…

…now, here is the case. It seems like all her trouble is over but no! Not yet. Look forth for what happens next. Bye guys!

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