My name is probal. I am 20 years old. Doing my graduation on physics. I am from a poor family. My father cannot bear my educational expenses. So after completing my college, I was looking for a part time job so that I can continue my study. That time I got a offer of a job from one of my friends. It was a different type job. I had to look after an orphan boy of 11 years old. He lost his parents in a car accident. He also lost both of his hands in that tragic incident. He had been living with the help of his old grand father since that accident. He needs all types of helps in his daily work as he has no hand to do. His grand father was quite rich man but he was unable to look after his grand son properly because he was an old man. So he was looking for an educated gentle poor student who might be the helping hand of his grand son as well as would teach him and give him company. So I was called for an interview. It was an event of 3 years ago when I was 17. The rich man liked me anyway and told me, “Young man! you look like intelligent and I know a boy of your age is usually kind hearted in nature. My grand son RAJ is quite helpless.He is disable. He is all alone. He is aware of his disability and does not want to go in front of people. I did not send him to school, he has no friend. He remains at home alone all the day. If this continues, he will be mentally disable too. So I beg your help. You will be his friend, his brother, his care taker. I am not offering you for a job but I am requesting you to give your hand to him as an elder brother. You will feed him , you will wash him, you will give him company, you will teach him, you will play with him and everything. Can I make you understand? I know you have financial problem. If you agree with my proposal then from today all your problems are my problems.” I had no reason to reject the offer. I told him, “But I want to do my higher study, how can I give him my 24 hours?” He replied, “you will stay in my home as my another grand son. You can do your study from this house, I will make every arrangement for that. And you will manage your daily routine for RAJ, can’t you do that?” I agreed, so he called his grand son and introduced me with him. At the first sight of him my mind became full with sympathy. What a nice boy he is! But luck betrayed him. He is a fair looking cute boy. His 11 years old face is quite innocent, his eyes indicate his brightness. I felt for him. And very soon I became his very close one. He cannot do even for a single hour without me.
Every morning we get up very early, then we start our day from toilet works. His grand father had made some special sanitary arrangement for him so that he can do some private works without any help. Such as he can wash himself after toilet using his feet. I do make his teeth brushed, give him a bath , make his body dried with towel etc. These works usually took a lot of time. When I first time came to look after him he was only 11 and I found him a shy boy. He never want to get nude in front of me. So I usually rapped his hip with a narrow towel around before he enters the toilet, he can seat on the commode avoiding the towel as it is quite narrow, his ass becomes bare when he makes his hip bent and seat on the commode. After he comes out from the toilet I give him a bath with the towel covered his hip, I use to wash his full body with my own hands but he does not allow me to wash his lower part, hip and buttock region. After bath I use another dry towel to wipe his body, then I rap this dry towel around his hip first, then remove the wet one, then I put his underwear and pant on his lower part, carefully, so that his prestige is not hampered! Some times I tell him “shy like a girl.” He smiles only. Anyway after making him prepared for the day, I prepare myself. Then we take breakfast together. I have to feed him with my own hand. After breakfast I go to my class. This time RAJ remains at home, he passes time with reading books, watching TV etc. In the afternoon I return to home. Then we have our lunch together. After lunch we go outside, sometimes to a nearby park for evening walk, sometimes elsewhere. We return home in the evening. This time I do my study, at the same time I guide him to his study. After dinner we pass some times with computer or something else then go to bed for sleep. With some little changes we maintain this daily routine.
I have been with him for last 3 years. I have to sacrifice a lot of thing of my life for this job, and I have to go through a hard daily routine everyday for him, but I love to do all these, as I feel for him from my heart.
This July he attained his 14. By this time he gets taller. He has almost caught my height. I am not a short guy. I am 5′ 9″ tall and he is now only half inch short of my height. Everyday he stands beside me and measures his distance to catch me. He gets some very light mustache in face. From last 2/3 months I have been noticing that he is suffering from some kind of uneasiness in his body, specially when he goes to bed for sleeping, he remains sleepless for a long time and just makes thousands of movement of his body. Several times I asked him “what is the problem?” He answered, “nothing…” But I can guess the reason of his uncomfortableness, he is going through his puberty and I also can remember my similar period of age. I experienced tremendous excitement in penis, embarrassing erection and disgusting itching for newly grown pubic hair. That time my hands used to give me good relief. I guess he is too suffering from similar kind of something but his problem is stronger as he has no hand to give him relief. I had strong reason supporting my guess, as I always make his dress changed, two or three times I got slight touch of his penis and pubic hair in my hand when I put his underwear on his body. Though, from my side, I am always careful to avoid any glimpse or touch of his penis, balls, and pubic hair, as he feels shy disclosing any body secret, even in front of me. But it cannot be avoided fully in fact. And from this touch I come to know his penis and pubic hair both are now well grown. But I never noticed any sign of his wet dream. I can realize that he cannot share his problems with anyone as he has no close friend.
So one night when I noticed he was quite restless in bed and could not sleep but only making movement of his body, I asked him, “RAJ why do you use to wear underwear inside your pant even when you are sleeping? it is not healthy.” Actually RAJ was not any habit to wear under pants when I saw him first time. And that time he was only 11.. He was just a kid. But he saw me to wear underwear and told, “Brother, will you give me some short pants like you? I will love to have that.” I only smiled and said, “Actually you don’t need to wear under pants right now. You will need this when you will get elder.” He asked me again and again why can’t younger use that? Can’t I buy one of small size for him, etc. I replied “OK, I will bring one for you.” So he use to wear underwear inside pant since he was only 11. But at night when I use to change my dress and wear my sleeping dress, I want to make his underwear off as it is a healthy practice. But since last 1 year he has not been agreed to put his underwear off even during sleeping. I think he is keen to avoid any sign of his puberty to be exposed. If he does not wear underwear, some one may notice that his penis has grown bigger, or I may notice his erection under his trouser, so he keeps underwear for 24 hours on his pubic region! Poor boy!
Today I make a clear objection to wear underwear during sleeping and tell him that it is not healthy, RAJ asked me, “what is the health problem here?” I thought for a while and told ” Look you are very shy boy, you don’t allow me to wash your penis and balls when I give you a bath. Since many days they are unwashed. You put underwear on them for 24 hours, sweating makes them dirty and they cannot be washed. Now you are growing up, you are 14, I think you get some hair over there, so I think you need to be washed at your secret region soon..” I told him frankly and was waiting for his reaction, I knew he must be very shy hearing my language. I never utter a word like “penis” in front of him, as I had been treating him as a child so far. He was definitely very shy, he rolled near to me and tried to hide his face under my arms. I was laughing at his reaction like a kid. I put a hand on his head and said, “listen RAJ, you don’t have any of your hands, but I don’t think you are disable. You are self dependent. But in society every man needs helps from others. You are different that you need some more help than others… Your are growing up and you need some personal health care. You should keep your pubic region clean to avoid diseases. And I must help you. I am not an unknown person. I am your friend, I am your brother, I am your doctor. So you should avoid your extreme shame in front of me.” With a little break I added with a smiley mood, “Over all I am a male person too, every thing you have, I have too. I have also a penis, a scrotum carrying two balls, and pubic hair there. It is natural gift.” RAJ was silent. I softly added, “tomorrow I will wash your full body, OK?” He nodded his head- OK. I said again, “you have to be naked in front of me, do you have any problem?” He nodded his head again- no.
But next day I could not manage time, so the next weekly holiday, I bought shaving razor for him and called him to the bath room earlier. As usual, I rapped his buttock with a narrow towel, and removed his trouser and underwear and sent him to the commode, and I came out side. As I said before he has some special sanitary arrangement for toilet. He can flash the commode using foot. And can wash his anus with a shower which can be operated by foot. When he came after toilet, I showed him the razor and told him, “today I will shave your pubic region.” His face became red with shame. I smiled and told, “I have to remove the towel from your body, if you feel very shy, you can keep your eyes closed.” Then I went down on my knee to remove his towel, and saw towards his face. He immediately closed his eyes. I controlled myself from laughing out loud.
Removing the towel I could not but made a sound of being surprised. A long and thick flaccid penis was hanging between his thighs, the view was out of my imagination. Though it is flaccid, it is huge I never new a soft penis can be so big. His penis was cut, it’s glance was bare. It was a new thing to me, because I use to see my uncut penis, in which the glance remains covered by foreskin when it is flaccid. His tip of the penis was blackish and dry. But my penis tip is pink and wet under foreskin. I think, as his penis tip remains bare all the time, it became dry and dark. I could not know the size of his penis but it was not only long but also fat and half of the penis was vanished under black curly pubic hair, and his balls were almost invisible under dark hair. I could not imagine he is so hairy in his thigh region. Because he has only a light mustache in face, and I saw some brown hair under his armpit. His ass crack is also hairless. Anyway I started to shave his pubic hair, holding his penis with my left hand. Getting the touch of my hand his penis started getting harder and soon attained it’s full erection. I smiled at his erection and looked at his face. He kept his eyes closed.I made no comment as he might feel shy. His erect penis was really long, thick and stiff, but almost same in size of it’s flaccid state. That means when he gets erection his penis becomes stiffer but does not catch more length or width. But my penis grows a lot when it turns from soft to hard. I was thinking at his age, when I was 14, I was almost a kid, he is premature. Anyway his erection was giving me some advantages in shaving work. I could put razor on his balls and bottom side easily for his high erection. Cleaning his bush of jungle was not a easy job. It took more than half an hour to complete. When hair is removed, his full package was clearly visible. Long hard penis with black dry round head, and low hanging balls. His scrotum is also blackish.
He was still maintaining his erection for half an hour. His big gun was pointing high. Suddenly I thought something for him. I thought to give him a hand job, as he cannot do it by himself, his balls must be heavily loaded. I can give his balls some relief from heavy load of sperm. I knew he had no idea about human biology, so he might not understand the meaning of hand job , but would get some physical comfort.
So I put some liquid hand wash in my hand and started to rub his erect penis, pretending that I am washing it after shaving. After 2 or 3 strokes I noticed some vibration in his buttock muscles, which signaled me that he is extremely excited. After 2 or 3 minutes I could hear the sound of his breathing, and could notice that his hip muscles were tightening and loosing periodically with rhythmic stroke. I was doing my hand job using my right hand. My palm can hold only one third of the length of his penis. I looked at his face to look his reaction, I did not know when he opened his eyes and was staring at his penis where my hands were moving up and down. I thought he kept his eyes closed for shyness, but out of excitement all his shame had been gone. I could see extreme excitement and drop of sweat on his face but no shame.
I thought he will cum out soon as it was his very first time. But after 5/6 minutes I was still massaging his penis. His low hanged balls were tightened and black penis head was more swollen. His breathing was heavier. I was looking at his face sometimes after and after. He was looking at his penis area, his face was wet with sweat. Some minutes after, at extreme excitement, he started to swing his hips as he was fucking my hand.I realized that he is going to the pick, so I increased the pace of my hand movement. And I moved my body to a safe position to avoid his sperm shoot on my body. With some heavy breathing he started to release his loads. It took more than 10 seconds to make his vessel empty. It was his first time ejaculation. He sprayed his sperm in a rhythmical fountain like delivery.
After all his sperm is released, I looked at his face to check out his reaction. He looked tired and I realized that he had come to his normal sense.
I asked him, “how do you feel?”
He replied, “very good, what did you do that? this is really very good.”
I smiled and told him, “I have made sperm released from your testicles.”
He asked me “what is sperm?”
I said “OK finish your bath now, I will explain all these at night, OK?” He agreed.
That day was a holiday, so we had no hurry. After our breakfast, I went to our bed room and gave my mind in a story book. Usually in holiday I enjoy some relax. RAJ came near my bed. I smiled at him, “how are you my brother?”
He smiled back, “fine.”
I said again, “how do you feel now?”
He answered “relaxed and comfortable.”
I told, “so give me a thanks.”
He said “thank you.”
I smiled, “It’s welcome, but I had discovered your hidden treasure, how do you feel that?”
He felt shy again, and said ” the massage you have done with your hand was awesome, what was the trick of your massage?”
After that I gave him a lecture on human reproductive system, and made him understand about sex and role of male and female, and role of all sex organ. His primary reaction was, “I will never marry.”
I asked ,”why?”
He answered, “I cannot do all those things with a lady.”
I was laughing at his innocence, “but nature will force you to do that, sex is a physical need like hunger.”
He remained silent for a moment, and then we went to other topics.
After that day his primary hesitation is overcome, he begins to express his curiosity about sexual relation and became more free with me. I made him agree not to wear under pant all the time but only when go outside home. But still he does not want to take bath in naked body in front of me.
After 2 or 3 days one night we were in bed before sleep, he asked me, “brother, you told me sex is a physical need like hunger, when people get adult they can give birth of child and demand sex.”
I told, “yes, right,”
He told me, “are you not adult?”
I answered “yes I am 20, I am fully adult, so?”
He was hesitating to tell something. I understood and said, “you want to know about my sexual feelings, right?”
He answered “yes”
I said, ” why do you hesitate so much to ask? yes I sometimes do masturbate, that is hand job.”
He asked, “from which age you have been doing that?”
I answered, “since I was 15”
He asked again, “how frequently you do that?”
I told, “it depends on mood, usually one or two times a week.”
He asked, “where you do that? in bathroom?”
I replied, “sometimes in bathroom, sometimes here on bed after you have fallen to sleep, but why are asking for all details?”
He said nothing. Probably he felt shy for all his questions.
With a smile I added, “I think, I will have to provide you one more service, from now. You will need my hand job as you need my help to take food, to wear clothes, to go to bathroom. Am I right?”
He remained silent. I understood his mind.
I asked him, “will you like to get a hand job now, like previous day?” He said nothing. I sat on the bed beside him, and pulled down his trouser. His big flaccid dick was lying. I looked at his face , he closed his eyes. I switches on the bed light. He immediately pulled up his trouser and covered his organ. I said to him, “I will measure your penis size,” I went down from the bed and brought a scale. Then removed his trouser again. I measured his penis, and told him, “look your soft penis is 6.5″ long.” He opened his eyes but said nothing.
Suddenly I pulled down my trouser in a manner that it is a very normal thing, and showed him my penis. I showed him the measurement with scale, “and look at my penis, my soft penis in only 4.5″ long.”
His eyes were popped up with surprise, but he said nothing rather watching my penis with attention.
I continued, “now I will show you a magic.” I started to rub my penis with left hand, and it became erect after a while. Then I told him “now look it’s size, it is slightly less than 7″, let’s see what is about your erect penis.”
I went near his penis, it has already become semi erect by watching my action, probably. I made it fully erect with my hand and measured it. “look it is slightly longer than mine, it is 7″, but which one is thicker?”
He answered “your penis is thicker.” I was a little bit surprised with his immediate answer. I thought he would remain silent, for his shyness. I was enjoying very much.
I told him, “now tell me what is the difference between you and me, in private organ.”
He replied with no hesitation, “your penis is uncut, my one is cut. Your penis is dark but your penis tip is pink and wet, my penis tip is dry. Your penis looks like a fat man, because it is slightly shorter and thicker than me. Your penis glance is relatively small, my one is big and round. Your balls are bigger and attached with the bottom of your penis, but my balls hang low. All my pubic hair had been shaved recently, but you have some hair there. Both of our erection is stiff.” He stopped. I was just playing a game with him. And off course it was very enjoyable, and I was sure that he was too enjoying very much. All his shame went away, and he was quite easy going.
I told him, “now it’s the time to start my hand job. Which penis will be served first, your or mine?”
He replied, “I am first please.” I realizes he could not bear his excitement long.
Suddenly a thought came in my mind. I watched lot of porn movies in my life, and I know well about oral sex. I planned to give this boy more pleasure by a blow job.
So I told him, “I will give you something more today, please close your eyes.” He closed his eyes. He was lying on the bed facing up. I spread his legs. And sat on the bed between his thighs. I took my mouth slowly near his tower like penis. And throwing my all hesitation away, took it into my mouth, and started blow job. I was trying to take it in my mouth as long as I can. But it was well long to take full. I could hear some moan like sound from Raj’s mouth, so I looked at his eyes by withdrawing my head from his penis. He was looking my action, and enjoying. I smiled at him with a question full look.. He said nothing. He pulled my head down to his penis by his right leg. That indicated , how excited he was! And I discovered how sex maniac he is! So I devoted my mind again to give him the maiden blow job. I was trying to take his lollipop inside up to my throats, but only three fourth could be taken. Sometimes I was taking his balls inside mouth. His body was vibrating with pleasure while I was sucking his balls. But sucking his balls was not a pleasant job for me, because I shaved his balls 3 days ago, and newly grown hair was pinching like pins. He has lots of hair on balls. I was sucking him with full of my attention. I was trying to satisfy him. His fat penis was moving in and out my mouth. He was pushing his hip from the bottom and breathing heavily. I was sucking and sucking for a long time. In middle I took a pause and told him, “let me know your sperm is about to out.” He replied, “OK” with a breathy voice. After 15/20 minutes sucking, suddenly I realized he released his sperm inside my mouth. I did not stop, I continued and all his sperm took inside. When he was finished fully, I stopped.
Raj asked me, “did you eat all sperm?”
I answered,”yes”.
He asked, “is it not harmful?”
I replied, “probably not.”
He said, “sorry” I asked, “why?”
He told “because I put all my load into your mouth, I had no control on myself.”
I smiled and told, “no problem, I am enjoying this gay sex.”
Actually I am well known about gay sex from Internet. But I never felt for that. Actually I never had enough time to have any sexual fantasy. Neither gay nor straight. My sexual activity was limited in masturbation.
RAJ asked me, “what is gay sex?”
I replied, “sex between two boys, for example today you and me have done soft core oral sex, and as we both are male, this is must be a gay sex.”
He asked me, “if it was soft core then what is hard core?” I replied, “hardcore is mainly anal sex, fucking through asshole.”
He said nothing, but his eyes said, he was very curious to know about it, I did not let the topic continued, I told him, “stop your questions, and let me do masturbation.” When I was masturbating, he was watching it closely. I was planning something naughty. When I was about to cum, I called him, “RAJ look here.” He came near to my penis to follow my indication, I grabbed his head with one head and threw all my sperm on his face. He could not escape from my hand. His whole face was covered with my sperm. And I told him laughing, “this is the revenge, you threw your all in my mouth.”
From that day our relation changed dramatically. In fact we became closer to each other. Now we can take bath together nakedly. I can make him wash and make his dress change more easily than before. We can talk freely like friends. But we had not done masturbate or anything sexual together even for 15 days after that incident. I thought that I can give him hand job sometimes, because as a teenage boy he needs it physically. And I was waiting, that he would ask me for giving him a hand job. But for 15 days, did not happen anything, he did not request me to serve his penis, though he became nude in front of me, during his bath, and I noticed his semi-erection, whenever I washed his penis balls etc.
Anyway It was a night before holiday, and we went to the bed finally for sleep. Light was off. We were having some chat as we do regularly before sleep. RAJ was lying on his left side. I was lying on my back and RAJ was very close to my body. We were talking casually on various matter, but suddenly I noticed something was moving and beating the right side of my hip. Immediately I could understand that it was his erect penis. That time we were talking about cricket. But like a gentleman I grabbed his penis over his trouser by my right hand though we were talking about cricket. His full body jerked with my touch, but he did not stop his chatting pretending that nothing was happening. I slowly entered my hand inside his trouser. I felt his monster inside his trouser. It is hard like iron. I started to slowly move my hand up and down. Soon his breathing became heavier, and he was loosing his control. He could no more be able to pretend that we are talking casual. He stopped cricket topic and remained silent for 2/3 minutes. Probably he was enjoying my hand job. I could hear his breathing on my right ear as his face was very near to it. I felt his lips was touching my right ear. His tongue was tickling it. He was kissing me softly. I was suddenly feeling a current of fire in my body I was feeling my highest excitement. RAJ was whispering in my ear, “Brother I want to have a hardcore sex with you, I want to fuck your asshole.” Actually I was not very surprised by his word, cause I knew it will happen soon. I knew RAJ enjoyed a lot in previous time with me. And I realized that he is naturally a sex maniac boy. From his eye language previous day I could read that he wants more with me. And the concept of hardcore sex that is ass fucking, he came to know from me. And frankly if I say, I got no objection from my inside, to have all this with RAJ, rather I enjoyed. So I was mentally agreed with Raj’s proposal, and decided to let my ass open for him. But I was never experienced it before and I was quite unknown to it’s pain. I said him, “OK You can do it.” So I pulled down his trouser fully and made his lower part naked. Then I pulled my trouser down and turned to lay putting my ass up. And told, “come on me,” RAJ Said “Please switch on the light.” I obeyed him. In the light I could see him kneel down on the bed and his tower was with his body making 30 degree angle. RAJ had a cute smile in his face. He said, “will you be full naked please?” So I put off my upper cloth, and took my position on bed. As my penis was also hard, I was feeling some pain, when it was under the pressure of my body. So I lifted my ass slightly to give my erect penis some room. I spread both my legs to make some room so that he can come between the gap of my legs. RAJ came on me and pointed his penis to my ass. Then he pushed. He was trying to push again and again but could not be success full. Because he could not point his penis tip properly to the exact opening of my asshole and my asshole was dry. I told him, “wait a minute.” I brought some coconut oil and lubricated both his bamboo and my hole. “Now ride on me.” I told. He did and tried to push. But could not push inside, I helped him.. I held his penis with my hand, placed it perfectly on the door of my asshole and said him, “now give a push”. OH MY GOD! he killed me! He gave a merciless push, and half of his penis entered with one stroke. And his half is huge. Probably he was impatient by his failure to enter inside me again and again, so this time he pushed with all his force in his hip . But I feel an unbearable pain and screamed loud, “AHA, slowly please slowly,” But whenever he realized that his penis went inside, he did not wait to start foreplay. And in his two forceful repeating stroke, his full penis went inside. I was feeling pain deep inside. He was very speedy from beginning and started fucking with all his force. I was trying to bear my pain, and within 2 minutes it became bearable. RAJ was fucking furious. I could not imagine a 14 year boy can fuck so hardly. His chest and upper part was resting on my back and his hip was moving. It is not a suitable position to fuck without support of two hands. But he must have tremendous energy in his hip. He was fucking and fucking. His fucking speed was increasing and he was trying to enter deep inside. His balls were touching the flesh of my ass 3 times in every second. This is really a rude and furious fucking. I was trying to bear my pain and waiting for the time when he will cum out. And I was thinking I will never let him fuck me in future, it is a horrible feeling. He was fucking with no sign of stop. I could not know how long he was fucking, but it seemed to me, for whole night he is fucking me. I could hear only the sound of his heavy breathing, sound of bed that is originated for his heavy fucking, and the sound TH AP TH AP TH AP from his fucking, when his hip was colliding my ass. When I thought he will not stop today, I could hear he is moaning mildly, and his speed became double. He became so speedy that I felt my asshole burning with heat. But I was bearing because I knew he was about to cum. Finally he finished after reaching the climax. And he released his load inside my ass. Then he remained laying on my back for 5/6 minutes. I let him stay there because I knew he must be damn tired.. Then he moved and removed his penis from the deep of my asshole. Then came down from my body, looked at the wall clock and asked me, “do you know how long I fucked you?” I nodded “NO”. He said, “33 minutes without pause”. I smiled, “very good job, now come to the washroom and have a bath” When I tried to move my body from the bed, I felt my lower part is burning with pain. And this pain remained for full 2 days. After that incident 5 days have been passed. Two times RAJ requested me to let him fuck. But I am not agreed yet, because still I feel some pain in my asshole. But I must admit that I felt excited and aroused whenever I thought about, RAJ is fucking me hardly. So I think I am going to be fucked again soon. This is my story if you like this let me know, [email protected]