Tales of Sheela’s Adventures – Part 1 (Fucked On The Road By Foreigners)

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Hi, I am Sheela. I am 53 years old. I am a widow. I am a mother to over 16 children (none adopted, all mine). I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an Indian, but my mother was white British.

Now, let’s get to the story. It happened some years back, and I just got down to write it all down. I had boarded the train to my home. It was late in the night, and the train was packed. I slid my suitcase underneath my berth and took my seat.

Moments later, a guy came to me and claimed the seat to be his. I showed him my ticket that read coach B12 seat 46. He showed me his ticket, and it read the same. I let him sit next to me, and we waited for the TC to come and clear up the confusion.

An hour after the departure, TC came to check the ticket. While he was examining mine, he pointed at a grave mistake I had made. My ticket was the day prior. For some reason, I had the dates mixed up in my head, and now I was on a train I had no ticket to.

I asked the TC if something could be done, but his answer was a heartbreaking ‘NO.’ The train was packed full, and there was no space on it to accommodate me. I was ejected from the train on the very next station it halted upon.

It was around midnight, and I stood on a single platform station. It must have been on the outskirts of some village or a very small district. There was no one on the platform. Wherever I looked, there was emptiness and darkness.

Dragging my suitcase behind me, I stepped out of the station and onto the narrow road. There was no rickshaw or auto or even a taxi, just a deserted dark road. I walked blind, under the assistance of mediocre moonlight, trusting my whim more than my sight.

I took turns, as and when my gut told me to, and I emerged onto a wider road. It was like a highway of sorts, but it too was deserted and dark. I glanced at my wristwatch. It showed 12:30 in the night. I looked over my shoulder in the hope of some assistance.

Far away, I saw two white balls appear on the horizon. The balls grew in size quickly, and the outline of a car began to take form. I waved my hand to ask for a lift. It stopped right next to me.

The guy in the navigator seat rolled his window down, and I saw his face. It was as white as snow, and his hair could match the gold itself.

“Are you in any trouble, love?” asked James.

“Hi, I am lost, and I need a ride to the bus station,” I answered.

“Sure, love. Hop in,” he pointed towards the middle seat of the SUV they drove. There were already 3 men occupying the seat. All as white as he was. I squeezed myself in, and we left.

“I am James,” he introduced himself. “This is my brother Adrian,” he pointed at the driver, “Tom, Liam, Chris, Charles, Jim, Kevin, and Rob,” he introduced the rest.

“Hi, I am Sheela,” I replied curtly, shaking their hands one at a time. “You guys don’t look Indian. Where are you from?” I asked curiously.

“We are from America, love. I actually work here in India, in Bangalore, to be precise. I have been living here for the past 5 years. This is my gang. We used to roll together back in the US. They wanted to come over here for their vacation. So we decided to take a little car trip across your beautiful country,” James explained.

“That’s lovely. I hope you guys are enjoying your trip so far,” I said politely, smiling.

“Are you Indian, love?” asked James sharply, “You don’t look very Indian to me,” he remarked.

“Actually, I am mixed race. My father is an Indian man, but my mother is a white British woman. So, I do bear features that make me look a bit apart,” I explained proudly.

I always enjoyed answering this question. I have always been proud of the fact that I am a mixed-race child. A heritage and honor, most don’t get to share.

“Mixed race. That’s awesome,” exclaimed Tom excitedly.

“Where is your home, love?” James asked. I answered his question with all honesty. “Man, that’s far from here. How did you manage to get yourself lost on these roads then?” he followed up.

“It’s a long story,” I sighed dejectedly.

“We got all night, love. The next town is 500 km away, and you ain’t getting any bus till then,” James said comprehensively. I explained to him the situation that transpired on the train. He replied with compassionate words, “It’s quite natural, love. Happens to the best of us sometimes.”

“Thank you,” I replied softly, “Hey, can you pull over? I need to take a leak.”

They stopped the car, and I stepped out. I walked a bit away from the road and out of the possible sight. I pushed my jeans and my pantie down and crouched. I had hardly got up when someone grabbed me from behind.

I had no time to pull my panties and jeans back up. They were wrapped around my ankles, and my pussy hung bare.

“Guys, what are you doing?” I screamed as my companions picked me up in their arms and carried me to the car.

“It’s easy to understand, love. My boys and I are hungry. Our cocks demand a pussy, and you got one. So, If you wanna ride along with us, you got to pay up. And our payment will be the hole between your legs,” said James in a cynical manner.

“Please no… please no… not this… please,” I cried, but they were not ready to listen at all. I was tossed in the back of the sumo car. Everyone hopped in, and the car drove along the road. They tore apart the tank top I was wearing and used the fragments to tie up my arms.

The same fate was bestowed upon my jeans, which were used to tie up my legs. A pocket knife was used to cut off my bra and panties, and they were thrown out of the car. I now lay on my back upon the floor of the car. My legs rested on the seats on either side and tied to the corners.

I laid on the floor, completely naked, and my legs spread wide. Liam took his clothes off and came over to me. I was crying, tears rolling down my cheeks, pleading for him to let me go, but they didn’t listen. He spat on his hand, rubbed that saliva against my pussy, and pushed his dick in.

I gasped hard and let out a huge sigh.

“No… please no… No, don’t… please stop,” I cried as his cock moved in and out of my cunt, “please stop… please stop… please stop,” I continued pleading, but he didn’t.

He was fucking me slow and gentle, and his fucking did something in me. I started to get aroused. It was a dilemma for me. My mind said I should stop him, but my body wanted it to go on. Soon, my cries began to change.

“Please stop… don’t… please don’t… please… don’t… stop… please… don’t stop… don’t stop… don’t stop,” I cried out.

“Look at that. The bitch is now enjoying the cock,” Chris ejaculated in excitement.

“Man, James, you were right, my man. Indian cunts are great,” said Liam, ramming my pussy harder than before.

“Told you, pal. These Indian women may act all conservative and sophisticated. But once you get a cock in them, they will go wild,” James said proudly, “Fucked plenty of women folk like her in my 5 years.”

“True, man. But this cunt is amazing,” Liam replied.

“Ahhhh,” I moaned softly.

“You like it, hun? You like it, slut,” Liam said, slapping me across the face.

“Ahhhh… yes… yes… yes… yes,” I cried louder in pleasure.

“Oye, Adrian, pull the car over, man. Let’s take this bitch out on the road,” suggested Charles.

The car stopped once more. My bonds were untied, and I was carried out of the car. They put me down and bent me over the bonnet. All of them were naked now. Chris came up behind me and entered my cunt. He pulled my hair back and began banging my vagina hard and fast.

“Oh, fuck you slut, fuck you,” he gritted, slapping my butt.

“Yes,” I grunted loudly, “Give it to me.” My grunts could have been heard from some distance away, but there was no one on that road but us.

“You are a slut, aren’t you? You are a slut,” Chris exclaimed.

“Yes,” I grunted more.

“Say it.”

“I am a slut.”

“Say, you like white cocks.”

“I like white cocks.”

“You want more, bitch? You want more, huh?”

“Yes… yes… I want more… I want more!”

“I am cumming bitch… I am cumming.”

“Urgh… give it to me… give it to me.”

Chris’s dick tightened, and he shot his cum deep in me. He pulled out after unloading, and Charles took his place. He, too, started with pace. He had taken me off the bonnet and made me stand up straight. He was fucking me from behind but in the standing position.

“Yes,” I moaned hastily. My boobs juggled up and down while other men stroked their dick, watching me getting pounded. “Oh, fuck me,” I moaned even more. Charles grabbed my boobs and squeezed them tight. A jet of milk shot out of them and hit James in the face.

“Look at that, fellows, the bitch lactates,” James exclaimed in joy.

One by one, they took turns drinking my milk, and they did it until I ran dry. Charles soon was done. He, too, like his friend before, cummed in me. It was now the turn of James himself. I wasn’t taken inside the car until they all had fucked me at least once on the road.

“So, what do we do next?” asked Tom, as they decided what to do with me. I was lying there, tired and exhausted, on the bonnet while my fate was being decided by a bunch of foreigners.

“Man, she is one hell of a fuckable woman. I wanna bang her more. I don’t wanna drop her off so early,” muttered Tom.

“Me too,” joined the others.

“I have an idea,” said Adrian, “Why don’t we drive her to her house? That way, we can all fuck her as much as we want.”

“Her home is far from here. It will take us days to get there,” James warned.

“So, what! It will mean we can fuck her for that many days. We’ll drive in the nighttime. Take a hotel to rest for a while and be back on the road. Think about it, man. We could be banging that fine pussy for days,” Tom said excitedly.

“Not a bad idea though,” James murmured, “That’s it then, we will take this slut to here home,” he added comprehensively. “Let’s get her in the car. I don’t think she has any strength left to even stand,” he nodded in my direction.

They picked me up in their arms. Their cum oozed out of my cunt and dripped onto the road like water from a tap. Never before was I fucked so hard and so much. It was by far my best fuck till then.

Even though it started in a bad way, it did turn out to be fun and exciting. It brought out a different side of me that I never knew existed. We drove away, and they did as they decided. They took me to my home but also fucked me along the way.

After reaching my home, they introduced themselves to my daughters. They spun a story in their favor to make themselves look noble. It won my daughters’ hearts, and they asked them to stay with us. It was what those guys had desired.

My kids and I followed nudist practice in the house. We never wore any piece of clothing while inside the house and always stayed naked. From that day, throughout their stay in the country, they fucked me and a few of my adult girls. They never used condoms and always cummed inside us.

A month and a half after they were gone, I discovered that 3 of my daughters and I were 2 months pregnant. It was no brainer that those men were the father, but which one was the question we had no answer to. (I shall tell you all about it in my next part).

Well, guys, that was my story. It was a real incident. I hope you all enjoyed the gangbang of Sheela. Write to me on [email protected] to tell me your reaction. I don’t do any calls, so please don’t ask for it. But I will appreciate your response to my real-life story.

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