The Strict Boss – Part 2

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Do read the previous chapter to fully enjoy this part.

Amrita came out of the bathroom feeling both extremely horny and nervous. She felt herself getting goosebumps and butterflies flying in her stomach. She had newfound desires and the path to fulfilling her desires made her feel very, very exciting. Her thought process was suddenly broken by her phone ringtone.

She snapped back into reality and went to pick up the call. It was her husband Deepak calling, “What the fuck does he want?”, she thought to herself. She wanted to ask him the same question but she didn’t. After all, she just loved the money way too much although she hated her husband.

Even though he wasn’t loving, nor caring and most importantly couldn’t satisfy her sexual needs, she loved the luxurious life which his money bought. The expensive clothes, the jewelry, the travels – she loved it all. She replied, “Hi honey” in a very seductive voice.

Deepak replied, “Babe, where are you, don’t you remember we have to go to a social party tonight? We’re getting late”.

Amrita just realized her focus on Aman and her desires had her completely forget about the party. “Babe, I had some important work. I’ll be there soon”, she replied.

Although she didn’t want to be at that party, she didn’t have a choice. She had to socially pretend to be truly in love with Deepak for her to continue receiving his money.

She left the office hurryingly and went straight for her car where a driver was ready to open the door for her. “Jaldi karo”, she shouted and the man ran for his seat and started the car.

“Oh, how I love dictating terms to men”, Amrita thought to herself and felt a small devilish smile on her face.

She reached her house and climbed the big round wooden stairs to her room. Deepak was already there and almost ready. He seemed annoyed, he said in a loud voice, “Baby, I had tol..” but before he could finish, Amrita opened her t-shirt, threw it on the floor, stood face to face with her husband Deepak and ordered, “Shhhhhh.. suck them”.

The annoyance on Deepak’s face disappeared in a second and he was about to put his lips on his wife’s tits when she moved back. Deepak moved forward but she pushed him back and said, “We are getting late, I am sure you can wait till we come back”.

She turned back and was moving towards her locker and she thought to herself, “Huh, men!! I could do all I want with them”.

She was just feeling very feisty and energetic. She was having too much fun. Normally at these parties, she would dress elegantly and get her husband home before he gets too drunk and starts making a mockery out of himself.

But that night, she had different plans. She didn’t want to be the one taking all the care, the one sacrificing her happiness or time. She wanted to be free. She wanted no limitations on her that night.

She opened her closet and bent down to open a trunk she hadn’t opened in years and took out all the clothes. She finally found what she was looking for – a red outfit, which she had only wore once in her initial years as an entrepreneur. She had bought it as a gift to herself.

It was a red designer outfit that showed more of her amazing skin that what it covered. It was short and barely managed to cover her ass and showed off her goddess-like thighs and legs. It was held by only two small strings that were over her shoulders and showed her entire back and full cleavage.

It was a dress which said, “Look at me and fuck me with your eyes!”

She had only worn it once when she had to meet the CEO of another company to whom she wanted to sell the majority of her company’s shares. She had wooed him by her beauty and flirting and got the job done.

She wanted to see if it would still work. She had a quick bath and changed into her outfit. She realized she had put on some weight and it only made the dress stick to her more and revealed more of her busty figure. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought to herself, “Oh what a slut I am! I feel so pure and free”.

She put-on extra heels to make her look even sexier. She put on a dark red lipstick and said, “Perfect” while kissing at herself in the mirror.

She was walking down the stairs when she could see Deepak sitting on the chair next to the bar and a bottle next to him. He already looked a bit drunk, but he got up and looked at her wife and even in his drunken state he could utter, “Wow, yoouu look stunning”.

She wasn’t interested in him. She knew he was far too drunk to be of any use to her.

They got in the car and went to the banquet where the gathering was. She got down, Deepak followed her shabbily and they entered the hall. For a minute, the time just seemed to have frozen. Everyone noticed her, men couldn’t believe what they saw and women looked at her with jealousy. She just stood tall and confident.

The host came by and shook their hands. Deepak saw his friends at the bar and immediately headed for some alcohol.

Amrita was left all alone but tonight she didn’t mind that. She wanted to be hunted and preyed upon.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see who it was. Priyanka – her college friend.

Priyanka said, “Wow, look at you, you look so amazing. How do you maintain yourself and look like you are still in college, in fact, hotter I would say. I envy you”.

Amrita laughed it out and said with a nice smile, “Thank you, Priyanka”.

Amrita went around meeting people and all could do nothing but praise her beauty. But she couldn’t mind any less. All she wanted was a dick in her. She was over-horny, over-excited and all she wanted was a little bit of fun.

She was just talking to a friend of her when she heard Deepak’s voice loudly. He clearly was in an argument with someone and overly drunk.

She quickly went to where the noises came from and saw Deepak drunk and arguing with a friend of his. She was used to it, so were most of his friends and the people who knew him. It wasn’t that big a deal anymore.

She immediately called for her vehicle and supported her husband to be escorted to the vehicle. Normally, she would have sat with her husband and made sure he was comfortable in bed. But not that night, she let the driver take him to the car and she excused herself from the party.

She went to the car, in which she made the driver wait outside and said to her drunken unresponsive husband, “I am a slut and I want to be fucked like a whore. And since you don’t do it, someone else will. You good for nothing a##hole”.

With that, she closed the door and told the driver to take Deepak home and come back asap. Their house was only a few minutes away. The driver told her he will be here in no time.

Aman had had a very tiring day and was asleep soon after dinner at 9:30 pm. He was fast asleep when he was suddenly woken up by a call on his phone.

“BOSS” was displayed on the phone. Aman looked at the time again. It was 11:30 pm. What does she want now? He thought. “Why would she call him now?”

He cleared his throat and said, “Hi ma’am.”

Amrita: Aman where are you?

Aman: Asleep in my room ma’am.

Amrita: There are some mistakes in your presentation. I want you to come to the office now and correct them. This work has to be done tonight.

Aman (asked is horror): Ma’am, you mean right now?

Amrita: Yes, I said right now. (a bit loudly this time).

Aman: I will be there in 20 minutes.

Amrita: Make it quick, I will be waiting. (And she hung up).

Aman knew her boss was a workaholic but didn’t know she would ask him to come to the office at this time. Fuck my life, he thought to himself and got up to get ready.

The vehicle arrived and the driver got down fast and opened the door for her. He didn’t want to anger this lady and not at this time.

The driver asked, “Where to ma’am?”

She replied, “Office, and tell them to open my office and everyone else to leave.”

The driver nodded.

Amrita was going to fulfill her desires tonight. She wanted to be treated like a slut, like a whore and fucked in all her holes. She wanted a cock in her mouth and her pussy, everywhere. She wanted someone to use her and satisfy her. And she had chosen Aman.

For tonight, she was a whore and she loved it.

To be continued.

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