Hello, my fellow readers, my name is Alexi and I am a photographer by profession. It’s been around 5 years that I am a regular visitor of this amazing Indian sex stories community.
I always read the stories before but never had a reason to write one. This time around however, I have a reason.Reason being, that I cannot control myself and had to tell anyone. I am married and definitely cannot tell me wife. I have friends but they are distant and I also fear that they might tell my wife. But I just have to tell someone.That’s why the sex story.
It was last month in October that I had to go to mp, gwalior & agra for photoshoot. It was a regular kids candid shoot and I had taken all the gears making my bag a little too heavy.
I took my bike out and started my cruise towards my destination.
Although the client had paid for the train ticket, I decided to take my bike as I had to cover 3 places and I thought of saving that money and enjoy the ride on my bike. I have done these kind of tours before and this was just another trip.
So I left from my place in noida and started towards agra via the expressway and within 3 hours or so I was in agra. I am skipping the tour stuff coz that’s not what you want to read.
So after I finished my shoot (it took around 2.5 hours), I decided to visit the taj mahal for some photos. I booked a guest house, left my baggage there, took my cameras and gears and went to see the taj.
When I was riding my bike I saw a group of around 5 people (3 men and 2 women) with cameras in hand and asking for help (they were all south indians).
They were in a pajero and their ride needed repair. They stopped me for help and I did.
They thought I could help them with the car (it was rented). I couldn’t help with the car as I did not have any knowledge, but I offered them any other help if they wanted, to which they said that they need help reaching taj mahal, but having problem as they cannot speak hindi. I told them no problem, as I can speak both english and hindi.
After talking for a while we decided that one guy had to stay with the car (we called road side assistance), the rest 2 guys and 2 girls will go to taj mahal. I arranged them an auto and when the auto arrived only 3 person could fit in the auto.
So, I offered one of them to sit on my bike as I had no luggage with me. I was thinking one of the guys will go with me but to my surprise ( and grace of god) one of the girls said that she will come with me as she wanted to go on the bike.
I asked her “are you sure?” and she said “yes, if you don’t mind”. I thought “ why would I mind?”. She said something in her language to his friends/family and I noted that the girl on the auto winked at her. To which the girl with me laughed.
The Story
So, I started with her on my pillion seat (feeling happy as fuck) and we started talking. I found out that her name was nicky, (name changed for obvious reasons). And we hit it off. We were chatting up a lot and driving really slow and became good friends.
After a while she said she wanted to drive, to which I said “have you ever driven a bike before?” she said she have and its easy. I said fine and stopped.
She took the riding seat and we started to ride again.
While I was sitting on the back seat, I got her smell which was sooo intoxicating. I smelled a little of her neck and I was so turned on by it.She felt that I was smelling her I think. And we started talking again:
She: so, how do you think I drive?
Me: very good, even better than me
She: ha ha, you surely are enjoying.
Me: to be honest yes, it’s not every day that I sit behind a beautiful girl.
She: oh, I am flattered. And if you are being honest then I think I should answer honestly too.
Me: yes?
She: I am really enjoying this.
Me: okay, when you are really being honest, what were you talking to your friend back then, may I ask?
She: who? Vema?.. Ha ha.. Nothing…
Me: I thought you said we are being honest.
She: ok ok, I told her I am going to ride and have fun, and she said ride the bike not the dude.
Me: huh.. Awkard…
She: *laughing* I know, I liked you when I saw you. A bit fat but you are cute.
Me: well thank you madam, and you are gorgeous too (she really was, she had the most perfect figure in my opinion), except…
She: except what?
Me: nothing
She: tell me, we are being honest remember?
Me: except.. Your hair (she had boy cut hair).. I like it long.
She: oh.. I had them long, had to cut them coz they were hard to maintain.
Me: whatever you say.
She: so?
Me: so? What?
She: I am just gorgeous? What else?
Me: well, you are obviously out of my league. So, nothing.
She: come on, I said you were cute. And you are helping us.
Me: yes, I know and I am, but you have your friends with you.
She: who?, vicky & kunnu?.. Yes, they are my friends, but friends only. From work.
Me: oh. Nice then.. (I felt really happy as I was in a belief that they might be boyfriend to these girls). I was smiling now.
She: here we are.
Me: but this is not taj (jokingly).
She: I am not going to drive all the way. I had my fun. You drive.
Me: ok, (kind of sad that she wont be sitting in front of me)
She: so?
Me: so? What ?
She: oh come on, I just gave you a free pass, are you trying to play dumb?
Me: no. Oh.. Right.. I stopped at gorgeous.
She: there you go mr photographer.
Me: ok, so you are gorgeous, and obviously talented, and.. I just want to keep driving with you. You are like the best thing that happened to me in a long time, and I kind of wonder what did I do to deserve this. And your smell is awesome. And I think I am in love with you. Ha ha.. (became nervous)
She: wow, that was really nice.
Me: well, I try..
She: so, keep talking. I like it.
Me: well, I am a bit sad because I will be losing you after a few hours. What are your plans for tonight?
She: well, we are headed back tonight.
(which made her realize that I was driving really slow @20km per hour.)
(her phone rang and she talked in here usual language)
She: hurry they are already there.
Me: ok. (and I became quiet)
She: (after 5 minutes) why are u so quiet?
Me: nothing, we are almost here, and I won’t see you afterwards, that’s why.
She: oh come on, cheer up. You are the part of our group. And I am officially hiring you as our photographer.
Me: ok, gorgeous… you obviously need a photographer, coz all you have is like 4 cameras?? (sarcastically)
She: yes, but we are not professional like you.
Me: ok then, I am hired.
And we reached the taj, clicked a lot of photos and had lots of fun. Ate snacks. We all paid from time to time.
Nicky stayed close to me and I was loving it. When it was time to leave, they had their pajero all fixed and were ready to go back to their hotel. I was sad that the car was fixed.
They asked for photos and I said I will whatsapp them and took nicky’s number and after saying good bye they all went to the car parking while I just stood there and watched nicky leave. She didn’t say anything and just waived from a distance, I felt really sad.
I half-heartedly started my bike and went on my way back to the guest house. I was thinking how I was so happy going to taj and sad while coming back.
Her face was on my mind, it would have been around 10 minutes that someone honked really loud behind me, as it was single lane road I quickly shifted to left to let the vehicle pass. But it didn’t, it just kept honking. Then I saw in my rear view mirror and jumped from excitement.
It was the same pajero, they overtook me and stopped, I stopped also. Then nicky came out and said:
She: can I get a ride?
Me: sure, but whats wrong with the expensive car?
She: well, 2 reasons. First: that I cannot drive it. And second… you..
Me: (feeling divine) I love you..
She: (laughing) well, aren’t you married? You cannot fall in love with me. That will be an extra marital affair mr.
Me: I know. And yet I just love you.
She: we can talk on the ride you know. I have a flight to catch as well.
Me: I am not letting you go. Please stay na.
She: I cannot. (started driving with me on the back seat)
Me: thank you. But you are staying around 10 kms far from where I am staying, tell your friends to wait for you at my guest house.
She: you want to be with my friends or with me?
Me: you, of course. But how will you reach your hotel?
She: I am driving na? I will drive to my hotel and you will see me off and then you will come back to your guest house. You can manage that na?
Me: of course I can. Anything for you. (and I hugged her from behind… quite balsy of me)
She: (a bit startled) hey!.. What do u think you are doing?
Me: (quickly left hugging and regretted each second of it) sorry, I got a bit balsy.
She: I like you mr. But we are not lovers. We are friends.
Me: sure, I understand.
She: you can hold me alright, don’t worry.
Me: put my arms around her waist.
She: ok so please keep talking. What do you like?
Me: you. I like you (I was not lying)
She: I mean I know you like photography. How good are you?
Me: oh…..Just to earn a mediocre livelihood.
She: ok. ….
……..Skip conversation……
We reached at my guest house and I said:
Me: wait, let me quickly change and keep my gears and I will be right down.
She: ok but don’t make me wait.
Me: ok
And I went ahead and started changing. When at around 2 minutes later, knock knock….
Me: coming.
And as I opened the door she was there, saying:
She: you seem to have etiquettes and yet you didn’t invite me to your room?
Me: but.. You said…
She: I know.. Just kidding. I need coffee.
Me: (still changing) I like tea.
She: (while calling room service) you are fat mr.
Me: I know, I am working on it.
She: well, show me.
Me: what?? (quite shocked)
She: your work.
Me: oh. Right.
And I showed her the stuff, normal shoots of models etc., and
She: nice, she is pretty.
Me: ha.. You are kidding right?
She: no.I am serious. She is so pretty,
Me: if she is more pretty than you then I am the president of india.
She: lol..
*erotic part*
Then while showing her the photos and having tea and coffee. She got up to leave. I don’t know what was I thinking but I just held her hand and said
Me: no, you cannot go.
She: not me, we have to go.
Me: I wont, and neither are you. I love you.
She: hey, I have to go, I will miss my flight, my friends are still waiting for me. Come on, please get up.
Me: (held her hand tight and pulled her on me, hugged her tight and silently said in her ear) please nicky, please.
She: (softly) no, I cannot.
Me: (started kissing on her neck) yes, I love you.
She: (moaning softly) oh you …(something in her language)
I can tell she was enjoying obviously and that’s why I continued doing it. She got a little horny too. I moved my face from her neck to her lips. She wanted to say something but I didn’t let her and started kissing her.
She gave up and started kissing me back. And I tasted the coffee from her mouth. I held her tight and put my hands under her jacket into her skin and it was so warm. I started kissing her more passionately and she responded by holding my head deep into her lips.
We both were so lost that we kept kissing for around 10 minutes or so. Then we stopped kissing and she said:
She: (softly) wow.
Me: (softly) I need you, I am sorry but I need you right now.
She: (confused) what, why?
And before she could think anything I lifted her and took her to the only bed in the room. I made her lie down and laid beside her.
I came close and started kissing her again. She responded with more power this time. I tried taking her clothes off but couldn’t. She helped and I got her topless in no time.
Now I started fondling her boobs and sucking her lips. She was mostly in support now but I felt something was lacking. I went down and started sucking her boobs and she went “ahhhhh , please please… again something in her language.”
I got a little courage and went down and started kissing her belly button. She was supporting a lot now. But I wanted her to be 100% in this thing, and I knew that girls like to have their pussy licked more than anything. My wife also used to love it when I used to give her some tongue action on her vagina.
So I went more down south and started unbuttoning her pants. She stopped to some extent but then let me do it.
I stopped kissing her naval and in one go I pulled her jeans off. I could see the black colored panty and immediately got crazy and started kissing her vagina over her panties. She went absolutely nuts and started squirming with pleasure.
She lifted my head and told me to stop for a while. Then she took off her panties and said, let me wash it and ran to the bathroom. I went with her and she couldn’t find the mug.
I took some water on my hands and rubbed her vagina a couple of time and said its good now. She hesitated but I forced her. She didn’t let me take her to the bed and I was hot as hell, so I got down and started kissing her “choot”. She got shivers and gave up.
he was standing in the bathroom with her legs a little wide and I was just beneath her sitting and licking her choot. She was moaning hard and going …aah …. Aaah … lick… and I was pushing my tongue deep as I could. I loved the taste of her choot, even better than my wife’s choot.
I licked every drop of saltiness on her choot and she started pressing my head deep into her choot. I licked her choot for around 15 minutes and she came.. Remember when she came she went.. : wowww.. Chootttt me mazaaaa.
I thought it to be a little weird but that’s all the erotic hindi she knew. Then she let her body loose. I tasted her cum and held he. Lifted her and took her to bed. My “lund” was already a monster by now.
She looked at it and tried to hold it. I just didn’t let her and started kissing her again. She was tired. I could feel it, I got her the glass of water and she drank all of it.
She: I love you.
Me: I am not done yet.
Then I again got down to her choot and started sucking it hard. This time she just went crazy and started saying weird stuff in her language. I got horny as well and started sucking it even hard. She got extremely hot and started jumping.
I sucked for 5 minutes this time and she came again. But this time she didn’t stop. She jumped on me after a few seconds and told me to love her. She didn’t say, “fuck me”.. She said: love me. And guided my lund on her choot. I also got ready and tried to push it inside but it couldn’t go.
I asked : are you a virgin? She said: no, just try harder. I tried harder and in 4 strokes I was inside her. And a little blood came. She was not a virgin. Oh wow.. What a feeling. Andar se itni garam choot.Maza aa g.
I lost control and started fucking her slowly while kissing her boobs. I she was uncomfortable at first (even though my lund is only 6 inches), she had a little bit of pain.
I was worried at fist but then she started pulling me close and I started fucking her hard. She was almost screaming like ”ahhhhh, harder.. Harder..” and I was fucking her deep. So deep that she was jumping.
Then I changed the position to doggy and pushed my lund on her choot from behind.
She was kinky and told me to “ hold my hair and pull them back” I obliged and now I was holding her hair with my left hand and her butt with my right hand, and my lund inside her choot going “fuchhh fuchh” with each stroke. Her “gaand” was massive and I was enjoying a lot. After fucking her for 15 minutes, I wanted to come and told her.
She sai, “cum inside me please, cum inside me” and I, without thinking came inside her and shot the load into her choot. I was done. She got relaxed as well. We rested like that for around 10-12 minutes and lokked at her face. She was looking at me.
I went near her face and gave her my tongue, she took it inside her mouth and started sucking it. I was again rubbing her choot and sucking her lips. Tasting her saliva was heaven.
We got so sloppy while kissing that it was almost dripping. I just didn’t want her to leave me so I spent more time on her lips, then moved to her boobs and sucked her nipples until I could taste something salty coming from her nipples.
She got aroused to the greatest level possible and jumped on my lund again, this time she pushed me and took my lund in her mouth and started sucking like it was her last day on earth.
I couldn’t say much but managed to say “choos, choos mera lund”. I don’t know if she understood or not but she got more excited and started sucking more violently. I was big in no time and started loving each suck. She was playing with her tongue on my lund and I was in heaven.
I was about to come again in about 5 minutes and told her. She still kept sucking hard and hard.
I was about to explode and took out my lund but she grabbed my lund again and started sucking faster. I couldn’t control and exploded inside her mouth. She didn’t swallow but spit it out on the floor. I got exhausted too and almost fell on the bed. She went to the bathroom sink for spitting the excess of my load.
I again went behind her and just hugged her from behind. I was so in love with her. She didn’t say anything we took a shower together and again fondled her boobs, I got to soap her entire body. I was in heaven no doubt. Then she broke the silence.
She: we need to go.
Me: I cannot see you leave.
She: please, don’t talk, get dressed and come.
Me: … (started dressing up, locked the room, took the keys and got ready to leave)
She was ready too. I watched her get dressed, I fell in love with her again. As soon as she got up from wearing her shoes, I went and kissed her on her lips and left the door open. She also responded by kissing me back. We didn’t care that the door was open.
We kissed for 5 more minutes. And then she parted the kiss and said “lets go”. I went behind her, took the bike, she said behind, hugged me, we drove for 10 more kilometres and we just didn’t talk. Nobody said a single word. We reached there and her friends were there waiting and pointing towards the wrist watch.
She got down from the bike.She also shouted something in her language. They seemed pissed.
Me: I am sorry. You got late because of me.
She: its ok. I have to go now.
Me: please… (I didn’t know what to say)
She: (crying a little).. I will miss you.
Me: I will too.
And then she walked away slowly.
Me: I love you.
She stopped, her friends heard it as well and gave me an angry stare. She turned around, came back to me. Hugged me in front of her friends. And whispered crying “I love you too, but you are not for me and I am not for you. Take care mr photographer, take care, now please just go, its already very hard. I will miss you.”
Then she left. I came back to the room. Sat for around 2 hours still. Then went to sleep.
The end.