Well, read the chat transcript and enjoy if you aren’t bored. This is in between two lesbian friends. Passionate and erotic, have some patience. And if you like it, get back to me at [email protected]
Priya: Hey
Sravya: Hi
Priya: Saw you somehow. Felt you are not fake, so added you. I hope you don’t mind
Priya: Okay, No issues
Priya: Myself Priya from Mumbai
Sravya: Sravya from Hyderabad
Priya: Ok so are you straight or lesbian?
Sravya: straight
Priya: Then, why in this chat room
Sravya: Saba is my friend and she invited me
Priya: All right. she owns the room
Sravya: she does
Priya: O.k.
Priya: Nice
Priya: I think you are not interested in chatting with me
Sravya: you weren’t chatting
Priya: I was the only one who was talking
Sravya: so, keep talking, lol
Sravya: what do you want to chat about
Priya: Anything
Sravya: ok. Go on
Priya: It’s ok bye
Sravya: No. Speak dear
Priya: Actually, I thought you are not straight. so, I added you in order to form some connection with you. because am tired of being alone. now I know you are straight. So, nothing is coming in my mind
Sravya: That’s a long message, lol
Sravya: I’d not mind to anything you talk.
Priya: I don’t talk anything like that
Sravya: So?
Priya: Nothing
Sravya: Okay
Sravya: You don’t want to talk or not interested to talk?
Sravya: I wasn’t sure. what’s going in your mind
Priya: Am looking for a connection here. clearly you can’t be that
Sravya: connection? what sort of?
Sravya: I’m bored and not sleepy.
Priya: ARE you not understanding or pretending like that
Sravya: wanted to hear from you, just to be sure
Priya: I was in that room and Saba is not my friend. so why I was there
Priya: It’s pretty obvious what connection I’m talking about
Sravya: still wanted to hear from your mouth
Priya: Let it be
Sravya: I am starting to like you actually
Priya: And you are straight so no point actually
Sravya: what do you want to hear
Priya: Anything will do
Sravya: Oh
Priya: Although I do it a lot but still it’s annoying
Sravya: true.
Priya: I got happy to see you for no reason. I thought finally I got someone real
Sravya: I’m real dear, but never acted Lesbian
Priya: Don’t act. Only that’s good
Priya: One should never play with anyone’s feelings
Sravya: Chalo, what made you turn into lesbian
Priya: Nothing as such
Sravya: Then?
Priya: I was still exploring and then I form few connections here both male female and I got to know, I like female more
Priya: That’s it
Sravya: Ever did with a girl?
Priya: Once
Sravya: and with a guy?
Priya: Made out. not proper sex
Sravya: you should be through the entire act. a girl can please you. but guys can take you beyond that
Priya: I don’t think so
Sravya: I knew out of experience
Priya: Be it girl or boy. It all depends on what kind of bond you share. Does it excite you? If yes, then that’s the one for you.
Sravya: good
Priya: Yeah
Sravya: What else
Sravya: what did you like in that girl
Priya: Which girl
Sravya: The girl you made out with
Priya: It was nothing serious. Just a fling
Sravya: We used to feel ourselves long ago, when we’re in boarding school
Sravya: But that didn’t mean anything then
Priya: Yeah that’s not meant to mean anything
Sravya: yeah
Priya: Anyway, got bf then
Sravya: yeah
Sravya: He’s good
Priya: Nice
Sravya: yea
Priya: Ok then bye
Sravya: okay
Sravya: have fun
Priya: YOU too
Sravya: I’m having one dear
Priya: Ok
Sravya: Don’t be sad Yeah
Sravya: I’m not feeling good
Priya: M ok
Priya: Not sad
Sravya: I want to hear more from you
Sravya: seriously, you are a good
Sravya: I don’t know what to call you
Priya: YOU don’t know what to call me what does that mean?
Sravya: you type long messages and I love that.
Sravya: what do you call a person who types long. beautiful messages??
Priya: Wow what a reason to like someone
Priya: Stupid I guess
Sravya: My bf used to that earlier
Priya: I don’t as far as am concern m like this only fool you can say
Priya: Know
Sravya: I’m not calling you a fool
Priya: I gave you the option either stupid or fool
Sravya: we can keep doing this. You aren’t sleepy, right?
Priya: No m not
Sravya: Good
Priya: YOU have any hobbies or something
Sravya: I like to waste time
Sravya: one n only hobby
Priya: That’s the best hobby
Priya: I sing that’s what I do all the time
Sravya: Great
Priya: Yeah a person with some good skills still single for no apparent reason
Sravya: lol
Sravya: YOU don’t have a gf?
Priya: No
Priya: I had a relationship on **** then broke up
Sravya: Why?
Priya: because the person was t giving me enough time and it pissed me off
Sravya: and the person is?
Priya: YOU don’t know her how does it matter even
Sravya: just a name
Priya: Deepika
Sravya: Nice
Priya: Yo
Priya: I can move anyone with my singing I sang two bloody songs for her still she was facing problem in giving me time
Sravya: Give her space. she’ll get back to you
Priya: No, I deleted her
Sravya: Oh, crap
Priya: Don’t want toxic people in my life
Sravya: Hmm…
Priya: My fault I give too much importance
Sravya: Forget that
Sravya: no use in repenting
Sravya: der?
Priya: Yeah
Priya: YOU know m too much of romantic type possessive n all
Priya: And that’s another reason m boring
Sravya: that’s good
Sravya: keep that
Sravya: and you aren’t boring me
Priya: That’s because I speak too much
Sravya: and I love that
Sravya: a lot actually
Sravya: I’m starting to fall for you lol
Sravya: don’t take me wrong
Priya: No, I won’t take it wrong because you are saying this to make me feel good
Priya: Good
Sravya: I’m not
Priya: And you have bf too which is good also so you can’t fall for anyone
Sravya: believe me
Priya: Believe you okk. Now what does it change anything?
Sravya: idk
Priya: Knew it
Sravya: Humm
Priya: why do I keep falling for the wrong people
Priya: God knows
Priya: why can’t I fall for someone who actually wants me back
Sravya: someone is still waiting for you I guess
Priya: Well then that someone has to find me because today m search ends I quit hard time
Sravya: But you should keep waiting time what you have in store
Priya: It hurts actually sucks
Sravya: how old are you
Sravya: forgot
Sravya: Okay…
Priya: Y
Priya: YOU asked
Sravya: just to now
Sravya: I’m
Priya: Okkk
Sravya: okay
Priya: Okk then time for me to go was nice talking to you although got upset because can’t have you damn but happy to have you as friend if I may say.
Sravya: Start afresh dear
Sravya: I got you.
Priya: YOU are a good human being I like you. Well that’s pretty obvious that I do. But yeah so nothing more to say bye
Sravya: you leaving makes me feel bad Yeah
Priya: Y
Sravya: told you, I’m falling for you????
Priya: I so wished it to be true
Sravya: and that’s true
Priya: Again, does it change anything?
Sravya: what has to change?
Sravya: brb in min
Priya: If you are falling for me then this has to be more then friendship and you can’t do it right
Sravya: maybe I can try to do.
Priya: And what about your bf
Sravya: he’s bf. not gf
Priya: YOU can’t have both
Sravya: and he’s not in ****
Priya: Have him n be happy as you are
Sravya: fine
Sravya: you broke me
Sravya: cya
Priya: I broke you
Priya: It’s like cheating on him
Sravya: I’m not going after any other guy
Priya: And I told you m possessive I can never share you with anyone
Sravya: let’s say, I’m all yours. then what happens?
Priya: why to say when it won’t happen
Sravya: it happened. now?
Priya: Now what if it ever happens then we will talk like any other couples I will make you feel special every now n then it will make me feel happy to see you happy
Priya: What more I can say
Sravya: I can do that
Priya: Do what
Sravya: talk like any other couple
Priya: Don’t complicate your life baby you have a real thing with someone and I know you are happy there
Sravya: okay.
Sravya: but I like you.
Sravya: Take care
Priya: I like you more than you do
Sravya: and you wanted to leave
Priya: Did I left
Sravya: you want to
Priya: No, I can be here as long as you want me to stay
Priya: I want to leave for you
Priya: To make your life simple as it was
Sravya: are you sleepy?
Sravya: or tired?
Sravya: or having any work?
Priya: No why
Sravya: Then stay
Sravya: I need you
Priya: Okk m here only not going anywhere
Sravya: Good
Priya: Someday I would love to dedicate a song to you
Sravya: I’d love that
Priya: And then to definitely you will fall so hard for me
Priya: I guarantee
Sravya: I’d love that even more
Priya: YOU want to hear it now I can record one for you now
Sravya: okay…
Sravya: you already got the song?
Priya: Okay
Priya: Yupp that’s what my Priya wanted to tell you so I sang it
Sravya: Thanks for doing it to me honey
Priya: YOU like it
Sravya: fabulous
Priya: thank you baby that’s what I want you to know just sang it feelings are true
Sravya: I lived it all through
Sravya: loved
Priya: Any chances of loving me back
Sravya: I’ve fallen
Priya: That’s what I wanted to hear so badly
Sravya: and you heard it dear
Priya: And I loved it too
Sravya: Hmmm
Priya: So, at last my singing worked for you
Sravya: it did actually
Priya: Pehle pta hota to instead of saying hi I would have send this song for you.
Sravya: Ha-ha
Sravya: we might not have bonded like this
Priya: Yeah that’s true
Sravya: I envy deepika
Sravya: how could she leave you
Priya: She left me for me to find you
Sravya: may be
Priya: She doesn’t care about love never ever
Sravya: oh…
Sravya: better to stay away
Priya: And I wasted so much of my love on her
Sravya: I know you have much more for me
Priya: YOU can’t even imagine
Sravya: Hmm
Sravya: I love you
Priya: But what about your bf?
Priya: I forgot about him
Sravya: I’m not thinking about him right now
Priya: but still
Sravya: still I’m not thinking????
Sravya: and it’s not cheating
Priya: I can’t share your love
Priya: That’s the problem
Sravya: you have my %
Priya: I hope so
Sravya: hmm
Priya: When we started talking what were you thinking you didn’t wanted to reply in words even
Priya: All you were doing is ????????
Sravya: hey. I just sent that once
Sravya: or twice maybe
Sravya: Now take this
Priya: I love you more ❤️
Sravya: I know????
Priya: YOU already know me
Priya: See we were meant to b
Sravya: we are
Priya: That’s because of my mehnat
Sravya: you never tried actually
Priya: What
Priya: I was hitting on you from the start only
Sravya: I know
Priya: But you told me you have bf n all to I can’t force you to do anything
Sravya: You love more
Priya: Bloody network
Priya: Basically, my writing and singing skills worked for you
Sravya: they did honey
Priya: Yeah
Priya: I do
Priya: Is that you in your profile pic??
Sravya: You are good
Priya: Soon I will be the best
Sravya: you are, already
Priya: Don’t kill me I have heard somewhere sudden happiness can kill you too
Sravya: I don’t want you to die, dear
Priya: For now, me neither want to die
Sravya: good????
Priya: Is it ok to kiss on the first day
Sravya: Is it not?
Priya: I don’t know m asking
Priya: Enlighten me
Sravya: anything happened?
Priya: OH, yeah somebody kissed me
Sravya: That’s me. that’s me
Priya: That’s you are you sure
Sravya: %
Sravya: take this ????????????????
Sravya: tasted the same?
Priya: Ach hua you told me varna I was about to give it back to someone else
Sravya: Don’t you dare do that
Sravya: they are mine
Sravya: Yeah
Sravya: Got them
Priya: I just want to come close to you take your face in my palm and kiss you
Sravya: I’m all yours Honey
Priya: Stupid network
Priya: It keeps on disturbing
Sravya: Hmm. it’s ok here
Sravya: I see you online
Priya: THE problem is on my side
Sravya: hmm
Sravya: stupid you
Priya: Leave it where were we
Sravya: my face in your palms and you
you’re doing something????????
Priya: Ohh yes
Priya: M kissing your lower lips gently
Sravya: Ummmm….
Priya: Sucking it slowly
Sravya: Ad I take your upper lip
Priya: Yeah you will have to
Priya: Kissing your both lips alternatively one by one
Sravya: Ahh. You smell good and taste fantastic
Priya: Not better than you
Sravya: Hmmm
Sravya: My pheromones are in the air now
Priya: A smooch
Priya: Are they
Sravya: Driving me crazy for you
Priya: Kissing you deeper
Sravya: Ummmm…. Sravya: Yeah baby
Priya: Kissing you hard muaaaaaaahhh
Sravya: Mwwwaaaaaaaahhhh
Priya: Grabbed your tongue in my mouth
Sravya: aah. Slowly honey
Sravya: I take your tongue too and start chewing
Priya: Sucking it slowly
Sravya: mmmm….
Sravya: What were you Wearing baby?
Priya: This network won’t let me do anything
Priya: I think it’s deepika’s conspiracy
Sravya: Nah
Priya: My messages are going late ????
Priya: Msgs
Sravya: hmmm….
Sravya: I get that
Priya: Stupid network
Sravya: Let’s get going
Priya: YOU will get them late but
Sravya: Better than not getting at all
Priya: I pushed you to the wall grab your hands
Sravya: What are you wearing honey?
Priya: And started kissing you madly
Sravya: I’m in my top n shorts
Priya: Short n t
Priya: Same
Sravya: Good
Priya: I grab you through the waist n kissing on your neck
Sravya: I turn my head to a side to assist you in kissing me more
Sravya: and I grab your head close to my neck
Priya: Kissing you more n more
Sravya: I can feel your smooth hair. your shampoo fragrance is still on.
Sravya: I’m loving it
Priya: Sucking your neck like a vampire
Sravya: Ummmm…
Sravya: Bite me
Priya: A little bite
Sravya: leave your love bites over my neck
Sravya: I want to cherish them throughout
Priya: Only on your neck
Priya: I will be giving you lots of love bytes all over
Sravya: Yeah
Priya: YOU can tolerate a little pain
Priya: Right
Sravya: anything from you darling
Priya: So, biting on your neck
Sravya: yeah… I’m loving it
Priya: Making sure you get the mark
Priya: Biting n then again sucking it more
Sravya: Ummmm. feels good
Priya: Meanwhile my hands are moving down your waist line
Priya: Line
Sravya: ignore the spell corrections dear
Sravya: I can understand
Priya: Okk ????
Sravya: Go on
Priya: Moving my hands on your butt
Priya: While kissing you
Sravya: Yayy
Priya: Grabbing it tightly
Priya: Pulled you up in my arms take you to the bed
Sravya: I start moving my ass closer to you, pushing against the wall
Sravya: I’m on the bed now
Priya: I dropped you gently on the bed
Sravya: Yeah…
Priya: Rubbing my hands on your boobs over your clothes
Sravya: Come over me
Priya: Can I take your top off
Sravya: Sure
Priya: Taking your top off
Priya: Kissing on your bra
Sravya: Ummmm…
Priya: Pressing your nipples
Sravya: keep kissing, and meanwhile I move my hands to your top over your waist
Priya: With one hand unhooked your bra
Priya: While kissing you
Priya: I love your boobs baby
Sravya: I’m feeling your smooth belly and back. And moving my fingers gently over you onto your bra
Priya: Hmmm yes n m kissing on your nipples
Priya: Licking it with tip of my tongue
Sravya: that’s tickling
Priya: Did it tickled you
Sravya: I take off your top and there you are… in your bra
Sravya: yes, it did
Priya: Sucking in between
Sravya: Mmmmmmmmm…
Sravya: Take off my bra baby
Priya: Rubbing other meanwhile sucking one
Priya: It already off honey
Sravya: yeah.
Priya: YOU didn’t notice you were busy in getting your hands in my t
Sravya: You are on top of me, kissing my boobs
Priya: Yes, sucking your nipples hard
Sravya: yeah. your beauty mesmerizes
Sravya: me
Priya: YOU are the best
Priya: Pulling your nipple with my teeth
Sravya: Aaaah…
Sravya: you are driving me crazy
Priya: Then again sucking it
Priya: A littke bite
Priya: Some more bite
Sravya: Ummmm
Sravya: my nipples are getting hard
Priya: Then again sucking like a baby
Sravya: You won’t be getting any milk honey????????
Priya: It taste so good
Priya: That’s ok
Sravya: go gentle on them
Priya: Okk licking them softly
Priya: Kissing them mwah
Sravya: I hold you tight, close to my boobs, with my hands around your neck and pushing my bust into your mouth
Sravya: with a swift, I now turn you down on the bed and get over you
Priya: I like yours this move
Priya: Smart gal
Sravya: I move you onto your stomach. and your back is facing me now
Sravya: I start kissing you over your back, right from the shoulders, down to your shorts
Priya: Ohh
Priya: I love it
Sravya: I keep sliding my tongue under your bra straps and making it wet
Sravya: I bite you over your back and start chewing your bra.
Priya: Hmmmm
Priya: Ouch
Sravya: the wetness make your bra clips open and your boobs come open
Sravya: I gently move the straps over your shoulders and turn you back onto your back
Sravya: removing your bra completely
Priya: What are you up to?
Priya: Don’t take revenge go gentle on them
Sravya: I come over you, close by close
Sravya: A sweet kiss on your forehead
Sravya: one between your eyes.
Sravya: one on each of your eyes
Priya: Aww
Sravya: down to the nose
Priya: My lips are waiting
Sravya: I move my palms over your cheeks and rub them to make you warm
Priya: Kiss me I will kiss you
Sravya: Getting down to your lips, I suck them both
Sravya: your lipstick tastes good
Priya: For you only
Sravya: I keep getting into your mouth and in the meantime, moving my hands over your boobs
Sravya: I can sense your tits getting harder and harder
Priya: I hold you tight while you are doing that
Sravya: I insert my tongue into your mouth and start moving it all around, feeling your teeth and tongue
Priya: Ummmm
Priya: YOU are teasing me
Sravya: I pull your head closer to me and making it more feasible to move my tongue deep into your mouth, down the throat
Priya: Ummmaaaahhh
Sravya: Your boobs are flushed honey
Sravya: I slide down onto your boobs and start sucking them alternatively
Priya: I’m scratching your back
Sravya: aaaahhh
Priya: Holding you tightly over me
Sravya: Ummmm….
Sravya: You have an amazing busy my dear
Sravya: bust*
Priya: Again, I would say not more then you
Sravya: I can keep sucking you for ages
Priya: I want to kiss every inch of your skin lick your whole body
Sravya: do that baby
Sravya: I love you so much
Priya: Don’t you think it’s getting too late
Priya: I love you even more
Sravya: Late for what
Priya: For sleep
Sravya: don’t you dare to leave me like this
Sravya: I’m all hot for you
Priya: Okhh okhhh m not leaving you
Sravya: hmm
Sravya: I’d kill you
Priya: Don’t kill me my gf will kill you then
Sravya: I’m her.
Priya: No, you are not
Sravya: who? Deepika?
Priya: Stupid teasing you
Sravya: I’d
fuck that bitch if she approaches you
Priya: actually, she does
Priya: She is on my list she sent request while we were talking
Sravya: crap
Priya: And is still dere but m not talking to her
Sravya: don’t talk
Priya: I won’t
Sravya: Hey, Did you cum??
Sravya: something says me, you had cum very bad
Priya: Who said that
Priya: Who is your spy here
Sravya: I can sense the wetness baby. I’m right over you
Priya: Oh, yes
Priya: YOU can
Sravya: Ewe
Sravya: you came already
Priya: Lol
Priya: No
Priya: YOU are guessing
Priya: To I let you guess
Sravya: I can actually say that
Sravya: that wildness in you died
Priya: No m just tired haven’t slept for two-three days
Priya: And suddenly I saw time and my focus shifted
Sravya: Oh.
Priya: Nothing else
Priya: Ok
Sravya: Hmm
Sravya: I don’t know what to say
Priya: We can get going
Priya: Why are we wasting time
Sravya: hmm
Priya: What happened?
Priya: Tell me
Sravya: nothing
Priya: Tell
Priya: What pissed you off
Sravya: nothing happened Yeah
Priya: Are you sure
Sravya: I m
Priya: To why are you just laying over me or I will get you under me again
Sravya: better do that
Priya: Fyn you better not disturb me with your talk’s because I won’t stop
Sravya: Go ahead tigress
Priya: I got you under me again hold your both hands above your head straight
Priya: And kissing you all over
Priya: Without a pause
Sravya: Ummmm
Sravya: nice
Priya: Kissing on your neck boobs armpits everywhere
Sravya: yeah
Sravya: do that
Priya: Kissing deeply on your lips eating them
Priya: And moving my hand over all your body
Sravya: shhhh….
Priya: Getting down to your stomach
Priya: Licking through my tongue in a straight line
Priya: Licking your navel
Sravya: Yeah… I place both my legs over your back and lock you tight
Priya: Tickling your navel
Sravya: hee-haw
Priya: Making round circle with my tongue
Sravya: Ummmm
Priya: Going more down
Sravya: I hold the blanket beside me tightly to control myself
Priya: Kissing your leg
Priya: Top to bottom
Sravya: yeah
Priya: Kissing your thighs
Sravya: that so warm
Priya: Licking near your panty
Sravya: your saliva ignites Me more
Sravya: I move my legs wide apart
Priya: Kissing your pussy over your panty
Priya: Removing your panty with my teeth
Priya: And a kiss on your clit
Priya: Mwah
Sravya: mwah
Priya: Licking your clit softly
Priya: Sucking a lil
Sravya: driving me crazy
Priya: Rubbing your pussy with my hand
Priya: While sucking your clit
Priya: Umaaaahhh
Sravya: mwaaaah
Priya: Spreading your pussy lips with my fingers
Priya: And sucking your whole clit
Priya: Licking it more n more
Priya: Kissing on your pussy lips
Priya: Sucking them like anything
Priya: Reaching towards your pussy hole
Priya: Licking it
Priya: And rubbing your clit too together
Priya: Taking tongue inside you
Priya: Doing inside out
Priya: With my tongue
Sravya: make it faster
Priya: Putting whole tongue inside
Sravya: mmmmmmmmm…. ywaaahhhhhhh
Priya: And doing it faster
Priya: Harder
Priya: N faster
Sravya: you are the best baby
Priya: Every time harder n faster
Sravya: tension is building up inside me
Sravya: don’t stop now
Sravya: faster
Sravya: faster
Priya: Fucking you more n more
Priya: Fasters
Priya: And harder
Priya: Whole tongue inside u
Sravya: I hold your face between my thighs
Priya: Moving deeper n deeper
Sravya: move my pussy all over your face
Priya: Faster n faster
Priya: Moving all your pussy
Priya: Shaking it with my face
Sravya: I can sense my cum moving down my vagina
Priya: Fucking you more n more
Sravya: and there I squirtttttttt!!!!?
Priya: Madly deeply
Priya: M drinking it
Sravya: my milky cum is all over your face, dripping down
Priya: M licking it all to make your pussy dry
Sravya: mmmm.
. yeah
Priya: Cleaning it with tongue
Priya: YOU taste heavenly
Sravya: thanks, babe
Sravya: special for you
Priya: Eating all of it
Sravya: that’s a good girl
Priya: Making you dry completely
Sravya: keep licking Honey
Priya: Yeah
Sravya: let’s take a
Priya: Licking it all
Sravya: I want to eat you
Priya: Okk
Sravya: I over on you
Priya: Yeah
Sravya: and pull you shorts buttons with my mouth
Sravya: and drag them down your thighs with my lips
Sravya: as you get rid of your shorts I start moving up your legs sucking your toes
Priya: And m licking non-stop
Sravya: I keep licking over your toes and then legs and knees
Sravya: moving above, I see you thunder thighs, plain white like a sheet of paper, muscular like an athlete
Sravya: athlete
Priya: I do lots of leg exercise in real also
Sravya: I move my tongue all over your thighs enjoying the strengthens
Sravya: I know that
Sravya: I can see you
Priya: Ummmm
Sravya: I can also see the wet patch over your panty. what was that??
Priya: Its nothing
Priya: Your eyes are weak
Sravya: it’s your precum I guess
Priya: Keep on guessing
Sravya: You are getting turned on more n more
Priya: Yes I m
Sravya: I tear off your panty harshly and
Sravya: move over to your shining pussy
Sravya: I can smell all the wired stuff down here
Priya: Yeahhhh
Sravya: yet, I don’t care
Sravya: I get down and kiss your pussy lips hard
Priya: Ahh
Sravya: and I move my tongue inside your pussy, separating the lips wide apart
Sravya: I can see all the pinkness of your vaginal walls
Priya: Ohh
Sravya: it’s a lovely view from here
Sravya: I keep pushing my face over your pussy and moving my tongue in and out, gradually increasing the speed
Priya: Ahh
Priya: Now you are making me crazy
Sravya: While rubbing my face over your pussy, I slowly push my hands beneath you
Sravya: I can feel your butt cheeks
Sravya: hard as a nut
Sravya: yet soft n smooth
Sravya: I keep eating your pussy and simultaneously pressing your ass and pushing them hard onto my face
Priya: Damnnnn
Priya: YOU will kill me only
Sravya: I gently rise your butts and move my fingers over your butt crack and tickling all around
Priya: Stop teasing me
Sravya: I can now taste more wetness in my mouth…
Sravya: is that what I’m guessing?
Priya: Yes
Sravya: there’s more Cuming into my mouth
Priya: This time you guessed right
Sravya: and it tastes heavenly
Sravya: your cum is the best…
Priya: Aww thank you love
Sravya: I don’t let a drop of your cum fall down
Priya: No, yours
Sravya: moving your pussy lips wide apart with my fingers I scoop everything down straight into my mouth
Priya: I love you
Sravya: Here it stops. and I again start licking you clean
Sravya: there’s no trace of wetness on your pussy
Sravya: all bruised
Sravya: sore and red
Sravya: and shining of coarse
Priya: And I loved it
Sravya: I move my tongue your clit, kiss it there and bite it
Sravya: and move over you
Priya: Owe
Sravya: and kiss your lips.
Sravya: a deep one this time
Sravya: out of passion
Priya: Best feeling ever
Sravya: a small peck on your lips and then kiss you on your cheeks
Priya: I kissed you back
Sravya: I love you darling????
Priya: YOU are so cute
Priya: I love you sweeter
Sravya: Hmmm
Priya: So, how’s it
Sravya: Great
Sravya: my first complete chat
Priya: I hope you don’t regret your decision
Sravya: never!!
Priya: Really
Sravya: yeah
Sravya: how long are we making love?
Priya: More than 3 hrs
Sravya: from 1 am I guess
Sravya: that makes 4 hrs+
Priya: Yeah
Priya: Yapp
Sravya: Hmm. Thanks, love
Priya: Thank you too
Priya: Are we chatting tonight
Sravya: YOU don’t want to?
Priya: M asking
Sravya: I want you in the evening.
Priya: By what time
Priya: Will come
Sravya: I can’t come tonight
Priya: Yyy
Sravya: after pm. Ok…?
Sravya: I have a conference coming up. need to prepare for that
Priya: Okk
Priya: If it’s really imp to then we can talk tomorrow
Priya: It’s ok
Sravya: Hmm
Priya: What hmm
Sravya: I’ll be online after waking up anyways.
Sravya: ping me when you are free
Priya: I was talking about you I will come
Priya: I’m dying to talk to you again
Sravya: Same here sweetie????
Priya: Chalo now m going
Sravya: I’ll miss you
Sravya: very badly
Priya: I will miss you tonight
Sravya: Don’t you touch your pussy hereafter
Sravya: I take the copyrights
Sravya: Yeah. you’ll be punished if you finger yourself
Priya: I won’t touch it and you better don’t do it too
Sravya: I won’t????
Priya: N stay away from everyone
Priya: YOU are mine
Sravya: he.. sure, baby. all yours
Priya: YOU don’t want to see my anger side
Sravya: I don’t let that side of you pop up
Priya: I should thank Saba such a sweetheart she is
Priya: She invited you n I got you ❤️
Sravya: okay. now go get some quality sleep. and come in the evening
Priya: Ok
Sravya: see you ???? and take care
Priya: YOU too
Hope I made you satisfied and I am glad that you made it to the end. Thanks and do flood my inbox at [email protected]