I’m sure that everyone in the whole world has heard about “Wife-Swapping.” I’m sure that very few have actually done it. Well I’m here to tell you about “Sister-Swapping.” Very few even know about it and even fewer do it. I don’t know if I actually invented it or not but I sure started it in my area.
It all started a couple of years back when both of my parents were killed in a freak accident. I was nineteen years old and in charge of my four younger sisters. I had a banker, a lawyer, a doctor, and a schoolteacher on my advisory board, however I made all the final decisions.
The five of us had received many millions of dollars for the wrongful deaths.Let me introduce myself, I’m now twenty-one years old, five feet eight inches tall, and have a six-inch dick. My oldest sister is Debra, eighteen years old, has light blonde hair, and wears a 36-C bra.
Kendra is eighteen years old, has dark blonde hair, and wears a 36-B bra. Samantha is nighteen years old, has reddish blonde hair, and wears a 34-B bra, Theresa is thirteen years old, has light brown hair like me, and wears a 34-A bra.Debra and Kendra were letting me fuck them on a regular basis for a year before Mom and Dad were killed.
Samantha and Theresa were only eleven and ten at the time so I hadn’t started fucking them yet.When I took over as the head of the family Debra and Kendra started sleeping in my bed every night. I took over my parent’s bedroom and their queen-size water bad. Mom and Dad had a private bathroom that Debra and Kendra shared with me.
I let Samantha and Theresa each have there own rooms.Soon we decided that we wanted a home of our own without all of the memories of Mom and Dad. Together we created a very unique home. The second floor was for our bedrooms and some guestrooms so we decided on twelve rooms and a circular design like spokes on an old wagon wheel.
The center would be for the fabulous spiral staircase. Because of the round design you could see all of the other eleven doors from your doorway. We wanted each bedroom to have its own bathroom and walk in closets. So that no one was more important than the other all twelve rooms were identical in size.
The only difference would be in the furnishings and color.As to the first floor, hey we are still kids and it was designed around fun. The girls wanted a room to dance in and do their exercises. I wanted an exercise room too. Then we all wanted an entertainment room with cds, dvds, and all the latest electronic equipment and games.
We had two of every game produced and all of the latest movies. We were even on a mailing list to receive them as soon as they were released. We had a giant screen as well as several smaller ones so that technically we could all watch a different movie at the same time.
Other game room has two pool tables, a billiard table, four bowling lanes, and all of the board games imaginable as well as several tables to play on. There are some very nice chess sets too.Since we don’t really want to work all that hard we hired a housekeeper.
We didn’t want an old lady so we found a recent college graduate in business management and let her hire a cook, a maid, and a chauffeur to dive the girls to school. Barbara was a thirty-year-old and could easily be a fashion model.Barbara hired local people that could go home at night to help out around the house.
We invited Barbara to stay in one of our room on the second floor with us. It didn’t take her long to realize that Debra and Kendra slept with me every night and that Samantha and Theresa slept together.One morning at breakfast Barbara simply mentioned that she used to sleep with her brother too.
That perked us all up and we started talking openly with her. Debra told her that it started with us when she was thirteen and I was sixteen then a few months later
We Kendra join in. After Mom and Dad were killed we let Samantha and Theresa join in on our family fun. Now we have kind of settled into a pattern.One Friday we threw a big party for all of our friends. Barbara helped organize it and limited us to eleven friends each.
I was to invite five boys and six girls while the girls were to invite five girls and six boys. That was Barbara’s concept to even things out so that each boy would have a girl. There would be sixty of us at the party. That was huge to us but Barbara seemed to think it would be perfect.
There was huge amounts of pizza, hotdogs, hamburgers, and soda to consume. She arranged for a local band to play. If the boys didn’t pick a girl to dance with Barbara did it for them. She even had a punch bowl with a block of dry ice in it that made it look like you were in a horror movie. It was perfect.
I saw a really pretty girl and mentioned it to one of my friends. He laughed and said that it was just his kid sister.So I said, “I’d trade one of my sisters for her.”That got his attention and he said, “Which one?”I asked, “Which one would you like?”He practically drooled when he said, “Kendra!”
Then I asked him, “Have you ever fucked your sister?”He smiled and said, “Yes! Every Wednesday since Mom and Dad started going to Aunt Sarah’s to play cards. What about you?”I said, “Yes for about the last three years now.”My friend asked, “So how do we do it?”I said, “Let me take care of that.”
Then I went over to my sister Kendra and then to my friend’s sister Jane. Jane was actually Samantha’s invited friend and was only fourteen. I took both girls up to my bedroom.Once we were alone I said, “Jane is it true that your brother has been fucking you on Wednesdays?”
Her eyes flew wide open, her jaw dropped, and she just nodded that it was true.I said, “ That’s okay because I have been fucking my sisters too.”Jane looked at Kendra and she nodded that it was true.Then I said, “So Jane your brother wants to trade you for Kendra for the night! What do you girls think about that?”
Kendra said, “I think her brother is cute! I wouldn’t mind sleeping with him tonight!”Jane blushed and said, “I kind of like you too.”I said, “So Kendra you are happy with the arrangement?”Kendra said, “Yes!”I looked at Jane and said, “And you?”Jane said, “Yes!”
I then said, “Okay go back to the party and enjoy yourselves and we will trade for the night right after the party.”I leaned over and kissed Kendra as I felt her breast and slipped my hand down to cup her pussy. Then I kissed Jane, felt her tiny breasts, and then cupped her pussy.
Jane seemed to enjoy having my hand on her pussy so I slipped it up under her dress to cup her panty covered pussy.Kendra watched me and said, “i’ll leave you two alone if you want to start early. Maybe i’ll go get your brother and take him to my room.” With that Kendra left us and went back downstairs.
I asked, “Jane do you mind if we start now?”Jane said, “Not at all.” Then Jane reached back, unzipped her dress, and let it fall to the floor. She reached back, unhooked her bra, and let that drop to the floor too. Next Jane pushed her panties to the floor and stepped out of them. She had kicked her shoes off earlier.
Jane now stood completely naked before me while I checked out her cute little body. For a fourteen-year-old she had tiny tits but they were cute as hell. They had an odd shape to the end that I knew as puffies from my Internet searches. I really liked them.Jane watched me undress and was very interested to see how big my cock was.
When my six inches flipped out of my underpants Jane smiled and said, “My brother’s is bigger and it hurts sometimes. Besides he is a little too rough too.”I walked over and locked my door and took Jane to my bed. I wanted to make love to her like I do with all of my sisters. It isn’t just sex or a quick fuck with them
We make love. So I kissed Jane and sucked on those wonderful tits. I fingered her pussy and tickled her clit until I felt her shudder. Then I leaned down and started kissing her pussy. I opened her lips and licked her clit before plunging my tongue deep into her hole. Soon Jane was begging for me to enter her and I did.
She liked the feel and size of my cock in her. Jane liked the way I make love to her too. Then when we came together she cried out in joy.As I cuddled Jane I told her how much I liked her puffy tits. She surprised me when she told me to take some pictures if I wanted too.
I must have looked astonished because she said that it was okay and that her brother had taken some of her. So I got my digital camera and took a few. I transferred them to my computer and we looked at them. Jane suggested that I let her turn a little more to show the interesting shape to her breasts and nipples.
So I took a few more pictures of Jane. She suggested that I take some of the inside of her pussy too because she wanted to see what it looked like. As we viewed her insides she fingered herself and stroked my cock too until I was ready to make love to her again.
I counted four wonderful love sessions that evening and one more first thing in the morning.When Jane and I went down to breakfast her brother and Kendra were there too as well as my other three sisters.Debra just blurted it out, “So big brother when are you going to trade us for one of your friend’s sisters?”
I just smiled and looked at Jane as I said, “I don’t know! I might be done trading!”Kendra said, “Oh no you don’t! I kind of liked the rough treatment that I had all night and I want more of it. I want to fuck other boys too!”Debra said, “Samantha, Theresa, and I want in on this action too!”
So I said, “Okay girls pick out a brother and sister pair that you would like to trade with and lets see what we can come up with.”Barbara entered the room with a plate of food. Everyone stopped talking. She sat down smiled at me and said, “I have an eighteen-year-old brother that would just die to sleep with Debra!
That is if you would like to “Sister-Swap” with him!”I know the smile on my face told her that I would love to sleep with her. I said, “Yes I would like that! Will you give me his phone number?”Barbara dialed her cell phone and handed it to me, “Ask him yourself!”
When he answered I told him who I was and that I had a little “Sister-Swapping” going on and asked him if her would like to swap his sister Barbara for my eighteen-year-old sister Debra for a day of sexual bliss. He said that he would be right over.
When I told Barbara what he had said she finished eating and said, “We don’t have to wait for him.” Then she turned to Debra and said, “Treat my brother nice when he gets here because I’m going to treat your brother very nice.”Samantha said, “i’ll help her.”Theresa said, “Kendra can I help you with Jane’s brother?”
Kendra said, “Sure you can Theresa maybe we can fuck him to death.”Jane looked lost so Barbara asked, “Would you like to join us?”Jane smiled and took her hand. I took Barbara and Jane up to my bedroom while Debra was left to wait for Barbara’s brother.Jane mentioned the great pictures that I had taken of her.
Barbara asked to see them. As Barbara looked at them she became very excited and was rubbing her nipples and palming her pussy.Barbara asked, “Can you take pictures like that of me too?”I said, “Sure” and helped her remove her blouse, bra, pants, and panties. Jane admired Barbara’s bra and panties.
Barbara said, “Jane let me help you get undressed. I really want to see those puffies up close.” With that Barbara helped Jane get undressed. While they were busy I figured that I should get naked too. I looked at Barbara sucking on Jane’s nipples and started
Taking pictures. Barbara caught me out of the corner of her eye and moved Jane into a better position for me. As Barbara put Jane on the bed and headed for her pussy Jane said, “I’m not clean down there!”Barbara replied, “I was hoping you would still have a little cum in there for me.
Later i’ll let you clean my pussy if you want too.”After Barbara had enough of Jane’s pussy she got on her back and beckoned me in. I kissed her pussy and licked her fresh juices. Barbara had the best tasting pussy I every licked. She not only took pride in her appearance but in her cleanliness too. I needed to give her a raise.
On the other hand I had a raise that I wanted to give her right then. I slipped up to kiss her hard nipples and then slip my cock into her pussy as I kissed her soft lips. Barbara was the oldest girl I had fucked and by far the very best although Debra wasn’t too bad either. I guess age plays an important part in a woman’s sexual abilities.
I was very glad that Barbara came with me in the end.When I rolled off the bed Barbara had Jane sit on her face and kiss her belly button. Then I watched as Barbara pulled her feet up toward her ears curling her back in the process and putting her freshly used pussy right into Jane’s waiting mouth. I managed to remember to get some pictures too.
Jane had never tasted another girl’s pussy until then but I could tell that she was hooked.We had had enough about dinnertime and went down to eat. Everyone else had the same idea. Debra and Samantha had a whole lot of fun fucking Barbara’s brother. Kendra and Theresa did fuck Jane’s brother to death.
They drained that pour guy of every ounce of his energy. They even left him in bed to recover.After we ate dinner and before we headed back up to our rooms each of my four sisters called one of their girlfriends and set up a “Brother-Swap” for the next day. I was glade it was Sunday because on Monday my sisters would be back in school.
We all agreed that it was the best weekend that we ever had. My sisters arranged for a Friday, Saturday, and a Sunday swap. At first I was concerned that I wound up with four girls each day but what to fuck I’d die trying to satisfy them all.
Barbara made sure that our sheets were changed each day and she started sleeping with Samantha and Theresa while I slept with Debra and Kendra on school nights.Our weekends were always booked.