Shirley My Lovely Sister – Part 4

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Hello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 4 th part of the story series”SHIRLEY- MY LOVELY SISTER”.. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story..for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal romantic chat are welcome to contact me on the following email address, [email protected] assure you that your privacy ll be fully protected and even your email addresses wont be shared with anyone..

Now coming back to the story, just a small recap here .. I had knelt down and proposed to my sister with a small diamond ring and she was startled by it.. now read on in my sister s words..


I was taken aback at the sudden act of this at my brother, I wasn’t expecting that my bro ll spring this matter upon me so suddenly.. a mix of emotions rose within me.. On one side, I felt that I was wanting my brother desperately and I also didn’t want to share him with any woman.. but on the other side I felt it was such a sin to commit.. also people would not accept the new relationship between us and maybe they would outcast us.. we would be isolated and kept out of society and they would treat us cheaply.. this fear within me overrun the love for him momentarily..

Me:(shocked and prtending angry) what..?! what the hell are you doing..? I know we have been fucking each other.. but this is wrong.. I cant accept this..

Him: .. bb..but I love you so much sis.. I cant live without you..

Me: do you know how big a sin this is..? what the society will tell about this.. this is taboo.. they ll keep us out forever.. we ll be tortured in hell if we commit sins like this..

Him:(with tears filled in his eyes).. hmm.. can you live without me..

As he asked this question, my heart became heavy with grief and tears welled up in my eyes.. I felt like hugging him and shouting” I cant live without you bro..” but I controlled my emotions and turned my face away, hiding my tears..

He came behind me and put his warm hands around my flat stomach and tried to further this conversation..

Him: please sis.. understand how deeply I love you.. why do you care so much about this society which never even looked back at us when we were crying and pleading for help us transport mom to hospital.. they just stood and looked around mumbling among themselves as we helplessly watched our mom suffering.. even when she died they didn’t bother to help us with her cremation.. we did everything by ourselves and that bastard dad eloped with rich women at the first signs of trouble.. it is been only you and me since then against this harsh world and we have had each other s backs in times of trouble.. we have shared some joyous moments together and I have always and also in future ll protect you.. please don’t leave me.. I cant survive without you.. just be with me throughout and be my wife.. I assure you that u ll never regret for choosing me and making this big decision of your life.. if even after all this u don’t want me then I wont force you but will stay away from ur life.. ur happiness is the most important thing to me on this earth..

As I listened to this talk form my brother s lips, my heart was melting against the fire of pure love from my brother.. tear drops were slowly trickling down from my eyes on my white cheeks leaving a wet trail behind on my face.. by the time I finished I had almost tried to turn around and hug him but at the last moment I checked my movements and I painfully tried to shrug him off and told

Me: (sobbing).. I cant accept you bro.. now leave me alone for sometime,.. saying this I ran from the hall towards the room and shut the door behind me and sobbed out loud..

He sat there broken hearted not knowing what to do with ring.. a few moments later he came and aplogised for his actions and asked to forgive him and all.. but I was immersed in my own thoughts and didn’t listen to him.. few mins later I heard the sound of hall door being closed and the clinks of our gate opening.. and as I peeped from the room window, I saw my brother had hastily clad himself in some old clothes of his and was starting his bike.. within moments he went off but I didn’t bother to ask him.. soon a deadly silence fell over the house occasionally interrupted by the melodious tunes coming from the radio of adjacent house and the regular ticking of the second hand of the clock..

As I slowly squatted on the floor, I just tried to recollect what had happened back there.. my bro had just proposed me suddenly out of nowhere and I was totally surprised by this move and didn’t know how to react to that.. my first impulse was anger as to how my brother could think like that.. but I had controlled it and resisted the impulse to slap him..i felt disgust at myself for having let this get so far..i got up from the squatting position and opened the door and went out into the hall.. i noticed that he had thrown the ring on the sofa and it shined now upon me as I approached it.. I slowly took it up with my hands and and the glitter of it made my eyelids to close .. I just held it now against my chest and ran back into the room.. I realized slowly that whatever my brother had told was appearing right to me..

The wretched society that I was caring so much about had never bothered to look at me when I was crying.. I only had one close friend apart from my own brother and only these two formed my whole world.. besides all this, my brother had stood by me at all times supporting me and had sacrificed his career and had started working at very early age , just so that I could continue my studies.. without him, I would have never achieved any of this and become what today I am.. all my friends had their parents at the graduation day and were taking photos with them happily.. I missed my mom so much that day but my bro had tried to cheer me up and wiped my tears and tried to crack some silly jokes about to make me smile.. he had never let me down and even had ended up wounded badly trying to defend me against some son of bitch who had tried to rape me.. he had always and even now protecting me and my life so much and in his love and care, I had forgotten that I missed my parents love.. whenever I looked at his eyes, I saw the big sacks of love that he had for me which were held in his big chest..

I opened my eyes and noticed I was standing in front of mirror.. I just looked at myself and thought how beautiful I was.. I remembered that boys at the college were always ogling at my assets even upon my clothes.. they were always making silly excuses to talk to me but I had never really cared about them.. I had also noticed that the middle age and older uncles dicks were hardened whenever I passed the streets in the morning while jogging.. some of the males used to wake up early just to see my tights sticking to my butt coz of sweat and my tight t shirt hugging my boobs giving them an extra lift up and making them appear more firm and rounder..

I slowly opened my towel in front of the mirror and let it slide down over my legs..i just gazed at my perfect hourglass like body covered with soft smooth white skin which was appearing more shiny due to the massage my brother had just given me..i gently caressed myself over my body and I found that I had the right curves like a model and could make even old rusty dicks erect.. when the older males only couldn’t resist lusting after my body, my brother was a hotblooded, young stud who was with me all the time and had now fallen in love with me..even some of the girls of my class would ogle at his body and pray to god that they want him once in bed to satisfy them and would envy me for the chance that I had to sit behind him in bike and put my arms around his waist and lean on him while driving..

He had never asked anything from me until now and I knew he was the brave knight and the right person to keep me happy.. I just felt like a princess who had atlast found her prince and strong warrior who would even lay down his life to keep me safe and always happy..

I convinced myself that I would rather spend my life in hell with my brother than alone in heaven which would feel like a prison without him.. I immediately removed the ring from the box and wore it,, I looked at my fingers on the mirror and found that ring fit me perfectly.. my heart leaped in joy at the sight of joy and I felt I had made the right decision in accepting him.. I freshened up a bit and wore a creamish white salwar kameez and did a little make up.. as the lipstick turned my lips cherry red, I blushed at myself looking so beautiful.. I wore a gentle perfume and turned around looking at the mirror and noticed that I was looking like angel and no man in his right mind could refuse me..

I went into the hall and now was waiting for my darling bro to arrive.. it was nearly two and half hours since he had left and I was getting anxious as to where he was and whether he had committed any harm to himself for the fact that I had rejected him.. I tried his cellphone but he had left that in the home itself..all sorts of wicked thoughts were crossing my mind andi was now really getting worried , thinking whether to go out and search for him or inform the police.. but just then the familiar roaring of his bike engine and I got up and ran towards the door..

From here my brother steve will take over..


I was heartbroken when my sister had rejected me and didn’t know what to do.. in a fit of anger I threw the ring box on the sofa .. I couldn’t bear the thought of living without my sister.. I went and knocked at the room door that she had shut but she didn’t open it.. finally I uttered a few words of apology to her and grabbed some of my clothes from closet and put them on hastily.. took my bike keys and left my home.. I drove until I reached a highway and there I parked my bike on side of road.. I slept on my bike and tears rolled down my cheeks..i thought to myself whether I had done any grave mistake by asking her to marry me.. I pondered upon it for a long time crossing the pro s and cons of it.. finally I thought to myself that one thing was more important to me than rest of things and that was my sister s happiness.. if she was hurt by this then I couldn’t forgive myself.. as I fixed this on my mind, I decided that I would go back and apologise to my sis about this matter and would ask her if we could return back to normal lives.. even though I couldn’t bear to part with her, I resolved to find a suitable guy for her and if she was ok with him then arrange their marriage..

As I had reached this conclusion, I glanced at my watch and saw that it was late now and my sister would be alone at home.. I immediately kicked at start lever of my bike and drove back.. on the way home, I picked up some food,and a bouquet and wrote sorry sis on its note and reached I knocked upon the door the power in the house went away..

Me: (shouting) hey sis , its me.. Are you ok..?, be careful and watch your step..!

Sis: hey steve.. I m alright here.. wait I ll just get the candle and open the door..

After 3-4 min, I heard the clicking of bolts and with a candle in her hand my sis slowly opened the door, as the door opened and wind blew from outside, my sis closed her other hand also around the flame to protect it from wind.. what I saw at that moment completely blew my head off.. my lovely sis was holding the candle in her hands and the little beam of light from the candle illuminated her face and neck, unravelling the real beauty of my sister.. her curves were maddening me and her white salwar kammez and that duppata that garlanded around her neck appeared so well set for the occasion and my sister really looked like fairy angel standing at the doors of heaven welcoming me.. I stared at her dumbfoundedly lost in thoughts with my mouth wide open,,

She giggled a liitle and a little pinch from her brought me back to reality..

Sis: are you only going to stand there and stare at me like you have never seen me before..? quick, come inside.. I cant hold this for much longer..

Me:.. hhh ehhh yaaa… ya .ya lets go inside..

As I followed her inside her beautiful butts swayed from one end to another and I was forgetting all my resolutions about her.. to keep my thoughts in check I quickly diverted my thoughts

Me: why are you holding this candle..?what happened to the torch or your mobile..?

Sis: the batteries in the torch have long run out.. I told you to replace them last week only but you have forgotten.. my cell phone is dead now without battery power as I forgot to charge it at office today due to heavy work..

Me: ok ok..

By this time we had reached the dinner table and I put down the food on it.. she put the candle in the centre of the table .. I asked her to sit down and she sat in one of the chairs.. I went and knelt down beside her and brought out my bouqet and handed it to her.. she saw the note stating sorry on it and smiled slightly..

Me: I m really really sorry sis about what happened previously and I promi….

She silenced me by putting her index finger over my lips and whispered.. “sshhhh”.. at the silky touch of her fingers my lips shut themselves tight and my mouth went dry.. she signaled me to get back to the opposite chair.. I went back and sat down there quietly..and I bent my head down in shame unable to face her..

Sis: lift your head steve, I have a surprise for you..

I slowly lifted my head and saw at her.. she smiled at me and flashed the back of her left hand towards me and there in the third finger was the little diamond ring was smiling at me.. I just got the most sweetest shock of my heart was now pounding hard and fast at my chest as if it was going to burst at any moment.. my mind was experiencing the peak of pleasure and it was high in the air.. I couldn’t sit any more and stood up.. she also stood up and came out of the chair.. I immediately went and grabbed her waist and lifted her in the air.. I was laughing and lifting my sister higher and higher and she spread out her arms in the air as I spun her round.. slowly I brought her back on the floor and gasped for my breath unable to handle the excitement of the situation.. as she came down we smiled at each other..

Sis: actually I should say sorry to you steve for the hurt I caused you today.. u have always wanted my happiness and without realizing that I hurt ur feelings badly.. when you had gone out, I realized that whatever u had said was true and I don’t give a damn hell about this society or about the sin.. our hearts are united in pure love and ur my brave knight darling..I don’t care if we are burned in hell for this mistake as long as you are at the side of me holding my hand.. I love you so much and I want you to be my boyfriend and husband and my only lover.. will u take me as your girlfriend and soulmate..?

I was overjoyed to hear this conversation from my sister and couldnt find words to express my joy..

Me: yesssss Shirley, ur the love of my life and I promise you that I wont let a single tear shed down from your eyes.. ur the first and last gf of my life.. and I will gladly accept you as my wife..

Saying this., I grabbed her face in my arms and we entered into our most romantic smooch till date.. her soft juicy lips melted inside the warmness of my mouth as I sucked her lips.. our tongues twisted and entwined around each other as our saliva was exchanged very liberally.. we both vied against each other to pull the others tongue into each others mouth and I won pulling her tongue into my mouth and licked it like a candy..

Slowly I let out her tongue and gave my tongue to her to suck and she sucked it hungrily like a child savouring the ice cream and while releasing my tongue gave a soft bite on my tongue.. I moaned in pain but it was a sweet pleasurable pain.. we collapsed into one chair, she siiting on my lap as I encircled my left arm over her slender waist..I opened the food packet.. we ate from a single plate with she feeding me while I fed her.. after we finshed , I carried her in my arms around the house as she put the garland of her slender white arms around my neck,, after rounding twicei carried her and put her on the bed.. I quickly got rid of my clothes while she giggled and blushed seeing my body..

I was now only in my undies and my boner was erect thinking of how it would get to play with my sisters beautiful I made my sister sit on the bed and went behind her, gave a kiss on her soft white upper back and unhooked the kameez and slowly lifted it over her head.. her hairs slowly curled up as I raised it revealing her beautiful neck which looked like the tender stem of a lotus.. I gave many kisses on her neck and removed the kameez completely.. she started to breathe heavily now.. I slowly slipped my hands towards the knot of her salwar and untied it..

As she stood up it slipped down to ground, revealing the curvy awesome thighs and her round firm butts smiling at me.. now I went in front of her staring at her from top to bottom.. she had kept her hands on her curvy waist and was now posing like bikini model grinning at me.. ln the dim moonlight coming from the window , her body had its own radiance which was mesmerizing like an angel come from heaven.. a sight that I remember even till today when I close my eyes.. I went near her and put my arms around her, raised my arms on her smooth back and unhooked her white lacy bra.. her body was emanating a mixture of her sweat and the rose perfume and as it filled the room, it was intoxixcating and enough to make my blood boil with passionate desires of sex..

As I removed her bra straps , her smooth, round firm mounds became from from captivity and bounced gently on her chest.. her cleavage was teasing my dick to full extent..i slowly moved my fingers down her silky body and inserted my fingers in between the waistband of her pubic area.. as I dragged down the panties, I noticed that she had shaved her pussy hairs cleanly and the smooth feel of her pussy flower was fueling my fires.. I just went back a step to admire my sisters beauty now and just at this moment the power came on.. as the bright light fell on her body, I couldn’t resist thinking whether she was one of the sculptures from the ajantha caves that had come to life.. so perfect her body seemed that I felt I had taken years for god to carve out this beauty.. the only thing that I felt my dad had done right for me was to give me this angel..

Sis: come on my bro and boyfriend.. surely ur dick must be paining now.. let it take bath in my pussy juices and relieve its pressure..

Saying this she quickly removed my underwear and my 6.5 inch boner with its full thickness came out like hungry animal ready to poune on its prey.. I lifted her in my arms and put her on bed.. I jumped on her now and our bodies came into contact now.. we smooched for what was like eternity while she slipped her hand towards my dick and placed it at the her holy entrance.. a little jerk from me and my erect pole went inside the soft flower exploring the sweetness inside.. she gave out a loud moan like” ssssssahhhhhhh ohhhhh how much my pussy was burning to get rammed by my bro s cock..

Me: ss ahhh sis.. from today this pussy is mine forever.. ohhh its so tight.. hmm

Sis: yesss steve, from today both me and my body is yours.. come onnn use it properly.. ffffffuuucckk mee..ahhh..

I had increased my speed by now and was exploring the depths of her pussy..she was continuously moaning loudly unable to withstand the pounding..the cot was heavily croaking against the wall.. as I saw her eyes while fucking in the missionary position, the eyes appeared luscious inviting and igniting the deepest animal passion of fucking in me.. i was so much high in my mind now that I was ramming my piston with full force against her and her pussy lips had become red and sore unable to bear the brunt of my passionate and high speed fucking..

Sis: ahhh ohhh ahhh hmmm ya bro fuccck me.. ahhh yaa,, oh hmmmmm..give to me hardder.. shss hh ohh my pussy is so much sore now..but don’t stop..

Me; ya Shirley.. From today only my dick ll be grinding and pounding ur pussy.. Ohhhh hmm.. U r my private whore… Soon we both were heavily sweating and she had finished her 1st orgasm and headed towards her 2nd.. I wanted to fuck her for long that day so I tried to control my orgasm.. we stopped for a brief moment.. Sis: I want to ride ur hard bulging dick..

Me: OK sis.. I laid flat on bed while she slowly climbed on me.. She adjusted herself over me and held my dick in her hand and slowly pushed it inside her cunt.. She moaned like “sssssssssahhhhhhhh” as my rod went inside her.. she started a kind of grinding movement on my pelvis now..I felt it so exotic and superb.. Sis: how do u feel bro..? Do u like it..? Me: hmmmmmmmm this is so fucking awesome.. Don’t stop.. Please continue this.. As grinded my dick in her pussy., I watched her boobs bouncing.. She bent down a little and we kissed each other , my hands squeezing those soft mounds..I felt that familiar tingling sensation in my balls and new I would cum in the next few mins.. Now she was at high speed bouncing over my dick and her mounds continuously dancing on her chest.. She was gasping for breath but didn’t want to slow down at all.. I was also moving my dick in rhythm with her pelvis.. Sis: Hmmm ahhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmm ohhhhh ffuck this so good.. Ohhh ahhh. Hmm.. I ammm almost der.. . ahh.

Me: ohhhh l am also cumming sister.. Should I cum outside..?? Sis: no my Darling.. Cumm inside meee.. I want ur warm semen filling my womb.. Cumm with me.. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..!!!!! She grabbed my chest and dug her nails in while her cunt muscles contracted and twisted ,tightening the grip around my dick.. I couldn’t hold much longer and I plunged my dick in a final deepest thrust into her cunt and groaned,releasing my semen in high speed shots that hit her vaginal walls.. She too arched her back and hung her neck back and cummed continuously.. Her warm cum mixed with my juices ran over my dick and it felt most warm and superb.. Her juices then trickled down from cunt to her inner thighs onto my thighs making it wet.. She collapsed on my chest spent with energy and tired.. Both of us were sweating heavily and room was filled with the aroma of our sweat and sex juices..she now showered my face with kisses.. I held her head and gave a kiss on her forehead and cheeks.

We both hugged each other and she slept on my chest..the silence of the night now broken by rhythmic work of the second hand of the clock.. I closed my eyes and went into deep sleep.. Morning when I woke up, I found my sis still sleeping like a baby on my chest.. I slowly pushed her hair apart and laid a kiss on her cheeks to which she opened her eyes gradually.. Me: good morning my darling, wake up.. We have a lot of things to do.. Sis: morning darling.. Ya I have to get to office early.. Have a lot of work to do.. That day we took bath together and I soaped and washed clean every inch of her body while she bathed me..

We had one more steamy session in bathroom and she gave me another blowjob.. I only selected her dress to wear for that day and she told me that hereafter I have to do it everyday.. I gladly accepted her wish .. We ate breakfast and soon her cab arrived. She hurried out of door but hastily returned as she had forgot her mobile.. As she grabbed the cell from the table, I went behind her and grasped her waist and turned her around and smooched her for 3 min even though the driver was continuously honking… In the end I kissed on her forehead and told.. Me: bye Darling.. Take care… Sis: I love you so much honey.. Bye.

We still had so much practical difficulties in changing our relationship.. Shirley resigned her job at Mumbai and with the help of her close friend in Bangalore by name swathi,we shifted from Mumbai to Bangalore.. Swathi helped my sister in getting a job here. She also under stood our love and arranged for our marriage in a Church.. On the wedding day,Only a few ppl were present and as my sister walked down the aisle in her white gown, my heart overwhelmed at her sight and I thought to myself that I am the luckiest man alive on earth who is getting such a beautiful and awesome Lady who is also my sis as my wife… Soon she came by my side..

Me:( whispering in her ear) u look so damn beautiful and sexy in this dress.. Ur an awesome sight Shirley: (whispering) u also look handsome in this black suit.. Soon after the father finished with his words, I kissed the bride while the small crowd stood up and clapped.. I then lifted my wife in my arms and walked till the car while everyone present blessed us.. We had got a flat for rent from swathi… In fact she herself was the owner of that and we became quite close now with her..

she was a divorcee living on her own with no kids but she had got lot of compensation money from her husband who was a rich businessman.. While we were returning from church, Swathi pressed in to my hand, the air tickets and booking of a private resort in goa.. I refused to take it, but she persisted telling that it was our wedding gift from her.. I accepted later and Swathi told now that flight was that day night only and she had packed our baggage..

So we accepted and boarded the flight to goa to celebrate our first night and honeymoon.. Okay readers that’s it for now.. In the next part I ll tell more details about the most romantic first night and the awesome honeymoon that we spent in goa.. Also will tell the details of shalini returning in my life and what impact it had on our life.. I hope u have enjoyed the story thoroughly even though it was quite long.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal romantic chat are welcome to contact me on the following email address, [email protected]

.I assure you that ur privacy ll be fully protected and even your email addresses wont be shared with anyone.. Please post your comments and suggestions also on the same mail address.. Special note: male readers please don’t ask for any form of sex with my sister as she prefers her privacy and doesn’t indulge in such acts with strangers.. I once again thank readers for their patience in reading and waiting for my stories.. I hope to post my next part very soon..

With regards,
Steve/ Shirley..

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