Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 11th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”…First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I am providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself will make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal romantic chat are welcome to contact me on the following email address, [email protected] assure you that your privacy ll be fully protected and even your email addresses wont be shared with anyone..
A little recap before I start the story.. swathi had let out her secret wish to Shirley.. shalini had found about shirley and swathi engaging in lesbian sex and had joined them.. later on, shalini had revealed to Shirley about her love towards me and our physical union to which Shirley had thrown her out,, shalini had decided to end her life and had given me a last message .. I had panicked but now was thinking what to do..now read on..
My mind was racing like an engine and ideas from all corners of brain was rushing in.. the trick was to keep my mind calm and isolate the real spot where she was.. I parked my bike by side of road and shut myself to the outside distractions.. i remembered the most probable spots now.. the railway station, the man made mini lake, highway, an unused well, high buildings over the street.. still these were so many and I had enough time to visit only one place.. it was very tricky.. I could lose her any moment and one wrong calculation would make sure of it..
I had take a calculated risk now.. now I tried to recall my conversation with her.. this would give me some clue as to where she would be…the surroundings from where she was was absolutely quiet with no noises what so ever.. so the railway station was absolutely ruled out..the mini lake was guarded by constable and was closed by now for the outsiders ever since the police had found out the drug addicts were using that as their rendezvous for purchasing the drugs from the dealers.. so that was being ruled out..
She would have been seen by any people if she had climbed to the top of it since it was still an active hour in the city.. also she would have been stopped by any watchmen, if she had been to any private commercial buildings.. besides, she was a girl of quiet nature and didn’t want to show the world that she was dying.. so I could omit this from my list..
A thought of herself burning herself struck me but she dint money to buy the fuel for that and she wouldn’t beg for money.. also she might think people would notice setting herself on fire and would avoid or spoil the attempt..i also thought about her mindset which would prefer a more silent approach than such a violent approach..so I dismissed that idea..
Now only two of sane choices remained for me.. here it was very close.. I couldn’t properly decide whether it was the highway or the old well.. I knew that I had not heard any vehicle pass by during the conversation but the talk between us was very brief.. on the other hand, the well seemed a good choice coz it was a bit nearer when compared to the highway.. but there was pitch darkness surrounding it and I remembered that shalini was afraid of the dark.. i couldn’t decide..
The human brain works so fast that I wondered it when I opedne my eyes and started my bike.. I had finished thinking so much but my watch showed that only a minute and 20 seconds had passed by.. I took a wild guess and started towards the unused well..it was very near from where I was and the highway was far away when compared to it.. so I decided to go with this and prayed desperately in my heart to god to be on my side this day ..
I drove my bike at maximum speed I could on the streets and reached near the well inside few minutes.. I dropped my bike and ran to the edge of the well.. as I was running, I heard a faint noise calling out for help.. I knew that I was right now and god was really on the side of me..on reaching the edge I just jumped into the well.. as I swam up, I found that shalini had just made her last effort to surface and her voice had choked out with water.. as her respiration ceased, she lost consciousness and started to descend down..
I quickly swam to her, and grabbed hold of her, put her on my back and tried to swim towards the steps leading out of the well.. she was weighing enough to immerse most of my body into water,under her.. as I knew swimming, I managed to hold my breath under water coming up every now and then to take a deep breath and then resume swimming under water.. I managed to somehow bring her to the steps and laid her on it..
Her body was nearly ice cold now and she was not breathing on her own.. I tried to rub her palms and soles but she was not responding.. I had to make her breathe somehow but I was just a common man, not a doctor or god… I just remembered from the movies that I had seen.. I immediately opened her mouth, took a deep breath and blew air into her throat. Then I put my hand on her chest flatly and applied pressure on it… I repeated this for a while alternating between the mouth and the pressure on chest..
She didn’t seem to respond.. I kept my ear on her chest to hear her heart beat.. it was very faint and was almost very slow tending towards stopping.. I laid her on her face and sat on her back, throwing all my weight the back of abdomen.. whatever water which had gone inside her stomach during drowning started to flow out of her mouth.. I repeated it twice on her and turned around applied pressure on her chest again and blew some air down her throat.. I kept my ear on her chest again and her heart had stopped beating..
I was desperate now, with grief already making it s way into my heart..as a last measure I hit on her chest forcefully with my closed fist and on the 4th blow a miracle had happened .. she suddenly coughed and choked , vomiting water.. i turned her face to side now and pressed her stomach upwards.. some residual water came out and she slowly started breathing.. I opened her mouth and blew some more air into her and kept my hand on her chest.. I could feel the heart beat now and was thrilled..
I had managed to save her from the jaws of death though I was only halfway back.. I carried her up the steps.. she was semi conscious now mumbling something.. I placed her on the land.. I picked up her phone near the edge of the well and called my friend to immediately bring his car near the unused well.. coz I knew I was wet already and my phone would have died in my jeans pocket. Then I raised her and put her on my shoulder, and made my way towards the road..
My friend came as fast as he could and when the car stopped near me, I opened the back door and placed her inside on the back seat.. I then drove to the hospital leaving my friend to pick up my bike from there and park it in my house.. at the hospital she was treated properly and the doctor came out in an hour and assured me that she was out of danger..
I was still sobbing now.. steve had gone .. I sat now thinking what I had done.. I had turned away the poor girl when she had dared enough to tell me the truth..after she was the light of my house , spreading smiles and happiness even though her own life was big tragedy.. she had lost everybody and everything except the money and us.. she was my support during my distress times and she had taken care of me like her baby when I had the abortion..
Why was I hating her so much..? because she loved steve..? or because she had slept with him..? i realized that I was jealous of her and I feared that steve might leave me and be with her.. my fear had what turned me into monster.. now I had lost both steve and also her.. there was no meaning for all this when I had lost him..
And then the question of cheating.. I knew that had cheated me but I was no different myself.. when I couldn’t stand the desperation of sex and had found a new partner in short time to satisfy myself and accepted that as my newfound love towards swathi..then why could he not,,? After he was also human and was a young stud.. besides shalu had told me that she loved him even before she had slept with him and it was her dream to spend her life with him..
When a woman like swathi couldn’t resist her desires towards my bro, then how could I expect shalu to resist a man that she loved more than her life.. in fact I myself had promised swathi that I would share steve with her.. shalu was no less than swathi to me and she was also younger and my step sister.. if my conscience would permit to share steve with swathi then I had no rights to deny shalu her love..
Besides, that sweet girl had offered to bear my child in her womb when she could have very easily given birth to her own child, copulating with steve.. steve s desire of becoming a father would be fulfilled by her and he could neglect me in the future.. but she didn’t want to snatch him away from me even it was very easy for her.. she had only begged to share him with her without even wanting the official status of wife.. such was her dedication to me and him,, but all I done was to throw her away mercilessly in the dark of the night..
I had thought so much and had decided that I should set things right which I had spoiled.. I called steve but his mobile was switched off.. shalinis mobile kept ringing but she was not picking.. I worried that something bad had happened and if either of them had been harmed I could never forgive myself..
My worst fears were realized when steve s friend came home in the bike in which he had left, and told me that he had driven to the hospital along with a girl who had jumped into the well.. I stood shocked for minutes and then called swathi and we both hurried to the hospital that his friend had mentioned..
When I went there the police had arrived and were inquiring and talking to steve.. I literally ran to him and first asked whether shalini was alive and safe.. he replied in positive and resumed his talks with the police.swathi and me went to the doctor to talk about shalini s present health..
Doctor assured us that shalini was out of danger but was kept under observation still at the icu.. he refused our request to meet her once as she was still recovering and would probably be sleeping now.. as soon as he could, he would let us meet her.. we thanked the doctor for saving her but he told that the real savior indeed was steve and had he brought her any late to the hospital. It would be difficult to save her..
Swathi and steve were negotiating with the police while I was repenting that I was the root cause behind all this .. a little patience from my side would have gone far in averting this whole dangerous event.. I was gazing with me tear filled eyes through little glass window of the door of icu even as the watch man was trying to ward me off.
Finally swathi came and took me away from the door towards the waiting hall as burst in to tears in her embrace.. steve refused to even look at me and swathi sent him home to take some rest and return in the morning as he was tired.. I was longing for him to just look at once he was going to turn around and give his assuring smile but he just went away..
When shalu wake up in wards, she saw me and started crying.. I kept my hand on her cheeks..” shalu, just come home.. don’t think anything else.. “ eventually shalu was bailed out by swathi but shalu refused to come to our home and went to swathi s house.. steve kept dead silence with me .. he just used to go off early in the day and return home very late.. I wanted to talk to shalu but even she refused to talk to me and would always cry if I would force her..
The house seemed like the home of dead and I had to do something now else, everything would be lost..i decided to talk to shalu..
Somehow I had survived despite my desperate attempts to die.. I couldn’t face Shirley nor steve.. so I had taken refuge in swathis home..one afternoon Shirley came to my room.. I started to get up and go but she held me back and shut the door.. she had tears in her eyes and told me,” today you have to talk to me.. I cant take this torture anymore.”
I sank into a chair while she kneeled down in front of me..
Me: I m sorry, I don’t want to trouble you anymore.. I am leaving tomorrow from here..
She: (with eyes in her tears).u ll do so only over my dead body..
Me: .. plz Shirley.. don’t speak like that..
She: then now stop talking and listen to me.. my apology has no meaning now but if it makes you feel better I ll do it.. but before that I ll tell you my decisions.. you wont go anywhere but will stay with me only.. you ll also bear a child for me and in turn you can have steve if he ok with this.. I did treat you like big sinner when I myself had cheated steve by making love to another woman.. so I guess that makes us even..
Saying this she kissed me and kissed me on forehead and cheeks.. she then told that she wants to break ice with steve and told me how they had become.. I agreed to help her and went to their house.. I called steve and told him to come early today in the evening.. he refused to do so but I made him swear on me and he did come home in the evening..
He just freshened himself and sat in the hall.. I went along with shirley and we sat opposite him.
Me: what are you doing..? avoiding the angel that you love the most for my sake.. there was no need to save me but what you doing now is wrong.. after all we were the ones who did the mistake but she s paying the price.. not fair steve..
Him: (angry).. don’t you dare to speak about fairness to me.. you almost died out there.. do you know what that would do to me huh.? Did you gave a freaking thought about it when you decided to end your life..huh..? and she decided that it was you had done all the wrong when I found that later she herself had slipped.. when she can make her own choice and act as she wants, then I do have the same rights..
I and Shirley both were shocked about this but he later told us that he had found out about Shirley and swathi , accidentally when he had come back gone to Shirley s office one day in the evening just the day before I had tried to commit suicide.. he was surprised that only they were there at office when everybody at office had left and when he had gone near the cabin heard moaning sounds coming from inside.. he had stood outside and listened to their sexy and dirty conversation and had walked away..
Shirley was crying now apologizing to steve that it was a her mistake that she had concealed that from him but I decided to support her..
Me: if your blaming her then blame me also coz even I have shared bed with her.. I m part of her now just as much as I am of you.. so calm down..
It was his turn to be shocked but he quickly recovered..
Him: now that we are clear with each other what is that you two suggest…?
Me: you should first apologize to Shirley and resume your normal relation with her and secondly you must consent to the fact that I want to be the surrogate mother for your baby.. shirley has accepted to this and now its your turn..
Him: alright.. but are you sure that you want to do this pregnancy thing.. your still young, think about it.. it might ruin your future if you should decide to marry again..
Me: never shall I marry another man again..
Shirley: (intervening) no shalu, you have not told him everything yet,.. shalu loves you so much that she cant live without you..and since she s my sister I have decided that we both will share you..
Me: what the hell are you speaking Shirley..? have you gone mad..?
I wont go into the unnecessary details of how Shirley convinced steve for this but ultimately he put only one condition that he can never give me so much love like he loved shirley.. I knew this but I was more than contented for the fact that I finally had become a part of them.. I would spend the rest of my life with man I loved and a my most loving sister.. I didn’t want anything else..
Next day, all arrangements were made by Shirley for our sex.. when the night came upon I insisted that Shirley should join us and our first sex should be memorable.. Shirley initially denied but later accepted. By the time steve came home, we had dressed like two newly wed brides.. when steve came, he was pleasantly surprised and he came and kissed Shirley.. they engaged in a passionate smooch for a minute or so.. then he came near me and kissed me..
Oh how long had I waited for this moment and finally It was so much sweet.. when we parted and I looked at shirley, she was smiling.. tears rolled down my cheeks.. Shirley came near me and wiped my tears and took me in her embrace while I placed my head on her bosom..
Shirley: what happened sweetie..? why are you crying..?
Me: I still feeling guilty that I m sharing your husband who belongs to you only..i still feel I am breaking the family..
Shirley: oh shut up darling.. you r not an outsider here for a one night fling.. I love you so much.. now stop crying.. lets enjoy todays night with our handsome brother here..
Steve put his hands on both of us and we all three went to the room.. once inside we pulled down steve s pants and his underwear.. his dick had already been erect and sprung out.. both of us made him lay on bed and we jumped on him..
Heaven on earth.. two spicy beauties looking at me lustfully and I was naked from waist down.. soon they got rid of my shirt and banian too.. shalini was first to grab my dick in her hand while Shirley grabbed my balls. As I lay back relaxed both of them started sucking.. wow that feeling I ll never forget in my life.. Shirley devouring my balls like cotton candy. And shalini licking my dick as if she was hungry from months.. meanwhile Shirley inserted her little finger in my asshole that made me gasp with pleasure. I had almost cummed but restrained back with all my might..
Oh jeez, when you have two beautiful angels sucking on your dick and balls you cant expect any better oral sex.. Shirley had now taken over my dick while shalini was sucking my nuts.. both the ladies were driving me crazy now. Suddenly Shirley increased the speed of her blowjob and shalini began to tickle with my asshole.i couldn’t hold on much longer..
Me: I am cumminngg darlinggg… ssaaahh
I emptied my load in Shirley s mouth and she almost took it fully in her mouth.. after my last drop had gone out, Shirley removed her mouth from my dick and shalini also rose from her position..then Shirley grasped shalini s face and they smooched resulting in my cum flowing now to shalini s mouth. They smooched passionately enough and when they parted I could see that they were still unsatisfied and looking at me with lust while swallowing my cum..
Shalini: wow, sis your saliva mixed with steves cum tasted so good.. I want it again.
Shirley : yes baby , we ll try it after sometime again.. but right now I need to ensure that your womb is filled with his seeds today..i cant wait anymore for a baby.. so lets get his tool up again..
Saying this she kissed me passionately.. after our smooch I told If they wanted me erect again then they should put on some lesbian show for me.. Shirley laughed wickedly while shalini blushed in excitement.. Shirley now went near shalini and started to remove her clothes one by one.. meanwhile shalini did the same to her.. both of them were completely naked rapidly and I was enjoying the show..
Now they sucked and played with each other’s tongues.. my snow white(Shirley) had grabbed shalinis boobs and squeezing them hard while the Mexican beauty(shalini) moaned loudly..soon Shirley was sucking boobs of shalini while she had her fingers in Shirley s pussy. My tool had become semi erect already now..
Shalini laid my sister on bed and started sucking her pussy.. it was an awesome sight when my sisters pink pussy lips were savoured and cherished my shalinis red luscious lips..my dick was completely erect now and I was rubbing it..shalini increased her speed ad her tongue worked its magic on my sis.. shirley was gasping and moaning very loudly.. “sssahhh ohhh godddd ffffuckkking awesome shalu… hmmm myyy darling..suck it harder.. hmmm”
Shirley tightened her thighs around shalini like a vice and pushed her cunt towards her face.. soon she cummed in shalinis mouth who drank it all. Shirley was spent with the orgasm and even shalu was tired with sucking so she collapsed on shirleys thighs. After recovering for a minute or so., Shirley got up and put shalini on bed flat.. she came near me and held my rod and dragged me onto the bed where shalini was still recovering from that pussy sucking
Shirley: come on darling, spread your legs now. Let this cock enter your pussy and do its job.. I know your also anxiously waiting for this moment..
Saying this she spread shalu s legs.. I could see some slight stubble around her pussy..shirley made me lie on her and guided my dick into her warmhole.. as soon as I inserted shalu let a gasp and her pussywalls stretched to accommodate the familiar dick inside.. Shirley gently waded to shalu s side and slept beside her while I was hammering my rod inside shalu. She took hold of one of nipples and started sucking..
Shalini: ohhhhh hmmmm siss it feels so good.. lick and bite me sis while your brother and husband fucks mee..
Me: oh fffuccck.. shalu how tight you have become..shhhhh hmm mmhmm
The bed was creaking under pressure while my pelvis rammed against that of shalu.s. the piston was working its way in and out.. I could see shalini clenching her face with intense pleasure.. I knew that her orgasm was near..
Shirley: you sister fucking husband.. fuck her deep .. deeper man.. yesss fuck her until she cant take it anymore.. give my sister the proper banging.. don’t stop fucking her until her womb is filled with your seeds.. yeesss.. ffuck.. come on fuck her fertile womb and plough your seeds inside.. I want a baby soon..
Shalini: ohhhhh hmmmm yesss fuck me my lord.. from today only your dick ll be the owner of this pussy… fuckk me hardddd.. I want your child my darling.. I want to become pregnant with your child for Shirley.. ssssahhhh hmmm hmmm
All this was too much for me.. I just fucked harder every stroke and shalu was bearing the brute force of my beast but she was enjoying it.. her cunt muscles tightened around me in an instant and it sucked in my tool completely.. I also thrust forward and cum hit her pussy walls with full force.. she had tightened her grip around my waist and she was also cumming with me..
I collapsed on her and my sweat drenched on shalini who was also perspiring heavily.. Shirley immediately came near me and gave me smooch.. then she went near shalini and gave a peck on her cheeks.. shalu opened her eyes..
Shirley: you have done it superbly dear..
Shalini: thank you sis.. but all this happened only coz of you.. I love you sis..
Shirley: me too sweetie..
After that, we all slept naked with each other on a single bed.. when I woke up with an erection in the morning shalini was still sleeping.. but Shirley was awake and was in kitchen making sandwiches for us.. she had just worn her gown with nothing underneath it.. I went naked near her and grabbed her from the back..i encircled my arms around her waist and gave a kiss on her neck and cheeks..
Shirley: oh so my brother is awake now and I can sense his morning erection..
Me: (kissing her again). yup, and I want to cool it off inside my sisters pussy..
Shirley: (chuckling) not now steve .. I am preparing breakfast.. go and shower first and let me finish by the time shalu wakes up.. poor girl she ll be hungry..
Me: oh I cant wait until then.. lets shower together..
Saying this I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the bathroom.. I removed her gown in an instant and put on the shower.. I grasped her waist under the water and started making out with her..
Shirley: ohhh hmm so much has happened steve.. now you have a new wife also.. how was the last night..
Me: it was very very good.. but all is because of you.. I never thought all this could happen..
Shirley: hmm me neither but sometimes you have to make some compromises in life.. but I m glad that shalu ll be the mother of your child.. anyhow I can never become mother..
Saying that she became sad.. I kissed her and hugged her tightly..
Me: whether you become mother or not doesn’t bother me.. all I want is for you to be happy ..and I ll do anything you want..
Shirley: (smiling) hmm all this dialogues you ll forget after shalu bears a child for you.. after that I ll be cornered and you ll start loving only her..
Me: never.. the only queen of my heart ll be you.. I agreed to fuck shalu only because you wanted it.. even now if you want we ll stop all this and I ll make separate arrangements for her living.. she can bear my child but she ll never take your place in my heart.. believe me my dear..
Her eyes was filled with tears of joy and I kissed her forehead and hugged her.. then we danced and made love.. I fucked her twice in the shower and cummed inside her pussy.. we then bathed each other and came out.. shalini was in kitchen eating.. seeing us she teased Shirley..
Shalu: what sis, enjoyed the shower with your husband nicely..?
Shirley: (blushing) yes shalu..
Turning to me,she said,
Shirley; now that you have done so much there is one more last thing that I want from my darling hubby
Me: anything for my sweetheart.. tell me what to do..?
Ok guys that s it for now.. in my next part I will tell you what Shirley asked me and how I fulfilled her wish.. I thank my readers once again for their comments, suggestions and encouraging emails.. I have tried to reply to all of them, and If I have missed out on anybody, please forgive me.. once you mail me please wait for a day in the least so that I can get back to you with my reply.. I hope you have enjoyed the story thoroughly even though it was quite long..
Please post your comments and suggestions also on the same mail address.. also readers are welcome to share their experiences with me.. and to those readers who want me to post your experiences in my style of writing are welcome to contact me at the same address.. all your private details will be kept confidential as per your preference..
Special note: pls readers give me feedback regarding whether I should continue this series or not..i have got some feedback saying I should stop this series .. and if majority of my readers say so I’ll stop the series with this part …
Shirley My Lovely Sister – Part 11