“Nothing, I was being silly and impulsive,” responds Deepak.
“You always were. It’s kinda surprising that you’re not as spontaneous now as you used to be,” says Karthik and looks at Kishen, who he sees is visibly upset.
“What happened, Kishen?” asks Karthik. “Is everything alright?”
“You don’t seem so.”
“OK then. I want to get this off my chest. You told about how you are not a mother-fucker-minded pervert,” says Kishen.
“Can I ask you something? You may get angry. But you have to be absolutely honest.”
“Go ahead,” responds Karthik as both Deepak and Tariq listen in to what Kishen would ask.
“If Maya aunty asks you for sex. Would you oblige?”
“She won’t.”
“But what if she does and Shalini Didi is OK with it?”
“I guess then I would have to oblige.”
“Do you find that prospect exciting?”
“Absolutely not! What’s your point?”
“I will get to that in a minute. Even Tariq has an elder sister. There’s about 10 year age gap between them. Let’s assume Tariq and Farah Didi get pretty close, exactly like you and Shalini Didi. However, unlike you and Shalini Didi, they decided to do it or engage in ‘mutual masturbation’ like Tariq mentioned. Would you call that perversion?”
“No, absolutely not. Coz I know the bro-sis dynamic.”
“Exactly! And a similar dynamic could happen with mom-son also, right?”
“I guess, but what’s your point?” asks Karthik.
“My point is. If it’s consensual, it ain’t perversion!”
“OK, so?”
“So don’t worry about us judging you as a ‘mother-fucker minded pervert’.All you’ve done is share your idea about your mother being satisfied with her loneliness and sex depravity.”
“OK, appreciate that detailed explanation. But you sound a little hyper. Is everything all right?” asks a concerned Karthik.
“Nothing. Everything’s good,” responds Kishen with a fake smile that the other three knew was fake.
“OK, I have to get home now. I don’t want to miss my opportunity to shag,” jokes Karthik. He boards a public bus back home. Kishen, Tariq and Deepak wave him bye.
Tariq notices Kishen is still rather feeling off.
“So, Kishen. How was it like to lose your virginity?” Tariq asks as if he knew everything.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, dude. Don’t hide it. I know you’ve had it. You may have been a virgin the last time I met you. But you sure got some pussy after that.”
“How do you know?”
“Like I said, I’ve become good at observing people. Thanks to Raj.” Tariq responds.
Kishen is taken aback by hearing Tariq openly referring to Deepak’s dad by his name. From what Tariq had told him the last time, the relationship between Tariq, Raj’s uncle (Deepak’s dad) and Hema aunty (Deepak’s mom) was kept a secret from Deepak.
Looking at a confused Kishen, Deepak chuckles and says, “It’s fine, bro. I know everything now. I’m in it too.”
“What? I had my doubts looking at the way you two were acting,” says a surprised Kishen.
They notice that Kishen isn’t as excited as they’d hoped he’d be when they’d reveal to him their secret. They felt something was bothering him.
“So, you tell me, when, how, and who did you fuck?” Tariq asks.
“No, you tell me. How do you know for sure that I lost my virginity?”
“Because if you hadn’t, you’d be behind me, desperate for an update on your request.”
“What request?”
“Ha, you even forgot. You asked me for a chance to do it with my mom, remember?” (part 2)
Kishen realizes he’d completely forgotten about it because of all the sex he’s been getting.
“So, you want to tell us about who you had sex with?’ Tariq presses. “You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable.”
“So, if I don’t tell, won’t you be angry with me?”
“Because you told me your secrets. And you’ve updated me about Deepak joining your circle. Wouldn’t it be unfair of me to hide my secret from you? Won’t it look like I don’t trust you as much as you two trust me?” asks Kishen.
“Hey, nothing like that. Because your secret is not yours alone, it is also the person who you’ve indulged with.”
“You said it, bro. So I can’t tell you everything. I’m very glad you understand,” says Kishen, although he wanted so much to reveal everything to Tariq.
“No probs bro. But how was the experience?”
“It was and is always amazing,” responds Kishen. “How did you bring Deepak into your circle of his dad and mom? If you don’t mind saying.”
“He caught me and Hema aunty. Shit hit the fan. But then everything went down smoothly.” (Part 4)”
“I see. Fidah aunty knows about all this?” asks Kishen.
“Yeah, Fidah aunty is in it, too. I fucked her hard,” responds Deepak with a wide smile.
“Oh my God! So, what Tariq wanted finally came true, eh?” Kishen says with a smile.
Deepak and Tariq notice that Kishen is still not as excited as he should’ve been. Deep inside, Kishen fears that his best friends would despise him if he told them that he was a mother fucker.
“What’s bothering you, man? Tell us,” says Deepak.
“Nothing, I’m just tired.”
“Ya right! It’s what Karthi said, right?” asks Tariq.
Kishen remains silent.
“Hey, that horny fucker may very well be having the hots for his mom too, or sister,” says Deepak.
“So, won’t that make him a bad person in your eyes?” asks Kishen.
“No, I may have been disgusted by it had I been the same person before joining the circle. But as you said, as long as it remains a harmless fantasy or is truly consensual, I don’t see anything wrong with incest,” clarifies Deepak.
“Do you have the hots for your mom?” Kishen asks Deepak.
“No, but she didn’t mind the idea of doing it with me,” responds Deepak.
“And it happened?” asks Kishen.
“No, because I didn’t consent to it,” says Deepak.
“See, I already told you that I have the hots for ammi, right? But did you despise me? Or think I’m a pervert?” Tariq asks Kishen.
“No,” Kishen says, feeling a little relieved to be assured by his best friends that they’d never be judgmental of him.
“So, aren’t you going to ask us if we’d let you join our circle?” Tariq asks Kishen. “Or, is the pussy you’re currently getting enough for you?”
“When has one pussy been enough for any dick?” asks Kishen. “But no, I don’t feel like asking to join your circle even though I very much want to. I don’t feel it’s right to join you guys without revealing my sexual secrets to you. But, hands tied, I’m helpless. I have to respect the privacy of those with whom I share my sexual secrets,” says Kishen.
“Those! There’s more than one person for you, too?” asks an excited Deepak.
“Yes, but please don’t ask me anything further. I have promised them not to tell anything to anyone,” says Kishen.
“We understand, bro. No problem,” says Tariq. “We’re glad that you’re also no more a virgin. Now, only Karthik is the remaining virgin in our gang.”
“We can’t be sure. I have serious suspicions. That fucker may very well be going at it. ‘Awkward situations,’ it seems.” jokes Deepak.
They laugh.
“He mostly is telling the truth. Poor dude. Feel sad for him,” says Tariq.
“I know, I was kidding,” says Deepak.
“Wanna come come to my house, Kishen?” asks Tariq. “You still don’t look cheerful enough. Deepak is coming. Ammi said she’s prepared a surprise for us.”
“Must be a sexy surprise. So, my coming may not be ideal. She may not be expecting me.” says Kishen.
“Nothing sexy. Life is not a porn plot, Kishen. She probably prepared some dishes. Come along. She would be more than happy to see you,” assures Tariq.
Kishen, Tariq and Deepak head over to Tariq’s housing society. They ring the bell to his apartment and wait for Fidah to open. Expecting only Tariq and Deepak, Fidah opens the door with a wide, naughty grin. It’s very much unlike her reserved nature.
Seeing Kishen, her wide smile instantly fades, much to his notice. She tries not to let it show. She welcomes them in, projecting the reservations of a conservative Muslim woman. Kishen could totally tell she was not expecting him. It was as though his presence affected her plans.
She goes over to her room and calls Tariq over under the pretext of helping her search for something. Away from Kishen and Deepak sitting in the living room, she asks Tariq why he had to bring Kishen over. Tariq says he didn’t think it was a big deal since his circle didn’t plan any indulgences for the day.
It had also been a while since Kishen came over to his house. Tariq said he thought it would be good if Kishen, too, got a bit of the surprise dish Fidah made. Fidah clarifies to him that her surprise is not exactly something eatable. She asks him to have Kishen leave the house, “Sooner, the better.”
Vouching for Kishen, Tariq requests that she consider Kishen also for the surprise, “Whatever the surprise may be.” He reminds her about how excited she and Fidah were when he proposed the idea of adding Kishen to their circle (part 4).
Fidah declines her son’s request. Kishen is her close friend’s son, and she can’t do anything remotely sexual with him. From what she knew, Kishen was still an uncorrupted virgin. Tariq clarifies to her that he came to know a while back that Kishen was no more a virgin.
Surprised, Fidah asks for more details. Tariq tells her that Kishen didn’t detail much about his indulgences as he wanted to protect the privacy of the “persons” he was indulging with. Fidah didn’t expect to hear that Kishen got it going more than one person.
She asks Tariq if Kishen knows about her involvement in their circle. Tariq says he and Deepak revealed the state of their circle to Kishen because they trusted him. Fidah is taken aback. She gets embarrassed and borderline annoyed by what Tariq did. She expected he’d at least ask her before revealing anything.
Fidah was unsure of what to do. She asks Tariq to go back to the living room. She became shy to face Kishen knowing that her close friend’s son knew about her naughty secret life. Soon enough, Fidah joins the boys in the living room. With a cup of coffee, she sits on the sofa adjacent to theirs.
Kishen could see from Fidah Aunty’s face that she was struggling to hide her shyness with sternness. He was sure Tariq told her whatever he’d told him earlier at the ground and that she knew he knew she knew. Awkward silence ensues wherein Kishen, too tries hard to conceal his shyness.
Breaking the silence, Fidah says, “Kishen, so Tariq tells me that you’ve ‘been there, done that’?”
Kishen could not help but blush and smile uncontrollably. He was surprised that Fidah aunty, of all people, had just initiated talking about sex with him. He’d always known and respected her to be a stern, reserved person. Kishen nods shyly.
“Talk, Kishen! Don’t be shy. We’re adults talking now. Don’t see me only as your friend’s mother.” says Fidah.
“Yes, aunty, things happened,” he responds without looking her in the eye for more than a couple of seconds.
“You boys have all grown up!” praises Fidah.
A long conversation ensued among the four of them. It began with small talk, mixed with gradual but increasing sprinkles of subtle adult innuendos, comments and jokes, mostly from Tariq and Deepak.
It helped Kishen and Fidah lose their shyness and awkwardness and get comfortable talking about adult stuff. However, Fidah could sense an underlying vigour in Tariq and Deepak to steer the conversation to a full-blown sex session.
Their talking points gradually shifted to their pasts. Fidah came to know better from Kishen how much Tariq shared with him. Fidah expressed to Kishen her deep gratitude towards Raj (Deepak’s psychologist father) for pulling Tariq out of his mental trauma.
Fidah also learned from Kishen that he knew (from Tariq) how the incident led to her becoming more liberal and closer to Tariq. Kishen said he’d also known about Tariq’s indulgence with Hema and Raj (Deepak’s parents—part 2).
He added that it was a surprise for him to learn a while back about Deepak and Fidah joining the circle. They narrated to Kishen the unexpected but hot circumstances that led to it (part 4). The recollection made everyone horny.
Kishen could sense they were as curious to know more about his “persons” as much as he was interested to know about their circle. “Obviously!” he thought. Knowing about other people’s sex lives sure delivers a special kind of horniness!
Kishen revealed only bits and pieces of his sexual journey. He was careful not to disclose the names or identities of the people involved in his past indulgences. Seeing Kishen being so secretive and choosing his words carefully, they grew more keen to know who he was actually fucking.
Fidah was concerned if Kishen was being pressured or manipulated to not reveal anything—like how Deepak had been subject to (part 4). They had no clue that Savi was one person Kishen fucked actively.
Their conversation then went philosophical. Kishen shared about how much he could discover his sexual self. Fidah, Deepak and Tariq agreed with him and shared how much their sexual selves matured. They all expressed gratefulness to the almighty for giving them the opportunity to live a life of sexual bliss.
With that, the manipulation concern that Fidah had was cleared. It was clear to her that whatever and whoever Kishen was doing, he’d been doing in free will. The conversation gradually elevated each of them to top-level arousal.
Their arousal steered the conversation further to them openly sharing and joking about their sexual preferences, kinks and fetishes. It was when Fidah glanced at the clock that she realized that about 1.5 hours passed. She had completely forgotten about the surprise she’d prepared for Deepak and Tariq.
But thanks to the conversation they had, she was convinced that Kishen sure was worthy to be given a share of the surprise. However, she was still hesitant. “What if Savi comes to know somehow that I, too, had a part in her son’s sex life? How might she take it? Am I risking my friendship here?” she wondered.
“So, Kishen, I know that Savi is quite liberal and all. But, does it concern you how things might turn out should she come to know about your sexcapades? Or does she already know?” asks Fidah.
Kishen did not see that question coming from Fidah. He feared answering the second question might raise suspicion. All he could think of was a way to dodge the question with a counter-question.
“May I know what makes you ask that?” Kishen asks Fidah.
“Well, I don’t want to take any chance risking my friendship with your mother,” answers Fidah.
“I understand, Fidah aunty. So I’d suggest let’s not take any chances.” Kishen says. It takes a few seconds for Kishen to realize his blunder. He just rejected Fidah’s subtle offer to join her circle, which was one of his prominent fantasies.
Realizing that he’d done it to protect his false sense of insecurity made him feel even more miserable. Fidah, on the other hand, could notice how Kishen’s demeanour changed ever so suddenly but subtly when she asked him the question about his mom finding out/knowing.
A part of her began to doubt remotely if Savi herself was one of the ‘persons’ in Kishen’s life. She was determined to find out, one way or another.
“So, what’s the surprise you’d planned for us, Ammi?” Tariq asks.
“Well, since Kishen doesn’t want to take any chance risking my friendship with Savi aunty, I think the surprise can wait until Kishen leaves. Hope you don’t mind, Kishen.”
“Of course not, aunty. I can understand,” says Kishen, trying to mask his sadness and horniness with a fake-looking smile. “In fact, I think I will leave now. It’s getting late,” he says and gets up.
Fidah didn’t want Kishen to leave, as she was rather determined to fish out more info from Kishen regarding his sex life. With a naughty smile, she says, “If you’re sure you won’t take any chance. I will let you witness the surprise.”
It was an offer Kishen’s horny self couldn’t decline. And he was just as curious as Deepak and Tariq as to what the surprise was.
Fidah excuses herself for a moment and proceeds to Tariq’s bedroom. After a few minutes, she calls the three to the room. The room has been kept chill with the AC on with a mild aroma of scented candles.
And sitting cross-legged at the centre of Tariq’s flower-sprinkled bed was a shy woman whose face was veiled in a fancy shawl. She wore nothing else. Her naked body was adorned from head to toe, only with Fidah’s ornaments and intricate henna work on both hands and legs.
A nude bride on her wedding night!
“Wow! Ammi, did you just find me a bride?” asks a hornified Tariq. “Who is she?”
“She’s not really meant for you, son. But you and Deepak are welcome to have a piece of her. See for yourself who she is. You two may unwrap the surprise.” Fidah says. She asks Kishen to go and sit on Tariq’s PC chair at the corner and ‘witness’ the surprise as they’d agreed.
She proceeds to sit next to him on the floor despite him courteously offering her the chair. Tariq and Deepak slowly approach the bedside and carefully lift the shawl off the woman’s head, revealing her face.
“Gauri,” Tariq utters in total astonishment.
The three young men are utterly surprised to know that it was the maid Gauri that Fidah had ‘made ready’ for them. They were equally surprised appealing and unexpected makeover that Gauri was in. Even Tariq couldn’t recognize her for a few seconds after seeing her.
He’d only ever seen her as a thin, sweaty maid who always wore dull clothing and a pale expression. Tariq knew that the abuse and exploitation he faced at the hands of her former husband—Dhonu Singh, the society watchman—was only a fraction of what she had been subject to.
Living as his submissive, illiterate wife, Gauri only knew how to sweep, mop, cook, and offer her body to his perversions. Be at the receiving end of his filthy, intoxicated aggression and pray tearfully at her plight. Tariq could see that the transformed Gauri that was sitting on his bed was genuinely happy.
There was a sparkle in her eyes. It was unlike the bleak, hopeless eyes Tariq saw back during that unfortunate day. (Part 2). He never got the courage to go up to her and talk to her, even as she’d frequent his house for the chores.
“How selfish of me,” he retrospected, even as he was very much relieved to know that she, too, appeared to be more than fine.
Fidah climatically reveals to them her secret little good deed. It turns out Fidah had done more than just freeing Gauri from Dhonu Singh by kicking him out of society with the help of her police brother, Altaf. Tariq was doing more than helping his ammi break free of her mindset and sexual suppression.
Fidah had been relaying to Gauri whatever she’d heard and learned from Tariq. Fidah had been mentally healing Gauri and opening her up to progressive thinking. After learning everything from Fidah, the young men’s respect and adoration towards her shot up by leaps and bounds.
With happy tears filling his eyes, Tariq looks at Fidah sitting in the corner next to Kishen. He instantly goes towards her, squats, and lunges his body on hers to hug her tights.
“Don’t hug me, son, hug Gauri. Show her what it is like to experience masculine tenderness. She’s looking forward to it. All she’s ever known is the vicious version of masculine lust. It took me a lot of patience and effort to make her even mentally perceive sex as something affectionate,” says Fidah, patting her son’s back.
Driven by an overflow of emotions triggered by wholesome revelations, Tariq frees Fidah from the clutches of his arms and goes back to Gauri. He kneels on the bedside and reaches out to her feet with both his hands. He begins kissing them apologetically.
“I’m sorry, Gauri. I should’ve thought about you while I healed from the trauma. You needed more healing than me. I’m ever grateful to ammi for doing what I should’ve done morally.” he says.
Gauri freezes at Tariq’s gesture. From childhood, she’s been brain-drilled into believing that it was the maids/servants like her who ought to do the feet kissing. And she never wanted Tariq, of all people, to do it.
She wished that she had served one of the several ‘rude’ masters/mistresses—or their offspring. An embarrassed Gauri tries to break her feet free from Tariq’s hold, but Fidah signals her to be still and let Tariq release his emotions.
Watching the naked, jewellery-adorned ‘bride’ being feet-worshipped by their best friend, Deepak and Kishen couldn’t help but get hard. Deepak strips in seconds and looks Gauri, Fidah and Kishen impatiently while stroking his dick. “Get over with it, you emotional sissy! I want to fuck.” he says.
Fidah laughs. “Hold on! Gauri wishes to be fucked by someone else. You two have to warm her up for him. Follow my instructions.” orders Fidah. “And Kishen, although you’re just going to sit back and watch, you’re welcome to free your horny dick from suffocating under your pants,” she adds.
To be continued. Feedback: [email protected].