Sexting My Mother – Part 5

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Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you once again for all the positive messages and comments. I am delighted to be receiving all the appreciation. It is the biggest source of motivation to continue.

I also understand that the story has peaked a lot earlier than it was supposed to. I assure you I will definitely try to meet the expectations.

This is an episode I really enjoyed writing. Though a very silly thought, I have always found it interesting how the writer knows what is going to happen next. How he is always one step ahead of the reader despite the reader being the master.

This particular part, too, has been fascinating to write, but also equally testing. It was a challenge writing this conversation, where the mother’s delight is clearly getting unraveled in front of the readers. But the character of the son is still not fully aware of the developments.

I think this is the only time I have written something where the writer and the reader are traveling together. It is the characters that are falling behind. I hope you feel the same level of excitement I felt when I wrote this.

This is a smaller episode, but I have tried hard to make this special.

For beginners, this is a series of text messages between Ayan and his mother, Mona. As it is an immediate continuation, reading the earlier parts first may make this more exciting. Happy Reading!

Mona has received the video her son, Ayan, sent her. And she has just played it.

Mona: Hhhmmmm. Lovely. Yes. That looks amazing.

Ayan: Mom.

Mona: Fuck you, Ayan! You filthy bastard. You make me drip. I want to suck that hard cock of yours right now. I know your thick prick is waiting to disappear inside my mouth. And, once I am done eating your meat, I will make you jizz all over my body, and cover me in your sticky semen.

Mona: I won’t stop squeezing your heavy cum filled balls until the last drop of your juices falls on me. I want to be drenched in your white-hot spunk. I want to be your slut for the rest of my life!

Ayan: What the hell! Did you just say that! Mom?

Mona: What is it, you stud?! You bloody monster! You did not like hearing what your naughty mummy just said? You have made mummy so horny, baby!

Ayan: Oh fuck! Shit.

Mona: Hahaha. You are huge!

Ayan: Is this really you, Mom?

Mona: Hahaha. I don’t think anybody can ever take in the whole of your pecker. It is just too big!

Ayan: Who is this? Are you really my mother? What is happening here? I cannot believe I send you that clip, either. Is this really you, Mom? Was it really you who asked me for the video?

Ayan tries calling Mona, as soon he finished sending the message. But, his call is immediately rejected. He opens his messaging app and finds a voice message from his mother.

“Yes, Ayan. It is me. Mona. It is really your mother,” was what the voice clip said. Ayan could confirm it was his mother, from her voice. But, what left him confused was the fact that she sounded very unusual. She was breathing heavily.

Ayan could not really authenticate, but it was very much like she was moaning. And, though, the voice clip lasted only for a few seconds, the lust in her voice was very clear.

Or was it just his feeling? Was his mother, in reality, crying?! But what about the messages she just sent? That was real! Or was it his own mind playing games?

Ayan just could not process all that happened in the last few minutes and decided to send his mother a text message.

Ayan: Are you alright, Mom? You don’t sound okay.

Mona: No. No. It’s fine. I am fine, Ayan. I am perfect.

Ayan: But you don’t sound okay.

Mona: I am okay, Ayan. It’s just that your dad is in the living room.

Ayan: What does that mean? How is it related to you not sounding okay?

Mona: It’s nothing, Ayan.

Ayan: There is something. Please tell me, will you!

Mona: There is nothing, Ayan. I just spoke in a very low voice. That is all.

Ayan: I just don’t understand you, Mom. Why do you have to do that?

Mona: Even I don’t understand you, Ayan. Why does it look like I am a trigger here?

Ayan: What do you mean?

Mona: Why is it that you get so offended and shocked only when I comment on your penis? You are fine sending me pictures and videos of your privates. You are very avidly taking part in this. But everything goes awry the moment I say something about it.

Ayan: This is not the time for that, Mom. Just tell me where you are.

Mona: Why does that matter so much?

Ayan: I just want to know everything is okay there!

Mona: I am in the common bathroom on the first floor, Ayan, the one adjacent to the living room.

Ayan: Why are you in there, at this time? Why did you go there in the first place? I thought you were in your room, upstairs, when you started texting me. What are you doing, Mom?

Mona: I was in my bedroom. But then, I came down. Because Dad was in the other room, of course, by now, you must have guessed we don’t sleep together. But dad sleeps in the room just next to the one I use. So, I came down to the first floor.

Ayan: So what if Dad is in the room right next to yours? How is this all connected, Mom? And, why are you in the bathroom, because he is in the living room?

Mona: Because I was texting you, that is why I came down. And, when I heard your dad coming down, I got into the bathroom.

Ayan: But, why? That is what I want to know.

Mona: It’s just nothing!

Ayan: Why are you so bothered and worried about the fact that Dad is also downstairs?

Mona: It’s just that I did not expect him to be down so early. So, I was just not in a position to be seen by him. I was not ready. And, I rushed inside the bathroom, as soon as I heard his footsteps.

Ayan: I can’t follow you, Mom. What was it that you were doing that you did not want dad to see? And, why do you talk like you are hiding inside the toilet? What exactly are you doing in there?

Mona: If you are so concerned about what is happening at home, ask your dad what he is doing first. That would make more sense.

Ayan: What is it, Mom? Just tell me. It’s only 6:30 AM. I don’t know what is so unsettling that can happen at home, so early in the morning.

Mona: Well, your dad is leaving for a sudden three-day trip. He is packing for it. He said something urgent came up at work. And, I am sure he is lying.

Ayan: What makes you think so?

Mona: When he took up this new role in the consultancy firm, he told me that he decided on the change of jobs because he was tired of traveling continuously. He was not enjoying it anymore.

Ayan: Yeah. He told me the same thing.

Mona: Yes. And, he also said that this new job does not demand any sort of travel. But, now, he has to go all of a sudden.

Ayan: But. That is how work is, Mom!

Mona: He is lying, Ayan. I am sure he is going somewhere with that whore bitch of his. He did not even dare to tell me he was going to be away directly. He sent me a message just now. Informing me, he is leaving. Can you believe that?

Ayan: Mom. That is bad. But, still.

Mona: But, what? It does not bother you that your dad is going to spend his nights with another woman? It does not bother you when you think of your dad naked on a bed with his mistress? Would you be okay if Ahaana was cheating on you? Will you be so relaxed if you realize that your girlfriend is sleeping with another guy from your college?

Ayan: Mom. Please! This has nothing to do with Ahaana. I get what you are going through. And, I feel for you. But…

Mona: But what? What is it?

Ayan: What are you doing in there? I want to know. Nothing explains you being inside the bathroom. I don’t understand any of this. And, are you going to talk to Dad, now? Are you sure he won’t see the pictures and videos on your phone? Delete it, okay! Please.

Mona: What exactly do you want, Ayan? Do you want to know what your dad is up to? Or you want me to delete the pictures? Or you want to know what I am doing inside the bathroom?

Ayan: I want to know it all, Mom. But, first. Just tell me this. What are you doing, Mom?

Mona: What do you think I am doing?

Ayan: I would not be asking if I knew.

Mona: You did not understand from the voice message I sent you? Do you really have any idea?

Ayan: I don’t know, Mom. I did not understand.

Mona: Why do you have to act so innocent? You are not a naive person, Ayan. Even you know that. You have very well had your share of fun.

Ayan: What does that have to do with this, Mom? Why are you blaming me for everything?

Mona: Isn’t it funny that you have everything to be a very dominant man. But, all you are is a very timid and very submissive wimp. What happened to all you ‘big’ assets, Son?

Ayan: So, this is still about that? This is still about the pictures and videos I sent you. Are you just trying to mess with me for that? What are you trying to prove, Mom? You know you are equally responsible for this.

Mona: Oh, yeah?

Ayan: Why are you punishing me like this? This is not fair. And, are you serious about anything you told me? Are you just making up all this shit about Dad and his lover and his cheating? Are you trying to see how far you can push me?

Mona: So, that is that what you think it is? Do you think this is all a joke?

Ayan: I think you have just been playing with me the whole time. At this time of the day, you must be cooking for Dad. And, he has to leave quickly. And, you are worried he will get angry that you are late. He is a perfect guy, but I know how angry he can be. In reality, you are in the kitchen, in a hurry to cook, but you are also wasting more time trying to humble your son.

Mona: No. Haha. No. No. Oh my. Hahaha! I am not doing any of that. How did you even manage to think about all this? Cooking for your dad is the last thing I want to be doing right now!

Ayan: Why? Doesn’t he need breakfast?

Mona: I don’t know. He will tell me if he needs breakfast. That is how it has been every day of late. I can hear him talk to the taxi driver on the phone. And, so he will leave soon.

Ayan: Okay. So, if he is this close to you, and you can even hear him speak, and there is also a chance he might come looking for you, then what are you doing inside the toilet? I don’t think Dad is anywhere near you. You are just lying. It is something else.

Mona: You want to see?

Ayan: See what? See what Dad is doing?

Mona: Haha. No! What I am doing!

Ayan was typing the reply when he received a photo from Mona. And he opened it immediately.

It was a photo of the lower body of a woman, sitting on the floor of the bathroom, in front of a large mirror. The photo had the image from the mirror, shot by the woman, herself, using a mobile phone.

The woman in the photo was wearing a full length pink colored satin nighty that was conveniently raised up to expose the whole of her meaty legs.

Her legs were spread, bent knees making a ‘v’, revealing her very tempting inner thighs, and an equally inviting lusty clean-shaven pussy.

But, that was not the best part. She also had three of her fingers easily stuffed inside her love-hole, indicating how wet her cunt was, and how horny she was. And, also giving a good idea about how long she must have been engaging in the act of self-pleasuring.

Ayan was stunned. Was it a picture of his mother? Was it really his mother? It had to be his mother. Her face was not there in the picture. Even her upper body was missing. But, it was a picture his mother sent him. It just had to be her.

He was never expecting it. Not even after sending his mother sensitive pictures of himself. He, in-fact, still did not know if he wanted to expose himself for his mother. But, he was sure he never expected his mother to send him back anything similar.

And more importantly, he never thought he would receive a picture of his mother pleasing herself, feeling the insides of her moist pussy. He never thought his mother would have had her fingers sliding in and out of her twat as she texted him.

But, at that very moment, he knew exactly how he wanted this to end. He knew exactly what he wanted.

To be continued.

I really hope you liked this story. Please do send me your feedback and comments to [email protected]

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