As per study a man thinks about sex more than three times in hour. Despite of this there were plenty of women who are suffering from good sex life. Good Sex partners and they remain unsatisfied. Life is beautiful if a man or woman get loved one at right place and right time. God created human with mixer of emotions, feelings, sex and intelligence. If one of these becomes less, life starts questioning to him/her.
We are in the era where everything has alternates. Sitting telephone has alternate that is mobile, jeans is alternate for doti, pysama, even sex has alternate, that is toys. But interesting thing here is, sex is not just mating two bodies, it is more than that, it is mating two soles, fusion of two hears, exchanging the emotions, transferring happiness through touch without talking much.
We are in the era where everyone has become very busy purchasing their home but not caring the values to a person in their room, we are busy in pursuing the career but not paying attention to partner. Result of this; there are so many girls, ladies feeling they loved or married a machine but not a man, they are feeling insecure, unsatisfied; even man also facing the same issue. Not getting good sex life by his partner because of various reasons. I am the one among this group.
I am Rohan, married and 30 year old, good looking light dark complex, well-educated business man. I have married a girl since two years, she is from very conservative and tradition family. She is beautiful, but if she is not given her 100% to me, what is use of being beauty. It is like flower rose in forest. She is conservative but equally shy in sex life. She feels Shy to sit with me in home, she feels shy to expose her body in our bed room. According to her sex comes at the end. It is of having least priority, but for me it is as equal as love. Till now I have not seen her complete naked body. I tried to convince her, tried to explain today’s life style, but no use. Because of this, I started feeling unsatisfied, irritating and started losing concentration in day today life. Even doctors also agree that, healthy sex keeps human in control mentally and physically.
Being so educated, well known about sex life, I thought masturbating, reading sex stories. I don’t want to praise myself, but while sex, I am very stable, even though my personal part of 7 inch, it will very hard for 30 to 45 minutes. This is another complain from my wife saying ‘How long u do back and front after u insert yours in my mine. Please do it just for 10 minutes. And yours is so hard and thick, it will hurt me’. By hearing this some time I use to tell her there are so many girls and ladies who dies for sex, hard penis and long intercourse, they are not getting, but you’re getting without much worry but not enjoying it, she never listed to me.
Because of my wife’s attitude, my mind started thinking about sex affairs with other women, I thought is it right, after so much of fighting in my mind of wrongs and rights, I come to conclusion, if both are equal and liking each other and caring about each other satisfaction, then it may be wrong, but if your partner is not giving his/her 100% then what is use of waiting and wasting time and age. If you are getting meals in home even they it is not tasty still u can eat, but if there is no meals at all in home, what is wrong to go and eat in hotel. So I decide to have sex with girl or ladies of having same issue as mine. At that time I got the beautiful lady Mansi.
It was 24th Jan 2015. As usually as every year there was a flower decoration and show in Lalbag Park Bangalore. Staying Bangalore and not visiting to Lalbag at that time is not good. So I decided to visit to Lalbag with my office friends. Madhri and Suma are my office friends, Suma said she will bring her two friends and her boy friend too. We are all agreed and set the time as 4 PM to go to park. Madhuri ringed me and told she is started and will be waiting at west gate with pass and Suma will reach directly there, I started to go to Park in bike, it was at 4 Pm I almost reached Urvashi theater. In signal a lady was waiting with 2 years kid to cross the road. I stopped my bike near to the lady because of red signal. She was looking for someone to ask; she hesitantly looked at me and came to me. She asked ‘I wanted to see movie here but it is full, I want to go to park and see the flower show, if don’t mind can u please drop at the gate’. I was not thinking anything else but said no issues, I m also going there please get on the bike. She quickly gets on the bike and I started bike.
While getting on the bike her boobs pressed to my elbow, but did not get more attention, after reaching main gate I said, here there is lot of rush, it is good go to west gate there u will get tickets easily, she said OK. I started to drive to west gate and reached in 10 minutes. By the time I reached west gate Madhuri, Suma and another girl and Suma’s bf was present. I parked bike bit away from gate, and lifted the kid, to carry till gate. She smiled and said that he will not go to anyone but he is quite with u, I think he liked u. I smiled and went to gate. All were smiling and Suma said, ‘hey you did not tell that u bring your wife and kid’, before I tell something, Madhuri said always Rohan maintains secret about his wife, no problem I have extra tickets, come let’s get into park, it is getting late.
I was looking at the lady she did not look at me but was following me. I said in hissing voice sorry they don’t know my wife and they are thinking u as my wife. She said no problem some time it happens. Give him, we will go into park. When I try to give the kid, kid started crying and not ready to go her mom. I was worried. She said with low voice, if he likes someone, he will not leave them easily, if u don’t mind can I come with u guys? I said no issue and we went into park.
We started watching flower, there are veena, guitars formed using flowers. We started taking pics. Suma and Madhuri purposefully making me and the lady stand close and pose for pic. So many times while walking, turning my elbow, hand touched to her boobs. My penis touched her back. The lady was not showing any resistance. Madhuri, Suma and other friends went to some other corner leaving us alone. We wanted to go main flower decoration area. While going kid came near us with playing with balloon and unexpected the balloon burst near the lady, she got scared and put her head in my arm with tight grip. I immediately hold her head and tried to hide in my chest. It was spontaneous reaction by both of us. We released from hold and looked each other and exchanged smiles. Her hair was free and fragrant was very nice, I felt my penis is getting life.
While walking she asked what my name, I said my name and working details. Then she introduced that her name Sheela and kid name is Manu. She was working in private company as receptionist but left because of husband’s continuous transfers as he works in LIC. While walking fortunately she touched fence nearby and her thumb finger stared bleeding. I immediately took her and put her thumb finger into my mouth. She was feeling pain initially but after I take her finger into my mouth, pain got reduced I guess. She was looking into my eyes. I took away her finger. She said slowly, I guess u love your wife more, u r wife should be lucky to get such a caring hubby. I smiled with nodding. She said why are u laughing. I said noting. She said, we were stranger an hour before, but now I feel u r sensible person and feel like a friend. If you want to tell u can, it is too personal don’t tell. The girl or ladies mind is very peculiar sometime, if someone don’t tell, they will be curious to know and round about it. I decide to tell. ‘Sheela, I love my wife, but don’t know she is lucky or I am unlucky, if I m not unlucky I could have come with my wife’. She said ‘why, she is not interested to come out?’ I said ‘not only come out, but even everything.
I have married feeling less girl, no joys, and no fun. Life is boring and going as it want’. I became emotional. She understood and hold my hand saying please don’t feel bad. I said ‘ok’ and controlled myself. We continued with other girls and taken lot of pics in cell. At 7 it was bit dark, we moved near to lack in the park. There was no light; we both sat in long chair, by that time Manu was sleeping. We started leaving. I asked her can I drop, she said that it would be good if drop to my home. I drive her to home as she redirected, it was in Jayanagar 9th block. After reaching home, she offered to me to come in, but I said I m tired I will go home. She said share the pic in Whatsapp and gave her cell number. I tool and the number and by reaching home my wife was sleeping, it was new for me. So I started watching TV, at 10.30 PM I recalled, I need to send pic. I sent all the pics in Whatsapp to her cell. After receiving I got message from Sheela ‘it was really, I felt secured when I was with u’. I said ‘thanks’.
She said ‘It seems u respect women and her feelings well’, I said ‘Yes, I do. Because women and like flower, if we life with care it will be glittering in hand, else it will get smashed’. She sent many smiles. I asked ‘why are u smiling’, she said ‘u r lair, u r such good guys I ever seen, but u say u have wife of not your type, even if she is not your type, she will become your type because of this love and care’, I said sent smile. She understood. She asked what are u doing, I said “watching move”, “with wife”, “no she is sleeping”. She sent a image where a girl and boy kissing passionately. I said “Good pic, what r u doing”, “Manu is sleeping and also his dad”, “how long u have been married”. She said “3.5, why” “No just asked” she sent another image where a boy is kissing his girl from back, where girl’s boobs were partially exposed. I got erect in my pant. I said “I will go to bath room”, she said “Why bath room, awake up your wife”, I said “No no I am going bath room to piss”, she said “Ohh is it, I thought for something”,”Something what” “Nothing nothing, I m going to sleep”.
It make me think of her and her touches boobs, buttocks and started masturbating on Sheela name. Two days noting happed. On third day at 2 PM I got message from Sheela saying ‘Manu is not keeping well, if u r free, can u come to home”. I went immediately and we both went to doctor. Doctor said nothing to worry and put him for rest. We came back to home and put Manu on bed and he was sleeping. I asked where is your husband, she said “He left for Delhi today morning. I looked her, I felt something movement in my pant. She was gorgeous. There was silent, to break, I asked “why did u tell go and wake up your wife yesterday night” I know her meaning but wanted bring her to the topic. She said “U don’t know that meaning” smiled mischievously. I said “I told u na, I m not that lucky”. She said “there is not luck Rohan, it is way of thinking and making it happen” by saying it say came near to me and sat closely. I asked “What u mean”. “Rohan, I know ur very good person and u r hesitating to make a movement, let me tell u.
As u, I m also unlucky” She started crying. I went close to her and put my hand around her solders and wiped her tears in anther hand, while wiping my hand touched her smooth, lips. I asked “What happened”. “Ours is arranged marriage. Manu’s dad was good guy, but he is not that much caring. I asked him to stop smoking as I hate it, he has not stopped. He is not taking care of kid well; he is not good in sex too. Before Manu’s birth, we used to have sex once in month”. I said “hmm, did u ask for it”. “Yes I asked for it leaving my shy, he said that it sex is not important. And whenever we have sex, he just look for his satisfaction, we involve in intercourse just for 10 min, in 10 min he will be tired, but I was about to get excitement, after his is over will turn other side and sleep, this made me feel insecure and unsatisfied. In my 3.5 year life I have not satisfied even one time. After Manu, we use to have sex rarely, it is been 6 months he has not touched me, he will be either out of station or busy or drunk”. I felt very sorry for that and I lifted her face. I said “Don’t cry”. She was looking at my eyes and slowly she came near and kissed me on lips. I was not responding initially. She broke the kiss and said “There is nothing wrong what we are doing. I feel u r the trusted person and secure”. I nodded to yes and I said “I love u Sheela”.
Her tears rolled on her cheeks “How sweet to hear this word. I was expecting since 3 years from hubby but even once he has not told it. I like her chick and drink her drop. She because more romantic and exited. She again kissed, I responded, I opened my mouth, searched for her tong. We played 5 minutes with tong, her breath increased and her small nose nostrils stared rousing. I liked them I kissed on her nosed, bite there. It made her more excitements; he put her hand on my penis on pant. I made to sleep and started removing her blouse. It was great feeling for me too. I removed bra and started sucking beautiful book. They were round and firm even after kid.
She started rubbing my penis. It erected very fast and it was strong because of a lady touch after many weeks. I stood; she removed my pant and underwear. My penis was out. She said I have dream of sucking penis, because my husband have not given his penis to my mouth as he don’t like it” I said “It is yours take”. It took it in her mouth, gave blowjob 15 min. What nice blowjob it was. I said “I have dream of fucking your small nose, as like it lot”, she said “I m urs go ahead”. I fucked her nose for 5 min. Then I made her complete naked and started liking her pussy. It was not shaved, and aroma was very nice, as soon I touched her pussy with my tongue, she held my head and stated pushing towards her pussy, I was struggling to take breath. She was exited and started mooning, Rohan, do it. It is first time my pussy is getting liked by a man, do it. By hearing this I started liking vigorously, I liked for 15 min, it was not very wet. She said “Please enter me and show me the even”.
I guided my penis to her pussy; she was looking like she has not seen never before. I pushed, it was tight and she bites her lips, I removed and pushed again, this time it went in. Her mouth was opened to take air and her nostrils were rousing again. Started stroking. I was kissing and stroking. It went for 15 min. We changed the position, she came and top and started fucking. We enjoyed almost 45 min. I released in her and she released at my times. I was sleeping and she came and slept in my arm. Tears rolling, she said that these are happy tears; first time in my life I m getting happy tears, very nice fuck. I can’t forget it. I also said same thing. She said, u have good strength, how to get. I said, everyone will have but they do smoking or some things, it will make penis smoother.
After some time we had another round of sex. After that she said seriously. Look Rohan, there are so many ladies out who are not satisfied by their husbands, because of this, there are so many families have broke their relationships and many times fighting will be there, u have to solve”. I raised my eye brow and said ‘I can’t be male bit”. She said “No no, not like that. Try to write blogs, ask girls, ladies to send their sex grievances, give tips to the ladies to make their husbands love them. There are so many husbands loves their wives but unable to satisfied because of not penis getting hard or releasing cum in not time, for them u can give tips based your experience. It will save lot families”. I thought it is good idea to start blog. After two months her hubby got transferred to Mumbai, again I became alone. Then I started writing blog.
If any girls or ladies suffering from sexual problems such as your husband is looking harness quickly, or the intercourse is not long lasting like 20 min, husband or bf not getting attracted towards you, unsatisfied for long time etc. Please mail me I will try to solve based on my experience.