Ghost of Kareema – An Erotic Sex Tale

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This is gonna be a different type of a sex tale from your long silenced favourite sex story writer, Qamar. So, dear viewers, sir back and enjoy.

Disclaimer : if your heart is easily troubled, don’t read alone, in the dark, or in dead silence.

I’m gonna start this in the third person. Hope you all will enjoy.

Qamar, the usual erotic experience publisher, once decided to do something different, something special for his audience. As the Buddhist he is, he believed in afterlife.

How do I combine the world on the other side, with eroticism?

That was something he was thinking of for a long time.

So he decided to start his experiment, in his own way.

At this moment, it’s relevant to say that he’s a Sri Lankan, so he went to the nearest cemetery, which was A few townships away from where he lived.

He met with the watcher and told him his idea. The watcher didn’t believe him at first, but later allowed him to stay in the cemetery, under his watch.

That night, with his book and his pen, Qamar was waiting, ready for the unthinkable to happen.

He once looked back at the watcher to see he’s long asleep.

“This is just great,” he thought, as he looked at his watch to see it was already eleven pm.

“Sh…dammit! Still nothing…oh wow, who’s calling?”

His phone started ringing but when he looked at it, there was an unusual kind of number.

In Sri Lanka, if someone calls you from a phone box, you still can read the globe box number.

But this time, it was just a bunch of unusual shaped signs on the screen, more complicated than the most complicated Chinese characters he had ever seen.

“What the…How is this even possible?” He said as he took to answer the phone.

“Okay, who’s calling while the devils are climbing the trees?”

(While the devils are climbing the trees ie “yakku gas nagina welaawe”, as said by Sinhalese ppl in sinhala, is a slang to mean “around the midnight”. It’s an expression of anger when you have ti wake up in the middle of night to answer a call.)

“Qamar?” A woman said on the other side. It sounded like a kinda young voice, sweeter than the sweetest he had ever heard.

“Yeah, who’s this?”

“Someone who’s supposed to be climbing a tree right now!”

That froze Qamar’s Buddhist heart. But he got some gut and asked,

“This is no joking time! Tell me what you want or I’ll call the police!”

Her response was a crazy smile that froze him even further.

“Ahahahaha…to tell you what Qamar,” she was now speaking in a more harsher voice, “your human police ain’t gonna do a thing to stop me from doing whatever I wanna do to you!” She ended her sentence in a rage, but calmed down again and said,

“Tell me Qamar, you wanna hear an erotic story from the other side, or not? I think that’s why you’re here.”

“How am I so sure if this is real or not?” Qamar asked in a defeated voice. Yes, he was desperate for what he was looking for.

The voice calmly said, “well, easy. Look at the lightened graveyard in front of you. Go there. I’ll see you there in a minute,” she hung up.

Qamar looked forth and immediately saw, in the middle of the darkness, a shining graveyard.

But he still saw vehicles running on the nearby main road. Nobody seemed to notice it and stop. Why?

“Okay, this is gonna be great,” Qamar thought as she stepped towards the graveyard.

As he closed in, he wanted to inspect the place. In this country, if a Buddhist is buried, there will be a Dharmachakra posted on his graveyard. If that’s a Christian, that would be a cross.

This place had neither of them, suggesting that this isn’t a resting place of either a Buddhist or a Christian.

But then he knew what it was, reading the statement there on the concrete.

“To God we belong and to him we return…hmm…now I get it. This is getting interesting,” he said to himself as he inspected further.

“Ms Kareema Zainab Rasooldeen, born 24.02.1966 died 17.01.2002…interesting…come on, who’s calling again?” He said as he took his buzzing phone to his hand.

It was her, again!

“Okay, what should I do now?”

“Mh…This will get a bit awkward but…dig it,” as she said it in a very humanly time, the area of the cemetery where the body of Ms Kareema lied under, loosened with a sound.

She hung up. Qamar, slid his phone into his pocket and looked around for a shovel.

There lied one a few feet away, which he took started digging.

After a few minutes, he uncovered something covered in a white sheet, now browned with all the soil it lied under for this long.

“I hope this won’t be for nothing,” Qamar said as he got down the pit he just dug and tried to pull the sheet out of the pit. He knew that the bones of Ms Kareema were supposed to be there.

He said a little Buddhist prayer, and as he tried to touch the white cloth, he looked at it in astonishment, as it started getting filled up, to the size of an adult woman!

“Oh my…What the…” now he was really scared, as he saw a thin face emerging on one end of the cloth and getting filled up within to become the hottest female face he had ever seen.

As he was heavily sweating, horrified by what he just saw, he sat back, and Ms Kareema, now having her human body perfectly restored, stood up, as the cloth around her body, went off her head, now complete with hair, and fall onto her shoulders.

She smiled at him. He was still terrified.

“Why Qamar? You seem terrified.”

“I…am terrified…actually,” Qamar said, pretending to be calm.

Her hands were now visible and it seemed as though she was putting the cloth together, using her fists against her breast.

She stepped forth, until he stepped back and hit against the pit. He looked back and saw that the pit was now deeper than he actually dug, making it obviously impossible for him to escape!

“Wait, what the…,” as he said, looking back at Sameera, she closed in at a glance and looked into his eyes. She got so close that his body was pressed between hers and the pit.

She started rubbing her index finger tip from his temple down to his chin, saying, “you’re not going anywhere, Qamar…not until I’m satisfied with you, and you with me,” in the most sensual voice he had ever heard a woman talking.

“Lemme take you to a place, where you deserve more than this dark, dirty pit, my darling,” she said as she placed her right palm against his head and pulled him into a lip kiss. She felt way stronger than any woman Qamar has physically encountered before so he complied.

As he closed his eyes and pointed his lips forward, he felt her cold but alive lips pressing against his. Their lips opened and their tongues started twisting each other, as his arms were wrapped around her waist, and hers, around her neck, tightly pressing them against each other.

Then they both leaned down against the soil wall of the pit, unconscious. As Qamar slept in this world, he woke up in another.

* * * * * * * * * *

Qamar woke up, in a white robe, in a white bed with a white bedsheets on a white mattress, in a completely white room. There was no bulb, but everywhere was of a bright white light.

There was Kareema, laying down next to him, having turned to his side, smiling.

Then only did he see how white she was. She was so white she could have made queen Elizabeth look like queen Lateefa.

“I’m dreaming, right? This is not really physical,” Qamar said in astonishment.

“Well, you can say,” Kareema responded.

“So…What are you waiting for, Qamar? Satisfy me, and you’ll have your story.”

Qamar was always a very horny man. He grabbed her robe around her collars, pulled her into an embrace and as they were violently taking off the robes of each other, started eating the mouths of each other.

As soon as her boobs were exposed, e stopped for a while and looked at them.

They were wonderful. Well sized and there was no gap in between. He delightfully took them in his hands and squeezed.

“Oh my goodness! I’ve never seen such beauties in my life,” he said as he was playing with her boobs.

After playing for a while, he took one of them inside his mouth, and started eating it, as his hands went around her upper back and started getting her pressed more and more against his face, as he rolled aside, taking her on top of him, and again below him.


“Ahh…mm!” As he was eating her tit like crazy, she was moaning.

He was biting her tit over and over again, until it was completely inside his mouth. Her tit was big and his jaws were hurting, but he wasn’t giving up.

Then he again kept biting it all the way back outside.

Then he moved to her other tit and at once took a bite of it, kept biting it over and over again for a while and pulled his mouth away until her tit went off.

By the time it was all over, his cock was getting hard and her white tits had got rosy. But she seemed happy.

She pushed him over, took her face down and took his circumcised cock in her mouth. He too, not backing down, pulled her legs towards him and took her pussy on his lips, and started vigorously sucking in, pushing his cock ever deeper into her mouth.

As she was going “”, he was sucking the wetness outta her pussy, occasionally rubbing his palm against her clitoris, squeezing her butt cheeks in his hands.

By the time his cock was well hardened, her bull was rosy due to his squeezing.

As she took his cock outta her mouth, he pushed her away, positioned her upside, got on top of her, pinned her hands against the bed and asked,

“Ready, babe?” To which she just nodded “yes” with a smile.

He started penetrating. She felt a little tighter than he expected.

He was growling and she was moaning, as his permutations got rougher, harder and faster.

Later he released her hands to grab her tits and as soon as he did so, she threw her hands around his neck, pulled his face against the right side of her neck and closed her eyes tight. Her legs were entwined around his waist.

He was squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples as he kept pounding.

Later, he left her boobs, rolled a round and as he was rolling, he threw his arms around her upper back and got her pressed against him, got her below him and started pounding her again, this time them eating each other’s mouths as well.

“Aah…I’m coming…!!” And then she came.

Although he was nowhere near coming, he stopped and asked, “are you satisfied or do you need more?”

She smiled lightly and as she was rubbing his left cheek with her right hand, Said, “well, you can stop for now, refresh yourself, and start again.

For now, as an advance, keep this,” she said as she pulled him into a long but stationary lip kiss. During the kiss, she sent some of her memory into his head.

As she later broke the kiss, he looked at her astonished. She said, “you’ll get to know the rest in parts, as you keep satisfying me. You see, I keep my promises.”

As he left her and sat aside the bed, she hugged him from behind and lightly kissed his head.

“How longer will it take for me to get to know the entire story?”

“Quite long, Qamar.”

“But I can’t stay here for that long. Besides, someone might notice my body along with yours in the pit,” he said as he turned his face towards hers.

She kissed his lips once and said, “mh…No Qamar. When the transition takes place, the time almost stops.

In this realm, it takes many, many years for a moment to pass in yours.

Now let’s go refresh ourselves, and come back for more.”

To be continued

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