Service At Home – Part I

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Hello everybody. This is my first story here on this site. I am John from Mumbai and a professional maseeur. I provide massage and other services to any lady anywhere.

This is a story of my first experience around 4 years back as a masseur to a lady who stayed at Worli. I had given an advt. in a newspaper classified and she approached me on my mobile from that advt.
It was a hot summer afternoon when I received her call, and she introduced herself as Shilpa Sharma(Name same but surname changed, on her request). The following was our conversation:-

Shilpa: Hello, is it John?
Me: Yes, John here, How may I serve you?
Shilpa: Actually, I read your advt. in the newspaper today and would want to hire your services for one day at my place. Would like to know if you can make it to my place in the next 2 hours?
Me: 2 hours? That’s way too fast Madam, I am based out of Malad and It shall take minimum 2 and half hours for me to drive down to your place as I can leave in another half an hour from now.
Shilpa: Look, Johny boy, I need services and you are the first one whom I am calling, if you cant come then I will be forced to ask someone else. Confirm to me your being here in 2 hours then I shall not call anybody else.
Me: ummm… Ok…. Done… I shall see you exactly at around 3 at your place… Can you sms me your address plz?
Shilpa: OK thanks. Shall wait for you Johny boy. (laughed)

Soon, enough I received her SMS with her complete address and she made a special request to get almond oil. I was surprised on the request and also as she did not ask about my rates at all.

Even then, I got myself a shower, dressed up in my jeans and a white t shirt, put on my ray bans and my most exquisite Davidoff perfume and out I went towards my car. While in the car, I was very nervous, as this was my first service at home. I didn’t know the authenticity of the woman, neither I knew how she looked. I was taking a big gamble. But little did I know that this gamble will be my biggest jackpot for my future…..

I was driving at full speed and various thoughts were running in my mind. How will she be in looks? Will she be good or will she lay some kind of a trap? I was nervous, a little afraid but at the same time very much excited. I just could not forget her sound, she was sounding like a seductress on phone, very sweet voice very mature but tremendously sexy.

I reached at the given address a good half an hour early. I asked for parking and the watchman gave me a dirty looks and said that no parking for visitors. He then asked me my name. I said John and he immediately asked that are you coming for Shilpa Madam? When I said yes, he started pleading to me and said sorry, please don’t complain to her else she wont leave me. I was surprised pleasantly that she had already informed the watchman. Anyways, he guided me to a garage and asked me to park my car there. I did so and started to spray some mouth freshener and some deo to smell good.
As said, I reached on the 18th floor, flat no. 1810 and rang the bell. I waited for 5 mins but no reply. Then I got her call. She said, John is that you on the door? I said yes. She asked me to take the keys from under the floor mat near the door, open it and come straight inside.

I did so and entered the grand house. What a house it was. All the expensive, imported show pieces, nice carpeted flooring, with some bar corner in the living room. I could see a passage on my right leading to 2 doors side by side. I was on phone and asked her now what to do? Please read it as the conversation went :-

Shilpa: Johny boy, have you got the almond oil?
Me: Yes
Shilpa: Good boy! Now quickly get in to the clothes kept for you on the table next to you and come in the 1st door which you see on your right.
Me: What? Clothes? Mm…
Shilpa: Look Johny boy… I would like you to obey all my orders without questioning me… If you do so you would be handsomely rewarded…. Even if you ask one question then I wont go ahead and will ask you to leave…Do you get me?
Me: Er….. Yes… OK….. Can I use the restroom to change?
Shilpa: No need. No one else is watching you except me rite now. Please change right here.
Me: Here…….mmmm….ok

I looked on the side, there was a robe kept and nothing else… so there wasn’t going to be any size problem… I removed my tshirt, then opened my belt and dropped my jeans down. I was in my Jockeys and the phone was on speaker.

Shilpa: Good choice of underwear Johny boy! I like it…. Now do me a favour …. Wear the robe … but remove your underwear and carry it in your hand when you come inside…..
I was very scared now. This being my first experience. I thought what if some police or someone would be watching me? What if some of my friends are pulling a prank on me?
Still, I did as ordered. I put on the satin blue colored robe and took off my underwear and held it in my hand. I started moving towards the first door as instructed. Then Shilpa said, please come in and sit on the sofa and wait for my further orders. I entered in. I saw a beautifully decorated bedroom. The kingsize bed with very expensive bedsheets layered with rose petals. The strong aroma of a woman’s perfume lingered in the room. I could hear a shower sound inside the bathroom. Then , Shilpa called from inside and asked me to come inside the bathroom with the almond oil bottle.

I was astonished by the scene inside. Friends, believe me you, the most beautiful woman was in the bath tub and the shower was on. She seemed like she is totally naked. She welcomed me inside and asked me to drench myself in the shower and close the tap and sit on the chair next to the tub kept for me.

Let me describe her face, she had big green eyes, moist pink lips which were very full, shoulder length coloured hair, a short nose and very very beautiful. Almost resembled the famous Hollywood actress Salma Hayek.

Dear friends, guys and girls, since I am posting my first story here, Need some feedback about it from your people … If it is good it will egg me on to complete my story in the next post which shall complete this story with the fun with her and some more women … Please email on [email protected]
Awaiting your emails friends…

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