….. (With the wife being centric in this lifestyle since 1995), we are attempting to relive some great experiences of the past, and trying to share them with like-minded people who may enjoy reading them and even find some clues in them to spice up their lives.
I am a North Indian, born in 1957. My wife, a Bengali, born in 1965. I am 5’7”, fair and average built. My wife, 5’2”, dark, still voluptuous and well-maintained. For convenience, I call myself Shams. My wife, Sush. If our ‘escapade recaps’ generate interest, I’ll keep posting details of our different experiences/encounters.
This, here, is just for starters.
It’s about a crazy Rajdhani train journey from Delhi to Kolkata. I thought I’d begin with this bcoz I’ve found some fantasy stuff like that out here, in this forum – but far removed from reality. We actually made it happen after fantasizing about it for a long while, though no real ‘planning’ went into this. It just happened. Everything fell into place.
This happened in August 2002. We were travelling from Delhi to Calcutta by Rajdhani AC 2 Tier. About 9 days earlier, travelling up to Delhi from Calcutta, we had attempted this, as we had indeed attempted on several overnight train journeys before – but it had never worked.
The only initial planning – we reach the platform a good half hour before the train docks in and wait where our compartment is expected to dock. I remain far away from Sush and her luggage. In her long skirt and reasonably tight, sleeveless T-shirt, she attracts due attention. And I observe from a distance. People travelling in the same compartment converge there in no time. She prospects for ‘interesting’ guys visually. So far it had progressed on several occasions in the past, but she never found ‘interesting’ prospects.
This time, we were lucky. Two guys travelling together, in their late 20s (sales people, Sush learnt later) arrived well before the train did. By their looks, big built and body language (typical Punjabi brashness), I got the feeling that Sush will respond. And she did. From the distance I saw her making eye contact, then some smiles. Then they got chatting.
In between, she sent me a sms saying that it’s working. I replied saying they should not see the reservation chart when the bogey arrives bcoz otherwise the two guys may connect Sush and my surnames.
But there was no question of reservation chart. When the train arrived, they just helped her with her suitcase and they went inside – talking and laughing all the while. I went in a good 10 mins later.
Sush and I had side upper and lower berths. The two guys had berths far away. Sush and I sat on the side seats without acknowledging each other. We were facing each other. The guys didn’t know I am Sush’s hubby travelling with her. Sush kept sending me sms’s while I was sitting opposite her! The guys kept telling Sush to change her berth to be in or near the 4-berth enclosure where they were. I smsed her saying REMAIN HERE.
So those 2 guys tried to exchange berths with passengers in the 4-berth enclosure in front of us. Did not work. They finally managed to exchange with passengers in the next 4-berth enclosure. So, they could see Sush diagonally across. When the train started, they were exchanging looks with Sush and she was responding. I could only see her expressions bcoz she was sitting across me, they were behind me. She kept sending smses to me about the progress (they could see her smsing, but couldn’t figure who she was smsing).
After tea and snacks were served, I could see from Sush’s facial smiles towards them that it was progressing fast. She smsed me saying that they want her to come out to the compartment entrance area. I told her to go ahead. She got up and left past me. I got up from my seat pretending to stretch my arms and looked back. The 2 Punjabi guys were following her out.
I was checking my watch. She came back a good ten mins later. Sat down and smsed me. They had introduced themselves. Office colleagues travelling to Dhanbad. Bachelors (so they claimed). Complimented her on her looks – even as a mother at her age. They were smoking (it was ok then in Rajdhani). They even told her who is that stupid guy on the side berth sitting opposite you. Ha, ha. She said no idea.
About 20-25 mins later, she went out with them again. If I remember right, she took much longer to come back. Then she smsed that they had been suggestive. I asked her like what. She replied saying they had kind of ‘accidentally’ touched her. And kept complimenting her. I smsed asking her whether she was turned on. She replied saying VERY. All the while she was smsing me, she was smiling and flirting with them (they were seated diagonally behind me).
This is very, very clear in my and Sush’s memory. When soup was being served, they asked her out again. She returned after an eternity! Her hair was disheveled, her make-up all wrong. Her smile was warped. Sitting across her, I asked her thru sms. You’ve been fucked? She replied NO. NOT YET.
I am going overboard with the details, so keying in is taking long. Rest tomorrow.
….. (with the wife being centric in this lifestyle since 1995), we are attempting to relive some great experiences of the past, and trying to share them with like-minded people who may enjoy reading them and even find some clues in them to spice up their lives.
I am a North Indian, born in 1957. My wife, a Bengali, born in 1965. I am 5’7”, fair and average built. My wife, 5’2”, dark, still voluptuous and well-maintained.
For convenience, I call myself Shams. My wife, Sush.
If our ‘escapade recaps’ generate interest, I’ll keep posting details of our different experiences/encounters.
This, here, is just for starters.
It’s about a crazy Rajdhani train journey from Delhi to Kolkata. I thought I’d begin with this bcoz I’ve found some fantasy stuff like that out here, in this forum – but far removed from reality. We actually made it happen after fantasizing about it for a long while, though no real ‘planning’ went into this. It just happened. Everything fell into place.
This happened in August 2002. We were travelling from Delhi to Calcutta by Rajdhani AC 2 Tier. About 9 days earlier, travelling up to Delhi from Calcutta, we had attempted this, as we had indeed attempted on several overnight train journeys before – but it had never worked.
The only initial planning – we reach the platform a good half hour before the train docks in and wait where our compartment is expected to dock. I remain far away from Sush and her luggage. In her long skirt and reasonably tight, sleeveless T-shirt, she attracts due attention. And I observe from a distance. People travelling in the same compartment converge there in no time. She prospects for ‘interesting’ guys visually. So far it had progressed on several occasions in the past, but she never found ‘interesting’ prospects.
This time, we were lucky. Two guys travelling together, in their late 20s (sales people, Sush learnt later) arrived well before the train did. By their looks, big built and body language (typical Punjabi brashness), I got the feeling that Sush will respond. And she did. From the distance I saw her making eye contact, then some smiles. Then they got chatting.
In between, she sent me a sms saying that it’s working. I replied saying they should not see the reservation chart when the bogey arrives bcoz otherwise the two guys may connect Sush and my surnames.
But there was no question of reservation chart. When the train arrived, they just helped her with her suitcase and they went inside – talking and laughing all the while. I went in a good 10 mins later. Sush and I had side upper and lower berths. The two guys had berths far away. Sush and I sat on the side seats without acknowledging each other. We were facing each other. The guys didn’t know I am Sush’s hubby travelling with her. Sush kept sending me smses while I was sitting opposite her! The guys kept telling Sush to change her berth to be in or near the 4-berth enclosure where they were. I smsed her saying REMAIN HERE.
So those 2 guys tried to exchange berths with passengers in the 4-berth enclosure in front of us. Did not work. They finally managed to exchange with passengers in the next 4-berth enclosure. So, they could see Sush diagonally across. When the train started, they were exchanging looks with Sush and she was responding. I could only see her expressions bcoz she was sitting across me, they were behind me. She kept sending smses to me about the progress (they could see her smsing, but couldn’t figure who she was smsing).
After tea and snacks were served, I could see from Sush’s facial smiles towards them that it was progressing fast. She smsed me saying that they want her to come out to the compartment entrance area. I told her to go ahead. She got up and left past me. I got up from my seat pretending to stretch my arms and looked back. The 2 Punjabi guys were following her out.
I was checking my watch. She came back a good ten mins later. Sat down and smsed me. They had introduced themselves. Office colleagues travelling to Dhanbad. Bachelors (so they claimed). Complimented her on her looks – even as a mother at her age. They were smoking (it was ok then in Rajdhani). They even told her who is that stupid guy on the side berth sitting opposite you. Ha, ha. She said no idea.
About 20-25 mins later, she went out with them again. If I remember right, she took much longer to come back. Then she smsed that they had been suggestive. I asked her like what. She replied saying they had kind of ‘accidentally’ touched her. And kept complimenting her. I smsed asking her whether she was turned on. She replied saying VERY. All the while she was smsing me, she was smiling and flirting with them (they were seated diagonally behind me).
This is very, very clear in my and Sush’s memory. When soup was being served, they asked her out again. She returned after an eternity! Her hair was disheveled, her make-up all wrong. Her smile was warped. Sitting across her, I asked her thru sms. You’ve been fucked? She replied NO. NOT YET.
I am going overboard with the details, so keying in is taking long. Rest tomorrow.