Without wasting time, let me come to my fantasy sex story I have been imagining from quite a few days.I am the 24-year guy from Jabalpur, virgin, contact me at [email protected] or hang out or eight seven seven zero seven four two one zero six.
Selena Gomez and her very famous boyfriend were in the New York city. He was there to do a few shows as part of his world tour and she was promoting her new single “bad liar”, being photographed everywhere in between by the paparazzi as she went from radio station to radio station to do interviews and talk about her upcoming projects.
But there was one more reason they were both in the city. A couple of days before the trip, Abel had mentioned something about taking their relationship to the next level.
When Selena asked him what that meant, he just replied with a cryptic: “you’ll find out in New York,” before quickly changing the subject. Things had been going great for the couple and, after all the bad stuff she’d been through with her last boyfriend, Selena couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have finally found a man that loved and respected her.
One that with each passing day she fell more in love with. Whatever the big surprise was, she was sure she was going to love it.
The day of the promotion, just a couple of hours after her plane had landed, the famous singer sat in her hotel bedroom answering a call from her man who had just arrived himself.
“So. Now that we’re both in the city. What’s all this mystery about?” she asked as soon as he greeted her.
“you goin’ straight to the point, huh?”
“I can’t help it. Been thinking about it all week!”
“Ok, then I’m gonna be straight with you. What I’m about to tell you, I’ve never said to any other woman, ok?”
“Wow,” she replied excitedly, smiling from ear to ear with all sorts of crazy ideas about what he could possibly be about to say going through her mind. Was he going to propose to her? Introduce her to her family? Or maybe just ask her to be in one his songs?
“you know how much I love being with you but lately.
I feel like things have kinda become a little stale, don’t you think?”
Selena’s mood drastically changed. She’d been fearing that he would get bored of her for awhile now, knowing well that Abel was a famous womanizer just like her last boyfriend, and now that the honeymoon period seemed to be over her anxiety about him cheating the same way Justin did had been steadily increasing.
“umm, I guess,” she replied nervously, trying her best to hide her desperation.
Her worst fear seemed to be coming true, now all she could think about was how long it would be before he’d break up with her or just plainly cheat on her. All the tabloids and blogs would be filled with tons of lies about their relationship and she’d go back to being depressed and feeling sorry for herself.
With her self-esteem issues flaring up she began to panic.
“Well, I’ve been thinking that. I want to explore our relationship more. Like, sexually.” he said, faking honesty in lines he had repeated dozens of times to other girls.
“Oh. Ok.” Selena replied, still nervous but genuinely surprised with the direction he was taking.
“’cos I really love you, baby, and I think what you and I have is special. Really special!”
“Yeah, I feel the same way.”
“so I was thinking. If I asked you to do something really crazy for me. To like, you know, spice things up. Would you do it?”
Selena stayed in silence for a moment, still trying to control her fear of being humiliated and abandoned again.
“I. Yeah, I mean, what kind of crazy are we talking about here?”
“What I’m talking about here is putting our love to the test. A real one that I think will show if we’re really right for each other.”
“Ok, but what kind of test?” she asked, biting her nails.
“What I mean is that. I want to share you with someone. And I hope you’re ok with that.”
“”sh– share me? What. Oh, you mean like in a threesome? I already told you, Abel. I could do it, maybe, if I can convince one of my girlfriends. Because you know I’m not comfortable with a random girl and–”
“No no, baby, listen to me, please. You remember what you told me in Paris that night at the hotel”
“yes, Abel. I told you that I loved you and that I’d do anything for you.”
“and did you mean it?”
“of course I meant it! I love you!”
“and do you trust me?”
“of course I trust you, Abel!”
“and you swore you’d do anything for me, right?”
“Yes, I did. What are you getting at?”
“ok. Because I don’t want a threesome with one of your friends. What I want you to do for me. Is fuck someone else.”
“What?! Wait. What do you mean?”
“Look, Selena, baby. I love you and I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world but I’ve always had this fantasy that I could never talk about. And it’s driving me crazy.”
“Oh. So, in this fantasy.”
“I watch you fuck another man.”
“I– I don’t. But why?”
“it’s just something that would make me really happy. And I know it’s a crazy thing to ask a girl but that’s why I’m asking you. ‘cos you’re the only woman I’ve felt this way about. Ever. And like. You want me to be happy, don’t you?”
“of course, Abel, but why do you want me to cheat on you I don’t–”
“It wouldn’t be cheating, baby. I’d be right there with you.”
“ok. But I still don’t get it. And who would I even–”
“I have some people in mind. People I– we can trust.”
“I don’t know, Abel, I want to make you happy but this.”
“I guess you don’t trust me that much, huh?”
“No, I do! It’s not like that!”
“Well if you really love me as much as you say you do.”
“Ok, ok! Just. Give me a second to process this. It’s not something that I had ever even considered!”
“that’s all I ask, baby, that you consider it. I mean, I’d never force you to do anything you didn’t want to, but this. This is really important for me. It’s something I never asked any girl before. ‘cos what we have is special, you know. ‘cos I really love you.”
“I love you too, Abel but. How would it even– I mean, if I did it– and I’m not saying I will– how would this work?”
“Look, you don’t have to stress too much about it, baby. I’ll take you out to dinner tonight, we’ll have a few drinks and after that, I’ll introduce you to a friend, ok? And if you feel uncomfortable then we’ll just leave, ok?”
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“you promise?”
“I promise, baby.”
“ok. I guess I can do that. But this is still not a yes, ok?”
“Yeah, I got that. Now go do your thing and I’ll see you later, baby. Ok?”
“yes. I love you, Abel. You’re everything to me.”
“I love you too, Selena. Oh! And one more thing. In the evening, once you’re ready to go out, take a couple of sexy photos of yourself and put ‘em up on Instagram, ok? I love that stuff.”
“umm, ok, sure!”
“Awesome. Now go do your thing.”
Just as the call ended Selena’s hair and makeup team knocked on the door and as they got her ready for a long morning of promoting her new single the pretty Texan couldn’t think of anything else other than her boyfriend’s shocking request.
The nervousness and uncertainty kept bugging her as she made her way to the first radio station and she continued to be distracted through most of the interviews, so much so that rumors started circulating of her health being at risk again.
During the few free moments she had between interviews she texted her boyfriend without getting any response, which only made her even more distressed, but she trusted him and was convinced that he would keep his promise and wouldn’t force her to do anything that made her uncomfortable.
Around noon, she made up her mind and decided that she would go meet his friend, maybe even flirt with him a little to feed her boyfriend’s fantasies, but that would be it. She was a good Catholic girl and her mother had not raised her to give her body to a man she didn’t love.
“yes, that’s what I’m going to do,” she kept repeating in her head but at a certain point during the afternoon she realized there was one thing that was bugging her the most: she wasn’t completely disgusted by the idea.
In fact, she was somewhat curious about who the friend was and if she would feel aroused once she was alone with the two men. She didn’t want to admit it to herself
To be continued in the next sex story.