Seduction of the ice queen

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It had been a long flight for karan and he was looking forward to going to his hotel and starting his day. He, along with the rest of the passengers has just landed in dubai , the commercial capital of not only united arab emirates , but of the entire persian gulf , after a 15 hour non-stop flight from new york city . As a high level business executive of a multinational firm, he had flown business class of emirates airlines, and as always their service had been exquisite. However, karan had a crucial and potentially lucrative meeting in a few hours and he did not want to be late. He had been making these trips to dubai for a while now ever since he was made in charge of this particular project, and usually these was never an issue. This time however, things were different.

The immigration line, which was usually fairly fast moving, was crawling and his particular line was particularly slow. There were three people ahead of him, and a young woman at the counter was having an argument with the arab immigration officer. Karan waited for 15 minutes, and when the woman continued to argue, karan noticed that the immigration officer was on the verge of calling security. He excused himself to the people ahead of him, and with the confidence of a frequent traveler and authority of a high level executive, he approached the counter.

“is this is problem?” He asked the young lady.

“it’s none of your business!” She snapped back.

Not fazed by her rude remark, karan turned to the immigration officer and spoke to him in arabic, which he had picked up during his time in dubai . After going back and forth for a few minutes with the officer, karan got his passport stamped and much to the woman’s surprise, the officer gave him her passport too.

“hey what are you doing with my pass…” the young woman started to protest, but karan looked at her, held up his hand, and gestured her to zip her lips.

“follow me,” was all he said to the young woman, who was dumbfounded and followed karan to secondary immigration. There he spoke to someone in a uniform who looked at her passport, then at her, and then stamped her passport. Karan took the passport back and handed it to the young woman.

“hey you had no right to interfere in my business and absolutely no right to take my passport!” She stated very angrily at karan. “i can take care of my own business, and i certainly don’t need a stiff in a stuffed up collar and business suit to treat me like a little girl!”

Karan continued to look at her and listened to the young woman finish her rant and then let the silence hang for a moment. The silence between them lingered long enough for the woman and the couple of people around them to notice. Then without breaking eye contact, he spoke softly yet with a confidence that startled the woman.

“your visa was missing a signature, so they thought it was a forgery. You were about to go to jail. Next time, be more careful.” He was still in his executive mode, and spoke to her with his tone of authority. Then without warning, karan picked up his bags again and walked away; not waiting for the woman to say anything, who continued to look at him in stunned silence.

This was typical karan. He liked being in control; of himself, his surroundings, and as much as possible of others. He was not a dictator of any sorts, but he was a mover and shaker for sure. He was well liked and respected by his sub-ordinates, admired by his peers and groomed by his superiors. He didn’t believe in waiting for things to happen, he made them happen by his hard work, intelligence and tenacity. The world was his oyster, and karan absolutely loved it. The best part was, he was only 30 years old and he was already on his way to the top.

After renting his car, karan called his clients up and notified them of his arrival and informed them that he was on his way to the meeting. Rather than freshen up at the hotel first, karan liked going full steam ahead through the day and then relax in the evening with a good party. In short, he worked hard and he played hard.

The five hour long meeting was filled with presentations, sales pitches, negotiations, and in the end as karan as expected, celebrations. After all the documents had been signed and all hands were shaken, karan left the meeting feeling exhilarated. He went to his hotel to get ready for the night. A quick shower, shave, and change made him full like a new man.

Karan met his clients again for dinner at his hotel which was filled with the usual wining and dining. While he liked these dinners with his clients, he found them a bit tame for his tastes. So as soon as etiquette allowed, he excused himself feigning jet lag and headed for the hotel lounge/dance club. The hotel has a rooftop lounge/club which was flaunted as one of the best in the city. He paid his cover charge and walked out the gilded elevators which opened onto a penthouse cocktail den practically stretching to the horizon. The mirror- and window-lined room looked like an ’80s interpretation of the art deco era, with low-slung suede sofas in deep sunset hues. A chrome staircase leads to a sprawling rooftop that boasted almost 360 degree unobstructed view of the dubai skyline. This was something he liked. He found himself a comfortable velvet couch, and ordered himself a vodka martini. He had started relaxing with it when he heard a somewhat familiar voice.


Karan turned and was surprised to see the woman from the airport.

“i wasn’t expecting to run into you again.” She said still a little stiff

“likewise” karan replied. “how have you been? Getting into any more trouble?” He asked with a half smile.

“no,” the young woman blushed prominently which showed even in the dim light but she again controlled quickly.

Sensing her embarrassment, karan offered, “i’m not expecting any one here, if you aren’t here with anyone, would you like to join me for a drink.”

The woman looked at him and for a second it seemed like she was going to pass on her offer, and then changed her mind.

“thank you, i would like that.” She said sitting down on the other side of the couch. “by the way, my name is shilpa,” and offered her hand which karan shook very gracefully. He ordered a cosmopolitan for her, which she gracefully accepted. She was still pretty stiff, however she didn’t seem as arrogant as she had been at the airport.

She sipped her drink and the two sat in silence. Karan continued to look at her, enjoying his own drink. She looked at him, opened her mouth and then closed it again. Sensing that this woman was not used to being expressive, karan let her take her own time. Then finally she took a deep breath and said.

“i wanted to thank you for your help this morning. I could have gotten in a lot of trouble today, and i don’t know what i would have done had you not been there.” She continued after taking a few sips of her drink.

Karan looked bemused for a moment. He again let the silence linger as he had done at the airport while taking a sip of his drink, then said, “you are welcome. You seemed to need it.”

“yea, i suppose i did.” Shilpa said and averted her eyes.

Karan observed that shilpa was a very good looking woman. While not skinny like models, she had the right amount of curves. She was wearing a blouse and a skirt that fell just below her knees as she sat on the other end of the couch with her legs crossed in a proper and lady like manner. The top button of the blouse was open allowing karan to get a look at her cleavage and the top of her bra covered breast, whenever she bent down to pick up her drink from the small table in front of them. Her black bra was also visible through the silky material and he could notice that the cups were definitely lacy.

They both sipped their drinks in silence for a bit, listening to the lounge music. Karan was looking at her, observing her and it was obvious she wanted to say something more but was not able to. Again, he let a few moments pass before shilpa turned.

“i’m really sorry i was rude to you.” She said finally. “i’m not used to being told what to do.”

Letting her off the hook easily than earlier, he said, “never mind. It’s ok. Immigration can be a stressful experience in a foreign country.”

“yes,” she replied, “this is my first visit here. I live in london , and am here on business. I travel quiet a bit because of work, and this was the first time i was being interrogated like that.”

“you’re in an arab country.” Karan said. “this is a male domain. You have to know how to stoke their egos.”

“i order men around all day,” shilpa said with a touch of arrogance flashing in her eyes. “i am an independent woman. I run my own business, pay my own bills, and make executive decisions in a heartbeat.”

Karan looked at her without as much as a flinch. He took a sip and said, “you may be a very qualified professional, but you cannot deny that you’re a woman. That’s something you cannot change and better for you if you accept your limitations”

“i don’t believe in gender related limitations imposed by backward cultures or worse backward thinking people.” Shilpa said, “and i am not used to taking orders from any man!”

“hmmm, maybe you should get used to it.” Karan said.

“i don’t think so” shilpa said with annoyance

Getting into his authoritative tone and executive mode again, karan said, “you seem to be a woman who has always been on top of things. You probably the first born child of your parents, and have couple siblings that have always taken your orders. You were probably the hall monitor of your school, and the president of various clubs in high school and in college. Am i getting warm?” He asked

Shilpa just looked at him, her arrogance and attitude turning into surprise.

Taking her silence as affirmation, karan continued, “after college, you got into the work force and from then till now have always been fighting this up hill battle of being strong and being in command. Never a moment of weakness for you are always afraid that men with think you can’t handle yourself. So you have created this wall around you, where no one is allowed to see you in any situation which you can’t handle.”

Karan stopped for a moment, and watched shilpa’s body language. Her arms were folded, and legs still crossed indicating that she wasn’t hearing what she liked, which probably meant that he was right on the mark. So he smiled to himself and made one final statement.

“you may not like being told what to do, but here is something for you to consider. In reality, being told what to do can actually be quite a liberating experience for some people.”

“you seem to be talking from experience.” Shilpa said with raised eye brows.

“i’ve given enough people orders to know who can take it and who can’t. And if i may be bold, i believe part of you enjoyed not being in charge for a bit.”

Shilpa was quiet for a moment, and then reluctantly she said, “i will admit, that it was nice not have to think of everything and be responsible for having all the answers today.” She sighed. “while i didn’t appreciate the way this happened, in retrospect i guess liked the fact that you were in charge. I felt like you were looking out for me. As i said, without you, i could have gotten in a lot of trouble.”

“i believe its time for another drink,” karan said looking at her empty glass and ordered another cosmo for her.

“how did you know i enjoy drinking cosmopolitan? This is the second one you have ordered.” Shilpa asked him.

“i know of a few more things you need, but you’re going to have to ask for them.” Karan gave a cryptic response but said it with a confidence that made shilpa shudder. In her amazement, she took a large gulp of her drink and felt it hit her, making her very aware that she was getting buzzed slowly. She was becoming very aware of the effect the confidence of this man was having on her. His aggressiveness was making her feel so vulnerable yet there was something comforting about him. It amazed her how much trust this man was engendering within a matter of moments.

Shilpa finished her drink faster than she expected and found karan looking at her. She felt herself flush and then kept her glass down. She found herself leaning towards him a little and looking back at his handsome features. It was obvious that he took care of himself since he was a fine specimen of masculinity. He had a strong chin, broad chest, and apparently flat stomach. She was drawn to him, and she couldn’t explain why. But this was completely against her personality. This man had self-importantly intruded in her personal business and albeit helped her out, was now being arrogant enough to presume to know what she was all about. Her conflicting emotions were making her head spin a little, and the alcohol absolutely wasn’t helping. She was drawn to him, no doubt about it, as her rising body temperature was making her well aware of it.

Karan kept watching shilpa finish her drink and instantly wanted her. She was a beautiful woman, and the more he talked to her, the more he realized how much he wanted her. This wasn’t about his ego; this was about teaching her something that only a man can teach a woman. But he was going to make sure that she made the first move. He was going to break down her walls and make her want him to the point she would ask for it. Then he was going to make sure that shilpa remembered this night and was going to make her learn how to listen and how to obey.

Looking around to the dance floor, karan smiled and got up from his seat. He offered her his hand and asked, “would you care to dance?”

Shilpa was momentarily taken aback by his offer, but quickly composed herself. She took her hand as karan helped her up and then nodded, “let’s go.”

Karan took her hand in his arms and slowly guided her to her dance floor. The live band was playing a mix latin music including salsa. Having a beautiful woman in his arms and the drinks in his system was certainly making karan feel at the top of the world as he glided onto the dance floor.

They made their way towards the center through the groups of people and karan turned to face his partner. He gently pulled shilpa closer till they were inches apart. He slid his right hand to her lower back and gently slid it up, his fingertips slowly teasingly caressing her back stopping right below her shoulder blade. He flattened his hand on her back and raised his elbow to his side. Shilpa in turn placed her left arm over his, resting her hand right below his shoulder. Karan gently held her right hand in his left fingers and raised her hand to his face. His lips barely touched her fingers, before their eyes met. Karan saw the anticipation in shilpa’s eyes, and rather than kissing her fingers, he moved her hand to the side, and started to move to the music.

As karan led shilpa around the dance floor, she was being filled with conflicting emotions. Karan’s charms and confidence (not to mention the drinks) were certainly making her drawn to him, but he was a man, and she always had men come to her. She was actually surprised at herself when she felt disappointed that karan didn’t kiss her fingers. He was certainly a very good dancer, with very fluid movements. He obviously knew how to treat a woman on the dance floor, and his musky manly aroma was making her senses come alive.

Karan and shilpa moved to the music as one entity. They danced around the other people as the music soared though the air around them. Karan had been dancing for years, and had professional lessons long enough to know all the right moves at the right time. He moved again to the center and spun shilpa around so that her back was now on his chest. He gently touched the back of his fingers you her check, and ran them slowly, seductively down her neck, and the sides of the chest, barely grazing her breast, stopping at her waist. Karan bent his neck down to her neck and took a deep breath of her, making shilpa shiver. Karan knew she liked this since the small hairs on the back of her neck stood up and he could see goosebumps on her skin. Smiling to himself he twirled her again and brought her back to facing him as the music continued to beat around them.

Shilpa was still shivering from what karan has just done. Her body responded more strongly than she would have expected it. She felt her nipples harden and push out on her bra and they were almost visible poking out of her blouse. Her pussy was definitely indicating its desire by forming a wet spot on her panties. Her mind was fighting her desires and her body was advertising it, and she knew karan was starting to take notice.

Karan kept looking into shilpa’s eyes, gazing intently as they danced across the floor. He knew he was having an arousal effect on shilpa. Her nipples that had started to poke out were clear evidence of that fact. As the song they were dancing to approached its high note, karan slipped his hand down to shilpa’s back, and dipped her onto his other hand. He brought his face down to heck and took a deep breath as he moved his face over her throat and down to her cleavage. He paused for an instant to admire the shape of her breasts as they pushed out of the bra and blouse, before pulling her up again.

Shilpa was feeling extremely flushed after karan’s last move. The proximity of his face to her neck had sent a rush through her whole body. He felt her body melting into his hands, but her mind was trying desperately to hang on to any threads of control. As the song ended, karan finally took her hand close to his face, and this time did indeed plant a soft tender kiss. The touch of his lips sent ripples though her body and she felt herself blush in spite of herself.

For a change of pace, the next couple of songs were slow. Rather than heading back to their seat, karan took the lead and pulled shilpa even closer, till bodies were almost touching and gently moved her to the slow melody. Her body was in his strong grip and he head was almost resting on his shoulders. His right hand clipped down to the lower back while his left was still holding her right one, pulling her body even closer body.

Shilpa’s body was taking over control as she felt it conform to his manly physique. Her breasts were touching his body as were their pelvises. She could feel karan gentle yet hot breath on her neck as they swayed slowly. Her mind was desperately trying to resist but shilpa wasn’t listening any more. She was completely intoxicated by this man. With his words, his looks, his charms, and his confidence, he had shaken shilpa’s very foundation. The comfort she felt in his arms completely thrilled and shocked her. She was lost in her own reverie, when she heard his voice reach her ears.

“do you want me to kiss you?”

Shilpa looked up and found him looking into her eyes. Their lips already very close to each other. Their bodies locked, their eyes, locked, shilpa was in no position to resist her body’s temptations and simply nodded. Her mind was still saying no, but she wanted him. To touch him, feel him, and experience him. Her sexual instincts had already registered him as an alpha male, and now she wanted to be taken by him. Shilpa barely nodded her head and leaned in closer to bring her lips closer to him in response.

Karan brought his lips to hers and gently touched them. Shilpa’s lips were soft, yet were emanating her heat of desire. Karan’s lips lingered on hers for a moment before parting. He saw that shilpa had here eyes closed and when she opened them they had a soft glazed look. He brought his lips to hers again, this time with more passion. He felt shilpa’s lips push back into his as their mouths opened and closed again. Their kiss took on more passion and momentum right there on the dance floor, oblivious to anyone else around them. Their mouths opened and closed again and again, sucking on each other lips, wanting more and more of each other. Karan wrapped his hand tighter across her waist and pulled her even closer. Shilpa responded by letting a small moan escape her lips as she continued to kiss karan. His lips were like magic that had a cast a spell and ensnared all her senses. She couldn’t believe that she has just met him this morning, and yet here she was kissing him with every ounce of passion and desire he body could muster.

Karan finally broke the kiss and found shilpa panting in his arms. He held her closer and found her trembling. He whispered into her ear, “don’t be afraid, i’m here.”

“i know you are, that’s why i’m not afraid,” shilpa said. Her mind was still resisting in the back of her head, not because she didn’t trust karan, but because this was completely out of character for her.

“would you like to come up to my room?” Karan asked as he looked straight into her eyes.

For a long moment shilpa didn’t reply. She was certainly aroused at the moment and was tempted, but her mind was still conflicted. Karan was still a stranger to him, yet there was a charm and sincerity about him that she couldn’t deny. The turmoil was raging in her mind. Her emotions and reason were at a tug-of-war and as if sensing her hesitation, karan kissed her lips again passionately. All resistance just instantly vanished and she nodded her head after the kiss.

Karan smiled and gently escorted her off the dance floor, down the staircase and out of the lounge. They took the elevator silently down to this floor, all the while shilpa could hear her heart beating in her ears. Karan held her hand the whole time and he gently led her to his suite which was quite lavish. Shilpa guessed that karan must also be successful financially.

Karan took made her sit on the sofa and offered her another drink from his minibar. Karan chose some suitable music from his mp3 player, and then turned up the volume, before taking his seat. As both of them finished the drink, he gently pulled her up from the sofa again and brought to the center of the room.

Karan let go of her hand and slowly walked around her and then from behind her he whispered, “tonight we’re going to experience a passion that we will carry with us forever. Tonight, you will experience joys that will heighten each one of your senses. Tonight, ever inch of you will be pleasured”

Then he looked into her eyes and whispered, “tonight, i want you to soar into the heavens with the angels and see the stars shining brighter than ever, and feel pleasure beyond your every desire.”

“now dance with me” he said.

Looking at the confused look on shilpa’s face, he repeated, “dance for me. Entice me. Let go of your consciously self, and make me want you. No better yet make me need you.”

After first, shilpa wasn’t sure what to do. No one had ever talked to her like this, and part of her was about to refuse. But karan was no ordinary man, and she was already under his spell. Even though her mind was telling her to get out, her body began swaying to the beat. Slowly at first, and very consciously.

Karan smiled and whispered, “do it like you want me. Imagine your hands to be mine. Show me where you want me to touch you.”

Shilpa seemed to get the message as she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and began running her hands over her tight body. She moved her fingers over her face and trailed a finger all over her lip. Her fingers then moved up and down her neck and down her sides. She placed her hands on her hips and turned her back to karan and started running her hands over her skirt covered ass. As the tempo of the music got faster, shilpa pushed her hands over her dress, rubbing her breasts.

Karan was impressed by this act of seduction as it confirmed that fact that shilpa was a sexual woman, who just needed coaxing to get her out of her shell. He kept moving around her, gently touching her face, and her body as she danced around him. She was really getting into it, and was enticing him more and more. She turned around again and this time started rubbing her ass onto his crotch in tune to the beats of the music. Karan could feel himself get hard as her as was pushing up and down his shaft in his pants. The more she pressed on his crotch, the harder he was getting. This effect was obviously not lost to shilpa as her eyes were full of lust when she turned around and began rubbing her breasts again, harder this time, wrinkling her blouse.

“unbutton your blouse” karan whispered in her ear. “all the way down to your waist and pull it apart from the top. I want to see your breasts.”

Without thinking this time, shilpa started to unbutton her blouse slowly, deliberately allowing her fingers to touch lightly the skin beneath. She pulled the blouse out of the waistband of her skirt and continued the unbuttoning process. Soon every button had been undone and she opened her blouse up displaying her bra covered breasts to her new lover.

As the music took over, shilpa cupped her breasts and pushed them together. Her nipples were poking out through the sheer fabric that didn’t leave anything about the nipples to the imagination. Her nipples were large and dark and very visible in their netted confines. Shilpa pressed her finger on the nipples and pinched ash she brought them closer to karan’s face. She smiled at the fact that karan liked what he saw. Getting more daring, she ran her finger though his hair then pulled his face down burying them into her cleavage. Karan took a deep breath inhaling her feminine fragrance off her bare skin which thrilled shilpa more.

Lifting his head from her heaving bosom, karan licked a wet trail up and down her cleavage to entice shilpa even more. He moved his tongue over her throat, a move that make shilpa emit a low guttural groan.

Smiling he moved his lips to her ear and whispered, “take off your skirt shilpa! I want to see you”

Her mind again exploded with warnings. It was begging and pleading with her to stop. Instead shilpa found herself turned around while her hands reached the sides of her skirt and slowly began to obey her master.

Karan watched as shilpa unzipped her skirt and slowly let is fall down to the floor and then stepped out of the pool of fabric at her feet. She could not believe how wet her pussy was getting. As she danced around the room for karan’s pleasure, she felt her naked skin get hotter even though she was only dancing in only her black silk strapless bra with lace cups, and a lacy black thong with silky crotch and slim waist bands and high heels.

Karan held her by her arms and pulled her in to him. He took both of her hands in his and brought him to his shirt buttons. He looked into shilpa’s eyes that started undoing his buttons one at a time. She moved her hard over her hard chest and abs then slipped his shirt off his shoulder. She was amazed at his hard body. It seemed there as no fat on him. His abs were rock hard and very prominent.

Karan slipped his hand behind her waist and before shilpa realized it, he unhooked her bra in one swift motion. The lack of straps left no support for the bra and it fell off shilpa’s body. Realizing what had just happened, she placed her hands over her breasts making a futile attempt to cover them up. A sudden wave of modesty was passing through shilpa’s mind. She wasn’t sure if getting naked was the best thing for her right now, but again her desires for karan were clouding her judgment. She looked at him bare-chested and another wave of lust rippled through her body as she finally decided, to remove her hands slowly, letting karan see her erect nipples, poking out an inch from her dark areolas.

“absolutely beautiful, shilpa. Your luscious breasts are so sexy. I love the way they look, and the look of your puffy nipples.”

Karan took her into his arms, his chest crushing her breasts. Her nipples poking into his body as his arms wrapped around his naked back. He ran his finger up and down her back and slowly brought both hands up her body. He gently let he go and moved his fingertips up to her front and gently moved them up and down her neck. Shilpa closed her eyes and felt his fingers move over her collar bone then down to her chest. They grazed over her top of her breasts and around them, but he didn’t touch her nipples. She felt them tighten in anticipation but still he kept his fingers away.

“how do you feel, now, shilpa?” she heard his voice in her ear.

“exposed!” she whispered back

“you are exposed; shilpa, there is no one else to see you but me and you look ravishing… Or should i say ravage-able!” Karan whispered in her ear as he picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed and gently laid her down. He lay down beside her and looked into her eyes. He bent his head down again and kissed her lips passionately. He parted her lips and snaked her tongue into her hot mouth. Shilpa responded by wrapping her arms around him and pulling his on her and their tongues danced around each other. Karan continues to run his fingers through her hair. Their lips parted and karan moved his lips to shilpa’s neck and gently began to suck on the soft skin. Shilpa let out a soft moan before she felt karan lips leave her neck. She opened her eyes and found him looking at her, his finger hovering over her breasts that were moving up and down as she struggled to calm her breathing.

Without breaking eye contact, karan said, “roll your nipples between you fingers, and pull on them, shilpa. Get those nipples nice and red and hard. Put your fingers in your mouth, get them nice and wet, then roll your fingers around you nipples and squeeze those nipples for me. I want to see them hard.”

Shilpa’s mind was still pondering and debating how to reject his unusual request from this man she just met. She began to avert his eyes, and turned her head on the pillow, staring at the painting on the wall.

“move your hands on your breasts” karan encouraged again.

Mechanically, shilpa’s her hands moved up to her breasts and started caressing them. She gently squeezed her breasts. Her nipples felt perpetually hard and her fingers rolled the hard nub around the areolas. She pinched her nipples between her thumb and forefinger and felt a soft moan escape her lips.

“look at me shilpa” karan said soothingly.

Shilpa turned her head but still couldn’t look at him. She stared at his beautiful chest and rock hard abs and her finger’s continued to caress her breasts. Karan’s proximity and encouragements were certainly having an effect on her. The nipples were turning darker and poking out even more than before.

“wet your nipples for me” she heard karan whisper in her ear again.

Now moving her gaze to his face, shilpa’s right hand moved up and slid into her mouth. She moved her finger back and forth wetting them thoroughly before bringing down the shiny fingers and rubbing then on both her nipples before rolling the nipples and tugging on them. There was even a hint of a smile on her face and as the nipples slipped from her fingers, and rippled on her chest, karan as a hint of movement in her hips.

Karan has been getting very aroused watching shilpa’s every move. “your nipples want to be sucked. Don’t they?” He asked her.

Shilpa didn’t say anything but smiled shyly. She turned her head again away from his gave, but turned her body toward him, giving him full access to her breasts. He felt her body tense up in anticipation and perhaps resistance. Her breathing was getting deeper with each breath as shilpa shut her eyes tightly.

Karan began to lick teasingly around her left nipple, flicking his tongue back and forth along the bumps that surround it, but avoiding the peak. Wetting his lips with his tongue, he placed them around one nipple. He sucked and stretched the nipple until it responded by hardening to the soft touch of his tongue. It was divine! Shilpa felt blissful and let a sigh of contentment pass her lips. She held his head to her breast to encourage more. Then he lavished attention to her the whole breast. Kissing, licking and nipping at the entire thing. First, the upper slope of the breasts before returning to her nipple for a long suck followed by a whirlwind attack of the areola with his tongue and a gentle gnawing on the nipple.

Karan continued his attentions on her left breast for a few long moments when he moved to her right one. The nipple of her right breast felt almost flaccid under his hot palm. Taking the other breast into his lips he administered an equal treatment that the other had received. This time, he took her right nipple in his mouth and sucked hard on it. Shilpa moaned loudly and pushed her head back into the pillow. Karan flicked his tongue back and forth over it…feeling its smooth hardness. The nipple was so hard that it felt like a small stone in his mouth. When the nipple was hard, shilpa felt the edge of his teeth gently nibble the nub. With karan’s tongue and touch her body now radiated heat.

Shilpa was definitely aroused and was running her fingers though his hair and his upper back. Karan ‘s right thigh was pressed solidly against her panty-covered crotch and as his attentions continued her hips began rising an falling making a small up and down motion on my thigh while pressing tightly against it.

Karan leaned over, grabbed her breasts with his hands and pushed them together, and started to suck and lick her breasts and nipples together. He kneaded them with his hands, and opened his mouth as wide as he could as if to get the whole of each breast, inside his mouth. Shilpa’s breasts were warm and satiny. He could hear her groaning and she kept pulling his head, first to one breast, then the other. Karan could feel shilpa’s wetness seep out of her pussy into his thigh. He let go of her breasts and saw his lover biting her lip and staring at the ceiling, breathing heavily.

Karan moved up slowly kissing her chest to her ear and whispered, “now spread your legs. I want to see all of you.” he whispered hoarsely

Hearing those words shilpa closed her eyes tighter and even each for her pillow and covered her face. Karan smiled as the obvious conflict between her body’s desires and her minds resistance. He gently ran his finger up her bare belly and chest. He planted butterfly kisses all over her chest and the soft flesh of her breasts. His fingers expertly cupped and caressed her breasts as his lips moved her to her neck. He used his free hand and slowly pulled away the pillowed covered shilpa’s face.

“you truly are very sexy, shilpa.” Karan said as he gently caressed her face. “you don’t need to be ashamed about anything.” He kisses her soft lips again and slowly felt shilpa respond again and press back on his lips. Shilpa’s emotions were in a constant state of flux and her internal yo-yo was keeping karan in a constant state of arousal.

“wet your finger in your mouth shilpa, then spread you pussy lips. Show me how you can lick your fingers, then rub your pussy lips till they are nice and wet, so that your fingers will easily slide inside you.”

Again avoiding his gaze again and her hands stayed on her breasts. Karan slowly kissed her neck and placed his hand over hands and slowly guided it to her lips. Shilpa opened her mouth and sucked her finger again before karan guided them, between her legs and placed it over the waist band of her panties. He repeated his request again. Still not looking at him, but following karan’s every word, shilpa’s hand moved lower; first, rubbing her pubic mound, then dragging her four fingers onto the wet patch and pressing it. Shilpa was masturbating, slowly at first, feeling the wetness on her fingers, poking two fingers into the fabric. She was pushing her pubes harder. Karan could clearly make out the outline of her vaginal lips, swollen, wet, and clinging to her panty.

“now put your thumb on your clit, and rub it for me. Let yourself go.”

Shilpa pinched one pussy lip while poking the thumb into her pussy. She was lifting the clit up with her thumbnail and pushing it down at the same time. Her moans were getting louder. She turned her head to karan and this time karan saw lust in her eyes. Her eyes were half closed and totally glazed.

“your pussy is oozing its wetness!” Karan whispered, “i know you want to cum. Your pussy is aching for you. Let yourself go, and let your body experience the pleasure it wants.”

Suddenly, as if this was the permission she was waiting for, with a sense of urgency, shilpa pulled her panties to one side. Karan got a full view of her pussy virginal pussy; its lips throbbing, pouting, wet with sweat and juice, her clit, erect and pulsating. Shilpa right hand gently moved on her clit massaging it slowly, deliberately. She closed her eyes, feeling her emotions envelop her. Karan watched as she furiously rubbed her clit. Her pussy lips were wide open, and glistening wet.

Shilpa then dragged her hand on to her inner thigh massaging and coating it with her vaginal ooze. Her face was contorted with intense pleasure. She was oblivious to everything around her, was in her zone of pleasure and nothing could disturb her. Her pussy was flowing freely. Her hand returned to her clit. Her eyes were closed now, awaiting her impending climax. Within seconds her whole body convulsed with orgasmic contractions.

“arghhh!” Was the only groan that escaped her mouth through the ripples of pleasure that passed through her while she rubbed away at the clit for all its worth. Karan was aroused beyond words and a thick cream of cum oozed out of shilpa’s pussy coating her fingers in a white froth.

Karan gently moved his hand over to her pussy and slowly rubbing his fingering over her sopping pussy, coating his fingers, thoroughly soaking them. Then he slowly brought his fingers up. Shilpa saw his glistening fingers and her lips slowly trembled as multiple thoughts ran though her mind. Slowly, confidently, karan began to paint her lips with her sexual juices.

“lick your lips,” karan whispered hoarsely.

Coming down from the crest of her orgasm, shilpa tentatively too out her tongue and slowly licked her lips. Slowly, then again till her lips were clean. This simple movement aroused karan so much that he held her face with his hand and kissed her passionately. He snaked his tongue into her mouth and tasted her cum which tasted salty and tart. Karan’s passionate kissed was re-kindling shilpa arousal which had barely started ebbing. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her, kissing his back. The room was filled with the sounds of their loud wet kisses. Karan lowered his hand again to her pussy and wet his finger, and this time he brought them close to her mouth. This time shilpa lifted her head off from the pillow and hungrily sucked his fingers clean.

Karan was now ready to fuck this woman. He kissed his way down her body, over her belly and licked around her deep navel. He slipped his fingers into the waist band of her completely soaked panties and pulled them down. To his surprised, shilpa lifted her lips off the bed to ease his efforts. Karan began a slow stroking of her inner thighs, gently pushing them apart. Then he moved his hand upward, and began stroking her, gradually pushing one finger into her. She squirmed as she felt his finger enter her and spasmed slightly as she felt his tongue lick upwards to her clitoris.

Karan moved slightly, so that he could use both hands. He moved an arm under shilpa and began to caress between her buttocks, gently teasing her anus. His other hand was still stroking two fingers in and out of shilpa’s vagina, while his tongue was gently flicking the top of her clitoris. Within moments he was vigorously licking and sucking shilpa’s clitoris. She was trembling with lust as he stroked and played with her vagina and clitoris. Sensing another impending orgasm, karan slipped his tongue deep into her and pussy and felt it clench around it as another wave of pleasure hit it hard and she arched her back and flooded his mouth with a fresh burst of cum.

His cock was not aching fro satisfaction, so he quickly removed his pants and boxers down which were now stained with this pre-cum. He kneed between shilpa’s legs and held his cock in his hands. He gently rubbed the bulbous head up and down her open pussy and gently tapped it on the clit. Shilpa’s body felt rippled of pleasure with ever tap. He was looked between her legs but not at his face, but as his abs which karan has tightened as he prepared to feast.

Karan leaned in and pushed the head into her pussy, and then pulled it out. Shilpa pussy was so wet, his cock made a plopping sound as it came out. With a glint in his eyes and a smile on his face, he pushed his cock into her pussy again and this time keep sliding it in all the way till it was buried up to the hilt. Shilpa felt her pussy stretch as karan invaded her, and let out a guttural moan as she felt him penetrate her womanhood.

Karan leaned over her and supported his weight on his arms and start moving his hips in long smooth strokes. He pulled his cock out almost the whole way and then slit it in all the way. Shilpa’s pussy was gripping his cock like a vice and was milking it with every stroke. He kept his stroke long and started thrusting them harder, moving shilpa’s body. Her breasts were now jiggling with the impact on his cock and she had her eyes half closed and was making incomprehensible sounds.

Karan then pulled out and got off the bed. He pulled shipped to him till her ass was on the edge of the bed. He held her legs in his arms, spread her open and then slid his cock into her fucked pussy again. Karan loved to fuck standing up and it gave him the most ramming room, and he wanted to ram shilpa’s pussy till it was red and raw. He started thrusting his hips slowly then picked up his speed. He tightened his core muscles and started fucking shilpa’s with everything he had. His pubic bone grinding against her clit every time he pushed into her. He gripped her legs strongly and kept her form moving away with the force of his thrusts. Shilpa was making loud squealing noises in tune with his fucking. The bed springs were squeaking loudly as the headboard was banging on the wall.

Shilpa was in a world she had never experienced before. She had had sex plenty of times, and been with share of guys. But no one has ever treated her this way, or made her feel like this. Karan had taken each and every defense she had built up and torn them down one at a time until she was nothing but his slave. A slave, who was being fucked like she had never been fucked before. Karan was not only fucking her body, but had completely fucked her mind.

Karan looked at shilpa with a lusty satisfaction. He looked down and say that he pussy lips were completely open and turning a bright shade of red. He could feel his cock getting close but he was not ready to cum yet. He pulled out his cock and picked up and rubber band from the bedside table, and fashioned a cock ring around the base. The trapped blood made his cock swell even more and when he plunged into shilpa’s pussy, the words “oh god” slipped her mouth.

Without fear of cumming to soon, karan started pumping his cock into shilpa. Beads of sweat were now forming on his forehead and chest. Shilpa pussy was squirting her juices out and down her ass crack and within moments of his re-entry, shilpa arched her back again, squeezed her breasts as she came again. Shilpa’s body was sweating and her breathing was erratic. Karan didn’t want her passing out so he slowed his thrusts letting her relax just a tad. He lifted her leg up and licked her calf slowly and kissed the top of her foot while letting his cock stay in her pussy.

When he felt shilpa had recovered enough, karan pulled his cock out and said, “get on your hands and knees. I’m going to fuck your pussy from behind.”

Shilpa was in no position to say anything except obey. She turned over and pulled herself into position. With the cock ring on, karan’s cock was fully erect. When he move it swayed like a rigid pole, tense and excited. Karan kneeled on the bed behind shilpa, who was on her hands and knees presenting her to him. Her smooth, round buttocks were thrust high in the air, her legs are slightly spread. Her face was pressed against the sheets. All saw was the cheeks of her ass and her wonderfully wet pussy now open with her arousal.

“come to me, karan, please! It’s you i want inside me” shilpa whimpered.

Karan slid his hands over his buttocks as he took his position behind her. For a moment, the head of his cock brushed her thigh causing her to spread her legs wider. Then he pushed the tip of his cock against her flaring slit and her labia opened easily to engulf it. He grabbed her hips, pulling shilpa onto him, and sliding his rigid shaft into her deeply. He lean forward a bit and buried himself as deep into her depths as possible

“ohhhh!” Shilpa moaned as karan’s cock filled her.

Karan’s balls pressed against her pussy lips, and slowly he began to move his hips and thrust his cock. Over and over again, he penetrated her, feeling her soft, wet pussy sliding smoothly over his rock hard cock. He held her hips tightly as he fucked her, guiding each stroke for maximum penetration and for the best feeling.

Karan leaned back and watched his cock now coated with all her juices. Shilpa’s cum has formed a white frothy ring around the base of his cock and the sight of it made karan’s cock swell even more. Karan was now gasping with every stroke and shilpa was making muffled moaning sounds. She was moving her hips back in the same rhythm as karan, who was thoroughly enjoying making her squirm with pleasure. Karan picked up his thrusting speed and started fucking her pussy harder. His balls slapped her engorged clit. He leaned over her and his hands roamed all over her body. Karan reached under her and grabbed her breasts which with swaying with the motion of his thrusts. He pinched her nipples and tugged on them which made shilpa moan louder. The louder shilpa got, the hornier karan got.

He reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it like a reins. He started bucking his hips, sending ripples across shilpa’s tight round ass. Her pussy was working over time, oozing her juices out with every stroke of his cock. Shilpa could feel her juices drip down her thigh. Her mind was totally shut down on and the only emotion she could was that of pure lust. She had lifted her head as karan pulled her hair and could even hear the squishing sounds emanating form her pussy as karan’s cock pumped her mercilessly. The room was filled with the sounds of the fucking and she could smell their sexual scents all around her.

Suddenly, shilpa squealed with impending ecstasy and clenched the sheets tightly in her fists.

“yeah, that’s it,” karan gasped, “cum shilpa! Cum for me!” he wrapped his hands in her hair and pulled tightly, pulled her head back more. He kept hearing her pussy slurping at his cock.

“cum for me, shilpa, let it all out!” karan said loudly

“aaahhhunnngggh!!” shilpa howled her response with raw animal pleasure as her body exploded. Karan felt her pussy contract tightly around his cock.

“good girl” he hissed as her pussy squeezed and quivered around his shaft. “cum all over my cock!”

Finally when she was done, karan let go of your hair and let her head fall forward again. He lean back, held her hips tightly, and began to fuck her purposely. He want to cum in her and shilpa knew it. Karan’s balls were burning and he knew it was only a matter of seconds. Karan felt my balls quiver and tighten. Shilpa reach under her and gently pressed his balls with the fingers. That completely set him off, and ripping out the rubber band from his cock, he thrust into her deeply. Then he groaned his own pleasure as his cum started to fly from his cock filling her up. Again and again his cock pulses, shooting more and more cum into her.

Shilpa was shocked at the amount of cum that was being released. It felt thick and heavy in the pussy and even though karan’s cock was still deep in her pussy, his cum was seeping out and leaking down her thigh. As the waves of ecstasy slowly ebbed, she felt her arms die out and fell forward on her bed. At the same time, she fell for him and also fell in her own eyes. She had surrendered to him completely.

Karan slowly pulled out his cock and felt it soften. He slowly turns her over and looked at her. Shilpa looked at him through moist eyes. He smiled at her and she smiled back as she pulled him in with open arms and kissed him. She was his, and this was her way to feeling complete. She had truly learnt the meaning of subjugation, what it meant to give up control or more accurately have it taken away from her. Her mind was no longer judging her. Only her body was accepting everything that it was being given and her emotions were for him.

Karan pulled her in to his arms and kissed her making her understand that letting go it a good thing and that she was more of a woman now than even before. He had fulfilled her promise to making her see the stars. He had shown her what it means to be a woman and what it means to have a man take charge. Tonight he had taken charge of her pleasure and he had delivered and taken her to a realm she had never experienced. Shilpa was a changed woman, and they both knew it. Comments and feedback are welcome at [email protected]

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