Hi guys, this is my first story on ISS. If there are any mistakes or typos excuse me. Any suggestions are always welcome. It will help me write good stories in the future. This is part is not erotic. Sorry I couldn’t complete it in one part as I thought.
I am 32 years old now. I am medium built, slightly lean now, having an average 6-7 inch cock. I am neither black or white, typical South Indian average looking, guy. This story happened when I was at the age of 26. I was home on Saturday and was a little bored.
I was going through my Facebook and searching for new friends, specifically mature aunties from my city. I sent quite a few requests and one aunt named Hema (name changed of course) added me. I was a little curious and went through her pics.
I figured out she had all the necessary stuff at the right places. I waited for a couple of days for her message. But she didn’t send any. So I decided to send a message and messaged ‘Hi’. After a day or two, she replied back saying, ‘Who are you? Why did you add me?’
I was a little scared and messaged her saying this is Arvind from Bangalore. I was going through random people and thought will add you.
Hema: how dare you add random people, what made you think I would add you?
Me: Well you seemed to be a good person so added you.
Hema: What made you think like that?
Me: your facial expressions.
Hema: I am really a strict person and sometimes very harsh and rude.
Me: I can figure it but you still seem to be a caring and affectionate person.
Hema: Yes I might be but I am not kind or affectionate to unknown persons.
Me: It’s ok, if I am bothering you, I will not disturb you.
Saying that I closed the chat and didn’t look into her chat for a few days. She had sent a few messages which I didn’t see fearing she might have scolded. After a couple of days, I opened the chat. To my surprise, she had sent a few hi’s and scolded for not replying.
I messaged her back saying, sorry I didn’t see her message and was busy with work. And our conversation started again.
Hema: You think I am idle and don’t have any other work?
Me: No I didn’t mean that way. Sorry.
Hema: It’s ok. How are you?
Me: I am good, how are you?
Hema: Hmm good.
Me: What are you doing?
Hema: I am working and in the office.
Me: Where are you working?
Hema: I am working in a bank.
Me: That’s great. I am working in a private firm as a design engineer.
Hema: Good, how much do you earn?
Me: 18k.
Hema: How much will you give me?
I was a bit puzzled and replied.
Me: You give half of your salary I will give half of mine.
Hema: Hmm I cannot.
I usually hate that hmm from anyone.
Me: Ok, I will message later, have some work, take care, have a good day.
I left the chat, without even looking at what she replied. Later on that night around 9, I got a message from her saying, hi. After a few chit chats, she became little close to me after a few days. This continued for a week. One day while chatting at night, I asked for her pic.
Hema: Why? You can look into my posts, I have posted a few pics.
Me: That’s for everyone, not me, send something for me, which I can cherish.
Hema: What kind are you expecting?
Me: A normal pic. Which you like.
She sent 2 pics. She was looking good in that, but there was no spice in that. You know about it, guys. I replied to her.
Me: It’s good, you look good in that.
Hema: Just good? I expected a different answer.
Me: Shall I tell you one thing, if you don’t scold.
Hema: Yes tell I won’t scold.
Me: It’s ok, leave it. If I tell you will scold for sure.
Hema: I will not scold promise, tell me.
Me: It’s fine, it was a bad thing, I realized that now.
She convinced me to open up and say what it is after a few arguments. I finally opened up.
Me: There is nothing that I can really see.
Hema: What you can’t see?
Me: It’s late night now, it’s almost 10.30.
Hema: So what? You color blind?
Me: No what I meant is, I can’t see anything of you.
Hema: What do you really mean? Tell me correctly.
Me: Try to understand, I am alone in my room. If I could see something which will make me sleep happily and dream about.
Hema: Idiot, tell me what do you want?
Me: Send a full pic.
Hema: I can’t now, I don’t have any, I will send you tomorrow.
Me: if you send anything special will be good.
Hema: You idiot. Shut up and sleep.
She went offline saying that. I had messaged a few sorries and apologies. But had no response from her for a few days. After a few days, I got a message on Facebook from her. I was super excited and apologized to her. She finally agreed to forgive me and started normally hi and how are you etc messages.
Few days passed and we got to know each other well and shared numbers.
We had a few short talks and a lot of messages. I was about to move to Australia for 3 months and I informed her. She had a long chat with me the previous night.
After all the good talks, I asked her pic again. She refused to send after the last incident. I convinced her saying I will not be able to message her and will miss her. She denied saying I can check her Facebook posts for pics and that she will be updating every week. After a long request, I got upset and went to bed.
After a few days, I reached Australia and was concentrating on my work. I was eagerly waiting for her message and she didn’t message as always. I had to message her casually and check how she was. She replied back after a day or so. I started my request again for the pic.
She finally agreed to send a full pic of her. My eagerness grew and asked for a side view pic. I wanted to check her assets. I insisted and after a lot of requests she sent one.
Hema: Finally you got what you wanted. If you ask anything more I will kill you.
Me: I will surely ask. How can you expect a guy to get satisfied that easily?
Hema: How dare you say that?
Me: Yes, wish I get a pic where I could get a glimpse of something if not everything.
Hema: If you want more watch porn. You can see whatever you wish too.
Me: Porn and you can’t be the same.
Hema: Everyone has the same thing, just shape and color differs.
Me: It really matters, people showing out of care, love, and affection is totally different from porn.
Hema: It’s all same. You’re still young. That’s what makes you say these things.
Me: Not really I will be the same forever.
Few more heated conversations continued. Will she send the pic or not, find out in the next part. Suggestions and comments are welcome. Please be little kind and excuse me for the mistakes or if you couldn’t understand a few things.
I am also up for a few kinky chats and fun for women. [email protected]