I Am My Aunt Anupama’s Secret Lover – part 1

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My beautiful, loving aunt Anupama. After my mother, she has been the most important woman in my life. She is my mother’s twin. They looked so alike that I had confusion telling them apart till I turned nineteen.

There were times when my mother had to go out. So she would call Anupama to come to spend the afternoon. I would spend hours playing with her, eating the food she cooked, and watching TV.

I wouldn’t realize the woman on the couch with me was not my mother until my actual mother returned home. She was that identical. Not just the face and body but also mannerisms.

During our family functions, when something bad happened, I would accidentally hug Anupama instead. She would gladly accept my embrace. Many times, I shared my feelings without knowing whether the woman I was talking to was my aunt or my mother.

Actually, it didn’t matter because Anupama was as caring as my mother. She would give me all the right advice. There was one time when I asked something. But my mother had no answer for it, so she switched places with Anupama to give me my answer.

It was something related to girls. Since I hit puberty, I have felt a strange attraction toward girls. While my mother felt uncomfortable, Anupama was open to answering all my questions.

As a child, I was too naive to know what to share and what not to share. But when I turned nineteen, I had matured. I still remember that evening. I told my parents, “I don’t want any celebration. If you believe that I am an adult now, you will leave me home alone. Go for Rajiv’s engagement. I’ll be okay here.”

I sent them away because a girl was going to come over. She was my classmate who turned nineteen three months back. She had promised that once I turned nineteen, we would lose virginity together. I waited for her in our apartment. She didn’t come.

She just gave some lame excuse that she was having some lady problems. I was so heartbroken that I cried while eating the chocolate chip ice cream I bought for us after sex. I was very vulnerable when she saw me sitting on my bed crying.

By she, I mean my aunt Anupama. She had come with a birthday gift for me despite no party. Seeing me, she immediately dropped the present and came to hug me.

She tried calming me down while asking, “What is it? Why are you crying?”

I couldn’t tell. Although I had previously shared everything with her, I couldn’t speak at that moment when I saw her face.

“I can’t tell you this.”


“There are some things I can’t share with you.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you look like my mother.”

“But I’m not your mother.” she realized what could be the problem without me saying, “Is it a girl-related problem?”

I quietly wept as she continued with her deduction, “A girl was going to come over to celebrate your birthday with you. Perhaps you two were planning to make love. But last moment, her plans changed, and she didn’t come.”

“Yes,” I got angry, “And she gave some lame excuse, that bitch!”

She was a bit offended seeing my curse. She wiped my tears, saying, “Gaurav, you are a nice guy. If she didn’t come, that must be because she has a valid reason. Believe me. You have this strange cuteness that will make any woman fall in love with you.”

I smiled hearing that. It was exactly what I wanted to hear after my self-confidence was shattered. Still, that was not enough to bring me back to normal. She realized that.

“Gaurav, I was not supposed to say this. Your parents have planned a surprise birthday party for you. They’ll be here in an hour. So I want you to be your regular happy self before they come.”

I knew it. My parents would never leave me alone on my birthday. But I wanted something else that day. The gift of adulthood. The gift of losing my virginity. Sadly that was not going to happen anymore. She continued to speak,

“Gaurav, I can’t give you what you want. How about a kiss….”

“I’m not a child. I don’t thi-“

“…on the lips,” she spoke with complete seriousness.

Our eyes were locked as there was complete silence at that moment. She slowly moved her face close to mine. But then, I stopped her.

“This feels wrong. You are my aunt. You look exactly like my mother. It just feels weird.”

“I am your aunt, but we are not related by blood. Also, your mother and I don’t look the same. There are many differences that you haven’t noticed. Let me show you one,” she said while grabbing my hand and gently placing it on her neck.

She guided my fingers until I touched a black spot pimple underneath her right ear.

“If you look carefully, you won’t see your mother in me.”

While my hand was still feeling her neck, she placed her hands on mine and pulled me close for a gentle kiss. It was my first kiss, but she was an expert. We kissed for five long minutes, and she got me thoroughly excited. Not just our lips, our tongues touched and wrestled. There was a lot of exchange of saliva.

She forced herself on me, making me lean back on the bed. She got on top and continued to kiss. My eyes were shut as I took in all the pleasure through the warmth and wetness of her mouth. While we kissed, I had this sudden desire to cup her boob.

My right hand was shivering as I prepared it. After gathering some courage, I gently pressed my palm on her tit. The moment I touched her breast, the doorbell rang, so our lips had to detach.

For a moment, I felt that this kiss meant more to her than me. I was right. Invading my mouth was her way to celebrate her bachelorette party as she was to wed the next month. Since that kiss, I never saw her as my mother’s duplicate.

That moment was permanently imprinted on my memory. I used to remember the exact feeling even years after it happened. Whenever I thought of it, I used to get a huge erection, irrespective of where I was.

I am telling you all this because I went on a trip down memory lane when I was seated on the train heading to Delhi. It had been four years since that kiss. In that period, I did my engineering. Aunt Anupama got married and moved to Delhi.

We didn’t see her since her wedding. That is until I had to go to the capital city for a month-long internship before graduation. She had insisted on me coming to stay with her and her husband.

It was past midnight on the train. Remembering that beautiful moment gave me a massive erection. I wore my night shorts, so my dick was poking through the thin fabric. Fortunately, everyone on the train was asleep. I was in the middle berth trying to sleep while remembering my Anupama aunty.

Suddenly I felt a tight slap on my cheek. Unfortunately, not everyone was asleep. The female T.C., who was passing by, saw my erection. Coincidentally, opposite me was sleeping a Rajasthani bhabhi. Unlike me, she was facing away from the window, so the strong wind blew her sari up, exposing her bare thighs.

For some inexplicable reason, she was not wearing any underwear. When I opened my eyes, I saw lady T.C. fix that sleeping woman’s sari. She was a fair heavy chubby woman with big boobs. She was wearing a suit. She was very angry.

Her eyes were red with rage as she came close to my face and said, “Come with me.”

I followed her to the toilet space between two compartments. The train was racing in the middle of the night. There was complete darkness inside and outside except for dim guiding light for us to walk.

Do you remember how aunt Anupama said I have strange cuteness that would make any woman fall in love with me? That was one such moment. You wouldn’t believe what happened next. People were sleeping on the floor, but that woman didn’t care.

“I am hungry,” said the demoness and went on her knees. Then taking my dick out, she started sucking on it. She was being very aggressive about it. I could tell she was desperate. Her mouth kept sucking while she unbuttoned her coat and then her shirt.

Her massive breasts were exposed to me. She wasn’t wearing a bra. She played with her tits while sucking my cock. But whenever I tried touching them, she slapped my hand. She continued to give me a blowjob until the next station was near.

I masturbate a lot, so it took her a while to milk my cock. When the train was close, as the surrounding was getting brighter, she squeezed my balls hard. At that instant, my dick exploded inside her mouth. She swallowed it all. She then pulled up my shorts and then buttoned her shirt.

I didn’t realize this before. Despite being as tall as I am, this woman was taller than me. After we were done, the beastly woman looked down at me. I could see her mouth stained with my cum. For a moment, I felt as if she had the urge to kiss my lips. I didn’t want her to. Fortunately, she didn’t.

She warned me, saying, “I’ll return after this station. Don’t you dare touch that woman’s sari again. Or next time, I’ll put ‘my rod’ inside your ass.”

She then walked away, and I returned to my seat. Having recently ejaculated, I slept like a baby. These were just two of the many incidents I had experienced in my life when a mature older woman got sexual with me.

Let’s just say there were enough incidents for me to develop an attraction toward mature women more than girls my age. One downside of being a mature-chick magnet is that I was still a virgin after all these sexual experiences.

That was going to change. I would stay with aunt Anupama in her house during my month-long internship.

To be cunt-i-nude.

This is part one of the story about my beautiful aunt and me. Please tell me what you think about my story via email at [email protected] Also, please share this story as much as possible so that it reaches Anupama aunty to let her know how I feel about her.

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