Savita Bhabhi: Episode 84: Giving The Dog A Bone

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A lost dog was giving a dog catcher a terrible time. “Wait till I catch you”, he shouted in a batted breath as he chased the dog. He was way inside the suburban part of the city and the dog was running madly without any fatigue. The small dog with dull white and brown patches disappeared behind a corner and darted inside a backyard tumbling a metal dustbin.

“What was that?”, Savita bhabhi asked from the kitchen. She heard the loud crash in her backyard. She hurried outside grabbing a nearby Chapathi roller.

“Who is out there?”, she peeked out of the door. “I am calling the police.” Her eyes drew to the dust can. She found the dog lying down near the spilled garbage.

“Oh, it was you”, she looked surprised. She got down slowly.

“So cute. Come here”, she said as she held her hands to caress the lost dog but it jolted and ran inside.

“Hey stop”, she ran behind it.

The dog catcher rung the bell and Savita managed to send him away. She liked the dog and thought to keep it. The dog became friendly without any delay and slept on her. She named the dog ‘Ozzy’.

“When was the last time you had a bath, Ozzy?” Savita placed him in the bathtub after he woke up. The water was cool to him. Savita took a good quantity of shampoo and as soon as she started pouring water over its head the dog jerked its head furiously making Savita wet with water.

“Maybe I deserved that”, she said. “But you are not going out of the bathroom without a bath.”

Savita stood up and stripped her clothes in one minute. She stood naked in front of the dog. She sat in the bathtub which had become full of bubbles now and started rinsing the dog. The dog had become quiet now and was getting himself washed thoroughly.

“We have to make you presentable to my husband.” Her bare body was covered with foam and water. A man would definitely trade anything to be in that dog’s place to get himself bathed by Savita as she sat in the bathtub naked.

The dog’s bath got over and she bathed herself. She wanted Ashok to like the dog so she planned to make his mood lighten up by cooking his favorite dinner and wore one of the see-through lingerie Shobha had bought for her.

Just as she was finishing the final touches of the dinner, Ashok shouted – “Help!”

Savita ran as she heard a couple of short barks.

“Savita, there’s a dog in this house, call animal control immediately.” He was standing on the sofa as Ozzy barked.

“No No,” Savita said as she lifted Ozzy up. “He is just protecting me.”

“Ozzy?”,Ashok got down.

“Yes. Say hello to your ‘Daddy’ Ozzy.”

She said pushing Ozzy towards Ashok. He covered himself with the briefcase. “No fucking way we are keeping this dog.”

Nothing happened as Savita planned. Ashok was upset over it but he finally agreed to keep it if only Savita could train him. But Savita couldn’t seduce Ashok to fuck her.

The next day Savita took Ozzy to the trainer who was well renowned for his unique and effective style of training. She walked into the building and the manager asked her to go backward and wait for her turn to meet the trainer. Ozzy was pulling the leash all along. As soon as they reached the designated spot, Ozzy’s eyes caught the dog undergoing training and he started barking madly.

‘Ozzy! Ozzy!’, Savita shouted pulling the leash.

The trainer walked towards her seeing her struggle.

“Who might this be?”, he asked studying both Ozzy and Savita.

“Sorry!”, Savita apologized. “He is Ozzy and he never listens to the commands.”

Her pallu had dropped a few inches from its usual spot and the professional eyes of the trainer disappeared for a second looking at the dreamy cleavage which was wet from the sweat by holding Ozzy tightly. He dropped to his knees after gaining his senses.

“Drop his leash.” His voice was firm and commanding and Savita dropped immediately. Ozzy started to growl lightly and he started showing his teeth walking closer to him.

He held his hand over Ozzy and pushed it towards Ozzy. The growl stopped immediately when he said, ‘Sit’ in the same commanding voice. Ozzy obeyed immediately and the trainer started petting him. Ozzy licked his hand wet. “So, Ozzy is now calm and submissive.” He got back up.

“How did you do it so quickly?”, Savita asked.

“I behaved as if I’m the pack leader and dogs love to get ordered.” He said still petting Ozzy. “Actually I don’t train dogs, I train the human to be an effective Pack leader so that his dogs will obey to whatever he says.”

After the hour of working around with Ozzy, Sunil the dog trainer accompanied Savita to her home so that he can integrate Ashok to the pack. Ashok met Sunil but like the other day, Ozzy started to growl as soon as Ashok reached him. Ashok freaked out and left home immediately stating he will be back only after Ozzy is tamed.

As the door shut, Sunil said, “It takes time for some people to integrate themselves into the pack.”

Savita looked devastated. She really wanted both Ozzy and Ashok in the pack. Looking at her saddened face, Sunil said, “It’s time that you remind your husband who is the pack leader.”

“Me?”, She looked surprised as she didn’t believe him. “This pack thing works on people too?”, she asked.

“Of course”, he said strongly. His eyes were bright and confident. “You’d be surprised how similar we are to animals.”

Savita was puzzled. Looking at her puzzled face, Sunil said, “For instance..” He paused for a bit and continued in a sharp and commanding tone. “Have a seat, Savita!”

The intensity of the order made her sit immediately and replied: “Yes sir.”

Savita sat in such a way that her pallu slid a bit and Sunil got the bird’s eye view of the cleavage that no man can resist.

“Do you find me attractive?”, it didn’t sound flirting but sounded like a direct inquiry of a commander.

“Of course,” Savita said in a bit of shyness as she looked in his almost black brown eyes. “You are very handsome.”

“Savita!” He snapped. “Call me, sir.”

Savita was shocked to hear the sudden rise in his voice but something excited her. Maybe the feeling of following orders?

“You are very Handsome sir”, she said again.

“It seems clear that you want to please me.” He said proudly folding his dark hands. He had a proud grin on his face.

“Well, you are a very Impressive man, Sir”, she said.

“Then take my cock in your mouth”, he said straightaway. He stood as if he just ordered someone to eat something permissible.

“But.. But”, Savita was baffled. She didn’t know how to react. Obeying something like sit and stand is one thing but taking his cock is something else.

“But what?”, he snapped again. “Take my cock in your mouth”, he ordered again.

This time Savita felt something else. Something she hasn’t experienced in a long time. To follow an order such deep and direct and her body responded in a way different than hearing romantic lines near her ear.

But will Savita bhabhi do as she was asked to? Is the trainer going to succeed in controlling her and even fuck her? Watch the episode in colourful erotic comic here – Savita Bhabhi: Episode 84: Giving The Dog A Bone

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