In an exam room, the doctor asked Savita about her wellbeing and the reason to visit the doctor.
Savita, wore a thin hospital gown with no jewelry, sat on the exam table, smiled and said “I’m fine, doctor. I’m just here for my scheduled exam.”
“I wish more of my patients were as proactive as you” replied the doctor.
“You have to be careful with your health!”
“True. Alright, let’s take a look down your throat…” the doctor opened her mouth wide open and looked down her throat with a pen light.
Savita thought to herself ‘I’m so glad I switched doctors! Now I wish he would put his cock in my mouth like I’ve always fantasized!’
Doctor breaks her thought “So far, so good. How have you been otherwise?”
“Completely fine. I took a tour of a luxurious apartment complex…”
She again went off to her tangent thoughts about the glorious modern kitchen where she had given a blowjob and an en suite bathroom to die for when she had got an oral while sitting on a wash basin.
“Magnum Properties is nice, but sadly a bit out of our price range” continued Savita.
“Even on my salary that place is out of my budget, too!” laughed the doctor, “So how’s your job going?”
“Pretty well. A Few nights ago I had a huge project I had to work late on…” and she thought how she happened to run into a few trustworthy colleagues while they were fucking. And how they put their heads together in the spur of the moment while Savita got fucked and she sucked Shalu’s pussy and ass. “And in the end we had a blast along with getting the work done!”
“Teamwork can come in handy to get a job done well.” Replied doctor
Doctor turned Savita backwards and kept the stethoscope on her bare back for which she shrugged “Oh, my! That’s cold!” Between that thin gown rubbing against her boobs, her nipples were rock hard!
“Here, why don’t we take this completely off so we can do this exam uninhibited?” suggested the doctor and removed the gown.
She thought “I wonder if turns you on as much as it turns me on?”
“Your um… lungs.. are very full and well developed..” said the doctor with shock expression.
“Yes, I’m very proud of my.. lungs..” blushed Savita.
“So what do you think, doctor? Am I going to live?”
“Oh, yes! You’re healthy as a horse! Perfect Perfection!”
“Could you excuse me a moment? Something came up that needs my attention…”
“Okay, Sure…” and rushed to his cabin and started to think about Savita’s body and it called him ‘Examine me doctor… Probe my wet pussy with your hard medical meat!’
‘I’m gonna examine every inch of you… Each one of your sexy, Slutty holes…’ thought doctor while shagging.
While Savita who was sitting naked on the exam table thought ‘I know I turned him on. Why did he run from me instead of making a move?’; ‘Why didn’t he make a move!? Now I’m horny and bored.’
Savita started to play with the Stethoscope ‘Bored Bored… Horny and bored.. la la la l..’; ‘Idle hands are the devil’s playground… Oooh, What do we have here?’
She held doctor’s apron and thought with a wicked smile ‘Oh, Savita, you naughty girl.. heh heh heh… I had so much fun pretending to be real estate agent.. Lets see what I can get into as a doctor…’
With a seductive grin, Savita walked down the hallway wearing the apron greeting all the doctors walking in the corridor.
“How can anyone work when they send over new doctors that look like that!?” thought a doctor.
“So begins the reign of doctor Bhabhi… Breaking hearts and hardening cocks!”
Just then a nurse stopped her “Excuse me, Doctor?”
“Um, Yes.. Nurse…”
“We have a patient who has been waiting for hours on a minor exam”
“Oh… That’s not good.”
“He needs to be evaluated and discharged soon so we can use the room for someone in a worse situation.”
“I’ll take care of it.” Said Savita and thought ‘What have I gotten myself into? No turning back now..’
She entered the minor exam room and introduced herself “Hello, my name is doctor Bhabhi. How May I help you today?”
The patient was shocked and said “N-n-no.. you.. I can’t have you in here..” and closed his shaft with both the hands.
Savita took the medical file “Let’s see.. Your name is Shvant and you’re here because you have an erection that has lasted over two hours.”
“Th- that’s right. Th-This is already embarrassing enough.. I can’t h-h-have a lady doctor!”
“Nonsense. I’m a doctor and a professional which supersedes my gender. Let’s move this gown aside so we can see aside so we can see what we have going on here…”
“Oh! That is quite.. ermmm.. Engorged?” said Savita while she lifted his gown and saw his fully grown dick.
She thought “Okay think Savita, what would a real doctor say in this situation?”
“This is a problem. Do you know what caused this?”
“Yeah.. I got a date with a girl I’ve liked for a while.” And explained how he bought some pills off the internet just to be prepared and how the pills kicked in during his date and how the girl took it as a sign of disrespect. “It was hard all the way home. I tried masturbating, but I just couldn’t get off.”
“That sounds awful, Shavnt. Let’s do a quick exam and then we can fix this problem.” Said Savita and she thought “I really shouldn’t, but I can’t stop thinking about having that big hard cock inside my tight wet cunt!”
Savita checked his eyes, tongue, throat and ears. “Haha! That tickles!”
“Ticklish, huh? That’s good to know..”
“Last tests are for your forearms to see if you have strength enough to masturbate effectively.”
“I’ve never had any problems before.”
“So what do you think, doctor?”
“Give me a moment while I document my findings..”
“Come on, Webmd… Give me some answers, quick!” thought Savita while she fiddled with her mobile.
“If an erection lasts over four hours it could cause permanent damage.”
“Oh, no! you gotta help me, doc!”
“Since it’s only been two hours, we have a small window to stop things before they become irreversible” consoled Savita to Shavnt.
“I’ll do anything! Just please save my dick!” said Shavnt.
“I’ll hold you to that because what I’m about to do is an unorthodox form of treatment.”
What treatment is Savita thinking about?
How she’ll put her non-medical career to use?
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