As Shalini suggested, Savita decided to try out the new tailor shop as she wanted to get one of her saree stitched. She got out of the auto and entered the tailor shop. It was just an ordinary shop with tinted windows and all. A middle aged man approached Savita from behind and asked, “You look like you could use some help Madam.”
“Hmm? Oh yes. I’m here to get a saree stitched. My friend Shalini told me about this place.” replied Savita.
“You are at the right place. My name is Shankar Shetty. I own this place. Shalini ma’am is our very special customer.” said the man with a smile.
“Nice to meet you Mr Shankar. You really have a nice place here.”
“Thank you madam. And it would be my pleasure to help a beautiful woman like you.” said Shankar charmingly.
And then Shankar asked Savita in what fashion did she needed her saree to be stitched. Savita who had no clue about what she wanted replied that she didn’t know. Shankar then handed out a catalogue.
“Take a look at this catalogue. These are the latest fashion for sarees we are offering.” said Shankar.
Savita flipped through every page in the catalogue. But she still couldn’t decide which one to choose. Finally Shankar suggested a type of fashion for the saree from the catalogue.
It was a black colour saree with some golden designs. The blouse as showed in the picture would reveal her bountiful cleavage. The back of the blouse had only a pair of single string to tie from behind so that it may look completely naked from behind except for the string. The pallu was very transparent. Over all the saree was really revealing and beautiful.
Savita instantly liked the design and made up her mind.
Shankar then immediately called out for his assistant tailor, Ramu. Ramu was a young 18 year old boy. Shankar told Ramu to get ready to take Savita’s measurements needed to stitch the saree in the design she had chosen.
Ramu placed the measuring tape around Savita’s blouse.
“No! Not like that Ramu. How many times do I have to tell you? Move; let me show how it’s done. Madam, if you don’t mind…” exclaimed Shankar.
Savita who was a bit uncomfortable decided that it would be better if a professional would take up her measurements. So she agreed to allow Shankar to take her measurements.
Shankar them removed Savita’s pallu from her shoulder. Savita looked startled here and asked Shankar what he was doing.
“Relax madam. We can’t take measurements with your pallu hanging on.” said Shankar with a reassuring smile.
Realising what he was saying was correct Savita decided not to object anymore. He was after all only doing his job.
Shankar then placed the tape around her blouse, holding one of the ends of the tape together. But as he did that, His fingers started rubbing against Savita’s nipples through the blouse. Savita looked uneasy.
“What is Shankar doing? Why did I forget to wear my bra today!?” thought Savita to herself.
Shankar then moved on to take the measurement for the neck of her blouse, her waist region and so on. And each time, Savita felt Shankar was inappropriately touching or squeezing her body. This made Savita really uncomfortable but at the same time, Horney too.
Ramu was watching all of this. He was enjoying what Shankar was doing to Savita.
After all the measurements were taken, Shankar took one last look at the measurements. He realised that he had a spare saree with the exact measurements of Savita’s.
“Madam, I think we have the saree that was shown in the catalogue with the exact design and measurements for you! Why don’t you wear it so that I can verify its shape and size?” asked Shankar.
Savita thought about it and agreed to it.
Soon, Shankar went to fetch that particular saree and returned back to return it to her. He had instructed Ramu to show her the changing room.
Savita got into the changing room. She removed her saree. Then she noticed that there was no hook on the door where she could hang her saree. Half naked, Savita peeped her head outside the door to call for help to ask where she could hang her saree.
To her surprise, Ramu was waiting right outside the door. He asked Savita whether there was any problem.
“Ramu!? What are you doing here?” gasped Savita who was startled to see Ramu.
“Madam, sir told me to stay here just in case if you needed any help.” said Ramu innocently.
“Well in that case, there is no hook to hang my saree in this room!”
“I apologize for that. Give your saree to me. I’ll hold it for you.”
“But….I…I don’t think it’s a good idea!”
“Don’t worry madam. No need to be shy. You can trust me.”
Savita reluctantly decided to give him the saree. As Ramu approached closer towards the door to take the saree from her hands, Ramu got a small glimpse of Savita’s semi naked body through one of the rear view mirrors inside the trial room.
Savita realised this too. Ramu then walked away with her saree. Savita, with an embarrassed smile thought to herself, “That pervert must have enjoyed seeing me naked.”
What is going to happen now? Does the tailor have any other plans for Savita? How much more of his ill-behaved actions can Savita take? Will Savita decide to quit on them soon? Read “Savita Bhabhi’s Special Tailor” to find out.
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Savita Bhabhi: Episode 32