Sathi’s nasty dream

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Sathi watched the turd descend, straight towards her mouth. A big, fat piece of shit, tan in color. Maybe an inch in thickness and, so far, almost 5 inches had slid out of her mother’s asshole and it was still coming. All at once, Sathi woke up. Her pajamas were soaked with sweat and her fingers were stroking her clit. Why did she have this terribly filthy dream… But Sathi knew good and well why. Awake, she had seen her mother’s big rump often as she bounced around between bedroom and bathroom, never covered. She would just die if her mother ever found out about her disgusting dreams. But who could help dreaming about Radha? At 31, she was still a very attractive woman. She had blond hair, just like Sathi did, that hung down shoulder length. But it was her rump that set her apart from other women, it was full and shapely. Not a little tiny thing like Sathi had, a full, soft mound of flesh, just begging to be kissed and Sathi had dreamed of this often. Glancing over at her clock, Sathi noticed it was five minutes of twelve. As it was a warm night, the windows were open and probably her mother was uncovered… Nude as usual. Tiptoeing down the hall, Sathi peeked in her mother’s bedroom. A street light reflected off her mother’s rump. Stepping into the bedroom, Sathi crossed to a chair and sat down in it and turned her attention to that beautiful butt. For several moments she just stared at it before she rose to her feet, crossing over to her mother’s bed to stare down at Radha’s upturned butt.

Without thinking, Sathi’s fingers dropped between her thighs and found her little button and began fingering it. Without realizing what she was doing, Sathi leaned over and planted her lips on the left cheek of her mother’s ass before fleeing from the room.Back in her room, she masturbated furiously for several minutes, bringing herself to three different orgasms. Still, she never got relief – masturbation just didn’t seem to pacify her desires. Getting back up, again she stole back into her mother’s bedroom. This time she walked directly up to her mother’s bed and leaned down to gently kiss that beautiful flesh. How she wished she might be able to spread those cheeks and pay homage to that sweet hole. Sathi just knew it would be beautiful, it just had to be… Laying all tucked in between those gorgeous cheeks. Gently, Sathi placed a knee up on the bed and slowly lowered her weight. It didn’t stir her mother and this brought forth more confidence from Sathi. Gently, she lifted her other foot and placed her knee on the bed, very gently, a little at a time. Still no response from Radha. Leaning over, she gently kissed her mother’s ass all over, maybe two dozen times before her mother stirred. Radha didn’t waken though, she just turned completely on her tummy and spread her legs out wider. Sathi stared at her mother’s ass a few minutes more before she placed both her hands on her mother’s rump and gently, softly spread those cheeks apart. The light from the outside didn’t go deep into that cleavage and she really couldn’t see the object of her desire. For the next few minutes, Sathi squirmed around, sliding down between her mother’s legs until her mother’s ass was right in her face. Gently, she spread the cheeks again before pressing her lips right up to her mother’s shit-hole. Sathi reached an orgasm at this moment and shuddered heavily, fearing her mother would awaken … But it didn’t happen, so Sathi got bolder. Gently, she played her tongue around in her mother’s smelly pit, the odor only drove Sathi further with her tongue. Before long, she was rolling her tongue around in her mother’s asshole. “Darling? You like your mommie’s asshole?” Radha reached back and spread her ass cheeks even further.

Sathi jerked back in fear… “How… How long… Have you known I was here?” “I knew you were here when you first came into the room. Give your mommie a good rim job!” Radha pulled her ass cheeks further apart, if possible. “I… I… I’m sorry, Mommie, for doing this.” Sathi got off the bed and hurried out. Radha waited a few minutes before she got up and went back down the hall to her daughter’s room and peeked in. Sathi was masturbating furiously. Radha stepped in. “Don’t tell me my ass made you do that?” At once, Sathi pulled her sheet over her body. “Don’t be ashamed of your body, honey.” Radha pulled the sheet away from her daughter’s body. “You have a lovely body… And evidently, you think I do too, right?” Sathi rolled over and hid her face in her pillow.”There, there,” Radha took her daughter in her arms. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of sweetheart. What you were doing happens much more than you’ll ever know, although few people realize it.” “Really?” Sathi whispered back. “Mother/daughter incest is a fairly common thing. I know a mother/daughter who practice it all the time… And what’s more, the daughter loves to do what you were doing to me!” Radha kissed her daughter’s cheek. Sathi jerked back… “Really?” ”

I swear to you it’s true.” Radha held Sathi at arms length… “Now, would you like me to lay out on my tummy for you?” “I’m so ashamed of myself!” Sathi held her face to Radha’s breast. Radha reached down and took one breast and eased the nipple up towards Sathi’s mouth, which Sathi accepted and, in a moment, was tonguing it like crazy. Radha let Sathi suckle at her nipple several minutes before she pulled away and laid down on her tummy. Reaching back, she spread her ass cheeks apart for her daughter. “Come honey, rim your mommie real good!”Sathi stared down at her mother’s lovely bottom a moment, then with a sigh, slid in between her mother’s wide-spread legs and, in a moment, had her face wedged in between her mother’s buttocks. Her mouth found that tightly puckered opening and her tongue began to dance all over it. Radha began moaning at all this attention and this only seemed to excite Sathi more. “My baby loves my butthole, doesn’t she?” Radha asked. “Mmmmm…” Sathi could only answer, her mouth pressed up against the hole. “Sathi is an asshole freak! Aren’t you honey?” Radha wiggled her rump. “Yesss!” Sathi rasped long enough to pull her mouth away. You do know what comes out of that hole you’re licking, don’t you?” Radha asked. “Oooh!” Sathi began sucking at her mother’s asshole. “It’s a good thing it’s not closer to morning, the way you’re sucking! I’m afraid you might get something nasty in your mouth!” Radha reasoned. Still Sathi kept sucking, envisioning that big, fat turd sliding out.Radha rolled over… “That’s what you really want, isn’t it? I can’t believe my daughter would want that!” Sathi flopped over again and hid her face in her pillow. “Honey, I didn’t mean that the way it came out.” Again, Radha took her daughter in her arms… “How long have you had this desire?” “I don’t know, mommie,” Sathi began sobbing. “I’m so ashamed of myself for this!” “Honey, dry your pretty eyes.” Radha wiped her daughter’s face. “It is shameful, very shameful… But, remember that mother/daughter combination I was telling you about?” “Uh-huh,” Sathi answered. “Well, this girl likes the very same thing!” Radha grinned. Sathi drew back to look in her mother’s face… “You’re not just telling me this to make me feel better, are you?”

“No, sweetheart, would you like to meet this mother/daughter?” Radha grinned. “That’s so degrading!” Sathi gasped. “Honey, her mother and I make this girl eat our shit!” Radha announced. “You?” The startled Sathi gasped. “You make this girl eat your shit?” “Yes, honey, although we really don’t need to make her, she will do it on her own… Anytime we ask!” Radha continued. “Would you like to meet them?” “Maybe this girl… But not the mother! She’d probably make me eat hers!” Sathi drew back. Isn’t that what you want to do?” Radha questioned. “What would it taste like?” Sathi stammered. “How should I know, but I imagine it tastes terrible!” Radha replied. “In fact, this lady has asked about you several times.” “She has?” Sathi asked… “For this?” “Yes,” Radha answered. “This lady would like you to eat her shit!” “No way!” Sathi drew back. “That’s disgusting!””All right honey, if you say so,” Radha giggled. “But I know this girl would like to meet you.””Maybe the girl… Only!” Sathi blushed brightly. “Tell you what i’ll do, sweetheart,” Radha picked up the phone. “i’ll call this lady and see if she’ll send her daughter over. Then you can see for yourself that what I’m telling you is the truth.” “You mean she’ll do it right in front of me?” Sathi could not believe her ears. “Happily.” Radha began dialing the phone. Intensely curious, Sathi watched her mother dial the phone and place it to her ear… “Hello, Rita… Radha… Oh, I’m doing pretty good, but I wanted to ask you a real big favor. Could you send Priyanka over in the morning, you know my regular time… Hold on a second…” Radha turned the receiver speaker on… “There, now about that big favor?””Well, you know what I feel about her coming over to your place, what if your daughter hears or sees it?” Rita questioned. “i’ve got news, Sathi just got through licking my asshole! And, she has had desires to do this to me for some time!” Radha exclaimed. “Nn! No! Don’t tell her that!” Sathi drew back. Radha smiled and waved her hand at Sathi… “Yes, it’s true! I couldn’t believe it myself, I have a toilet slave at heart!” “Well, bring her over then, you know i’ve wanted to use her mouth for some time!” Rita suggested.

“I know you have,” Radha admitted. “But first, I just wanted them to get to know each other. I know Sathi will have a thousand questions for her.” Why don’t you bring Sathi over and spend the night, that way the two girls can have a real meeting first… Then in the morning???” Rita pondered. “Say, an hour? It’s already late, sowatch for us, OK?” Radha suggested. “In an hour,” Rita repeated.”Mommie, I don’t want to go over there!” Sathi shuddered. “It’s one thing to do this for your mother, but for a complete stranger?” “Nonsense!” Radha patted her daughter’s fanny. “You’ll like both Rita and Priyanka, they’re are just ordinary people.” “Ordinary?” Sathi questioned. Radha laughed, “Maybe we’re not that ordinary at that. Go get your clothes on.” “Yes Mommie!” Sathi scurried off to begin dressing. As she dressed, she realized that she was getting excited at this prospect, but scared at the same time. Within an hour, they were sitting together with both Rita and Priyanka in their front room… “You girls go ahead now, run off to bed… And don’t be up too late. You have a big day tomorrow.”Sathi blushed at the thought but Priyanka took her hand and they both hurried off to Priyanka’s bedroom. Once in the room, Priyanka began pulling her clothes off, then noticed Sathi was not undressing. “Hey, you’re not shy, are you?” Priyanka came up to Sathi and began unbuttoning Sathi’s blouse. Sathi stood limply and let Priyanka undress her completely. “You sure are pretty,” Priyanka said. “Am I?” Sathi answered. “You hot little thing, you know good and well you’re pretty, don’t you?” Priyanka removed the last of her clothing and flopped over on the bed and patted the bed beside her. Sathi climbed up on the bed and slid up close to Priyanka. “Priyanka, how long have you been doing this?” “Doing what?” Priyanka coyly asked. Sathi Blushed. Priyanka giggled, “You blush so prettily,” and, taking Sathi in her arms, began to kiss her. She Kissed Sathi fully, driving her tongue into the girl’s mouth as she began to toy with Sathi’s already erect nipples. “You’re already excited!” Priyanka drew back to gaze down into Sathi’s eyes. “This is all so new to me,” Sathi explained. “Exciting, isn’t it?” Priyanka continued to roll Sathi’s nipple between thumb and forefinger, then dropped her mouth down over the other nipple and started sucking at it, rolling her tongue back and forth and around it. Sathi moaned softly. Priyanka drew back and gazed down into Sathi’s eyes, “I suppose you have a million questions for me, don’t you?” “Yes, if you don’t mind.” Sathi leaned up on one elbow. “I don’t mind, but you must never tell a single soul about this, understand?” Priyanka flipped her finger at Sathi’s nipple again. “How long have you been doing this?” Sathi asked. “Doing what? Making love to girls?” Priyanka asked. “You know,” Sathi avoided her question. “You know, eating that stuff.” Sathi couldn’t help but blush. “You mean shit?” Priyanka kissed gently at Sathi’s mouth. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean,” Sathi moaned. “Oh,” Priyanka studied a moment, “I guess about two years now.””Two years? What does it taste like?” Sathi leaned up further on her elbow. “At first, it tasted terrible to me,” Priyanka recalled. “Now it tastes almost delicious!” “You’re kidding!” Sathi gasped. “You think shit is delicious?” It always tastes different, naturally, depending on what my mom or your mom ate before… But I have learned to love that nasty taste!” “You have eaten my mom’s?” Sathi could not believe her ears. “Sure, she comes over about once a week for this. Didn’t you know?” Priyanka asked. “No!” Sathi shivered. “It’s exciting!” Priyanka remarked. “You really like doing that?” Sathi questioned. “I understand you’ve thought about it too, is that right?” Priyanka smiled. Sathi blushed a bright shade of red…”Yes.” “See, you find it exciting too!” Priyanka hugged Sathi. “In the morning, your mother will feed it to me, while my mom will feed it to you!”

“I’m not sure!” Sathi argued. “You say it tastes terrible.””At first it will, but your lust will just take over,” Priyanka promised. “Is that the way it happened with you?” Sathi asked her new friend. “Yes.” Priyanka flipped over on her tummy. “You were licking your mother’s butthole tonight… So would you like to lick mine?” Priyanka reached back and spread her cheeks. “Yesss!” Sathi breathlessly answered, sliding into position. “Your asshole looks so much smaller than my mother’s!” “My asshole has not been used like your mommie’s, or my mom’s. Get your mouth down there and start licking!” Priyanka urged. At once, Sathi settled her mouth down on the girl’s asshole and began licking around as she moaned out loud. Priyanka didn’t hear Sathi moaning as she was moaning too from this indecent oral caress. The two girls remained in this position for the better part of ten minutes before Priyanka turned around and slid under Sathi. Together, the two girls began performing mutual analingus on each other. Sathi orgasmed several times before she became exhausted and had to stop. The two girls had licked each other’s asshole for almost an hour before they both fell asleep, in that same position.The morning came early for the girls, they were both awakened by the knock at the door…”Come on girls, it’s time for your breakfast!” “Hurry,” Priyanka jumped up… “It’s feeding time…it’s almost nine.”I’m too lazy.” Sathi tried to back out now that the time was upon her. Priyanka laughed, “Comeon lazy bones, let’s get cleaned up!”Sathi dragged herself off the bed and admired the young girl’s butt as she bounced about theroom, then darted into the bathroom. “Get your lazy butt in here,” Priyanka giggled as sheturned the shower on. “My mom can’t wait!””I don’t know.” Sathi made a face. “Remember, i’ve never done this.” Priyanka grabbed Sathi and dragged her into the shower, starting to lather her belly before her fingers droppedbetween Sathi’s thighs. “Remember too, there was also a first time for me.” Priyanka began

Fingering Sathi’s clit. “Just think, a nice, big juicy turd dropping down towards your openmouth… Ooohhh!”Sathi began to get excited all over again, from Priyanka’s fingers and the vision she had created for Sathi… “Can I watch you do it first?” “Sure, I like to show a novice like you how excited it makes me.” Priyanka pressed her pussy up against Sathi’s thigh. The lathering lasted only a few minutes before Priyanka shut the water off and began to towel off Sathi. Taking Sathi’s hand in hers, the two girls opened the bedroom door and together went out, totally nude. “Look at our toilets!” Rita said as she patted each girl on the ass. “And do I ever need to shit!” As usual, Sathi blushed brightly at this lewd remark. Together, the four of them went into the master bathroom, where Radha dropped her sheer nightgown and laid a towel down on the floor. This had happened many times before and Priyanka laid back on the towel. Holding her hand up to Sathi, Sathi took it as she dropped to her knees and Priyanka placed Sathi’s hand down on her pussy. “Finger me!”Sathi started fingering Priyanka’s little pussy as she watched her mother squat down astride Priyanka’s face. Intently watching, Sathi saw her mother’s asshole flex out a few times. “Quit teasing me!” Priyanka groaned. “Give it to me!” “Yeah, Mommie… Give it to her! I want to watch her eating your dirty waste!” Sathi groaned… “Please Mommie, she’s begging for it!” “Don’t you worry, honey, I’m going to make you into a toilet soon!” Rita grinned. “A dirty, filthy shit-eater!”Priyanka leaned up and planted a big, wet kiss right on Sathi’s mother’s asshole, smacking her lips loudly… “Brown my mouth good, please!” Intently watching, Sathi saw her mother’s butthole open up to reveal it’s hidden fruit. “Here it comes!” Sathi almost shouted. “Look down between your legs and see how open her mouth”Does that make you hot? To watch your mother shitting in my girl’s mouth?” Rita got down to watch the log crawling out of Radha’s shit-hole. It crawled out about three inches, hanging just above Priyanka’s mouth… And then it dropped. It dropped right in Priyanka’s open mouth and quickly she closed her lips around the disgusting feces. But she didn’t start chewing yet, she watched Radha’s asshole open again and another log began to crawl out.

Since Priyanka’s mouth was closed, this piece, softer, dropped down across Priyanka’s nose before Radha’s asshole opened again and yet another slender turd started curling out, sliding out slowly, and began to loop around across that first piece sticking up out of Priyanka’s mouth. Radha grunted several times and a smaller piece dropped out before she raised to her feet and stepped away from Priyanka. “You may begin eating my hot shit!” At once, Priyanka began chewing, biting off a sizable section and, raising her hand, took hold of the piece still sticking up. Still holding it between her lips, she started chewing as slimy, gooey streams of shit poured down over her chin. Her moans were very audible as well as she let more of the turd slide between her lips. She’s actually eating my mom’s shit!” Sathi took her hand from between Priyanka’s legs and jammed it between her own legs to start rubbing on her own clit. “That is so nasty looking!””It makes you hot, doesn’t it?” Radha smiled down at her daughter. “Oh yess!” Sathi worked her finger back and forth in her now sloppy pussy. “Well, in a minute, Rita is going to do that very same thing to you!” Radha promised. “Do we have to tie you up?” “No!” Sathi rasped… “I want to do it!” “That’s my girl.” Radha patted Sathi’s bottom. “Just be patient, honey, and soon you will find out what shit tastes like!” Priyanka was now down to the last of the crap on her face, taking her finger and scraping it off her face and into her mouth… And all the time she was moaning and groaning with pure lust.

“Get up now!” Rita pushed Priyanka with her foot. “It’s time your little friend got a real big mouthful of my shit, so come on.” Priyanka got to her feet, her face smeared with the brown streaks. “It’s your turn, Sathi honey, lie down like I was!” Slowly, Sathi laid back, scared to death. Priyanka slid down between Sathi’s legs and began sliding her tongue back and forth over the slippery slit between Sathi’s legs. Radha took one of Sathi’s muffin-like breasts in her hand and, leaning down, began to lick and suck at the nipple. Rita straddled Sathi’s face and lowered her body down until her ass was right in Sathi’s face. Sathi looked up at this big stretched-out asshole right in her face, and again wondered how an asshole could get so big. Rita’s asshole started opening up until Sathi could see the end of the turd and she wanted it..With Priyanka licking her pussy and her mother sucking on her titties, she couldn’t help but want it. She noticed the odor first, not unlike any other turd she had smelled before, but that didn’t seem to dampen her desire for this filthy game. Sathi opened her mouth, rasping deeply to suck enough air into her lungs. The turd crawled out slowly, tantalizingly, but Sathi continued to just lay there with her mouth open wide, waiting for the turd to drop. She didn’t even fear that nasty taste, she welcomed it! She had seen how Priyanka had devoured her mother’s turd. The turd slid lower and lower, still without breaking off. The tip touched her lips and she closed her lips around it, just like Priyanka had done. She quickly noticed that foul taste of shit, but it was that foulness that she wanted more and more. All her masturbating and dreaming of this very thing was about to happen. The turd slid to the back of her mouth and she began to worry about not being able to breathe. All at once the turd broke loose and fell down across her cheek. That turd had to be at least nine inches long! But there was more

She watched as Rita’s asshole ballooned out again, stretching the anal wrinkles out, as another thinner turd crawled out, softer and lighter in color. It fell across her nose from side to side and then another smaller piece slid out, sticking to the second piece. Rita raised up then, and looked down. “Eat my shit! Eating shit is a filthy thing to do and disgusting as hell… But you wanted it! So, little bitch, eat my shit! Chew it real good before you swallow it… You dirty little cunt!” Sathi sank her teeth together, right through the end of this filth and began chewing. It tasted terrible, how could Priyanka love it so much? She chewed this mouthful at least ten times before she swallowed it.The piece she had taken a bite out of had slid to the floor, but Rita reached down and picked it up and pushed it into Sathi’s mouth. Without thinking, Sathi took another bite of the turd, noticing at once how the taste was not near as bad, or maybe she was just getting used to this nasty taste. She chewed it several seconds before swallowing. Rita laid the turd back down and stepped right in it, screwing her foot around several times before wiping her feet together. “Clean my feet! You dirty little cunt!” Sathi rolled over on her tummy and began bathing the woman’s feet with her tongue, lapping up the bigger chunks. This took quite awhile and she missed the tongue licking at her swollen pussy. Fifteen minutes later, Sathi had completed her chore, brown smears all over her face.”Girls, you still have more cleaning up to do!” Radha grinned and she and Rita left the bathroom and laid down side by side on Rita’s big bed. At once Priyanka attacked Radha’s asshole, so Sathi knew it was her job to clean up Rita’s shit-hole. That was just what she did, licking and sucking at Rita’s asshole like it was candyuntil finally she had done a great job, but Priyanka was still licking her mother’s asshole, so Sathi kept licking away at Rita. This prolonged analingus lasted the better part of a half hour, and then the two ladies sat up.

“Now you have tasted shit, how do you like it, Sathi?” Radha asked. “I can’t believe I just ate shit!” Sathi grinned. “Honey, you will get so you won’t be able to live without that nasty taste in your mouth! I know all about that!” Priyanka grinned. “i’ll have to use your girl’s mouth almost every day now,” Rita promised. “You’re welcome to my little toilet!” Radha replied.

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