A Romantic Dating Fantasy – Part 1

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Disclaimer: A fiction story. Resemblance of any character, names, places to any real, living or dead person, place is purely coincident. Use your discretion.

So I was just swiping through profiles on a dating app. We know how beautiful girls are. I, being an introvert, always had difficulties approaching females. Without any close female friend by the age of 25, I was almost feeling as if I am a loser. Studies have been a huge part of my daily routine. Friends are great, ok, but having someone to cuddle, going with some one out, buying them stuff, making them happy, is completely different thing.

So I decided to do something this year, go out, meet people, make friends and perhaps, a girlfriend, sort of.
The first step I did was, install a dating app, and start browsing profiles. Day one,day two, day three, four, five, six, and a whole week just went past with the speed of light. So many people, and not a single match. I felt horrible. I felt there is something wrong with my face. May be, I am not boyfriend material. May be I am not what females want to consider. I thought may be, I should focus again on studies, this is not my cup of tea or piece of cake or whatever.

Just at the moment I was about to remove the app from my mobile, it still running in background, a notification with a bubble sound arrived at the indication bar of my mobile screen. To be exact, it read, “You have a match. Say hello to start the conversation.” It was like, all my sweat glands released all the body water together. My forehead, my hands, my neck, my feet, all sweating profusely, perhaps due to the shock of the fact, that a guy like me, an insecure stupid, was “likened” by someone. Amazing.

I pressed the home button, opened the app, and clicked on the option “Match”. I was dumbstruck. There was a photograph, of a lady, a young lady, with an innocent smile, her hair strands curling to her neck from her left cheek, with a traditional suit-salwar. I was not able to focus anywhere else other than her eyes. She looked much like in her early twenties, may be twenty one. But her profile read, “Ankita, 23”.

Having a strong memory that I have developed throughout my 25 years of studies, I quickly recalled of the day I reached her profile and liked it. But today was different. She appeared more beautiful, sweet, attractive, and adorable right now.

With almost a thousands of feeling rushing through my mind, my body was almost confused. I almost dropped my phone while trying to type a message to her. I gathered my senses, took few breaths, and sat on a chair in my room. Now, the next trouble, what to type.

I was so confused with things like, “I should not do any silly mistake here. I must not lose this opportunity, I should be witty, I should be romantic, I should be this, what if she thinks this way, or that way, and all the random shit. And then my heart spoke out, ” Hey stupid, just be honest and write what you’re feeling.”

Without any further thought, I wrote, “Hello. I just came to know how it feels to get a match on here. I am super excited. How are you?”And then I hit the enter key. No reply. Perhaps I am stupid. After 10 minutes, she replied, “Wow, never ever had a match before? Seriously?”. It felt terrible, embarrassing, and happy too, I wrote, “Never Ever before”.

And then, the chat went normal. Something inside me, a gentleman may be, woke up from hibernation, and started having smart conversation. Being a masters student in one of the best college in the country, labelled me as a geek.

And I left no opportunity to show my wits, knowledge and innocence (Mostly real). And then we were friends. Almost two weeks. She was gorgeous, wheatish not thin, not fat, 5’2 or 5’1, not sure, didn’t ask her, but deduced from the pics. I am, I don’t know, but okay, 5’10”, athletic on a bit thinner side.

We were not a match in thoughts, almost always argued on every topic. Perhaps this intrigued us more to talk to each other. After 2 weeks, she stopped replying. And again, I was like, ok, that’s it. But, 3 days at about 11 am, she messaged, “What food do you like?”.

I, being witty, replied, “Would like anything if it’s cooked by you :P”. “Haha, very funny…dying laughing. I was thinking of having a lunch…what do you say?”, she replied, killing my joke like a mosquito. I thought, bang on…we are meeting. I said, “Awesome, let us meet, and decide what to eat”. No reply. After 2 pm, she texts, ” I had lunch, what about you…”. I was like, ” I too had it. She pulled it on me this time. Then, she texts me, “HAHHAhAA LOL…heheheh.”. I replied, “Nice…Applause to you.”

Then, we texted each other for two more days. And then, I thought, Let me be the man here. I texted, “Heyy…let us meet over lunch, or coffee may be, what do you say?.” To my surprise, she agreed. However, she couldn’t fix the time at that point. Later, we agreed on a dinner date. Woahh man.

I reached early. and where, can you imagine, her home. Yes. She was quite open with her family. I went to her home, for a dinner. I was a bit afraid, perhaps, this is getting serious. Am I ready to meet her, what will her family think of me, I am still a student. But so was she.

Then I just developed some false confidence, I rang the door bell. The metal door opened with a classic home steel door sound. And, it was none other than, Ankita, wearing a one piece, black, her face glittering with natural beauty. Her straight hair, complimented her attractive build. Awestruck by the beauty of her, I handed her a small bouquet, and said, “Wow, you look gorgeous”. She took the bouquet from my hands, smiled at me, and said, “Thank you Vansh. Please come in.”.

I stepped inside, and walked into the hall, and sat on the couch, with a nervous look. She offered me a glass and said to calm down and relax. There was a pin drop silence inside the house. I felt a chill running down my spine. I took few deep breaths, and asked her to sit down.

She sat on the couch just beside to where I was sitting. I asked her about where her family is. She said they weren’t at home, and have gone to a family wedding for 2 days and that she was alone. I felt as if all the lightning bolts in the sky are hitting my head, all the volcanoes are spewing Lava on me, all the huge ocean waves are splashing on me, All the oxygen has disappeared from the face of the earth all of a sudden, and I spoke in shock, “WHAT???”.

Part One Ends.

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