This is a continuation of the original story Cleverly Planned Wife Swap (15 part series) by author lifeisbeautiful. The characters have been molded to maintain the same traits and characteristics. The author gave a lot of scopes to explore many different areas in the lives of Harini, Swathi, Rajesh, and Vinod.
It is a couple-swap story. But what’s new is that the couple swap happens for an extended period instead of just 1 night of wild sex.
This is my original work from where the author left off (I prefer keeping myself to Mr. X). Please read the original series before reading this story. The original author can be reached at [email protected]
If you have any feedback for my writing on this continuation story, please direct it to [email protected] I will be happy to note down feedback, suggestions, and what you would like to see happen in future episodes.
Harini played the act of sleeping and letting Rajesh have sex with her pretending to sleep. The next morning was the ice breaking, and we are continuing the next part.
She caught my ears and said, “Now you idiot are trapped. How dare you lie? I purposefully put this trap to get the truth out of your mouth. Now you agreed.”
We both laughed out loud.
Rajesh continues the story:
We had a good laugh for 20 minutes. Then we both finally realized that we had broken the ice and everything was good now. I thought Harini should feel more comfortable from now on. With this thought in mind, I maintained eye contact with my angel Harini.
She was dressed in a green saree typical Tamil style. I could see her cute waist (kind of like Jyotika’s waist in the movie Kushi). My weak spot is a good-looking waist. So my hand slowly went near her waist.
I could feel the tension between Harini and me. I went and put my hand on her waist and looked her directly in her eyes. I felt the same electric sensation as when I first made proper eye contact with Swathi a few days after our marriage.
Harini also never moved her eyes. This gave me confidence that Harini was finally ready to kiss me. So I proceeded. But for some reason, her hand pushed my hand out of her waist. I could see her backing away a bit. I quickly overcame the animal in me and thought it was best not to proceed further.
Harini realized I was backing away. She asked, “Rajesh, I know you think I will be comfortable now. But for some reason, I still cannot fully give myself to you. Still, some part of me wants to give this sometime. I know this is unfair to you, but please understand,” and she started crying.
I quickly consoled her and said, “Harini ma, it’s ok da. The fact that you and I can converse so much itself is good progress for me. I know why you pretended to sleep because you were shy. But it’s ok.”
“Next time we proceed, it should not be when one of us is sleeping, ok? Now let’s relax and watch your favorite movie. Which movie would you like to watch?”
Harini stopped crying. She looked into my eyes and said, “Thank you, Rajesh. Anything is fine.” Then I set up the home theatre and played Mankatha, and we both sat on the 2 seater sofa. Slowly after a while, Harini held my hand and kept it around her neck.
I felt really happy that Harini was trying hard to overcome her fears and shyness with me. I felt in seventh heaven again. Now you would think that we had sex and spoke about it. So can’t I proceed with Harini?
You need to understand. Harini let me have sex in her pretend to sleep because she thinks it is a deal. Since Vinod gets to enjoy Swathi, I should enjoy Harini. But I intend to feel that closeness with Harini. I cannot just forget that she is also a woman, and she also has feelings.
After having my hand around her neck for some time, she looked at me. I also looked at her and asked, “What happened, Harini?” with a smile on my face. “See, Ajit’s acting is excellent.” Then she slowly proceeded, “Rajesh, do you know any way I can overcome my shyness of being intimate with you?”
I paused the movie and made her sit properly. I told her, “When Swathi and I got married, I always had some hesitation in being completely naked in front of her. Swathi suggested a very good plan. It was wild, but it worked.”
“Now, you may not do the same. It may be too difficult for you straight up, but we can try something like this. So, Swathi suggested that she is not feeling shy to be intimate with me so she can initiate this treatment with me.”
Harini asked, “What was this treatment? Now I am getting scared,” and laughed with curious eyes. I continued, “Swathi would undress in the middle of the house randomly. She would not let me touch her. When she gets naked, I get aroused, but she would not let me touch her unless I am also naked.”
Harini’s eyes rose, “Appo sir enna suggest panreenga?” (So, what is sir suggesting?) She showed signs of smile and fear at the same time in her cute little way.
I started laughing and said, “I cannot control a naked woman, Harini. If you are naked, it will be impossible for me to control myself. So, to touch and get intimate, I will listen to whatever the naked lady says.”
Now Harini gets confused because Harini feels shy to get naked. How is this even relatable? I continued, “Before you imagine any further, in this case, I will take the role of Swathi.”
Harini’s eyebrows went as high as they could. She seemed confused and scared and started saying, “No, this is too much for me to handle.”
I started laughing and said, “I know, I know. Let’s not do this, haha. I just told you that this is what Swathi did. Despite that, I felt very shy in front of her, and it took me several days to get over the shyness.”
Harini smiled in a sexy way and said, “So Rajesh, your plan is not to let me get comfortable. You plan to make me initiate intimacy.” She pinched me and cutely hit me and said, “Hmmm, but this plan is interesting. Let’s see if this wins me over.”
I got super excited and asked her, “So are you suggesting we can try this?” Harini said, “Maybe,” and started smiling away and played the movie again. I kept looking at her and knew she was smiling inside. But she kept looking at the movie.
After some time, she peeked at me and looked away. I knew this would help Harini get over her shyness. I decided to work on a plan on when I would get naked and refrain from letting her near me.
More importantly, this kind of thing is more difficult for me to control than Harini. But a plan was forming in my head. Swathi has taught me meditation tricks that helped her stay calm.
My biggest concern was what if Harini takes a very long time to initiate getting intimate with me. I end up waking the animal in me. But that was for another day. For now, we watched the movie and had a good dinner, and went to bed. I did not want to trouble her too much for today.
The next morning I woke up and saw that Harini was out of bed. She was preparing breakfast in the kitchen with the devotional songs playing in the speaker. I woke up and brushed my teeth, and went to wish her good morning. She gave me a nice cup of coffee.
I told her, “Today, I took leave from the office to be with my angel.”
She knew I was going to start the ‘treatment’ today itself. The next day is the weekend so it will be 3 days of holiday for me. She will have a tough time for the weekend. But I had a surprise planned for her. I was going to get naked after she brought lunch to the table.
That way, she will have to eat with me at the table. But I will be naked, and she will have to choose which meals to have, whether the good lunch that she prepared or the hot piece of meat that I have. So, I did some of the minor office tasks I had pending and then decided to wait until lunch.
Once we brought lunch to the table, I started working on the plan. I wanted to make Harini feel comfortable being naked around me and also me being naked around her. I knew that going straight would be too extreme for Harini to handle.
So, I decided to fake some pain below my abdomen which will draw Harini’s attention. I wanted her to take care of my private parts with her own hands.
Soon after Harini brought lunch to the table, I started, “Harini, today, we will go to Jefferson Park in the evening. There will be a lot of pet dogs there. It will be a nice walk for us too. I know you love dogs and puppies. You will get to see a lot of them today.”
Harini was very happy to hear this. She was probably scared that I would begin the ‘treatment’ today itself. But now, since I said this, she had a huge sense of relief. Harini smiled and said, “That sounds good. Can we also get some Mexican food while on our way back? I have been craving Mexican food.”
When she said this, I thought in my head, “I have been craving you since Swathi devised the couple swap di. When will I get to the feast?” But controlled the emotions and said, “Sure, that is perfect, it will be fun.”
We quickly finished lunch. I asked Harini to sit at the table to talk more about our interests. She readily agreed and sat down, and we were chit-chatting for some time. After a while, I started my acting and showed signs of pain.
Quickly I let out some sounds making Harini ask, “What happened, Rajesh?” I told her, “I don’t know Harini, my abdomen is in pain. Can you please help me lie down on the bed?”
She started panicking but quickly helped me walk to the bedroom. She helped me lie down and sat beside me on the bed. I could feel her fragrance and warmth.
She asked, “Where is it hurting, Rajesh? Can I take a look?” I pointed close to the bottom of my abdomen and started looking away in pain. She was so nice. She quickly lifted my shirt and kept her warm hand on my abdomen, and asked, “Is it here?”
I said, “No, it is even lower.” She kept moving her hand downward, and I shouted, “Yes, yes, that place. From there onwards, there is a burning sensation. This has happened before as well. Ask Swathi what medication she gave me.” Harini quickly took out her phone and called Swathi.
Harini is narrating the story from here on.
Swathi picked up the phone and said, “Hey Harini, how is it going? Are you guys having fun?” I know what Swathi was referring to. My face turned red with shame. But I had to help Rajesh out because he was in so much pain.
So, I quickly reached the point, “Swathi, I am not sure what happened. But Rajesh is saying his lower abdomen is paining, close to his hip. Do you know why this happens to Rajesh?”
Swathi got scared and said, “Oh my god, that problem again? Tell me, Harini, what did Rajesh have for lunch?”
I said, “We had peas pulao for lunch. Why any problem? Is he allergic to something?”
Swathi continued, “Oh shit, Rajesh should not have peas. He gets a burning sensation in his penis and groin area. I have an ointment, though. But you have to apply it quickly and massage the area, or else it will get worse. There are also some tablets on our nightstand. Give him 1 of those, and he should get better. If not, we will come and visit you in the evening.”
I got terrified and asked, “Oh my god Swathi, I am so sorry I did not know about this. Where is the ointment? I will quickly get it.”
Swathi said, “It’s called Boroline. It is in the second drawer of the nightstand. You will have to apply it from the abdomen to the lower area of the penis. And keep massaging the entire area. Once it dries, keep applying and massaging. It will take 30 minutes. But after that, Rajesh will stop getting the burning sensation. Let me know if he gets better. Tell Rajesh to take a rest today.”
I quickly said thanks and cut the call. I rushed to the nightstand and got the tablets and the ointment. Rajesh said, “Harini, it’s ok. I can apply it myself. You don’t have to take the pressure.”
I said, “No, Rajesh, you remain on the bed and take a rest. I will take care of this for you.”
Rajesh resisted for a bit, but he then agreed to take a rest. I was a bit hesitant if I should remove his shorts all the way or just the area that was hurting. But I thought it must be so uncomfortable for Rajesh if I didn’t remove his shorts. His shirt also seemed expensive.
I asked, “Rajesh, is it ok if I remove your shorts and shirt? You won’t feel shy, right?”
I knew I had to fix this problem I created, so I wanted to make sure Rajesh was ok with this. He responded, “I don’t have an issue. But it’s up to you. If you feel shy, don’t remove.”
I had only one thought to make sure this burning sensation went away. I did not think any further and wanted to help Rajesh out. After all, he has taken such good care of me. It was my turn to return the favor.
I quickly removed his shorts and shirt and made him lie down on his back. I could see his penis. For the first time in my life, I saw another man’s penis apart from Vinod.
I was a bit hesitant on how to proceed. But I decided to take some ointment in my hand. I then applied it on Rajesh’s abdomen and penis area and slowly started massaging it.
I asked Rajesh, “How does it feel? Are you getting better?”
Rajesh responded, “Yes, Harini, the ointment feels a bit cold and is easing away the burning sensation. Thank you so much.” At that moment, I felt happy because Rajesh was finally feeling better.
I kept massaging for a while then his penis started erecting. I was not sure if this was normal. Rajesh must be excited that I was touching his private parts, and I smiled. Rajesh quickly saw me and asked, “Please don’t laugh at me, Harini. I am in pain. You are embarrassing me.”
Harini said, “I am sorry, Rajesh. I know I am the reason why you are in such pain. But it is funny that even in this pain, you can get excited like this. But it’s ok, as long as you feel better, I am ready to do anything.”
Rajesh got naughty at this statement and said, “Oh, you are ready to do anything, uh?” and naughtily grinned. I kept doing my job. After some time, Rajesh told me to stop, and then I stopped. He said he felt much better now. And he took some rest.
Continue to read on to explore more sexual tension, build-up of chemistry, and erotic encounters in the next part.