Priya’s Journey Into Erotic Wonderland – Part III

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(We thank Mrs.Priya for sharing all details of her wonderful experiences and giving liberty to make changes in her story as necessary. Please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected] or [email protected] )

……………………and I went into shock and depression. Rahul’s death was so sudden it was like a mind numbing blow with a sledge hammer. I lost interest in everything and would sit and stare vacantly for hours together.

My parents were worried. All doctors and elders advised them to get me married and change of scene, husband and kids would make me forget the trauma. I reluctantly agreed and married a reasonably good looking and wealthy Satish. He was my Dad’s business associate’s son.

Then the monotony started. Satish had very meager, almost nonexistent sexual drive. Though he was busy all the time with business, finding mood and time to fuck wife once or twice a month was ridiculous. I also did not bother much since I was still unable to get over the loss of Rahul. To make matters worse, my Dad shifted business to Canada and migrated. I did not wish to make my parents unhappy so I pretended everything was fine.

Time heals wounds and slowly I came out of the shell and started feeling the need for a hard fuck. I started reading ISS stories and watching porn sites. My dormant desires started waking up. Some time back I read a very erotic story and sent a mail to the writer. He promptly responded.

We started chatting. I expected him to be like a regular horny, lecherous male, asking for my mobile number after few minutes of chatting and pester me for fucking after a day or two. Normally they boast how big their cocks are and how hard and long they can fuck, like Swati pointed out.

Surprisingly, he was very well behaved, asking every time what put me off and what I was comfortable with. He described his sexual encounters and slowly I opened up and narrated all my experiences. Within a week we were quite close and shared many things.

Today I told him about Satish and how useless he was in bed and how my life was in a dark tunnel with no hope of light in sight. (This was what Swati was reading when I switched off computer and she didn’t read rest of the conversation)

He didn’t reply for few minutes and then I typed “Are you there?”

He replied “Yes, sweetheart. I was thinking. Can you follow some advice?”

I typed. ” That depends. If it practical and easy.. yes”

He: Suppose God or supreme being wants to grant you a wish what would it be?

I: A thick, fat, long cock fucking my very wet, juicy cunt.

He: Another cock in anus as well?

I: Mmmmmm, that would be nice. ( I started inserting and moving my middle finger in my cunt)

He: How about another for sucking?

I: That would be heaven. What are you driving at? (now two fingers were moving rapidly in my pouring cunt)

He: Listen, tonight when you are drifting into sleep, imagine vividly that 3 cocks are fucking you. Feel their balls in your hands, their texture, softness, heaviness… feel his hot cock slowly rubbing your juicy soft cunt walls and his pubic hair tickling your cunt mound when you take it fully in..and the pink red dick head, the veins on the cock you are sucking…run your hand along length of shaft….feel the texture …..and .. drift into sleep.

I: Ohhhhh, Mmmmmmm, why are you torturing me….( three fingers moving with lightening speed in squishy cunt and other hand thumb ticking clit. I screamed, climaxed and squirted a liter of juice)

He: You do this and very soon you will be fucked by 3 cocks. Not only fucking, anything you desire in life… just live and act as if it is happening and it will. Ok, Honey, I have to go. Wife is yelling…..

I : OK, bye, I have to go to loo to clean up my cunt. You made me very wet.

He: Glad for that. One more thing, Promise me you will always be happy.

I: Are you joking? How can I be happy? I told you about my dark tunnel.

He: You switch on any news channel. You will find millions of women who would give their right arm to be in your place. No, I am serious. Misery is like quick sand. It will suck you deeper the more you squirm.

I: So how do I get out of quick sand? (I wiped my fingers on my nighty and lowered it over knees)

He: I am throwing you a rope, grab it. See, more you feel sad, sadder you will be and all things happen to make you even sadder. So, be happy and all things will happen to make you happier. When you are about to feel sad, immediately think of the award you won, how happy you and your parents were, how your friends clapped or see your albums or see your favourite comedy movies and laugh till your stomach aches….ok, darling bye…

He logged out. Then I went to loo and when I returned I found Swati reading……

Now, I was really sleepy, I took out my boob from Swati’s mouth, moved down and took her long nipple in mouth and drifted into sleep chewing and sucking it. I started imagining as he advised and as I finally dropped out, the 3 cocks that were fucking me had started filling cum in my holes………………..

………………………..”Priya, wake up, it is past nine…..” Swati was gently shaking me by shoulder.

I woke up with a start. I normally don’t sleep so late.

“I am… sorry.” I was about to get up, realized that I was naked, blushed and tried to pull a blanket. Swati laughed and grabbed it from my hand. She was wearing a rose coloured nightie so thin and transparent, her nipples, contours of areola and swell of pubic mound were clearly visible. She was also almost naked.

“I like you better naked, darling. Go and brush I will bring coffee” she told me and squeezed my boobs before leaving, remarking how foolish her son was to ignore such beautiful assets.

When I returned after freshening up, she gave me coffee. As I was sipping she gave me a parcel and asked me to put on the dress. I finished coffee and opened the parcel and stared in amazement.

“What is the purpose in wearing it? This 2 piece maxie is so transparent, one might as well be naked” I said, laughing.

“That is the point. Come on, put it on and come down” She smiled and left.

After I put it on and had seen in the mirror I had to admit it was smashing. Only half of areola was covered by the top and the support lifted boobs up to make the cleavage mouth watering. Any man, except Satish, would want to push his cock in the cleavage and boob fuck. Even the lower piece was revealing my assets in a most seductive manner. I brushed my hair and went down.

I entered the hall and stood transfixed. My mother in law was chatting with two men. They were respectfully standing with folded arms. Swati draped herself on sofa rather carelessly with legs parted and cunt clearly visible as hooks of night gown were undone. They were looking fresh, dressed in clean, crisp cloths. I recognized them, they worked in fields and gardens of Satish’s Grandfather(mother in law’s father) in village.
I remember because the tall chap, Kishan, was impossibly handsome, a darker version of Sylvester Stallone. I wondered what this hulk was doing in a village when he could give bollywood heroes a run for their money. The second one, Chandu, was chopping woods in Swati’s village home backyard and his rippling, knotted muscles on a sweaty body had tingled my cunt and caused juices to flow when I last saw him.

They looked at me and greeted me. My face turned pink with embarrassment. What was Swati doing, exposing her daughter n law like a whore to these men?

Swati came to me smiling.” Come, come, Priya. You know these two men are Kishan and Chandu, my village fuck buddies” she conducted introductions.

My brain was paralyzed. What was happening? Was I still dreaming?

I collapsed in the sofa next to her. I saw them gazing lustily at my boobs and cunt, I self consciously crossed my hands over my chest and pressed thighs together.

“These two are the best among my many fuck friends in village and have been fucking me for many years. Until you married Satish they used to fuck me in this house and after your marriage, I am going to village or friends’ place. Yesterday I called them to come over” she explained.

“Priya. I made them take shower and freshen up. They will not smell of cow dung and grass” Swati assured me.

I still could not believe. “You mean you were getting fucked by them and no one in village knows?” I asked.

Swati laughed.” Priya, may be they know but pretend not knowing “

“No, Memsaheb, if her Dad comes to know he will kill us, our families, so we don’t talk.” Chandu moaned.

“OK, Priya, I leave you in their hands, Enjoy, I will prepare breakfast and lunch. You can fuck her in my bed room and you two, if Priya is not satisfied I will give 50 whip lashes.” she threatened. Both men laughed.

” Ohhhh, can’t wait ” Kishan crooned.

“Stop fooling around, get to work” she told them and went into kitchen.

They came to me and bent dramatically from waist down and offered their hands. I took them. They led me into Swati’s bedroom and slowly disrobed me. Once I was naked they asked me to undress them.

I was getting turned on with every passing second, their hard, strong bodies were sending ripples of desire surge through me. When I pulled down their innerwear I gasped as their cocks sprang into view.

We went into bathroom, they gave me an exotic shower, provocatively, teasingly rubbed me all over with their cocks and gave a good bath and shampoo. I also soaped them and played with their cocks. It was a long shower and by the time we came out, dried and fresh and radiant with fragrance, I was thoroughly wet and pouring.

They gently laid me on my back on the giant bed of Swati . As Kishan started kissing me and playing with my tits, Chandu buried his face in my thighs and started kissing my cunt mound, lips. He started licking the pussy crack.

What followed cannot be described in words. An expert guitarist strums several stings in a sequence to produce beautiful sounds. These two men were amazing. They would press, squeeze, tweak , suck and lick several parts of my body at the same time, sending me into ecstasy. I could not control my moaning, screaming and shouting. I did not know I had so many erogenous zones, in the side of my neck, above buttocks, spinal cord, ear lobes.. etc. I thought only tits and cunt were the only spots for stimulation.

Kishan who was licking my cunt suddenly stopped. When he suddenly pushed his tongue in my anus, he sent shock waves through my body. He licked and explored contours and depth of my anus with tongue.

Finally I had to beg them to fuck me. My cunt discharged so much juice, it would have formed a puddle on bed sheet if they did not lick every drop. Kishan pushed his cock slowly until it was fully buried, pulled out and rammed it with such force, forcing air from my lungs in a gasp. Holding my buttocks, he started pounding steadily with increasing speed. I started sucking Chandu’s cock.

Swati came to see how we were doing and beamed happily. I took out Chandu’s cock and thanked her.

She waved her hand and asked me “Do you want to get fucked in anus?”

I resisted the urge to say “Yes”. Swati was under the impression that I was a virgin bahu.

“I want to. Will it be painful?” I asked her. She smiled and said it was worth a try.

Kishan fucked me for a long time before filling my cunt. Then Chandu made me bend and after applying some gel liberally on his cock and in my anus, slowly pushed it in. I made necessary cries of pain and enjoyed his anal fucking to the hilt.

After 2 rounds, we had breakfast.

“Swatiji, how about you? We will fuck you also?” Kishan asked.

Swati firmly declined.” No, you fuck Priya to her heart’s content. I called Prashant. If he comes I will get fucked by him” She told us.

They had limitless energy. I was like a starving person offered a 9 course meal. I lost all inhibitions and as I was riding Chandu’s cock and Kishan was fucking me in the anus, Prashant came and greeted us.

Swati said she had few minutes work in kitchen and asked me to suck Prashant and make his cock ready to fuck her.

As I stared at Prashant’s cock, suddenly I remembered my dream. It became true in less than a day…….and his cock was exactly the same that I visualized in the dream. I groped behind and took the other’s balls in my hand. My god, the texture, weight and softness was exactly as I imagined……

By the time they left in the evening. I was totally exhausted, exhilarated and absolutely happy. Prashant fucked Swati two times on the same bed.

That night, I and Swati slept naked, embracing each other. After midnight I got up to go to bathroom and when I returned I remembered my chat friend and started computer.

He was logged in.

He said ” Hi, what news?”

I typed “Great news. I was fucked by 3 cocks like I dreamed. My Mom in law arranged”

He: “Excellent. I told you”

I: “It may be a coincidence”

He:” No, it is not, dream of something tonight. Make it believable. If you want a 4 foot cock it will never materialize. Think and dream of something which your mind accepts and it will materialize”

I:” OK. I want to get fucked by a black cock in cunt, brown cock in anus and white one in mouth. Will it happen? Hahahaha”

He:” Yes, it will happen, sweetheart. Dream and see. Remember, always be happy. Have to go now. Bye. muuaahh”

I:” Bye”

As I snuggled close to Swati, I visualized what I told him and as I fell into sleep, the cocks were discharging hot cum in my holes……..

For next few days, Swati’s fuck buddies from village as well city fucked me relentlessly. I was amazed that innocent looking Mom in law was such a temptress while fucking. I asked her how such a hot lady could produce such a useless son.

Then a thought struck me “Is Satish’s father his biological father? Or one of your fuck buddies is his father?” I asked her bluntly.

She laughed “If Satish’s father was not like Satish, why would I be fucking so many men? Satish inherited his traits from his dad. “

…..After a week, Swati told me that Satish was winding up business in India and would merge with Dad’s business in Canada. After two months we migrated to Canada. We are staying with my parents.

I made some new friends. My friend Rita and I are having many 3 and 4 sums. Last week I had 3 sum with her brother and his girl friend. Once I winked at a handsome black man in a metro and he fucked me in the toilet. He introduced me to his friends. My dream of getting fucked by black, brown and white cocks had materialized. I am still in touch with my ISS writer friend.

Last week he asked me what else I wanted.

I replied that I was getting tired of the fucking without emotional leanings. Straight hard fucking with big cocks was now losing its charm with me. I wanted love and affection also. He told me to wish for what I wanted like before…..and I did.

My mom introduced me to a middle aged white gentleman who was Dad’s business associate. We started chatting and before long we ended up fucking in his apartment. He is a widower and showers so much love, affection, care and concern on me, it is really touching. He just does not want only my body. He fucks me with same passion and energy like my villager friends.

Yesterday, when I went to his flat, he had decorated bed room like a Hindu suhaag raat with flowers, agarbattis. He made me wear a bridal sari. He was wearing Dulha’s dress. He checked internet and took advice from Indian friends. He took so much care and trouble to make me happy, my eyes filled with tears. We had a leisurely, love filled sex, which I missed out………………………….


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